Chapter 291 The Reincarnation Appears

When I came in, there were still two people.

When he left, Lin Bin was the only one left.

Have to mention.

It's not just Lin Bin who likes this kind of public presumptuousness, even Mordred has a personality that always likes to seek excitement.

From this point of view, Artoria gave an excellent assist.

If you don't let me do something, then I will do something...

The rebellious psychology of a girl in the rebellious period, plus the last layer of defense has been removed.

So ever.

a whole day.

Except for the first two hours of patrolling, the two began to look for reasons for Scathach, and started a majestic gossip.

Parks, fast food restaurants, toilets, even the streets.

It can only be said that Heroic Spirit's invisibility is a good skill.

Even if someone passed behind Lin Bin, he could only see the back of Lin Bin...

Except for Lin Bin, no one could clearly see the obedient expression on the face of the girl who had always been rebellious.

After a long time.

While no one noticed, Mordred finally showed his figure quietly.

He took the tap water next to him and gulped himself a few gulps.

He sighed, "It's dangerous, I was almost suffocated to death by you."

Lin Bin smiled gratefully, "Thank you very much."

"Hmph, let's just say thank you, Master, for giving me so much magic power, but to be honest, it's nothing to me."

Mordred looked up proudly.

"Yeah, Xiao Mo is the most amazing."

"Will you coax me like this when I'm a child?"

Mordred kicked Lin Bin lightly, but the action was very light... Obviously, she actually enjoyed this kind of praise very much.

Then he complained: "It's all your fault, Master, for delaying for such a long time, this was a day in vain, and as a result, there is no gain at all."

"Don't worry, we won't be the only ones who didn't gain anything. The enemy's strength is very strong, and if we deliberately want to hide ourselves, the possibility of our side finding them in a short time is not high."

Lin Bin comforted: "But don't worry, there is no harvest today, we can come out again tomorrow, including the day after tomorrow and the day after tomorrow... The Holy Grail War has just begun, and there is still plenty of time."

Mordred gave him a blank look, and asked, "Tomorrow is just for patrol?"

Lin Bin: "Anyway, I can't be so nonsense like today... just as appropriate..."


Mordred didn't look angry.

Although she thought she was upright, she actually liked the excitement of this kind of field battle.

Lin Bin smiled and was about to say something.

But Lingjue suddenly moved slightly, raised his head and looked behind him.

At this time, the two of them were sitting on a bench in a park, and not far behind them was an extremely bustling street, with people coming and going in an endless stream.

Mordred asked: "What's the matter? Have you found any traces of the enemy?"

"'s not Scarha, but there is a very familiar feeling, but for a while, I really can't think of who it is."

Lin Bin frowned.

The spiritual sense in "The Secret of Longevity" is different from that of a cultivator, and cannot function as eyes.

It's just that you will retain the impression of the footsteps, breathing, and even the wind noise of the familiar people you have impressions of.

Just at that moment, he felt an acquaintance passing by...

But the problem is, in this world, besides Ilya, how can he have any acquaintances?
The person who understands the most is now by my side.

Lin Bin got up and looked carefully at the crowd...

Then the pupils shrank.

Looking at the familiar figure mixed with some unfamiliarity.

From the back, all you can see is black curly hair and thin shoulders.

Unlike those local girls in Japan who can stand the cold and not hurt their thighs even if it is dozens of degrees below zero, this girl wraps herself quite tightly, but even so can't hide her delicate and graceful figure... …

It can only be said that it is worthy of the gene of the Free Federation, right?

Lin Bin shouted, "Mordred, come with me."

He quickly chased after him.

"Is it the enemy?"

"No... an acquaintance."

"Familiar...woman...friend with a gun?"

"Don't talk nonsense."

Lin Bin quickly chased after him and shouted, "Infidi."

The girl in front with the shoulder bag on her back turned around in surprise.

Those eyes are deeper than those of oriental girls, with a unique exotic charm.

Isn't it just Infidi who had met a few times before and established a pretty good friendship?

When Lin Bin was going to the Freedom Federation, she even quietly reminded Lin Bin to let him flee quickly.

Although she may have been just a sentimental girl back then, if she did it again now, she might not be able to do this...

But no matter what, the two of them formed a reliable friendship because of this matter, and Lin Bin would send her messages every year and festival.

Been gone for almost two years.

When we met last time, Infidi was just a young girl with an immature face. Although she looks pretty, her actions are quite immature.

It can be as short as two years.

She has grown into a pretty capable girl.

Although she still has a bit of clarity unique to students, her figure is uneven, no less than that of a woman in her 20s.

In this regard... the Freedom Commonwealth is well received.

When Infidi saw Lin Bin, surprise was revealed in his eyes, and he ran over a few steps, and said with a smile, "Mr. Abin? Why are you here?"

Meet old friends in a foreign land.

Lin Bin was also quite happy, and said with a smile: "I should ask you this, why are you here?"

"Me? Haven't I been here all the time?"

Infidi blinked curiously, and couldn't help chuckling: "If I didn't know Mr. Abin, I might have mistakenly thought that you were talking to me, Mr. Abin. Ask me why I am here at the door of the house..."

"You've been...always here?"

Lin Bin was stunned when he heard this.

The reincarnation from the Freedom Federation now told him with a straight face that she had actually lived here all along.

The sense of incongruity came up all at once.

Lin Bin took a deep look at Infidi and asked, "You mean, you have lived here since you were sensible and grew up?"

"Is not it?"

Infiti would have been pretty sure.

But hearing this, he was a little unconfident again.

Lin Bin asked, "Do you still remember how the two of us met?"

"Of course I remember, Mr. Abin, you are an exchange student from China, and you are here for an exchange, and I am responsible for receiving Mr. Abin."

Infidi pursed her lips and smiled, with a bit of longing on her face, and said: "At that time, I remembered that Mr. Abin, you couldn't get along with everyone, you were the only one who got along with me. For Chinese festivals, I will always send messages to you, Mr. Abin, Qingming, Dragon Boat Festival, Zhongyuan and Double Ninth Festival, and none of them have fallen.”

Lin Bin: "..."

It was indeed what she did.

Just a few words.

Coupled with her natural expression, Lin Bin almost thought that this was the truth.

If he didn't know that she was actually a reincarnated person, from the Keller Freedom Federation, she should have come here to contain the secret realm here, and then be trapped in an endless cycle.

And looking at Infidi with a friendly face in front of him.

Lin Bin suddenly came to his senses.

It turned out to be the case.

If I fail, I will become like her, and I will not lose my memory. I will still know everyone I know, but the karma may be completely changed.

For example, the master-slave relationship between me and Houhou is likely to become a happy enemy who bullies each other among students in the same school?
The sibling relationship with Lin Xue may not change.

But with Concubine Yan, it might be a complicated teacher-student relationship... After all, she is older.

The Holy Grail replaces the original relationship with a relatively reasonable relationship, and completely blocks the memory of the real world.

Lin Bin asked, "Then do you still remember Dariwen?"

An old-fashioned reincarnation, Infidi reminded him at the beginning, just to let him remember to be careful about this person, and he is also Infidi's direct supervisor.

"Of course I remember, the dean of our school at that time, I remember that he was very prejudiced against the Chinese, so he always targeted you, Mr. Abin, I helped you get rid of his entanglement, but you also invited me to eat Just white ice cream."

Mordred next to him looked at Lin Bin in shock, as if he didn't expect Lin Bin to be such a person.

Lin Bin glanced at her and indicated with his eyes that it was actually pure ice cream, without any messy things.

The relationship has not reached that point yet.

Mordred snorted softly, looking at Infidi with a slight sense of superiority in his eyes.

dead virgin...

And Lin Bin took a deep look at her, and asked tentatively: "Infidi, do you still remember this thing?"

As he spoke, he took out a flame that seemed to be burning from the storage bag.

Expand tinder.

The A-level secret treasure that Lin Bin obtained from the secret realm of Underworld.

At the beginning, because of the loss of this thing, Infidi was punished...

Although the matter has nothing to do with her, it is here. If everything in memory has been changed, he is very curious about the position of this thing in Infidi's heart.

"This...this is..."

Sure enough, I saw this familiar thing.

Infidi's face suddenly changed.

There was a bit of confusion in the depths of the eyes, and he said in surprise: "The expansion fire... no, I don't recognize it... no, I should recognize it... so strange, do I recognize it or not... ah... Mr. Abin, my head hurts..."

Her face just became extremely pale.

Leaning weakly into Lin Bin's embrace.


Suddenly, a worried exclamation sounded.

The familiar torrent of magic power rushes in. Compared with Mordred's stormy coercion, this force is condensed and does not disperse. It contains a full sense of sharpness from the inside to the outside, as if Just standing in front of him will be completely cut into pieces.

Mordred had a look of excitement on his face.

The body is filled with magic power, and she is armed with her armor.

He laughed loudly and said, "Skaha, you took advantage of others to win me before, did you expect us to meet again so soon? Hahahaha... Come on, come on, let's see my heyday."

The magic power in the body burst out, and the brilliant Wang Jian ignited a powerful brilliance that had never been seen before.

A loud bang.

It has already collided with Skaha's magic gun fiercely, with a low growl like a bullfight.

Mordred stepped forward.

The magic power that was still left in her body and had not had time to digest was quickly absorbed along the skin, adding three points of power to her power.


Scathach couldn't help but her complexion changed slightly. She was not good at fighting the enemy with strength, but now she used her own strength to attack the enemy's strength, and she fell into a disadvantage in an instant.

Especially when I don't see you tomorrow.

The improvement of the opponent's strength is not the same as before.

"Despicable, I thought the two of you were bright and upright heroes, but I didn't expect you to do such a thing to hold the master hostage."

The Scathach spear almost left an afterimage, and fought with Mordred for dozens of rounds...

But Mordred's muscle strength was almost comparable to that of King Arthur, and it was obviously impossible for Skaha to rush over for a while.

She said angrily: "Next, are you going to hold my Master hostage and force me to do something like this? Using this method to win the Holy Grail War...I really misjudged you before."

"I just want to beat you, I don't care about anything else."

If Mordred's performance before was like a cat with blown fur, now he has become a real little lion, roaring endlessly, and Wang Jian almost swung his sword in a circle and slashed straight forward. Scathach is critical.

Even she herself was startled by the fact that her current strength might surpass her father's king.

Is this guy's magic replenishing effect so strong?
Or does it have different effects when used differently?
The stalemate between the two sides was inextricable for a while.

As for Lin Bin...

"Mr. Abin... I... Tinder... How come it is in your hands? No... How could I recognize this thing..."

The Holy Grail can forge memories.

But it cannot forge props.

In particular, Infidi has gone through a lot of hard work in order to find this expanding fire, and I am deeply impressed by this thing...

And this caused the deviation of her memory.

Infidi said in pain: "Why am I... here?"

"Because you failed to perform the mission, you were forced to stay in this secret realm."

Lin Bin rolled up the sleeves of Infidi, and sure enough, she found three extremely unique marks on her white and greasy arms.

Curse mark!


As Lin Bin expected, even the Holy Grail cannot ignore the rules, and in this world, the Holy Grail has not yet come.

The coming of the heroic spirits requires the cooperation of the Holy Grail, Command Spells, and Master.

Command spells are not difficult for the Holy Grail, but in Fuyuki City, suitable masters have already summoned heroic spirits to participate in the orthodox Holy Grail War.

No matter how strong the Holy Grail is, it cannot be created out of nothing, so it can only be borrowed...

For example, the reincarnated person whose memory has been completely cleaned by it?
There may be other means, but at present, it seems that Infidi is not the only reincarnation who has become the master.

"Secret Realm... Mission..."

Infidi could only let Lin Bin do whatever he could helplessly, clutching his head with a splitting headache, and said in a daze, "But... what mission...why should I carry out the mission... I... ah..."

The back of my neck hurts.

She was already paralyzed in Lin Bin's arms helplessly.

Carefully put her on the bench.

Lin Bin turned his head and looked at Scathach, who had gradually stabilized his footsteps and started to counterattack after getting familiar with Mordred's storm-like offensive.

"I didn't expect you to be the heroic spirit of Infidi, but it's a pity that I have to ask you to leave here."

Lin Bin raised his hand slowly.

Around his body, Yuewang Bajian slowly emerged, and as he raised his hand, he turned the sword tip in the void and aimed at Skaha.

This time, there is no need to shout for SABER to get out of the way, the two have already accumulated an incomparable tacit understanding.

When Mordred slammed his sword with all his strength and slashed like a force on Huashan Mountain, several streamer flying swords pierced obliquely from behind Mordred, whistling from under her ribs, between her legs, beside her arms and even her ears. Pass.

Full of tacit understanding.

When Mordred's sword was stored to the extreme, the flying sword also arrived.

Locking up all the dodging space of Scathach, and taking advantage of the gap to assist in the attack, Scathach was forced to have no way to dodge, so he could only block it with the magic gun.

There was a sharp bang.

Scathach snorted, and for the first time, after doing his best, he was still forced to retreat...

"MASTER did a great job!"

Mordred laughed excitedly. This absolute advantage made her suddenly feel that it was worthwhile to be treated by Lin Bin in this way for the past two days.

The two cooperate.

One controlled the field with the Eight Swords of the King of Yue, leaving Skaha in a bind.

Mordred, on the other hand, assumed the main firepower, one sword after another, and the output was astonishingly strong.

The two teamed up to weave a big impenetrable net, which enveloped Scathach, and the gaps for her to dodge became smaller and smaller.

Although Scathach has many methods, he came as a spearman.

Almost all rune magic was forcibly forgotten... Seeing the two teaming up, she had no chance of winning.

Finally, she had to confirm.

This time, she had no luck at all.

But even so...

"As the biggest source of the singularity, even if I leave the stage, I have to take you all to leave together."

Scathach suddenly let go of his defense.

Even though Mordred's sword was stabbing her chest fiercely, at the same time, she assumed a throwing posture and shouted: "The spear that pierces the death thorn!"

A scarlet phantom bent several degrees in the air at a speed faster than lightning, making it impossible to guard against.

Immediately, it stabbed Lin Bin's heart fiercely.

Noble Phantasm... activate!
(End of this chapter)

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