The sword is unsheathed.

Lin Bin was keenly aware that something was wrong.

When the beast god gave Lin Bin the empty sword box, through the introduction, he understood that the ability of the empty sword box was to warm and nourish the magic weapon.

But at that time, he really didn't know what the so-called warmth and nourishment meant.

Does it mean making the magic weapon sharper?
Or maybe the conflict between magic weapons with different attributes is not that intense?
But now, the magic weapon that had been cultivated for a long time was finally sacrificed.

Lin Bin suddenly understood the magic of this empty sword box.

The seven-handled magic weapons are either good or evil, yin or yang, or cold and cold, and their levels are also different.

Theoretically speaking, controlling these seven magic weapons requires a full seven percent of Lin Bin's mental effort...

However, it is not difficult for Lin Bin to have a mind that has been baptized by the evil emperor's relic essence. It is a little more difficult to fight against the sky because the level of the magic weapon is too high.

But now.

It feels different.

There is actually a vague connection between the seven divine weapons. This connection is extremely secret, but it actually exists, as if the seven divine swords are actually one with each other.

When the mind is connected.

You don't even need to spend too much effort, you can let them cooperate with each other and have a tacit understanding.

This reduced Lin Bin's mental consumption by at least half...

It can only be said that it is indeed an A+ level magical prop, especially coming from a truly high-level martial arts plane.

Young Master Kong was able to suppress Sun Wukong for a time, and this prop must account for at least half of the credit.

The beast god is awesome.

In fact, the magic of the Empty Sword Box goes far beyond that.

The seven divine swords are the most powerful, such as the Moye Sword and the combination of good and evil. The Dragon-Slaying Sword is invincible. They are all A+ level divine weapons. Although the Bingqing Sword is of good quality and the Demonic Sword Apophis is also domineering, but I don’t know if it’s limited by the difficulty of the secret realm or the level itself, so it’s just an A-level magic weapon.

But now all seven swords came out.

Lin Bin suddenly realized that the power of these A-level magic weapons had been greatly improved, and they even had the ability to keep pace with A+ level magic weapons such as Moye Sword and Dragon-Slaying Sword.

It suddenly dawned on him, could it be that the so-called nourishment of the Empty Sword Box not only alleviated the huge conflict between the many magic weapons, but also forcibly raised the power of the magic weapons that were not as powerful as the Empty Sword Box to the same level as the Sword Box ?

It’s just that the time is limited, and it can only last about half an hour.

After half an hour, he will be completely beaten back to his original shape!

But this is not the limit, but the time he can stay in the empty sword box can only last so long.

If he stays warm in the sword box for a longer period of time in the future, this so-called half-hour duration should be even longer...

On the contrary, my strength has been greatly improved.

Lin Bin held the Qiankun Extreme Electric Cannon tightly in his palm.

He raised his hand and pointed it at the head formed by the huge bloody skulls in the sky.

The muzzle contains huge energy.

It only took one second to accumulate energy. The next moment, a huge energy source hit the skull above.

"You bastards, you dare to ruin my important affairs, you deserve to die..."

The old monster from Youquan was obviously brewing something, and now, with Han Fei's death, he was extremely angry.

But the sentence just fell out.

The powerful artillery bombardment has reached the front door.

A loud bang.

Although A+ level technological weapons are technological, they have actually entered the level of fantasy weapons.

The power is far beyond what the blue rose and plasma gun can match...

Especially with Lin Bin's true energy as the energy source, the power that can be unleashed is even more astonishing.

After saying the first half of the sentence, the other half was violently blasted into his mouth along with the bombardment.

The huge skull swayed and deformed, as if some extremely violent impact erupted from within.

Even though he was as strong as the old monster from Youquan, he couldn't help but stop breathing.

Opening his mouth again, a stream of black smoke spewed out from the huge bloody mouth...

His words were leaking a bit, and those hollow eyes stared at Lin Bin, and said word by word: "You have angered me, reincarnation, I warn you, you will never die a good death."

"It's already hard for you to survive when you meet me!"

To be honest, Lin Bin really wasn't afraid of anyone.

He replied without any sign of weakness.

Once the strike hits, there will be no hesitation in the subsequent moves.

The seven A+ level magic weapons are like seven meteors, which turn into seven brilliant sword energies in the air, combined in one place.

Because they are all warmed and blessed by the empty sword box, there is no lag between the seven swords, and the fusion is extremely perfect.

The head is made of the Xuanyuan Sword, which can kill demons and eliminate evil.

It turned into a divine sword that was nearly a hundred meters long, heading towards the endless sea of ​​blood.


The magnificent sword energy was unparalleled, consuming the sea of ​​blood, and in an instant it was in front of Youquan.

Youquan's pupils suddenly shrank.

He didn't expect that a few small weapons could be so powerful. His sea of ​​blood, which was based on an entire world and had been refined for a long time, was as if it was nothing.

It broke directly into his skeleton protection and forced the main body to come.

The power of the seven A+-level magic weapons is superimposed on each other, and its power is already comparable to that of the S-level magic weapon.

With just one blow, the skeleton in the sea of ​​​​blood was completely destroyed.

The identity of the Old Demon Youquan was exposed!

The power of the divine weapon was not only beyond Youquan's imagination, but even the power of it was beyond Lin Bin's expectation.

But seeing that its power was already rising, he gained the upper hand and showed no mercy. He activated his mighty sword energy and slashed straight at Youquan.

"Asshole... don't bully others too much!"

Youquan roared angrily, already knowing that the reincarnation in front of him was very different from all the reincarnations he had encountered before. As he attacked with all his strength, a little white light burst out from the world that was already dyed red with blood.

This white light is pure and gentle.

It's just a little bit, but even if it's just this little bit, it can't be submerged by the boundless sea of ​​blood.

A round, seemingly bulging, yet traceless treasure mirror appeared in the palm of the old monster Youquan.

Blooming with pure white brilliance.

The ancient seal characters and the shapes of clouds, dragons and strange birds on the edge of the treasure mirror slowly rotate and swim around, like living creatures, adding endless vitality to the treasure mirror.

The white brilliance is approaching the giant magic weapon.

Meet on a narrow road!
The most direct and brutal confrontation of strength.

With a bang...

The sea of ​​blood was turbulent, and white fragments of brilliance overflowed, drowning in all directions.

The sea of ​​blood in Youquan was no longer able to be controlled and completely collapsed.

Lin Bin's own physical strength was much inferior. He only mastered the main attack and coupled with the power of the magic weapon, he only suffered a small loss.

The figure drifted backwards.

And Xinzheng City was completely submerged in the sea of ​​​​blood under the full-force confrontation between the two.

"Haotian Mirror!"

Lin Bin's pupils shrank and he couldn't help but scream.

He obviously didn't expect that the Emei Sect's most precious treasure would fall into his hands.

"Hahahaha, are you here to kill me too? It's a pity... With the Haotian Mirror in hand, I am invincible. No matter how many times you come, your lives will be in vain!"

The sea of ​​blood dispersed during the confrontation between the two.

Youquan's ugly self was exposed, and he laughed with a arrogant expression.

He laughed and said: "But it's okay, I have another Yuan Shen... and it is such a powerful Yuan Shen. I have decided that you will be my main Yuan Shen in the future!"

The crystal clear white light shines straight towards Lin Bin.

The Haotian Mirror can be used both offensively and defensively.

Moreover, the attack is indestructible. Once it is hit, even if it is as strong as Youquan, it will be difficult to escape.

Lin Bin's figure disappeared in an instant.When it reappears.

It was already several hundred meters away, avoiding the glare of the Haotian Mirror.

The seven-armed magic weapon has been reduced to pieces, and the Tiangang Beidou Formation has spread out, heading straight towards Youquan to strangle!

The seven swords cut in various places, and the tacit cooperation with each other is exquisite, making them equally defenseless.

"Oh? Is this the world's method of harmony with light and dust? Ha... I never thought that there are still people using this low-level method in battles at this level..."

Youquan laughed.

The blood spread and his figure also disappeared.

The next moment it spread in front of Lin Bin.

Haotian Mirror faced Lin Bin again...

Lin Bin's figure disappeared again.

Sword energy and mirror light are all sure-kill moves.

But under the constantly changing and disappearing figures of the two people, it was impossible to catch them.

in the sea of ​​blood.

The swords, lights, and mirrors are forcing each other to chase each other, just like the seven stars shining over each other and the bright moon hanging high.

And the movements of the two of them were too fast. At first glance, it was astonishing that Lin Bin and Youquan were everywhere in the sea of ​​blood.

It was obviously just a fight between two people, but it turned out to be a battle involving thousands of troops.

The sound of intensive confrontations kept ringing in my ears.

After all, the Haotian Mirror is heavy and difficult to control. It is far less agile than the Seven Swords, but it cannot attack the enemy and can protect itself. No matter how powerful the divine weapon is, it cannot break the defense when facing the Haotian Mirror!
The battle fell into a stalemate for a while.

Lin Bin has the "Secret of Immortality" as a foundation, and his true energy is constantly flowing, and he can last all day long.

But the Haotian Mirror itself is famous for its huge consumption. Even if it is as powerful as Baimei, he can't do anything else when controlling the Haotian Mirror. But the old monster Youquan is different from Baimei. There is a sea of ​​blood all around him. The source of his power, even the huge consumption of Haotian Mirror, is almost like nothing to him.

But Lin Bin is not without a trump card!

In other words, since discovering Youquan, Lin Bin has already prepared his trump card.

Just wait for the right time...

Little did he know that just as Lin Bin was making calculations, Youquan was also making plans. At the moment, he was just waiting for a suitable opportunity.

And the time he needs will come soon!

I saw Lin Bin's figure flashing one after another.

The next moment, after passing through Youquan for a long time before the battle was calculated, especially since Heguang Tongchen was only a low-level supernatural secret realm martial arts, it was too easy to see through in the eyes of immortal cultivators like him.

Based on the flow of spiritual energy, he had almost determined Lin Bin's next location.

But even if it was confirmed, it would be useless. Haotian Mirror is too bulky. Although his power is infinite under the blessing of the blood sea, the upper limit has not been increased after all. This is why he could not defeat Bai Mei in his own world before.

Therefore, Haotianjing had no time to pursue...

Even if he finds out, the other party can still escape easily!

This is also the reason why the other party dares to frequently use Heguang Tongchen in front of him.


Youquan roared and watched as Lin Bin disappeared completely.

He directly exploded his power without hesitation.

But it is not the magic power he holds, but another force that is more illusory and equally unpredictable.


The surrounding air suddenly became extremely thick.

Lin Bin appeared next to Youquan, and the seven swords were combined into one again, approaching Youquan's fatal point...

But the figure had just appeared, but he found that he was already unable to move. He was already deeply trapped in the enemy's superpower, making it difficult to move.

What followed was that the Haotian Mirror and his seven swords merged into one, and his true form completely overlapped into a line.

Because of this, Haotian Mirror restrained his seven swords and himself at the same time!
Youquan laughed and said: "Don't you know that as long as you become one of my souls, everything you know will be controlled by me? This is the power of the reincarnation that came to hunt me before... Now, you will Die under this power..."

Use the Haotian Mirror to restrain all Lin Bin's attacks at the same time.

There is no doubt that he has won this battle!

The other party has been determined to death by Haotian Mirror.

Next, you only need to watch the other party completely melt under the divine light of the Haotian Mirror.

The next moment.

Youquan couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise.

However, Lin Bin's figure showed no sign of melting when illuminated by the divine light of the Haotian Mirror. Instead, he looked at him with eyes full of teasing...

Behind him, a chill was as deep as ice that penetrated his bones, making him shiver all over.

He looks back...

However, he saw a divine weapon spreading out from the ground, emitting boundless coldness like ice, and stabbed straight towards his back.

Like a volcano erupting, its power is boundless and powerful like a raging fire!
"Nan Mingli Fire Sword!"

Youquan screamed, with a very vivid look of horror on his ugly face.

He instinctively wanted to use the Haotian Mirror to resist the power of Nan Mingli's Fire Sword.

But Lin Bin shouted loudly.

For this opportunity, he even used Avalon, the most powerful protective treasure, just to bring Youquan into his own death...

Otherwise, if caught in the Haotian Mirror, even with his current level of cultivation, he might not be able to prevent his death!
When he learned that the other party was Youquan, he hid Nanming Lihuo Sword underground just to wait for such a killing opportunity!

Now the Seven Swords are in front, and the Nanmingli Fire Sword is behind.

The two swords struck at the fatal spot of the old monster Youquan at the same time!

No matter how Youquan hides...

After all, you have to bear one of the swords!
In the end, out of fear of Nanming Lihuo Sword.

The light of the Haotian Mirror was reversed without hesitation, and reversed the Nanming Li Fire Sword.

In an instant, ice energy overflowed and the light shattered.

The sky then shook violently.

The layers of the earth are cracked and stretch endlessly, until they wind endlessly toward hundreds of miles away.

But no one can stop the Seven Swords.

Even though Youquan raised his hand and transformed into boundless blood energy, intending to forcefully resist the sharp edges of the seven swords, Haotian Mirror had already consumed more than [-]% of his own strength.

No matter how huge his power reserve is, he can only use [-]% of it at this moment.

The seven swords penetrated directly.

There was a soft chirp...

Directly penetrate the Youquan completely.

Youquan screamed and roared angrily: "Asshole, you just killed one of my souls. I have tens of millions of the same souls. If you have the ability, you can kill me thousands of times." Times... ah..."

The seven swords exploded completely inside his body, tearing out seven irreparable wounds.

Then, the Youquan was completely torn apart, and the boundless sea of ​​blood completely disintegrated and gradually melted into the earth.

Obviously, Youquan had indeed died in Lin Bin's hands at this moment.

"I accept Haotian Mirror without any courtesy!"

Lin Bin's face showed a bit of joy.

The power of Haotian Mirror was enough to withstand the powerful sword power of Nanming Lihuo Sword. However, with the tragic death of Youquan, the power of Haotian Mirror ceased.

Lin Bin easily held it in his hand.

After dispersing the gorgeous fighting form, Haotian Mirror also showed its original form.

A pure round white mirror about the size of two palms.

[Haotian Mirror (S-level prop): The most precious treasure of the Emei Sect. It is neither gold nor jade. It has ancient seal scripts and the shape of clouds, dragons and strange birds on its back. It contains wind, clouds, water and fire. It can change at any time with endless changes, and can cause dazzling light to shine. Opponents, those who are hit by this light will be immobilized and melted! 】

[PS: I can also provide lighting. 】

"It seems that this is what Xiaomeng told me, my destiny!"

Lin Bin played with the ancient mirror and couldn't put it down for a while!
He was worried that he didn't have a protective magic weapon. This was an absolute protective magic weapon that was far more powerful than the seven-layered ring of Blazing Sky. (End of chapter)

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