As Lin Bin killed powerful enemies, the blood around him gradually disappeared.

Wait until the surrounding area is completely safe.

Only then did Irisviel reveal herself.

Although the battle just now was dangerous, she was a heroic spirit.

And it is not a heroic spirit of Pusa, but a body without entity, completely composed of Lin Bin's magic power and the Holy Grail. In addition, the Holy Grail also comes from Lin Bin's sub-Holy Grail, so as long as she takes the initiative to completely disperse, she can be like BERSERKER That way, he would disappear directly from this world...or, in other words, become attached to Lin Bin's command spell.

In this way, he and Lin Bin were completely one and the same, but he was not affected by the aftermath of the battle.

But even so, she was still quite shocked when she saw the battle scene between the two of them through the command spell...

This is already a power that is superior to those heroic spirits, and even almost superior to the magic of the world where they live.


It's really scary.

She asked with concern: "Master, is the enemy dead?"

"This one is indeed dead, but his body is not yet alive!"

Lin Bin put away the Haotian Mirror.

He sighed: "This battle... I won by luck, but it was also thanks to luck."

Youquan is very powerful, especially with the Haotian Mirror in his hand, which is almost a combination of offense and defense.

Even if the seven swords are combined, it will be difficult to break through the protection of Haotian Mirror.

Lin Bin was playing with an information gap. In Youquan's view, when the two met for the first time, he had hidden his trump cards so deeply that he could use them to catch the enemy off guard.

It's a pity that he didn't know that Lin Bin might know him better than the reincarnations who had met him back then.

This allowed him to open the Haotian Mirror at maximum power, and also allowed Nan Ming to find an opportunity to take advantage of the Fire Sword.


Lin Bin was really not sure whether he could break the Haotian Mirror's defense. After all, the Emei Sect's most powerful treasure... Of course, this so-called inability to break was actually a good thing.

Youquan only died as a soul.

But Haotian Mirror cannot be cloned. He really brought Haotian Mirror with him.

He explained: "Youquan can artificially create souls, and as long as there is still one soul that is immortal, he can be reborn with blood... So in a sense, we just killed one of his souls. , and if you want to kill him, you have to kill all the souls he created."

Irisviel asked: "Then how many souls does he have?"

Lin Bin replied: "It depends on how many people there are in the world."

Irisviel: "......"

She widened her wine-red eyes and said in shock: "Doesn't that mean that everyone in this world has become this old monster from Youquan? Then how can we kill him?"

"Maybe it's not that bad. After all, he lived in his original world for a thousand years and only had more than 9000 souls. But in that world, there were people to check and balance him, and he didn't dare to go too far. But in this world If so, he would have directly destroyed the entire world."

Only then did Lin Bin understand why these people were avoiding him when they saw him.

I'm afraid it's still the work of He Shibi.

The He clan's jade is invincible to all evil, and although these people still retain their original consciousness, they have become Youquan's clones after all, but they do not have Youquan's tyrannical strength.

It was naturally unbearable to be exposed to the power of He Shibi's destiny, which was why Han Fei had such a terrifying reaction.

Thinking about it, looking at Irisviel's confused expression, Lin Bin chuckled and said, "So what if I have more souls? Now he must be beating his head and regretting that he should not have lost the Haotian Mirror." Yes, and knowing that it is him is good news. After all, our mission is not to kill Youquan, but to cut off the connection between the two worlds."

But after severing the connection between the two worlds, how to leave is also a problem...

Lin Bin was ignorant of the situation here before, and he could take it step by step, but now he knows that everything is caused by the Youquan Blood Demon.

Even if he kills Youquan, can he still return through Youquan's death?
However, there was no need to mention these worries to make Irisviel worried.

I just don’t know how the Youquan Blood Demon appeared in this world.

Lin Bin sighed: "Xiao Meng was right. She said this was my fate. I didn't understand what was going on before, but now I understand..."

Nanming Lihuo Sword originally appeared to deal with the Youquan Blood Demon.

Since he had obtained the Nanming Lihuo Sword, he should naturally help kill Youquan.


Lin Bin suddenly discovered that even though he had learned the true identity of the mastermind behind the scenes, he still didn't know what to do.

At this time, in the secret realm of Tianxing Nine Songs.

Deep underground, in an extremely deep and scarlet blood cave.

The sea of ​​blood is churning, boundless.

This is the blood cave Youquan made by himself after collecting the blood of the entire world. In terms of scale, it is even larger than the blood cave he entered in his own world.

After all, all the creatures in the world have been buried in this blood cave by him.

Such a luxurious blood hole, in the eyes of Youquan before, was simply unimaginable extravagance.

But this can't cover up Youquan's anger and annoyance at this moment!

"Damn it...we're all here, and you still refuse to let me go, Baimei! You deserve death, you deserve death!"

The deepest part of the blood cave.

An ugly figure was roaring angrily.

He was furious, really furious.

In his opinion, since the other party can hold the Nanmingli Fire Sword, it must be related to Bai Mei.

The world has been destroyed, but this old guy Baimei still doesn't let him go...

Even the Haotian Mirror was taken away.


Just after venting his anger for a while.

Youquan's expression turned into deep thinking.

He murmured: "But since the other party is holding the Nanming Lihuo Sword, he must be the descendant of Baimei. If he comes here, does that mean that as long as I kill him, I can not only get the Haotian Mirror back, but also the Nanming Lihuo." Sword... By then, won't my demon body be even more perfect?"

He didn't care about the previous failure.

In fact, the loss of Haotian Mirror seemed to be more of an insult to his dignity. In fact, he really didn't take it to heart.

Now the whole world is behind him.

Even if Baimei comes back to life, he doesn't have to take it seriously anymore.

Even Youquan himself didn't expect it.

At the beginning, he tried his best to let one of his many souls attach himself to those reincarnations, thus preserving his last life.

Then, because he was extremely weak at that time, he did not dare to take action against those powerful reincarnations.

He could only parasitize a weaker reincarnation.

Attached to him, followed him into this world...

With the help of the blood, blood and food of this world, he slowly regained his strength, and then took the opportunity to completely eliminate those reincarnations and turn them all into one of his souls.

Then, he destroyed the world and used it to completely restore his peak power, even beyond it.

But he didn't expect that this world that he had destroyed would still have such magical and unique features...

Those creatures who were supposed to die and be drowned in the sea of ​​blood, reduced to their own souls, strangely still retained their own consciousness.

You can even provide yourself with resentment and hostility.

What the hell...

It's like producing your own resentment, and then digesting and absorbing it yourself, thus achieving self-sufficiency!
Youquan didn't understand what happened.

But he never got to the bottom of it, and instead found business opportunities in it.He sucked out all the blood and energy in these souls and released them again, returning them to the place where they originally existed.

Without blood, they have indeed forgotten that they have actually become the puppet souls of others, and continue to live according to their own steps, with constant disputes and complaints.

Youquan was pleasantly surprised to find that in this troubled world, resentment is the easiest thing to breed.

Those souls that had been drained by him were soon filled with resentment again.

Ever since...Youquan has no intention of leaving anymore.

This whole world is his farmland.

He planted so many souls and allowed them to live a normal life during the day, only to knock them back to their original shape when they were sleeping, absorbing the resentment and hostility they had generated during the day.

The resentment and hostility generated in one day may not be too much, but the number is too much.

Tens of millions of souls.

In the past, it was simply unimaginable.

And now...

"Hehehehe, before I gain enough strength, I can never go back to the real world... With my current combat power, I am not the opponent of those supreme reincarnations, but in this world, I am invincible. The world belongs to me, and now that you have come to my territory, you are seeking your own death."

Youquan sneered lowly.

Being able to take revenge in advance can completely eliminate the last trace of possibility left by Bai Mei.

It's not a bad thing either.

And if he combines all the souls into one, he can have super-high-level power. If he gets the Nanmingli Fire Sword...

Use the Haotian Mirror as a defense and the Nanmingli Fire Sword as an attack.

"By then, even if I return to the real world, I will be able to thrive. There are obviously countless secret realms that I can exploit and seize, but staying in this three-acre land is really not in line with my Youquan style! "

The old monster Youquan lowered his head and looked into the deepest part of the sea of ​​blood.

That is the only living thing in this world.

It is also the best body he left for himself.

A body that can communicate with Tao Yun innately.

In his own world, in order to gain a chance of survival, he had to give up his physical body. Even now, he still acts as a soul, which prevents him from fully displaying his strength.

"So what if I lose the Haotian Mirror? When I regain my body and regain full combat power, even if I have both the Haotian Mirror and the Nanmingli Fire Sword, how will you deal with it?"

Youquan laughed.

Floating towards the green figure below.

The time has come to return, and he has absorbed enough strength. It is also time to regain his body.

And at the same time.

The former Xinzheng.

Today's ruins of the sea of ​​blood.

The two found a place and carefully considered their next course of action...

Lin Bin thought for a while and said: "In any case, although we still don't know how to cut off the connection between the two worlds, it will never be wrong to kill Youquan first."

Irisviel said: "But Youquan's soul cannot die once. No matter how strong you are, Master, you can't kill him tens of millions of times, right?"

"As long as we find his true body and enter his soul, he will still die!"

Lin Bin is very sure of this.

In the plot, Youquan, who is said to need to die 9999 times to die cleanly, died cleanly with just one sword after his body was taken over by Li Yingqi.

It can be seen from this that even if there are many souls, there must be one main one among them!

And what he needs to do is to find this one and only.

"No matter what happens, even if I fail, I can use Avalon to escape from the Utopia, which is isolated from everything. Although it is not the same system, but precisely because it is not the same system, there is no need to be afraid that the netherworld can break this thing's defense. He doesn’t even have the ability to break him!”

Irisviel asked: "Then how do we find him? Although we just fought with Youquan, he is just a soul... We have never seen his lineup at all, and the positioning camera cannot be used, right? ?”

Lin Bin smiled and said: "It's naturally impossible to find Youquan directly, but it's no problem to find someone else."



Lin Bin sighed: "I was negligent before. In fact, when I entered this world, I should go directly to Xiaomeng. But I just wanted to find out the secrets of this world from Han Fei, but I didn't expect that Han Fei was already dead. But even if everyone in this world is already dead, Xiaomeng will never be dead, and the entire world is under the control of Youquan. Even if Xiaomeng is still alive, it must be in his hands. It’s just that he didn’t kill her for some purpose.”

"Yes, if Xiaomeng dies, she will never appear in our real world again... We can't locate Youquan, but we can locate Xiaomeng's location. Then we can find Youquan through Xiaomeng. s position!"

"Aili, if you come back to my body, I may not be able to take you with me anymore!"

Alice Viel nodded.

It's a bit discouraging, but her most powerful ability is healing. If she really wants to have any influence, the Master must be injured for her to be effective.

At the moment, I can only sigh secretly that I am so useless, and at the same time pray that I can become even more useless. It is best that the Master never needs to use him at any time except to vent his anger.

Actively integrated into Lin Bin's body.

After Lin Bin no longer had any worries, he took out the positioning camera.

Of course there are photos of Xiaomeng.

Tian Hu has now joined Da Qin, and Xiaomeng and Tian Hu, who are Yingzheng agents, and Lin Bin, who is the middleman, also communicate frequently, and for the purpose of promoting the news, there are naturally some group photos.

"I just don't know if it's possible to use photos of the adult Xiao Meng to find the whereabouts of the young Xiao Meng."

Lin Bin tried to focus on Xiaomeng's face in the photo in his hand and pressed the button to locate the camera.

A single photo was spat out.

And it does feel slightly warm to the touch...


Lin Bin looked back at Xinzheng, which was now in ruins, then directly raised his sword and flew away into the distance.

After just one circle, the next direction has been determined.

Turn into a rainbow.

It disappeared in an instant.

Flying with all his strength on his sword, his speed is as fast as the wind and lightning.

And along the way...

He also passed through many other towns.

In cities and towns, people live in poverty and poverty, and both children and adults are all sallow and thin.

Although the people in Xinzheng live a difficult life, it is the capital of a country after all. As long as they work hard, they will not starve to death.

But elsewhere...

Especially the upper class in South Korea are so obsessed with life and money.

People are really likely to starve to death.

Lin Bin suddenly understood why Youquan, a thousand-year-old demon with extraordinary strength, stayed in such a murderous low-level secret realm and refused to leave.

The seven kingdoms are in continuous war, and there will be huge killings in the future.

If he is allowed to follow the plot like this, the resentment and hostility he can harvest will probably not be inferior to those of nightmare and hell levels.

"Fortunately, I'm here. Otherwise, if he waits for him to become a master, I'm afraid he won't let me go so easily just with the Nanmingli Fire Sword in my hand."

Thinking of this, Lin Bin became even more determined to kill Youquan!

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