when reincarnation invades

Chapter 418 Borrowing Treasures

This retreat took Lin Bin more than a month.

But the benefits are also extremely amazing. It can even be said to be the biggest improvement in his strength so far. Especially since the empty sword box has been warmed for two years, Lin Bin does not have to be as short-lasting as last time. Youquan fought once and returned to his original form.

And during this period, it was just as Long Qie promised him.

No one disturbed him...

There are countless capable people in such a big plate as the reincarnation space. Although Lin Bin is the most outstanding among them, many crises do not have to be done by him.

Especially the newly promoted reincarnations, after one or two months of exchange, quickly digested their newly acquired skills.

The strength has improved a lot...it can be regarded as possessing the strength of a country-level reincarnation person.

But it still lacks training.

The previous reincarnations at the national level first had the strength of the national level before they were promoted, and then they made their own strength a step further, directly opening up the gap between them and the ordinary reincarnations.

But now, because of Lin Bin's proposal.

Many saint-level reincarnations may not have the strength of a town-state after becoming a town-state. After exchange, their strength is enough. However, compared with the town-state-level reincarnations who can directly take on important responsibilities before, they Still relatively lacking in training.

During this time, Concubine Yan and the others were.

He was so busy that his feet almost didn't touch the ground.

How can the secret realm strategy be so smooth?
Secret realms often fail, and in this state, the country-level reincarnators guarding the entrances and exits of the secret realm are the first and most important line of defense.

Even if they operate properly and make full preparations in advance, they have great hope of completely destroying this invasion of the secret realm.

Therefore, they are under great pressure.

Sometimes I am too busy to go home for several days, and sometimes I am able to rest at home for a few days, but I am also extremely mentally exhausted...

It made Lin Bin feel very distressed.

He specially gave the Phantom Sound Treasure Box to Concubine Yan and asked her to adjust the frequency of self-cultivation and rest, so that they could rest more peacefully.

And while they were sleeping, Lin Bin would use his own immortality essence to help them warm and nourish their bodies. In this way, every time they woke up, they would return to a state of high spirits.

Lin Binke can be said to have contributed a lot to their persistence during this period.

But despite being so busy and exhausted, the rewards are also extremely gratifying.

For example, Shi Feixuan, after she understood Sheng Tai Chi from Yu Qing Xuan Ming, she specially exchanged the Chunyang Sect's exercises and sword techniques. Although this is not the most high-end in the exchange list, there is no doubt that It is the most suitable method for her, especially the sword formations such as Sheng Tai Chi, Shattering the Sun and Moon, and Breaking the Sky, which not only greatly improve her combat power, but also become an auxiliary that is not inferior to Shi Qingxuan.

The strength of Concubine Yan and others also increased rapidly.

Just as Lin Bin expected...

They may not have reached the level of a town or a country at first, but they have reaped the dividends of the times and got a share of the pie...

Their current level is infinitely close to that of Lin Bin who first entered the country.

Just like this.

During the day, Lin Bin was almost the only one left at home.

During this period of time, although Lin Bin was not lonely at night, after all, he was accompanied by the Qingbai sisters.

They practiced hard during the day, but at night, they often transformed into human forms and stayed by Lin Bin's side, flattering and trying to please Lin Bin, allowing Lin Bin to enjoy all the blessings of others.

But during the day... it's a bit boring.

this day.

Lin Bin did not practice.

For him, his cultivation level has reached a breakthrough.

It’s not appropriate to break through the realm in front of you rashly.

The "Secret of Immortality" can absorb the surrounding spiritual energy into the body on its own, so that you can bask in the sun and blow in the breeze when you have nothing to do, even take Gao Yue to and from school, and help the little girl with her homework, all of which are considered part of the practice. kind.

And the speed is not much slower than when he takes the initiative to sit cross-legged and practice seriously.

Lin Bin was sitting quietly on the balcony basking in the sun.

He half-squinted his eyes, enjoying a rare half-day of leisure.

Until the sound of the door opening sounded.

Illya's heavy steps slowly came over, with a strong sense of exhaustion, and even her tone of voice was much slower than usual.

"So tired...I want to die..."

She fell down on the sofa with a thud and became silent.

When Lin Bin came to the living room, he saw the little girl lying on the sofa without any image, with a bleak look, and her wine-red eyes, which were always full of energy, were tired now. There was only a gap left.

Seeing Lin Bin, she complained to him feebly: "I am an android, and magic is my strong point. Even if I summon BERSERKER, I can fully support his actions with my own strength, and not even a little bit." It doesn’t even feel strenuous...but only after I became this summoner did I know what it feels like to be squeezed dry by others."

It can only be said that Illya was born to feed on summoners.

By now, she had successfully signed contracts with more than [-]% of the elves on the summoning scroll.

As long as she is given enough time, she can even summon all the elves except the conqueror Casillas to fight for her, but this will also put a lot of pressure on her huge magic power.

Moreover, elves do not really die, which also allows them to charge at the forefront and play the role with the highest sacrifice rate.

Also for this reason...

Illya has become the most popular teammate at the national level after Lin Bin.

Being with Lin Bin gives me a deep sense of security.

If you are with her, you will be countless cannon fodder.

This also caused her to be even busier than Concubine Yan and the others.

Irisviel looked at the little girl's depleted appearance with some distress, and gave Lin Bin a pleading look.

Lin Bin understood what she meant and suggested: "Why don't you rest a little longer? I can use the true energy to help you warm up your meridians..."

"Let's keep him warm in the car, business is more important."

Illya stood up unsteadily and said weakly: "It's time for us to set off."

"I'm not in a hurry, just wait until you have some rest..."

"But I've been procrastinating for several days. It's rare to find some time today. Mom, help me take a bath to refresh myself. Then I'll let Abin warm up my body in the car."

Illya entered the bathroom with her eyes blurred.

Irisviel hurriedly followed behind.

Ten minutes later, Illya put on a clean purple dress and a white pleated skirt, and asked Irisviel to blow-dry her hair.

The three got into the car together.

Lin Bin turned on the automatic navigation mode, and then held Ilia in his arms. His petite body was very suitable for adjusting to a comfortable sleeping position. He had no intention of messing around, and just used his own true energy to slowly move into her body. Traveling in the body.

Irisviel knelt down beside her and held one of Illya's hands distressedly.

Worried: "This world is really getting more and more dangerous. Ilia and the others are so busy... Will one day come, our world will be completely destroyed like the world I was in before?" Bar?"

"Don't worry, it's just that too many reincarnators were killed and injured when the moon came, leading to a shortage of manpower. But after the second batch of town-level reincarnators are born, they will be able to return to normal."

Lin Bin touched Illya with one hand and put the other hand on Irisviel's leg, patting her gently to signal not to worry.

Irisviel's thigh was touched, and her delicate body couldn't help but tremble slightly. She couldn't help lowering her eyelids, letting her silver hair cover the sight between herself and Illya...

She was really afraid that Lin Bin would put his hand into her innermost part in front of Ilia.

But I couldn't refuse, so I had to pretend to be an ostrich.Fortunately, Lin Bin didn't have any other ideas.

Maybe he has some such worries in his heart...

The car never stopped.

Continue heading towards the general base of plane walking.

This trip was something that several people had made an appointment for a long time ago...

During the last time in the secret realm, Avalon played a great role in Lin Bin. It can even be said that Lin Bin was able to win the final victory in the battle with the Youquan Blood Demon. Avalon's existence was indispensable.

It's just that Artoria is not his Heroic Spirit after all, and she even has a lot of opinions about him.

This also resulted in the fact that although Avalon was extremely effective in Lin Bin's hands, it could not be used continuously for a long time.

Especially in the time exile, Lin Bin didn't know how long Avalon had been turned on. Anyway, the magic power inside was indeed exhausted, and now Avalon has become a useless weapon again.

Although Artoria had already promised, for Irisviel's sake, she was willing to contribute magic power to Avalon for free.

But Lin Bin knew very well Artoria's dislike of him...

Apart from anything else, seeing her own daughter being folded into a V-shape by another man, and crying again and again as she was bullied, she is now able to live in peace with Lin Bin, instead of pulling out a sword and hacking him to death, it is really already Very graceful.

Because of this, even with her consent.

When Lin Bin came to find her, he still brought Irisviel and her daughter with him.

Irisviel and Artoria have a deep relationship. Even if Artoria is dissatisfied with Lin Bin, she will never vent it out in front of Irisviel.

In addition, Illya is an old member of the plane walking team. Although she is small, she actually has a very high prestige.

Take the two of them with you...

There probably won’t be anything to say by then.

Just throw Avalon over, and Artoria will immediately fill him up with magic power.

two hours later.

When Illya got out of the car, the feeling of fatigue had completely disappeared, and her whole body was full of energy as before.

She looked at the familiar mountain forest in front of her with joy, opened her hands and closed her eyes, sighing: "Familiar breeze, who should be on duty today? I wonder if the previous duty list has changed... If not If it changes, Itachi... come out quickly."

A tall dark red figure appeared behind the trees, and his eyes fell on Illya. Although his face was expressionless, a warm smile appeared in his eyes. He said lightly: "You should no longer be a plane walker."

"What, don't you want to go back to your parents' house?"

Illya said dissatisfied: "Also, don't look at me with such disgusting eyes, I'm not your sister, you bitch...I want to go in to see the boss..."

"The leader is handling official business at the base. You can go in directly."

Uchiha Itachi's figure disappeared.

Illya led Lin Bin inside and introduced: "This guy's name is Uchiha Itachi. His strength is quite good, especially his eyes contain some very magical power. It's not too powerful to be powerful, but It’s really hard to guard against, but it’s a pity that this guy is a girl control, and his mentality is very abnormal.”

Lin Bin: "..."

The three of them walked all the way inside.

With Illya here, the journey was really smooth.

During this period of time, Yuan Xing encountered great changes, and the secret realm invasion crisis was serious. Even the interior of the plane walking base felt a bit more turbulent than before the war.

After all, plane walking itself has a certain degree of cooperation with the authorities as a condition for their safe survival in this world.

Several people went deep.

Then, I met Joan of Arc in her office.

This was beyond Lin Bin's expectation. He thought she would be in the medical room at this moment...

After all, the Joan of Arc in his impression was actually a very restless person, and because of his status as an ordinary person.

Although she is now in a high-level position, she actually dislikes decisions like this that determine the fate of many people.

Therefore, although I know that in the end, I still have to make the decision myself.

But she still likes to stay at the bottom like an escape... To put it bluntly, she is a woman with a problem with choice.

Especially when the medical room becomes crowded again.

But this time, she was sitting calmly in the office writing something.

But when Abin and others arrive.

A gentle smile appeared on her face and she said with a smile: "Hello, Mr. Abin."

"Sorry to bother you, I still came to visit you despite my busy schedule."

"It doesn't matter. Mr. Abin is a distinguished guest walking on our plane. No matter when he comes, we will naturally welcome him."

Lin Bin got straight to the point: "I have contacted you in advance before I came here. My main purpose is to find Artoria to handle some of my personal matters."

"Is this..."

An apologetic smile appeared on Jeanne's face, and she said: "I'm really sorry to say that, I did receive your message from Mr. Abin two days ago, but I was busy dealing with some major matters related to plane walking at the time, so I didn't have time to reply. You, I didn’t expect you to come so quickly... Actually, Artoria is not here right now."

Lin Bin was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and asked: "Not here? What did she do?"

"I have entrusted her with some very important tasks, but Mr. Abin, don't worry, Artoria is extremely capable and will definitely be able to complete the tasks and come back quickly... In a few days at most, you should be able to When I can see her, I will notify you as soon as possible."

The apology on Jeanne's face became even heavier and she said, "I'm so sorry that I made your trip in vain."

"So that's it, it doesn't matter."

Lin Bin didn't take it seriously and said: "It's nothing. Quan should bring Ilia back to relax. She is also exhausted from dealing with those dangerous secrets during this period. It would be nice to come back so that she can relax." .”

"That's true. Unfortunately, I really can't get away, but you can move freely in the base, especially you, Illya. Even if you have left the base, this is still your home."

Illya asked: "Do you still have my room?"


"Okay...Mom, let's go, I'll take you to my room to rest for a while."

"Isn't it better to not want this?"

Irisviel glanced at Lin Bin with some trepidation.

I always have a feeling that something bad will happen next...

Joan of Arc looked at Lin Bin and said with a smile: "Mr. Abin, please stay. You have come at the right time. I have something very important that I want to discuss with you. Do you think that's okay?" "

Lin Bin nodded and said, "You guys go over there first, I'll be there later."

"Let's go, Mom."

Illya pulled Irisviel away.

Soon, only Lin Bin and Jeanne were left in the room.

Lin Bin asked: "Miss Joan of Arc, what do you want to ask?"

"Actually, even if you don't come to see me, Mr. Abin, I plan to go see you in the next two days, because I really have something to ask for."

Lin Bin smiled and said, "Oh? What's the matter? We have a relationship, but let's just say it doesn't matter."

"Then let me tell you the truth. I want to borrow Mr. Abin's time stone for use. Is that okay?"

Jeanne asked.

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