Chapter 407
Lin Bin chose Han Fei after careful consideration.

Instead of just finding someone to kill at random.

You know, Wei Zhuang and others still have plots ten years later.

Only this Han Fei.

He is the only protagonist in this world, and theoretically, his death should be the real dividing line between the Tianxing Nine Songs Secret Realm and the Qin Shi Mingyue Secret Realm.

As long as you kill him, the world will come to a complete end.

Although Han Fei was already dead, in this weird situation, even Lin Bin didn't know what would happen if he killed him again.

Whether it is good or bad is not certain.

At the very least, it would be better than continuing with this weird timeline...

"Oh? Reincarnation?"

Han Fei was stunned when he heard this, with a look of astonishment on his face, and said in surprise: "Brother, are you also a reincarnation person?"


Lin Bin, who wanted to leave immediately after killing, was also stunned and asked: "You actually know about reincarnation?"

"Brother, please get in the car and talk."

Han Fei's face immediately became extremely solemn, and he turned around to get out of the way.

Lin Bin did not hesitate.

With his current strength, even if the entire network were brought together, it would not be enough for him to abuse him single-handedly.

Wei Zhuang, the most powerful person in Zilanxuan, was even more fragile than a child in front of him.

Under this situation, there was no chance of who he wanted to kill, and Han Fei's current situation obviously did not support him setting up any conspiracy trap.

Get into the carriage.

Han Fei knelt down on the carriage with a solemn expression and saw Lin Bin coming in.

He moved to the side calmly.

Lin Bin can roughly guess the reason...

He has now turned into this Cthulhu-like creature, which can also be regarded as a kind of evil creature.

The power of He's Bi is still weaker than other S-class items, but there is no problem in ensuring that it is not disturbed by any evil objects.

Before Lin Bin could ask, Han Fei took the initiative to explain: "Not long ago, I met several people who were very different from us. At that time, I heard from them that some strange and unpredictable changes had taken place in our world. , so they need my assistance to help them complete their mission and completely kill those who messed up this world!"

Lin Bin asked: "How many people are there in the other party?"


Lin Bin immediately understood that those four people should be the four national-level reincarnators who entered before.

All I can say is that he is truly worthy of being a state-level reincarnator, and he was able to find Han Fei's head...

As the protagonist in this world, seeking his help is the most correct decision in a sense.

I just made the right decision and the team was destroyed in the end.

It seems that this world is more dangerous than I imagined.

Lin Bin asked: "What help did they ask you to do?"

"I don't know. They just asked me to go to a place with them, saying that I would do them the greatest favor by going. Then I fell asleep due to sleepiness. When I woke up, the four of them were missing."

Han Fei sighed: "I can feel that they are not lying. They are not evil people. Although what they say is absurd, it is somewhat credible, so I have been checking their whereabouts during this period of time, but before the three words "reincarnation person" It has indeed appeared in various places in the seven countries, but after further investigation, I only heard of its name and never saw its person. I didn't expect that I finally saw the real person today. In fact, you are the first reincarnation I have ever seen. "

Lin Bin nodded.

It seems that these reincarnations have the same idea as him.

I just don't know how they found out that Han Fei's identity is so different. They can only say that he is a reincarnation at the national level, and he has indeed grasped the way to break the situation.

And perhaps out of caution, the four of them were more meticulous than Lin Bin. They first laid a trap, and then used Han Fei to lure the masterminds into themselves...

The so-called Han Fei fell asleep.

It should be that everyone in this world will die immediately after the curfew time, so they lose all perception, and then they don’t know what those town-level reincarnations did.

But they may have achieved their goal and revealed the real culprit.

From this point of view, using Han Fei as the key point to break the game is indeed the most correct choice!

It’s unclear what happened after that…

But in the end it was clear that they failed.

The mastermind behind the scenes won the final victory.

Han Fei asked: "Can I ask what exactly happened at that time?"

Noticed Lin Bin's surprised look.

Han Fei sighed: "Brother Xin, one of the four reincarnators, and I felt like old friends at first sight. It's a pity that he disappeared suddenly and I couldn't verify it. I was really worried..."

Lin Bin's expression didn't change.

Han Fei raised his hand and said, "Okay, I admit it. The main reason is that Brother Xin promised me that as long as I help him destroy the mastermind behind the scenes, he will leave his power cultivation method behind and add a group of strong soldiers to our country. I dare not claim to dominate the Seven Kingdoms, at least I can protect myself. You must know that Brother Xin is so strong that even Brother Wei Zhuang cannot think of competing against him, so it is normal for me to be tempted."

Lin Bin said: "He is already dead."

"So, does that mastermind really exist?"

Han Fei was shocked: "What on earth did he do? Why didn't I notice it at all?"

"Are you really unaware of anything?"

Lin Bin took a deep look at Han Fei and asked, "During this period, you must have felt somewhat strange, right?"

Han Fei was startled when he heard this, and said with a wry smile: "If I have to say something strange, probably since a year ago, every time it comes to Haishi, I will be so sleepy that I can't hold myself back and fall asleep... I think I was still drunk even when I was drunk. I was full of energy, but suddenly lost my energy. At first, I thought it was because I was getting older and my energy was low. But who knew that it was not only me, but also Miss Zi Nu, Brother Wei Zhuang and others. Brother Wei Zhuang has great skills. It’s okay to go without sleep for a few days, but now I actually need to sleep well at night.”

He sighed: "I used to stay up all night thinking about trivial matters, but now, I haven't seen the bright moon in the sky for a long time. I can't help but worry all the time, what if the enemy takes advantage of my sleep at night and attacks me. Am I going to die in my sleep?"

Lin Bin said: "You don't have to worry about this. It's not just you who has this problem, it includes the whole of South Korea..."

Han Fei couldn't help but straighten up in shock, and said in shock: "I'm going to sleep at night. If people from other countries take advantage of the turmoil in South Korea to attack South Korea, won't our country, South Korea, fall without even using a single sword or soldier?"

"Don't worry about this, because if nothing else happens, the entire Seven Kingdoms may be in this state now. Everyone is sleeping at night and no one can hit anyone."

Han Fei was surprised: "So, this is really a crisis that affects the entire world? Why on earth does this happen?"

"Last night, I was kicked out by the purple girl."

Lin Bin said: "At that time, I wanted to sneak away to Jiu Gongzi's house to stay overnight...and then guess what I saw?"

"What do you see?"


Lin Bin said truthfully: "Your corpse, everyone's corpse, there is no one alive in Xinzheng, everyone is dead. During the day, this is a normal city, the capital of South Korea, but at night, it will become a city." There is no one alive in the dead city. I saw Wei Zhuang defending himself with shark teeth, but he was already dead. I saw Zi Nu sitting in front of the dressing mirror, and she also had no breath of life..."

Han Fei looked at Lin Bin blankly.

Lin Bin said: "You are worried that South Korea will be destroyed, but in fact, South Korea has been destroyed a long time ago. The seven kingdoms of Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao, Wei, and Qin no longer exist. You are all just living undead." , there is a person who will destroy the entire world, and then let you survive according to the original trajectory, intending to achieve his ulterior secret."

Han Fei was shocked: "I... am already dead? How is this possible..."

"I have proof!"

"What evidence?"

Lin Bin sat forward some distance.

Han Fei suddenly covered his head in pain and exclaimed: "No... don't get so close to me. Brother, the aura on your body is too much for me to adapt to..."

After a moment.

When Han Fei's headache stopped.

But he was surprised to find that Lin Bin had already sat back down, holding a small square box-shaped object in his hand.

He looked at Lin Bin in confusion.

Lin Bin put down the camera in his hand and handed over the photo.Han Fei took it and took a look, and his face suddenly turned pale.

Where is Han Fei in the photo...

It was clearly a terrifying monster wearing Han Fei's clothes.

But the position where he was sitting was exactly where he was.

He exclaimed: "Am I not Han Fei?!"

Lin Bin explained: "Han Fei is dead, and you are just a fake created... Or you are indeed Han Fei, but you are just a dead soul. I don't know which possibility it is, but I don't know which one is possible." There is no doubt that Brother Xin in your mouth just wants to find your murderer and bring him to justice."

Han Fei looked horrified. Only then did he realize that his clothes were covered in blood.

But he didn't realize anything until he was reminded by the other party.

He is dead?
But he didn't even know when he died...

Han Fei slowly calmed down and said with a wry smile: "I didn't expect that I was already dead. It's really ridiculous... I still have so many unfulfilled wishes, but I died in the first place."

He looked at Lin Bin and asked: "Then you want to kill me because..."

Lin Bin explained: "If my prediction is good, if you die, the mastermind behind the scenes will appear, and I can kill him!"

"That's right. Although I don't know why I am like this, but if he really killed us, but went to great lengths to resurrect us and turned us into the non-human and ghostly appearance we are now, you Killing me will really destroy his plan, or is it enough to just kill me?"

Even Han Fei himself couldn't explain why he trusted Lin Bin so much.

But he had tried his best to find out the reason for all the weird things on his body.

If combined with Lin Bin's words.

Then everything will fall into place.

But if this is the case, the entire world will be killed by an unknown terrifying monster, but the reincarnation in front of him only wants to use him alone...

"That's enough, you are different."

Han Fei took a deep breath, nodded and said, "Okay, then kill me."

Lin Bin glanced at Han Fei in surprise and said, "Are you sure?"

"If you want to kill me, I shouldn't have the ability to resist... If you can have Brother Xin's level of strength, but if even Brother Xin is defeated, are you really sure?"

Lin Binyan said succinctly: "I am stronger than him."

"That's okay, let's do it...please be neat, I'm afraid of pain."

Han Fei smiled bitterly and said, "If the dead still hurt."

Lin Bin was shocked that the other party was so neat and tidy.

But think about it, with Han Fei's shrewdness and intelligence, it's impossible for him to not notice something for such a long time...

Only limited by his knowledge and common sense, he may not be able to guess the truth, but it is normal to infer some things. Now after his prompting, he will naturally understand everything.

Lin Bin sighed and said, "I'm sorry, Brother Han Fei, if I could, I would really like to be a friend like you... It's a pity..."

"It's a pity that dead people can't make friends, but equally, dead people shouldn't be blasphemed and played with."

Han Fei closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Lin Bin also stopped talking a lot...

Raise your hand.

A finger was pointed on Han Fei's forehead.

The sword energy entered his body, and Han Fei's body was still safe, but everything inside was instantly stirred to pieces by Lin Bin's sword energy.

Since the other party is afraid of pain, it makes him unable to even feel death.

Even the corpses slowly dissipated and turned into thousands of ashes.

In this way, unless the other party can really create another Han Fei, it is impossible for Han Fei to appear in this world again.

And with Han Fei's death.

A quiet and secret chill suddenly invaded.

Accompanied by the bang of the carriage that was moving slowly.

It's stuck there and won't move.

The lively street market that was bustling with people before suddenly fell into a dead silence.

Lin Bin slowly walked out of the carriage, and saw outside the carriage that the coachman who was driving the carriage just now was lying on the shaft of the carriage, completely silent.

Even the horses pulling the cart fell to the ground.

All the people, children, and businessmen around him were too dead to die.

In this moment, the entire South Korea was once again reduced to death.

Along with this, the sun that was still shining brightly in the sky has gradually turned into a blood-red color, and has even become bigger and bigger. It seems that it is going to dye the whole world into a blood-red world!

Many differences.

A smile appeared on Lin Bin's face. He was not afraid of changes, but afraid of no changes.

And the facts proved that targeting Han Fei was the right decision.

He was right.

"Ai Li, your heroic spirit has returned to my body..."

Lin Bin said: "If nothing else happens, I may have poked this monster's sore spot. Next, I need to do my best."

"Master, there is no need to worry about my safety."

After Irisviel said that, the figure slowly disappeared.

Lin Bin was left standing there gradually, watching the sun in the sky getting closer and closer, and the color changed from the scarlet color before to a wisp of black and red.

A strange look suddenly appeared on his face.

Shocked: "It's actually him!"

What was seen was a huge bloody ball comparable to a football field, and there were countless white bones and skeletons surrounding it, forming its outer skin, which looked both black and red, filled with the most ominous atmosphere. Another terrible smell.

And this appearance, although magnified dozens of times...

But its appearance was too familiar to Lin Bin.

"Old monster Youquan? Isn't he already dead?!"

At this moment, Lin Bin suddenly remembered the Nanmingli Fire Sword that he had obtained.

The world has been destroyed, and even world-class props have been obtained... Logically speaking, the old monster from Youquan should be dead.

But in fact.

The sea of ​​​​blood is surging into the sky, and the giant face is ferocious.

In terms of momentum, Youquan today is much stronger than what Lin Bin knew in the plot.

It seems that it must be because it swallowed up all the energy and blood of the entire world.

"Is this why Xiaomeng told me that only I can complete the mission in this secret realm?"

Lin Bin naturally understood the origin of Nanming's Lihuo Sword.

And because of this...

He was thoughtful for a moment, and in his palm, he already held a long gun with the color of futuristic technology.

Qiankun Extreme Electric Cannon!
At the same time, the empty sword box opened wide.

The divine weapon inside flew out.

It turns into seven streams of light and protects it on its left and right.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Bin was fully armed!

(End of this chapter)

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