when reincarnation invades

Chapter 290 There Are Too Many Suspicious Places

Chapter 290 There Are Too Many Suspicious Places

After half an hour.

In the largest living room of the Tohsaka family.

Everyone sits together in the hall...

It's just that everyone's expressions are somewhat strange.

Mordred didn't directly hide her face, and his aura was still menacing. Sitting opposite him with a big horse with a golden sword, his legs were even wider than when he was facing Lin Bin just now.

That rebellious appearance, the provocation to Artoria is beyond words.

And looking at her face that is almost exactly the same as Arturia...

Even if it's a pig... no, even Zhuge Liang can't guess the relationship between these two.

But this did not prevent everyone from seeing the girl's identity at a glance.


Irisviel leaned in front of Emiya Kiritsugu, and whispered softly: "I heard that the fall of Britain started because the first knight, Lancelot, had an affair with King Arthur's queen. , but SABER is a girl, this matter is open to discussion, but this is indeed her daughter, right? Thanks to the destruction of Britain, the queen paid such a high price for her affair, and it was her own child who had an affair... ...it feels like it's not just Britain that's being destroyed."


Artoria frowned impatiently and said, "Although your voice is very small, I can really hear it."

"Sorry, I really have no resistance to this kind of gossip."

Ai Li shyly covered her mouth and smiled, and said in a low voice, "By the way, your daughter is so cute."

"She... oh..."

Arturia could only sigh, feeling that even if she met Guinevere or Lancelot, she wouldn't have such a pure sense of frustration.

"How about the ridiculous ethics drama end for now?"

On the contrary, Gilgamesh, as the real culprit behind all of this, his interest changed quite quickly, and said: "This king thinks that the primary purpose is to break this Holy Grail cycle first, madam, no, now I would like to add you, King of Knights, you don’t want your daughter to be imprisoned in countless cycles and cannot escape, do you?”

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone was silent for a moment.

Emiya Kiritsugu said: "This is also the purpose of my coming. I want to ask this Mr. Abin about the truth."

Lin Bin ignored Artoria's knife-like gaze and asked, "You really don't know?"

"Do I need to know?"

"Because according to the orthodox plot... cough... the timeline, the person closest to the Holy Grail is actually you, although I don't think Arturia can defeat the King of Heroes..."

Arturia looked at Lin Bin even more fiercely.

Gilgamesh nodded in satisfaction.

"After all, it is impossible for you to return the Avalon scabbard to Arturia. If you are not in a perfect state, you will naturally not be able to defeat the EA of the King of Heroes."

This time it was Gilgamesh who looked like a knife.

On the contrary, Arturia nodded approvingly, then realized that her reaction was wrong, and turned fierce again.

Lin Bin said: "The eighth heroic spirit that appeared before has convinced me of one thing. The weirdness of this Holy Grail War is rooted in one of the seven hosts. I have just killed the eighth spirit. Two, some Heroic Spirits out of specification tried to stop me, which shows that I hit their sore spot."

Everyone's complexion changed slightly.

"The eighth heroic spirit?"

"This world is completely made of the Holy Grail. With the magic power of the Holy Grail, it should be natural to summon some extra heroic spirits, right? You can't expect the Holy Grail to jump out to stop us, so accommodate your own magic power in the form of heroic spirits. It's very reasonable for them to appoint them as their substitutes. If I were the Holy Grail... No, if I were the one who controls the Holy Grail, I would do the same..."

Lin Bin said: "So what we need to do is very simple. Continuing with the previous plan, one of the seven masters is already under our control, together with Emiya Kiritsugu and Tosaka Tokiomi, we are Kenneth and Ryunosuke Uyuu who were killed, Kariya Matou who is dead, are still wandering outside, only Weber Velvet is left."

Ilya asked, "What if it wasn't him?"

"Then kill Kotomine Kirei again."

"And what if it's not?"

"Then maybe the suspicion lies with the two of you."

Lin Bin sighed: "This situation cannot be ruled out. For example, the winner of the Holy Grail War erased his memory, and then participated in the Holy Grail War again and again, experiencing his own happiness..."

Although it is you two.

But he looked at Emiya Kiritsugu more... Obviously, compared to Tohsaka Tokiomi, Emiya Kiritsugu had more reason to do so.

"I understand."

Emiya Kiritsugu already understood what Lin Bin meant.

He nodded and said: "I will fully cooperate with you in the battle, but if it is really as you said right now, our actions will almost certainly cause attacks from those out-of-scale heroic spirits. About them..."

Lin Bin said: "You can first use Kotomine Kirei's ASSASSIN to search for the whereabouts of those heroic spirits. ASSASSIN has a large number of people, and they should be better at finding people than us. For the time being, the opponent's spearman is the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows Scarha, Very strong, the kind that can crush Mordred."

Mordred dissatisfied: "That's because I was injured!"

"If you fight alone, I am afraid that only the King of Heroes can match her here, but the Holy Grail can choose Heroic Spirits at will. I think that if there are other Heroic Spirits, the strength of other Heroic Spirits may not be inferior to Scathach. Absolutely the highest specification."

"Hearing what you said, the king is actually interested."

Gilgamesh stood up with a bang, and strode out.

"Where are you going, king?"

"Don't you want to search for the enemy's whereabouts?"

Gilgamesh sneered and said, "After talking for a long time, the central idea was to kill all the heroic spirits we saw, whether they were in the plan or not, but this king likes this plan, even to the point of willing It’s an honor to actively patrol, Abin, you are the first person who can make this king agree with you so much.”

"Well said, honestly I love this plan too, kill all the enemies, fight, fight like crazy."

Mordred was so full of magic power at this moment, she smiled lowly: "After so much sacrifice, it's finally time for revenge, that damn Scathach, I must wash away my shame."

"Woman, you are more neat and tidy than the King of Knights. This king appreciates you a little bit."

Mordred cast a glance at Lin Bin unconsciously, and said with disdain: "Who cares about your appreciation... I really think of myself as a toy, let's go Master, I have made you happy for so long before, and it is my responsibility to do so next time." gone."

Artoria opened her mouth, and finally sighed.

"Then Weber, leave it to us to deal with it."

Emiya Kiritsugu said: "I'm not sure if it's because of your out-of-scale attacks that caused the enemy's overreaction. If we were participants in the orthodox Holy Grail War, there should be some changes. ?”

"It shouldn't be difficult to find his whereabouts, right?"

"of course."

Emiya Kiritsugu clenched his fists and said, "Leader to me."

"it is good."

Lin Bin heard this and said no more.

After all, RIDER is indeed a difficult character for him, and it would be a good idea to hand it over to others.

"Then let me focus on that Skaha. If I don't avenge the previous revenge, I feel that my heroic spirit will tear me apart."

"Hmph, count you acquainted."

Everyone quickly split up and acted.

after separation.

Lin Bin and Mordred walked out of Tohsaka's house side by side.

Mordred asked: "Don't you have that location photo? Why didn't you give Emiya Kiritsugu one?"

"Don't worry, Emiya Kiritsugu never fights unprepared. I suspect that the entire Fuyuki City may be within his surveillance range."

Looking at Mordred's dissatisfied eyes, Lin Bin sighed: "No way, this is a matter of restraint, it has nothing to do with strength, RIDER's strength can summon legions, tens of thousands of heroic spirits will come up to beat you together, Unless you have the power to destroy the entire Inherent Barrier with one blow, it is basically impossible to be his opponent, and don't you want to settle accounts with Scathach?"

"makes sense."

Mordred agreed with Lin Bin's opinion very much.

And just when Lin Bin started to act.

Fuyuki City, in an unremarkable one-household building.

"What? Cooperate? Help us defeat all Heroic Spirits? Win the Holy Grail?"

Weber Velvet looked bewildered.

Surprised: "Aren't you the Master? Don't you want to win the Holy Grail War?"

The seven people in the Holy Grail War are hostile to each other, but now there is someone willing to help him win the Holy Grail War without any desires?
The girl was such a big piece of cake that it made him dizzy.

He always felt that the other party must have ulterior motives.

"No... We are not... Of course, we can't say no, well, I am indeed the master."

The girl with eye-catching long red hair looked solemn and said: "The reason why we will help you is very simple, because you are the last pure in the Holy Grail War, and only after you have won the final victory of the Holy Grail War can the Holy Grail be guaranteed." polluted."

"You mean all the other Heroic Spirits have undergone some kind of change? What change?"

Iskandar stroked his chin and looked at the pair of Heroic Masters in front of him.

The master looks okay, quite neat and capable.

But this girl doesn't look like a Heroic Spirit at all... On the contrary, she looks more like the little sister next door, very weak.

He shook his head and said, "And I don't think you two have very strong strength."

"Don't underestimate people."

The red-haired girl smiled and said: "Don't look at her cowardly and easy to bully, she is someone who has won the Holy Grail once."

"Oh? She won the Holy Grail War?"

"No... another sense of obtaining the Holy Grail, but it is true that you have obtained the Holy Grail."

The girl with short pink hair timidly said: "That's actually not me..."

"But you are right, do you want to deny his achievements?"

"This... is not..."

"In short, in a word, are you willing to cooperate? It doesn't matter if you don't want to. We will join the battlefield according to our own judgment. To tell you the truth, this place has become the biggest singularity. Without our assistance, you may even join the battlefield." Can't survive a day."

"Help us summon the Holy Grail? No problem."

Iskandar pressed Weber, who wanted to say something more, and said, "But the ugly words are up front. When we fight, you have to stand in front of us."

"Of course, her duty is destined to stand in front of everyone."

"Pleasant to work with."

"Pleasant to work with."

Ever since, the two quickly signed a cooperation agreement.

When Lin Bin and Mordred came to the city again.

The entire Fuyuki City has fallen into an inexplicable atmosphere.

Depressed, gloomy.

The sun is shining brightly in the sky, but there is always an inexplicable uneasiness in people's hearts.

That was ASSASSIN dispatched.

There are so many ASSASSINs, it can almost be called a killer group, and everyone is very good at stealth, even if they are as strong as heroic spirits, it is difficult to find their hidden traces.

Not to mention those ordinary people.

But the murderous aura on them was too shocking. When the group was dispatched, the cold aura would still make ordinary people feel a little uncomfortable.

Lin Bin also noticed it, especially Mordred, who was even more irritable, and directly cursed angrily, "Go away, can you?"

Although ASSASSIN was not resentful of Mordred's attitude, but at the moment they are in a cooperative relationship with each other, so they took advantage of the trend to avoid them.

Just at the beginning, Mordred still searched for Scathach's whereabouts with high spirits.

The previous failure was entirely due to her carelessness.

If it wasn't for being too excited against Diarmuid and hurting his arm, the two teamed up, especially if her master restrained that Scarha, in fact, they might not lose to that Scarha...

This is also the reason why she and Lin Bin only knew each other for a day, but she was willing to be enthralled by him.

Not only because she didn't hate Lin Bin, but also because for her with super self-esteem, she could never accept the shame of losing a battle because of her fault.

Therefore, she vowed to find Skaha to wash away her previous shame.

It's a pity that the previous battle was too fierce, especially Lin Bin used one to fight against eight, and he really couldn't spare any extra hands to take pictures of Scathach after the battle, which also caused the positioning camera to be completely useless against Scathach. You can only rely on your own ability to find it.

You can walk around.

Mordred's focus clearly shifted.

For example, the roaring roller coaster at the Fuyuki Amusement Park, the ice cream sold in the distance, and those snacks that don't taste very good, but are definitely fancy enough in appearance.


Of course it is necessary, but in addition to fighting, do not delay finding some happiness for yourself in the process of finding the enemy.

"Master, that ice cream shop just now was so suspicious."

Mordred had no money, so he could only grab Lin Bin's skirt in embarrassment, and said in embarrassment, "Shall we go investigate?"

Lin Bin: "..."

After a moment.

Watching Mordred licking the ice cream with a natural expression, his mouth was full of cream.

Lin Bin bought three packs of ice cream with a strange expression, and said with a smile, "Let's go, I'll give you all of these, it doesn't matter how much you eat."

"Yes, yes, thank you MASTER."

"Half an hour later."

"Master, that haunted house feels a bit suspicious, will Scathach hide there?"

"Go, go and have a look."


"Master, that cinema is so dark, Scatha is covered in dark tones, she must like this gloomy environment very much."

"Well, to be honest, I like it too, let's go in and have a look."

Lin Bin thoughtfully bought a big bucket of popcorn.

I was exhausted just now, so I naturally need to make up for it.

I don't know when, the hands of the two have naturally held together.

Even though they've only known each other for a day, it feels like they're already familiar with each other...

Played for a whole day... No, I searched for Scathach for a whole day, but it turned out to be fruitless.

But both of them were content to play.

Especially Lin Bin...

The popcorn was always on Lin Bin's lap, and after eating the popcorn, Lin Bin didn't throw away the bucket, but poked a small hole in it.


When Mordred reached out to twist the last popcorn, he noticed something strange.

But she didn't seem to know anything, she just gave Lin Bin a speechless look, and naturally tied up her messy hair hanging down her cheeks.

In the end, he left behind a vague murmur.

"This is the time I was interrupted by my father before making up for it."

(End of this chapter)

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