when reincarnation invades

Chapter 410 Xiaomeng Appears

The whole world has become Youquan's back garden.

Only Xiao Meng is not dead...

No matter what the reason is, this weak world does not have the strength to compete with Youquan.

With Youquan's strength, it would be very easy to destroy this world.

Just like the protagonist Han Fei and others, even if they are surrounded by the fate of heaven, they cannot escape death...

In this situation.

Xiaomeng's survival could not be due to any special circumstances, but it must be because Youquan could use her.

As for specific uses...

Lin Bin could roughly guess it.

He had just fought against Youquan. With his current strength, although he had used the power of the Seven Swords, his strength had been greatly improved.

But Youquan, as a legendary demonic power who can compete with Bai Mei, his performance is still slightly unsatisfactory.

At the very least, it didn't match Lin Bin's impression of the powerful being that swallowed up the world.

And the one who died in the end was just a soul...

It is not difficult to guess that Xiaomeng, as a Taoist genius, is only limited by the world level. If she goes to the world of Shushan Legend, she must be a first-level Taoist wizard of Xuantian Sect.

She was probably targeted by Youquan and wanted to use her body as a backup, so he spared her life.

As for why it hasn't taken over her body before...

Could it be because you want to wait until your soul power reaches its peak?

Anyway, no matter what the reason is... Xiaomeng's location must not be far from Youquan now.

Take Xiaomeng as the anchor point.

Lin Bin was extremely fast and flew away into the distance.

What he saw along the way was just as Lin Bin had expected. The cities he passed were all just like Xinzheng before, full of all kinds of weirdness.

If nothing else, their current state should be exactly the same as Han Fei's.

Youquan is extremely powerful, and he is also proficient in skills such as the art of gazing by visual inspection...

Perhaps it's because Han Fei and others' luck is too high, so their lair is not far from Youquan's lair.

Have not left Korea.

Lin Bin only traveled for more than half a day before he arrived at an empty barren mountain, surrounded by jagged rocks and no green vegetation.

And when he got here, the photo in his hand was so hot that a normal person could hardly hold it.

But there is deathly silence here, not to mention any movement, not even the sound of the wind blowing, and the sky is cloudless...

It seems that at this point, Feng Yun has to stop and give in.

If ordinary people came here, they would probably not be able to help but wonder... How could someone with such a huge reputation like Youquan be hiding in such a silent place?

But this is not a problem for Lin Bin.

The remaining energy in Avalon was tested.

It only resisted the attack of Haotian Mirror for a while, but now Avalon's power has been reduced by more than one-third.

Arturia is not here.

Although this distant ideal land will not be reduced to a disposable prop, in the face of this extremely terrifying attack, at most three hits will completely squander the magic power inside.

In other words, if Youquan goes all out...

Avalon can only resist once more, and he will be unable to resist again.

But enough.

A fatal attack is a life-saving attack, and the Haotian Mirror is already in Lin Bin's hands.

His combat power has improved significantly compared to before.

Lin Bin flew to the top of the mountain.

Raising the sword finger...

The icy blue Haoran Sword Qi then surrounded him, as gorgeous and magnificent as ice.

As his fingers dropped.

The sword energy blasted directly into the mountain, but the majestic mountain range did not completely collapse. Instead, an extremely deep entrance was cut out.

A trace of extremely fishy blood surged up, and the blood surged into the sky like a wave.

In an instant, the wind and clouds surged, and the color of the heaven and earth changed.

What was just a peaceful mountain range suddenly turned into an ominous abyss of hell...

This mountain has actually been hollowed out by the quiet spring. From the outside, it looks like just an ordinary mountain. But when you get deeper, you will find that there is boundless blood inside this mountain!

The real blood is deposited in the entire mountain like an ocean.

Through the gap made by Nan Mingli's fire sword.

Lin Bin looked across the distance of thousands of feet and looked directly into the deepest part of the sea of ​​blood.

The monstrous sea of ​​blood surges back and forth within the mountain, but like a whirlpool it avoids the middle position and surrounds itself, accompanied by countless blood fangs for protection...

In the most central and deepest position, there is peace, quite a sense of tranquility amidst the chaos.

And in that calm center.

A pair of scarlet eyes stared at Lin Bin!
Where is the deep spring?

Astonishingly, she is a girl who is much younger than Gao Yue. Although she is young, she already has silver-white hair and a beautiful face. She is thought to be delicate and cute, but at this moment, she is accompanied by Those eyes full of ferocious resentment.

But it makes people feel chilly.

"I haven't gone to find you yet, but you came to find me instead?!"

Xiaomeng...or at this moment has obviously turned into Youquan.

A cruel smile appeared on her face, "Now that I have regained my body, do you think you can still be as lucky as before? Are you satisfied this time? Because of you, my blood god's body cannot be perfected. , don’t count on this account... ah..."

She suddenly cried out in pain.

After confirming that the person in front of him was Youquan, Lin Bin had no intention of talking nonsense to him. The Haotian Mirror's radiant light shone directly towards the deepest part of the blood cave below.

In the bloody ocean, that touch of white is like the holy light that purifies the world. No matter how filthy the surroundings are, it can never tarnish the holiness of this light...


The blood suddenly disappears.

The resentment and resentment also completely dissipated... The power of the Haotian Mirror actually tore a clean channel out of the boundless filthy blood.


Lin Bin's face turned a bit unsightly.

He had long known that Haotian Mirror consumes a lot of money, but he didn't expect it to be so large...

Even if he is as strong as Bai Mei, he can't do anything else when controlling Haotian Mirror.

The reason why Youquan died in his hands before was partly because although the Haotian Mirror strengthened his strength, it also greatly reduced his mobility.

And when Lin Bin controlled the Haotian Mirror, the true energy in his body flowed downwards almost like running water.

If it weren't for the "Secret of Immortality", the energy recuperation speed is extremely fast.

I'm afraid that in just a few breaths, all the true energy in his body will be absorbed.

Even the "Secret of Immortality" basically consumes a lot of power.

The way it flows...

Up to 1 minutes.

All the true energy in my body will be squeezed out...

At this moment, Lin Bin suddenly returned to the time when he had just become a reincarnation, and the feeling of releasing the blazing sky and covering the seven rings as an extraordinary reincarnation.

A real pony and a cart.

"Damn it...you're going too far!"

Youquan was extremely angry.

It is true that he will not let the other person go, but he has not had time to take the initiative to take action against him...

On the contrary, the opponent killed his important chess piece first and then chased him here. It was really bullying.

"You forced me!"

Youquan roared angrily and raised her two pink arms high. Following her movements, the whole sea of ​​blood boiled instantly...

Huge waves flooded toward the sky.

Even if the blood sea touches the light of the Haotian Mirror, it will collapse, but the Haotian Mirror is too targeted. Unless it is in the hands of Bai Mei, Youquan thinks that it is impossible to expand the light on a large scale. Not to mention the kid above?

Lin Bin snorted lowly...

Without hesitation, the entire Haotian Mirror was filled in the gap.

The gap that he had blasted out before was completely blocked. At the same time, the sea of ​​​​blood surged up, and it was at the same place as the Haotian Mirror.

all of a sudden.

The heaven and earth stirred, and the mountains collapsed.

The entire majestic mountain range suddenly shattered, opening countless gaps... The blood-red ocean surged out like the sea, spreading in all directions along these gaps, and opened the gaps in the mountain even wider, until it was completely Split and open.

"Ah...my bloody hole!"

Seeing Youquan using Xiaomeng's face with a distressed expression, it was really an inexplicable joy...

Anyway, Lin Bin no longer had any sense of panic.

He immediately put away the Haotian Mirror.

He took a few deep breaths and laughed: "Hahahaha, Youquan, if you meet me, today will definitely be the day you die."

As he spoke, seventy percent of his power had been restored.

Now that the trump card has been revealed, there is no need to hold back.

The Qiankun pole electric cannon charged up and blasted straight towards Youquan...

The shot passed by, although it did not hit Youquan, but it hit the sea of ​​blood, evaporating a lot of blood in an instant.

"Asshole, I spent a lot of effort to accumulate so much blood."

Youquan suddenly felt very distressed.

There is no blood cave in the secret realm here. He gathered the energy and blood of almost all the creatures in the world to create such an artificial blood cave, but it was directly destroyed by this scammer.

Once the sea of ​​blood dissipates, his future cultivation speed will drop significantly...

"I want your life!"

In a high-pitched scream.

Youquan raised his hand.

In the palm of his hand, a mighty divine sword suddenly extended several hundred feet away, slashing straight at Lin Bin.

"Thunder Flame Sword!"

Lin Bin was shocked. He didn't expect that Youquan would run away and pack up almost all the top magic weapons in the entire Shushan Legend World.

He reacted very quickly, and the Nanming Lihuo Sword suddenly appeared in front of him. The blade was like a meteor, and it galloped straight towards the Thunder Flame Sword.

The two magic soldiers clashed...

Nanming's Lihuo Sword won the victory with an absolute advantage. The blade of the Thunder Flame Sword was already hundreds of feet away, but Nanming's Lihuo Sword pressed against the tip of the sword, smashing all the sword energy extending out, and directly attacked the main body. .

Youquan snorted coldly.

Quickly dodge to avoid.

And from the sea of ​​blood, blood energy rolled and slowly surged up, converging into two humanoid creatures.

He let go of the Thunder Flame Sword.

The Thunder Flame Sword has fallen into the hands of one of them.

But the other person is a woman. The sword energy in the palm of her hand is winding like smoke... It is surprisingly Tian Feng Jian!

“Let’s see the Emei Sect’s Heavenly Strike Thunder Flame Sword!”

Youquan laughed.

With the assistance of the two divine clones, the main body attacked and killed Lin Bin at the same time!

In a state of encirclement.

"Group fighting? I'm not afraid of group fighting the most!"

Lin Bin raised his hand, and the Nanming Lihuo Sword turned into countless bright sword energies, like gods and saints, looking around him.

But the seven divine swords he had cultivated had been unsheathed from the empty sword box at the same time, forming a seven-section formation of Zhenwu...

Although the formation is an ordinary formation, the power of the sword is too strong.

The sword energy that explodes is powerful enough to make heaven and earth weep!
Although the two men were powerful, they were instantly enveloped in the sword formation.

Without the person holding the sword, there is no final flaw!

It is so dexterous and free that it can perfectly follow the momentum of the sword formation even in the sky, and the Tiangang Beidou Formation and the Zhenwu Seven Sections Formation change each other and seamlessly connect. The Sky Strike Thunder Flame Sword is extremely powerful, but it is trapped in the sword formation for life, and it is difficult to Escape.

But Youquan let out a cry of surprise.

He laughed and said: "Your sword formation is much weaker than before. It seems that I overestimated you before. Hahahaha. Today, I want you to never come back!"

After saying that, Youquan shouted loudly.

Behind him, in the sea of ​​blood, two more bloody figures slowly rose up.

His feeling was not wrong.

Due to the nourishment of the empty sword box, the level of the A-level magic weapon among the seven-handed magic weapons was raised to A+ level!

The power is unparalleled.

But because the time that Lin Bin got the empty sword box was so short, it could only last less than half an hour... and now, he has been beaten back to his original shape.

Although still extremely strong.

But he could no longer give Youquan that suffocating feeling.

"It's enough to deal with you!"

Lin Bin saw that Youquan could summon new puppets besides Li Yingqi and Changkong Wuji...

I was slightly startled.

Put away the Nanming Lihuo Sword, transform it into the Vast Sky Mirror, and let the penetrating light directly hit the quiet spring, evaporating all the blood sea along the way.

It shined directly on one of the bloody figures, disintegrating it.

But another figure has now revealed its true form, carrying the Heavenly Dragon Slash on its back and wearing rustling clothes. It is the great disciple of the Emei Sect, Dan Chenzi.

"kill him!"

Youquan burst into drink.

Dan Chenzi jumped forward and rushed towards Lin Bin.

"Do you think you are the only one who can move reinforcements?"

Lin Bin shouted loudly.

Nanming Lihuo Sword's sword energy shot straight into the sky, and the momentum was even greater than the previous explosion of blood energy.

Even if the three of them attack together, they still can't break through Lin Bin's sword energy...

And he took the opportunity to take out the Bible of the Dead.

The pages turn.

A cloaked robot appeared in front of him.

Wearing jet black armor, with five infinity stones embedded in his chest.

Surprisingly, it was Vision who was killed by Lin Bin!

The second figure was wearing a pitch-black robe. His face was as haggard as a mummy, but he was extremely fat and short.

It was the national preceptor who was once killed by Lin Bin.

The third figure was a short, skinny old man... Matou Zangyan then appeared!
"Kill them!"

Except for Vision, the other two were obviously no match for the other three.

But whether it's Matou Zouken's transformation into an insect or the power of the national master's talisman, they are all unique tricks to disrupt the enemy.

For a moment, Matou Zangyan turned into insects and quickly dispersed.

Along with countless talismans, he turned into a crane and flew into the sky with the national master.

And Lin Bin rushed towards Youquan with his sword!
It's just that Youquan obviously wanted to fight with him in a war of attrition. The sea of ​​blood kept churning and evaporating, turning into Youquan's endless source of power.

He had already seen that the helpers summoned by Lin Bin seemed unlikely to last long...

that's enough.

If he delays, the chance of victory will be his.

Especially since Haotian Mirror combines offense and defense, with Haotian Mirror in hand, the opponent will be invincible. His only chance of winning is to rely on the powerful consumption of Haotian Mirror to make the opponent run out of ammunition and food!
Lin Bin's performance was much calmer than Youquan expected.

The "Secret of Immortality" can absorb spiritual energy of various attributes into the body and transform it into true essence. I am afraid that even Youquan would not have thought that his blood hole is also the source of Lin Bin's power in a sense.

Although the transformation was not as straightforward as Youquan, it was just a little more troublesome... Especially with He's Jade in his possession, he didn't care at all about the evil energy inside him.

But he couldn't help but feel secretly anxious in his heart.

If the fight continues like this, what if he wins the final victory?

How to force Youquan out of Xiaomeng's body?

How to cut off the connection with this world...

Before, he had thought of just going with the flow, but now the war situation has reached this point, and he and Youquan are on the verge of life and death.

But he still has no clue!

only me……

Xiaomeng said that only I can do it.

Phantom Treasure Box!

But how to use it?I don't even know the level of this thing.

Lin Bin's face remained calm, but there were already countless thoughts in his mind. (End of chapter)

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