when reincarnation invades

Chapter 411 World Destruction

In any case, as someone who has experienced all this personally, Xiaomeng's words are certainly not without purpose, especially since this is a matter of her own life and death.

Lin Bin initially thought she was talking about the Nanming Lihuo Sword, because this sword was intended to target Youquan.

But after using the Nanming Lihuo Sword without causing any fatal injuries to Youquan, he already felt that it might not be because of the Nanming Lihuo Sword.

So the biggest possibility is that it can only be the Phantom Sound Treasure Box.

But how to use the Phantom Sound Box?

Bless me with a BGM, and then my strength will be greatly increased, so that I can defeat Youquan?

It seems absurd at first, but when you think about it carefully, it seems to make sense.

How about... give it a try.

I saw Matou Zangyan below me wailing in pain.

He can transform into an imprinted insect and is extremely vital, making it extremely difficult to kill him without targeted means.

But whether it was the scorching heat of the Thunder Flame Sword or the unpredictability of the Sky Fencing Sword, it could be said that he was unable to guard against it. At this time, he was already wailing in pain one after another...

Those who were beaten had only the time to escape, and death was only a matter of time.

Although the national master's escape skills are strong and he can fly in the sky, when facing these monks, the sky is their home field.

At this time, he couldn't even entangle, and he was directly chopped into pieces by Dan Chenzi's Tianlong Slash.

Only Vision, relying on the power of the Infinity Stones, can still fight for a while.

It's just entanglement.

"Not bad...I'll add some dishes for you..."

Lin Bin didn't save much other things during this period of time, only BOSS.

Backhand room.

Three more pages flew out.

Transformed into the image of a majestic monk with a solemn appearance, a Taoist who looks young but has demonic energy around him, and a senior monk who wears a Buddhist crown but looks cold and cruel!

Zen Master Baiyun, Taoist Zhiqiu, Cihang Pudu!
The strength of these three people is much stronger than the previous three...

Fifty years of influence from the demonic energy of the Demonic Star has made their strength reach the level of sainthood.

The three of them shot together.

Dan Chenzi was beaten and retreated for a while, while Li Yingqi and Changkong Wuji were even weaker, but with the blessing of the twin swords of lightning and thunder, they could barely resist.

In this way, Lin Bin's side had the upper hand.

Youquan was shocked. He didn't expect that the person in front of him had so many trump cards...

It seems to be better than his accumulation of a whole world!

At this moment, he saw Lin Bin take out another object.

Instinctively alert.

But he found that this thing looked somewhat familiar to him.

"Phantom Sound Treasure Box!"

Youquan was shocked and said angrily: "How come this thing is in your hands?"

"Oh? Do you recognize this thing? That's a coincidence."

Lin Bin smiled and opened the Magic Sound Box, and a burst of melodious music suddenly filled his ears.

This voice is very familiar to Lin Bin. He has listened to it countless times while sleeping and practicing to speed up...

In particular, Concubine Yan was very familiar with this thing and could always bring out the vocal music Lin Bin wanted.

Now that I take it out, I just want to try it out and see if this music can have any special effect on the old monster of Youquan.

Just go with the music.

Youquan was still wary at first, but after a while, he found that the music had no effect on him, and instead made his cultivation flow more smoothly.

He burst into laughter and said with a loud laugh: "Okay, okay, it seems that you feel that the sound of weapons fighting is not enough, so you specially play music to add to the fun, then I will allow you to end this battle with your death. "

Music has no use for him.

Lin Bin was a little disappointed, but not surprised...

After all, the Phantom Sound Box is just a treasure in a low-level secret realm. We still don’t know what the so-called secret of Canglong Qisu is. Even if we know it, so what, can the richest man in the world still use money to kill Youquan?
The next moment.

But the two of them couldn't help but change their expressions.

Just because this melodious music reverberated in the sea of ​​blood, gradually, echoes began to resonate in the sea of ​​blood.

It's just that the sound was a little dull and out of tune because it was separated by the sea of ​​blood, but for Lin Bin, who was very familiar with the Phantom Sound Treasure Box, he could hear that it was also the voice of the Phantom Sound Treasure Box.

"how can that be?!"

Youquan's complexion changed slightly.

Even Lin Bin suddenly realized it.

He looked at the old monster Youquan and said word by word: "The Phantom Sound Treasure Box...is it in your hand?"

I really ignored this issue before.

This is not the world of Mingyue in the Qin Dynasty, but the Nine Songs of Tianxing ten years ago.

Then in this world, there must be a Phantom Sound Box.

The same Phantom Sound Treasure Box was split into two parts due to different time and space, and now, the two Phantom Sound Treasure Boxes actually resonate with each other!
Could this be what Xiaomeng said before...

Only I can solve the real cause of this disaster?
Lin Bin suddenly realized.

His eyes were fixed on the source of the second music.

"What kind of weird thing is this that can pull the throbbing of my Phantom Sound Treasure Box?!"

Youquan asked angrily.

Lin Bin had no idea to answer Youquan.

He could also feel the trembling of the Phantom Sound Treasure Box in his palm. This thing had no spirit at all, but now, because of the existence of another Phantom Sound Treasure Box that was exactly like it, it seemed to have become spiritual!
The source of the tremor is...

Lin Bin did not hesitate and rushed towards the sea of ​​blood.

The key to the matter must lie in the second phantom sound treasure box.

I don’t know how to do it specifically, but for now, I have to take back the Phantom Sound Box first.

"Stop him!"

Youquan's complexion changed drastically.

The Phantom Sound Treasure Box is the source of everything he has arranged so far. If this guy takes away the Phantom Sound Treasure Box, everything he has planned so hard will be completely gone!
Dan Chenzi, Li Yingqi and Changkong Wuji abandoned their opponents at the same time and rushed towards Lin Bin.

But Lin Bin directly took out the Haotian Mirror and shined straight into the depths of the blood sea...

Wherever there is light, no evil will invade.

The three people who rushed to Lin Bin's route wailed in pain. In just one breath, they were completely turned into ashes and disappeared.

Lin Bin had already taken advantage of the situation and rushed into the depths of the sea of ​​blood, melting all the way and going deeper...

And behind.

Youquan is faster, and he has mastered the twin swords of thunder and lightning that were previously in the hands of Li Yingqi and Changkong Wuji. Although he cannot make the two swords unite, he can use the two swords with both hands. With his powerful skills Under the blessing, the two magic weapons were as fast as lightning and were approaching Lin Bin in an instant.

Lin Bin raised the Haotian Mirror with his backhand to block.

In an instant, the mighty air waves shook all directions, and the surrounding world was in turmoil!
The three magic soldiers of the Emei sect clash...

Lin Bin fell faster.

In the competition of absolute hard power, they have fallen behind.

However, although Lin Bin's absolute strength was not as good as that, his resilience was far beyond Youquan's expectation. Until now, he had not noticed that Lin Bin's cultivation had weakened for a moment.

It seems as endless as him.

This powerful blow not only failed to kill him, but also helped him get closer to the Phantom Sound Box!

The old monster from Youquan hurriedly accelerated to catch up, and the two figures rushed and chased each other in the sea of ​​blood, running as fast as lightning...

In an instant.

Lin Bin's eyes had already spotted a treasure box emitting crystal glimmer in the deepest part of the sea of ​​blood.The form is exactly the same as the Phantom Sound Treasure Box in his hand, but it exudes crystal clear golden light, making it look even more magical.

"This treasure is my natal magic treasure. It contains the five supreme poisons. If you touch it rashly, you will definitely die!"

Behind you, Youquan shouted loudly.

Lin Bin didn't listen to him at all. He used the Haotian Mirror to float above his head. He held his own Phantom Sound Treasure Box in his right hand and the identical Phantom Sound Treasure Box from another timeline in his left hand.

Get the treasure box.

The information appears immediately!

[Phantom Sound Treasure Box (S-level props): Twelve phantom rhythms, five tones of non-music, blissful heavenly rhyme, and thousands of magical sounds.You can play music that is both illusory and real, ever-changing. Listening to vocal music can improve the practitioner's skills and temper his character! 】

[Note: Don't cut the song randomly, it will kill you. 】

Lin Bin's pupils suddenly tightened.

S-level props?
With the one in his hand?Level props are completely different.

Could it be that this is not only a phantom sound treasure box, but also a world-class prop in this Tianxing Nine Songs Secret Realm?

Because Youquan successfully destroyed the entire world, this item also successfully completed the dimension increase!
And as the data changes.

The information on the Phantom Sound Box in Lin Bin's hand also changed accordingly.

previous?The number also changed to S-class.

Because the S-class props in the past have become S-class props, will the Phantom Sound Box also become S-class in the future?

Don't think too much about why.

Lin Bin held a phantom sound treasure box in each hand.

He was keenly aware of the mutual repulsion between the two Phantom Sound Treasure Boxes...

It's like they are opposite each other, trying desperately to push each other away.

It seems that he is afraid of getting even slightly close to the other person.

An idea suddenly appeared in his mind that made him feel quite absurd.

"Could it be..."

Lin Bin suddenly felt blessed.

With a low roar, he slammed the two Phantom Sound Treasure Boxes together without hesitation.

S-class items are supposed to be indestructible.

However, there seems to be some boundless repulsive force between the two.

Amidst the loud noise.

The S-level phantom sound treasure box that Lin Bin just obtained was completely smashed into pieces!
Suddenly, there was silence between heaven and earth.

Even the churning sea of ​​blood, the roaring sounds of battle, and even the speeding movement of Youquan became as silent as a still-frame animation.

Everything subsided.

But obviously the music from the Magic Sound Box is still playing...

There seems to be some indescribable meaning in it.

The sound swayed around like a sound wave.

Lin Bin, who was nearest, suddenly trembled and felt a violent movement in his body and mind.

The old monster Youquan who was flying over also seemed to have been hit by something.

The inside was directly blown away.

Xiao Meng's body was still flying towards this side, but Youquan's old monster's soul was forced away from her body and surged towards the rear.

Lin Bin's eyes moved and he hurriedly stepped forward to take Xiaomeng's body.

And Youquan watched in shock as he was knocked back to his soul state.

He flew over again and looked at his shattered Phantom Sound Treasure Box, with a look of surprise and uncertainty on his face, and asked angrily: "What on earth have you done? I have obviously become one with her, How did you drive me out?"


Lin Bin also instinctively felt something was wrong.

It's like this world is accumulating something bad.

He enveloped Avalon around him without hesitation.

Seeing Youquan's somewhat fearful look, he showed a strange look on his face and explained: "The Phantom Sound Box in my hand actually came from ten years later, but in fact Yes, they actually belong to the same prop. I used the Phantom Sound Treasure Box ten years later to destroy the Phantom Sound Treasure Box ten years ago..."

"But the Phantom Sound Treasure Box was destroyed ten years ago. How could there be another Phantom Sound Treasure Box ten years later?!"

Youquan didn't understand, but he clearly heard the flaw in Lin Bin's words.

"This question...is a really good question, so it should form a paradox..."

Lin Bin laughed.

Sever the connection between the past and the future.

Fortunately, he didn't know how to do it before... Now, isn't it very clear?

As long as a paradox is formed, the cause and effect between items will naturally become completely chaotic and fragmented...

And if the world-class prop Phantom Sound Treasure Box is still used as a prop, the whole world will be torn apart!

"That's it, that's it...hahahaha..."

Lin Bin laughed loudly and said: "Youquan, do you feel it? The world-class props are destroyed due to paradox, and this world is going to be completely finished."

The voice fell.

Sure enough, visible to the naked eye, the sea of ​​blood in the distance quickly began to disappear.

Together with the mountains, rivers, soil, sky, and clouds, they are slowly disappearing.

Along with Youquan's body, he slowly disappeared...

"What's going on... No... It's impossible... I am the son of destiny, how could I die? This is absolutely impossible..."

Youquan screamed in pain.

It's just that the pain doesn't come from pain, but from the fear of the unknown.

He could feel something attacking him, but he didn't know where the attack came from...

Finally, his eyes were firmly focused on the Phantom Sound Treasure Box.

She exclaimed: "It's you...it's you...ah..."

Amid the screams, Youquan's figure disappeared.

Irisviel's voice rang in Lin Bin's body, asking: "Master, what should we do? If we don't complete the mission, we won't be able to return to our world, and I'm afraid we will disappear like Youquan."

"Don't worry, at least Xiaomeng has been rescued."

Lin Bin said thoughtfully: "In this way, everything will be completely closed. We will definitely not die... Maybe it is because there is only the last person left in this world, so Xiaomeng has now become She is the only child of destiny in this world, so the world will not kill her, and then it will not kill us again?!"

"Isn't it a little too natural to think so?"

"But this is the only explanation."

Lin Bin wasn't too worried...

Isn't it the destruction of the world...

With Avalon around, theoretically speaking, the destruction of the world should not be able to harm him.

Watching everything around you slowly disappear.

Lin Bin hugged Xiao Meng, looked at the Phantom Sound Treasure Box in his hand, and said: "Or, we can also put our hope in the Phantom Sound Treasure Box..."

But at this time, there was not much time for them to prepare.

All things in the world have dissipated halfway, as if they have touched the final limit of the demise of this world.

The sound of a loud explosion resounded...

The entire world was completely submerged in boundless collapse and collapse! (End of chapter)

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