when reincarnation invades

Chapter 412 Who can have few friends who are neither 3 nor 4?

real world!

Secret B-193!
At this time, layers of defenses have been deployed around this secret realm...

Nearly 300 elite soldiers, fully armed.

And more than half of them were actually pawns transformed from the iron cavalry of Great Qin.

This is also what the Reincarnation Space Association specially transferred to assist them.

After all, the soldiers in Secret Realm B-192 and Secret Realm B-193 have the same origin, and they know each other better.

Once a riot breaks out in the B-193 secret realm, the soldiers of Great Qin will be the ones to deal with it, and they will be more experienced.

Although it is only a B-level killing level secret realm.

However, the Samsara Space Association's defense level for this place is so high that it has exceeded the A-level nightmare level secret realm.

without him...

A secret realm that could kill four country-level reincarnators was already beyond the ordinary nightmare level in terms of difficulty.

"Continuing instability in spatial fluctuations has been detected!"

"The stability value has dropped significantly. Please note that the secret realm is likely to be invaded. Re-determine the level. It is not a white secret realm, a non-red secret realm, a red secret realm! It has reached the level of the red secret realm!"

"Be alert! Prepare all weapons and formations, and apply for assistance immediately. The balance of the secret realm has been broken!"


As information is detected one after another.

There is almost no good news.

Many staff members were so busy that their feet barely touched the ground, with extremely panicked looks on their faces.

They obviously couldn't imagine that it was just an extraordinary secret realm.

Unexpectedly, even if Abin, the reincarnator, entered it, he could not contain the crisis in this secret realm. In fact, as he entered, the danger level in the secret realm increased significantly.

Where does it look like a reincarnator enters a secret realm?
It was obviously hot water poured into the boiling oil.

While all the staff were busy with their feet on the ground, the civilian staff were already planning to evacuate the dangerous area at any time. The soldiers in the distance were even more prepared, taking out their weapons and ready to stand by to meet the strongest charge from the unknown enemy. time.

The entrance to the crazy and twisted secret realm is like a wound on the human body. Although it is extremely hideous and terrifying, it will gradually recover as time goes by.

It's just that this time seems to be sped up hundreds of times.

What appeared in everyone's eyes was that this secret realm began to rapidly change from the previous expansion to contraction, becoming smaller and smaller, until it completely disappeared.

This sudden change caused everyone to fall into silence.

What if the crisis is said to be extremely serious?

What about the promised invasion of the secret realm?

Why is it... gone...

Everyone let out a long sigh.

"Great, it seems that the secret realm was completely destroyed from the inside."

"Yes, just destroy it. There is a gathering area hundreds of miles away. Once it breaks out, we won't have time to evacuate. We will be lucky to have hundreds of thousands of casualties by then."

"Wait a minute... The secret realm has been destroyed, but Mr. Abin is still inside, and he hasn't come out yet!"

"Yes, Mr. Abin hasn't come out yet, could it be..."

"The secret realm is destroyed, how can he come out?"

The staff who had just breathed a sigh of relief suddenly became frightened again.

Abin is a serious state-level reincarnator. The existence of every state-level reincarnator is precious, and Abin is uniquely precious among the state-level reincarnators.

The person in charge was frightened and reported it immediately.

In less than half an hour...

Long Qie, the president of the Samsara Space Association, rushed over.

Two hours later, Fu Tianhe also rushed over.

Seeing that the secret realm disappeared, Fu Tianhe couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and sighed: "It seems that the crisis in this secret realm is beyond imagination. Even Abin encountered such a crisis before he could be relieved... "

"The secret realm is destroyed, has Abin already..."

"No, no, I came so late just to check the status of his reincarnation table. I couldn't find any feedback, which shows that he is not dead yet."

"The secret realm was destroyed. He failed to complete the mission and returned. As a result, he was still trapped in the destroyed secret realm. How can he return?"

talking room.

Long Qie looked at Xiao Meng, who had been far away.

Everyone was on guard, but she always had a calm look on her face, as if nothing was bothering her.

He asked: "Master Xiaomeng, you seemed to know this secret realm very well before..."

"Don't ask me."

Xiaomeng said: "I don't know anything anymore, but I know he will return safely, but I don't know exactly when."

"So, he will return safely?"

Long Qie grasped the key points of Xiao Meng's words very keenly.

Xiaomeng nodded and said, "Of course."

"That's good."

Long Qie suddenly breathed a long sigh of relief.

What I want is this guarantee...

Xiaomeng's understanding of this secret place and the spoilers in advance made him no longer dare to have any doubts about her words.

"But even if it's safe, how will he get out?"

There was a worried look on his face.

He sighed softly: "I can only hope that there will be a road before the car reaches the mountain."

The successful destruction of Secret Realm B-193 also attracted the attention of others.

Concubine Yan and others had already redeemed themselves for the path of strengthening they wanted to continue in the future, but they received such shocking news.

For a while, even if you worry, it is impossible to worry...

And with Xiaomeng's guarantee, if Xiaomeng could successfully come here, she would be fine, so how could Lin Bin be fine?

Illya has also repeatedly stated that she has some kind of spiritual connection with her mother as both artificial beings. Although her specific location cannot be determined, it can be determined that she must be safe now.

In this way, they can only put down their worries and focus all their efforts on cultivation.

Then quietly wait for Lin Bin's return...

And this time.

After a period of dark transmission.

It's not appropriate to call it darkness, but rather a void where you can't open your eyes and can't see anything with your eyes closed.

It feels like I have become a blind man and cannot see anything.

All she could feel was the petite body in her arms.


Lin Bin had an instinctive feeling that even with Avalon's body protection, if he wanted to avoid being exiled to an unknown place by the broken world, then this small body in his arms might be his only support.

How long have you been drifting?
Even Lin Bin himself didn't realize it...

It seems that in this environment, there is no concept of time at all.

In his daze, he felt that his ethereal body finally felt real and fell to the ground with a thud.

Cool or hot, very comfortable.

Then, he was awakened by a burst of pushing.

Mixed with the angry and unwilling cry of the girl, "Hey, how long are you going to hold me down... It's so cold... I'm about to freeze to death..."

Lin Bin slowly opened his eyes.

What comes into view is a pure white snow scene.

Then there is a pair of very pure big eyes.

Very close.

Long silver-white hair, pink and cute facial features, with a somewhat charming expression...

It was the Xiao Meng who had shrunk down.

Lin Bin asked: "Are you Xiaomeng or Youquan?"

"If I were that old monster, I would have killed you long ago when you were unconscious."

Xiaomeng saw Lin Bin wake up, his body was squirming like a bug, and slowly squirmed out from under him, then he couldn't help but shuddered, and said: "No matter what, thank you for saving me." You killed me." "Where is this place?"

Lin Bin slowly stood up straight.

Feel your own state.

Not injured...

I don't know if Avalon protected him, or if he was not harmed from the beginning to the end.

He couldn't even be sure whether Avalon's magic power was exhausted because he had been driving Avalon for too long, or because he had resisted an unknown impact from somewhere.

Not only has the true energy in the body not declined, but it has also improved considerably.

It seems that his "Secret of Immortality" bottomed out after a fierce battle with Youquan.It won't take long for a visual breakthrough.

"I don't know what you know, and I don't even know what you don't know."

Xiao Meng said: "But I haven't seen such pure white snow for a long time... Ever since that monster came to our world, all I have seen is blood red, and there is nothing but blood."

Lin Bin's heart moved when he heard this, and he hurriedly pulled out his Bible of the Dead.

In a sense, Youquan was also killed by him.

If he was really dead, instead of escaping with the help of his soul like when the secret realm of Shushan Legend was destroyed before...

When I saw the page belonging to the old monster Youquan.

He breathed a sigh of relief and sighed: "Fortunately, it seems that Youquan is dead this time."

And he also got a sure-kill move!

Although it is a one-off.

But as strong as the old monster of Youquan, if it is released, it may be a powerful combat force that can rival the power of a sect. At the very least, it must be on the same level as the Beast God...

You know, if it weren't for the Empty Sword Box that pushed all Lin Bin's weapons to A+ level, his combat power would be greatly improved again.

With Lin Bin's previous strength, he may not be able to kill Youquan, but with the help of the sword formation, Lin Bin's combat power has already surpassed the level of the country.

Then he said with certainty: "He is dead!"

"Really? That would be great..."

Xiaomeng breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Bin asked: "Are you still conscious after being caught by Youquan?"

"Of course!"

Xiaomeng puffed up her small breasts and responded proudly, then turned into a weak sigh, and even the small breasts that had just been puffed up also drooped, and sighed: "But this is not a good thing, look at yourself Everything around me is gradually becoming distorted, it’s really scary to death..."

Lin Bin smiled immediately.

Is it an illusion?

I always feel that Xiaomeng's movements and expressions are particularly vivid because she has been imprisoned for too long.

Xiao Meng asked: "So now, where are we?"

"If nothing else, he should no longer be in your world."

Lin Bin took a deep look at Xiao Meng and said: "But it seems quite safe here. Come with me. I will take you to fly over with my sword to see if I can find any people. It would be great if I could activate the mission of the reincarnation space. ”

The reincarnation table does not mean you can return after completing the task.

Even if the mission fails, you can still return to the real world...

But the problem now is that there is no mission at all.

And if nothing else, he has now come from the secret world to a completely unfamiliar world!

"Stewardship? Like when you fought me just now?"

Xiaomeng came over very curiously.

Lin Bin held her weakened shoulder with one hand, and pinched out the sword finger with the other hand...

I just don’t know if it’s because I want to see more of Xiaomeng’s expressions?Or is it to get revenge on the Riddler for so long after her?
The flying sword summoned by Lin Bin was the Ice Green Sword.

It is also the smallest and narrowest among the seven swords.

As the two soared into the sky...

Xiaomeng's panicked scream sounded out, "Why is it so slippery... I'm going to fall..."

Lin Bin was in a good mood.

Although how to place Xiaomeng is still a big problem, at least, with Youquan's death, the biggest problem has been solved.

Next, just find a way to activate the reincarnation table...

After a while.

When the two stopped in an ancient city.

Xiaomeng's eyes suddenly widened.

Even Lin Bin was stunned for a while... looking at the ancient and vibrant capital city in front of him.


"This is Xinzheng, the capital of South Korea?"

Lin Bin said in shock: "But the New Deal has obviously been completely destroyed in the fight between you and I. No, the whole world has been destroyed in the fight between the two of us."

The two walked into the New Deal City side by side.

Even the city gatekeeper who guards the gate is so familiar. He is clearly the one who avoids him in another world.

But this time, there was no such rejection as before.

It's just that although Lin Bin's clothes are not particularly luxurious, his unique demeanor is enough to make the city gate officials understand that this person is either rich or noble, and at least he cannot afford to offend him, so they respectfully let him in.

Revisit old places.

People were coming and going on the street, which was very lively.

Full of hustle and bustle of popularity...

Everything is very familiar, but with an inexplicable sense of strangeness.

"What exactly is going on?"

"You'll know once you meet the key people."

Lin Bin was already thoughtful.

Still go to Zilanxuan.

When she found out that their destination was such a place with red orioles and green willows, Xiaomeng's face was full of contempt and she asked: "Are you taking a little girl to visit a brothel? Your status in my mind has suddenly dropped. "

"I'm looking for friends. As long as I see if my former friends still recognize me, won't we be able to determine whether this world is where we have been before?"

"That's right."

Xiao Meng looked at Lin Bin with even more contempt, "So are all your friends in brothels..."

"You can only say that the friend I want to meet is not serious, but you cannot say that I am not serious. After all, who doesn't have a few shady friends?"

Lin Bin laughed out loud.

Step into the door of Zilanxuan.

The girl who greeted the guests saw that Lin Bin was handsome and handsome. He was very different from the pot-bellied guests. Her eyes lit up and she wanted to greet him. However, when she saw the dirty Xiao Meng, she immediately hesitated. .

"They have seen people visiting brothels with their wives, but this is the first time they have seen people visiting brothels with their children..."

However, out of his own professional ethics, he still took the initiative to invite Lin Bin to enter.

Then, Lin Bin saw a familiar face.

She wears long purple hair and a long black-purple dress. Although she exposes a large area of ​​skin, she is charming but not seductive. Paired with her enchanting face, she is like an alluring poppy that makes people tempted but dare not approach her.

She stepped down.

With a bright smile on his face, he looked at Lin Bin, was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Does this young master think that our Zilan Xuan cannot satisfy the young master's taste, so he brought the food himself?"

Xiaomeng's mouth immediately bulged when she heard this, and she said dissatisfiedly: "Who do you think is a loser?"

Next to him, several girls looked surprised.

It was obvious that he didn't expect that Sister Zi, who usually treated others like a spring breeze, could be so sharp now?

It looks like he has met an enemy...

Lin Bin's eyes lingered on Zi Nu and asked, "Do you recognize me?"

"I don't know. It's just that although my Korean law does not prohibit it, this little girl is still too young. Sir, her taste is a bit strong... I am afraid that the girl from Zilanxuan cannot bear your favor."

Lin Bin smiled slightly and said, "Nothing else, I just wanted to ask, is Han Fei dead?"

Zi Nu's face suddenly turned even uglier.

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