when reincarnation invades

Chapter 419 You have too many flaws

Lin Bin looked shocked.

Joan of Arc explained: "I don't mean anything else. It's just that during this period, the crisis of Yuan Xing has become more and more frequent, and our plane walking cooperates with the authorities, and many reincarnations also rush to those secret realms to help them deal with the loss of control. Of course we have succeeded many times in this process, but there are also losers. Many of our companions have been seriously injured. Without a long period of recuperation, it may be difficult to return to a perfect state."

Lin Bin said thoughtfully: "So you want to borrow my time gem to help them recover from their injuries..."

"You also know that we are all strangers. Behind almost every reincarnation there is a secret realm that belongs to us alone. It is our place of residence and the spiritual pillar for our struggle in this world. Because as long as we are alive and well, those reincarnators will not enter our secret realm and do whatever they want, so I thought that if I could have the time gem, I would find a safe secret realm and take all the wounded with me. Entering the secret realm to recuperate, this way, maybe only a few days have passed in the real world, but they have already recovered from their injuries and can continue to fight to protect the people of this world."

Joan of Arc sighed: "This is undoubtedly to protect Yuan Xing. Although we each have our own homes, in fact Yuan Xing has already been our second home, and we are willing to pay for this home." everything……"

"I see."

Lin Bin nodded, indicating that he understood this idea.

Although she doesn't know where she got the news that he had the Time Stone, her idea does make sense.

Joan of Arc looked forward to it: "So... Mr. Abin, do you agree?"

"Of course it's fine."

Lin Bin smiled and said: "You could lend me such an important thing as the holy flag without hesitation. You were so generous to me, how could I be stingy to you? But now, you may have to wait a few more times. sky."


Lin Bin explained: "Because the Time Stone has been lent to others by me and is not in my hands right now. Calculating the time, it will take about two or three days to get the Time Stone. Then I will give the Time Stone directly to Can you send it over?"

Zhu Yuyan and the others have just broken through to the national level.

After all, they came from the extraordinary secret realm and had insufficient knowledge. They already felt that their strength was not enough in the busy tasks. Therefore, after earning enough reincarnation points, they immediately came to Lin Bin to borrow the time gem.

Calculating the time, it does take a few days.

"This...of course it's no problem. It turns out I've lent it to someone else, so that's good, that's great."

Jeanne was stunned for a moment, and the smile on her face suddenly brightened, and she said with a smile: "After all, it is an S-class prop, and it is extremely valuable. I thought my request was a bit abrupt, but I didn't expect that you had already lent it to someone else. , if you are not opposed to lending these treasures to others, then I will feel at ease..."

"Actually, if I had known that you were going to use it, I would have brought it here for you. By then, my trip would not have been in vain."

Lin Bin also laughed.

The two chatted for a while...

Seeing that Joan seemed to have something to deal with, Lin Bin stopped disturbing her too much, said a few polite words, and left to find Ilia.

He was familiar with the location of Illya's room. He had helped move it before.

At this time, although there were no Illya's personal belongings in the room, the beds, chairs, tables and cabinets inside were all neatly arranged, still in the style of her previous residence...

There are a lot of plane walking members, but they are obviously not satisfied with living in this entire base, so Joan of Arc specially left this address.

So that when Illya comes back, she won't have no place to sleep.

Maybe it was because she didn't want to feel like a guest.

It was also very attentive.

When Lin Bin knocked on the door and came in, he saw Illya lying on the bed playing with her mobile phone.

That skilled posture...

It can be seen that she has probably been this relaxed before.

But Irisviel wasn't there.

Lin Bin sat by the bed and asked, "Where is your mother?"

"My mother ran away. She said there were many injured people in the medical area who needed her help to treat...so it seemed like she couldn't take any time off."

Illya raised her legs and was not afraid of being exposed under her skirt.

He put his little feet, still wearing white stockings, on Lin Bin's legs.

Her eyes never left her phone, and listening to the external sound, she seemed to be playing a game of magical girls and tentacles, and the character she was controlling was about to be overtaken by the tentacle monster.

This also made her extra nervous...

In Lin Bin's palm, his feet, which were no bigger than a palm, were curled up into a ball.

But it didn't delay her chatting with Lin Bin.

She asked: "Is it an illusion? I always feel that my mother has been deliberately avoiding me recently... No, she should be avoiding us? As long as the two of us are together, she will retreat. This time in the secret realm, you two what happens?"

"It's nothing."

Lin Bin thought to himself that it was quite reasonable for Irisviel to hide. Naturally, he was afraid that the two of you would be stacked high together.

No matter how much Irisviel loved her daughter, she was quite liberal with Lin Bin regarding matters related to men and women, but that didn't mean that she was embarrassed to show her seductive postures in front of her daughter.

She even paid a high price to get Lin Bin to agree not to tell Illya about their relationship for the time being.

"Maybe you don't want to disturb the two of us?"

Lin Bin played with Illya's small and tender feet and said: "Whether you go to help or not, walking in this plane can be regarded as our alliance's combat power in a sense. If you can treat the wounded, it can be considered as a reward." With some favors, everyone will get along more harmoniously in the future. Besides, after all, you were once a member here, so they can be considered your natal family, right?"

"what are you thinking about?"

Illya bit her lower lip gently and looked at the character on the phone that was already entangled by the tentacle monster.

He turned to look at Lin Bin, whose palm had invaded his thigh.

I wanted to say something, but found that although Lin Bin was too generous, he had no intention of playing at all. Instead, he seemed to be deep in thought.

The stroking gesture is to stroke, lift, and stroke again from the beginning. This action is really familiar.

She suddenly became annoyed.

He said dissatisfiedly: "Are you petting the dog?"

"Feel sorry."

Lin Bin frowned and asked, "I'm just a little uncomfortable and confused."

"What's the uncomfortable feeling?"

"I've had a very strange feeling since I came here..."

He recounted the previous conversation with Joan of Arc in detail.

After hearing what he said, Illya blinked her debit card and said curiously: "This is normal."

"Don't you find it strange?"

Illya asked: "What's so strange?"

"I don't know, but it's just weird."

Lin Bin paused and asked, "Are there many wounded people in the medical department?"

When Ilia heard Lin Bin talking about business, she pulled her legs back and sat down cross-legged.

He replied: "I just took a look, and there are indeed quite a few. However, I am small and can only reach the operating table by stepping on a stool. I can't help much there, so I was driven back."

"Normally speaking, plane walking and official cooperation have been done many times. Are casualties of this level... common?"

Ilia thought for a while and said: "It's not very common. Although Sister Joan is very kind, she is not pedantic. She tries her best to fight for our rights and does not touch those relatively dangerous secret realms, so we are not I have never failed, but this is the first time I have been injured so seriously." "Then help me ask, what happened this time?"

Lin Bin warned: "By the way, don't reveal that I asked you to investigate."

"I understand what you mean, just ask out of curiosity!"

Illya jumped out of bed, put on her shoes, and ran out quickly.

Not long after, he came back again.

"I found it out. This time it was actually because Sister Jeanne misjudged the strength of the secret realm. In fact, if Itachi hadn't sacrificed one of his eyes to change the situation of the battle, maybe they would have been wiped out, right?"

Illya said: "Is this why Sister Jeanne borrowed the Time Stone from you? Because she feels very ashamed of these people..."

Lin Bin frowned and whispered: "Something's not right. Go call your mother back. We'll leave here immediately."


"Let's talk later when we get back."

Lin Bin motioned to Illya to call Irisviel.

Then the three of them left the house together.

"Have they gone already?"

The highest point of plane walking.

Through the huge floor-to-ceiling window, Joan looked at the car that was speeding away, with a strange look in the corner of her eyes, and murmured: "It seems that the time stone will be obtained more smoothly than I imagined. Next, just Just need to wait.”

And as he left the room.

After listening to Lin Bin's story, Illya couldn't help but tremble.

She exclaimed: "What? Sister Joan of Arc... is it fake? She is not Joan of Arc? How is this possible? She is obviously Joan of Arc... I am very familiar with her magic perception..."

"If it were true Joan of Arc, it would be understandable for her to ask me to borrow the Time Stone, but she would never explain its use."

After confirming one thing and deducing it, Lin Bin immediately understood what the strangeness he perceived was. He said: "Joan of Arc is a Virgin. What she fears most is causing trouble to others. She If she wants to borrow the Time Stone from me, if I refuse, she will definitely not mention it again, but will turn to think of other ways. Outstanding is a person who does not cause trouble to others, but she did not agree or refuse before I When I asked for it, I gave a lot of reasons, which was actually like a moral kidnapping. If I didn't borrow it, it would show that I didn't know how to appreciate it.

"And this one?"

Illya thought for a while and said, "But what you said does make sense. Sister Joan of Arc really never wants to cause trouble to others..."

"And if these people's injuries were really caused by her, then why wasn't she in the medical room? Handling official duties... is indeed very important, but with her personality, I'm afraid she would rather sleep in the medical room 24 hours a day. Room?"

"Just because of these two points, you suspect that she is fake?"

"Whether it is true or not, you will know once you try it. If she is true, even if I offend her, do you think she will be angry with me because of her temperament? At worst, say sorry to her..."

Lin Bin behaved quite casually.

But his meaning was clearly understood by Illya.

To put it bluntly, a gentleman can bully someone... Because Joan is easy to bully, so even if she makes a mistake, it doesn't matter if she bullies her for a while.

Soon, three days passed.

In the past three days, Lin Bin did not receive news of Artoria's return.

But Joan of Arc quickly got the information she wanted.

"I've already used the Time Stone. It's in my hands now. I originally offered it to you, but one of my confidante was seriously injured while defending a secret realm that was about to be invaded. I I really can’t leave now, so I can only trouble Miss Joan of Arc to come in person.”

Lin Bin's voice was full of apology.


Joan's eyes lit up, and her tone became a little more brisk. She smiled and said: "It's okay. You are willing to lend me the time stone. I am already very grateful to you. Why do you need to take the initiative to send it to me... I Go get it yourself.”

The plan went well.

Joan of Arc immediately dialed the phone on her desk and said: "I have something important to go out on. Please arrange a special car for me immediately. What, let Takumi be my driver? No need, I can do it by myself." , this is my private matter, I shouldn’t use private matters to occupy everyone’s public resources..."

After all, hang up the phone.

A proud smile appeared on her face, and she murmured: "I knew that everything was under my control... Hum, I will win this bet after all."

She immediately got up and walked outside.

She got into the driver's seat of the prepared car, stepped on the accelerator, and the car drove her towards Lin Bin's residence.

The car is extremely fast.

Although he was not speeding, he was still driving along the edge of the speed line. It was obvious that he was already extremely anxious.

two hours later.

The vehicle drove into the basement of Taoyuan Community.

Looking in the rearview mirror, Joan of Arc straightened her face slightly, calming down her previous eagerness and wildness.

Then he stood up, put his hands on his lower abdomen, and stepped in front of Lin Bin's house very calmly.

Knock on the door.

I saw Lin Bin opening the door.

The other party still looked apologetic and said: "I'm sorry, I bother you to go there in person. I can't leave, so it's okay to have someone give it to me, but you also know that S-class props are too precious. In particular, although the properties of the Time Stone are not helpful in combat, in a sense its effect may be more precious than any S-level props, so I really don’t feel at ease if I don’t hand it over to you. I can only trouble you."

Joan of Arc smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. I'm the one borrowing things from you. It's reasonable for you to put forward some conditions that make things difficult for me, not to mention you are so reasonable. I'm just taking a trip, it's nothing. "

"Here, the stuff is in this box."

Lin Bin handed Jeanne a small box about half a foot square and said: "The inside of the Time Stone contains extremely unique magical power, and everyone will sense the unique power inside, so in order to suppress this power, I specially made a box to prevent the power from leaking out. Now, the time stone will be handed over to you."

"Thank you."

"But just in case, you should check it out."

Lin Bin said sternly: "After all, S-class gems are too precious. After you check, we can both feel at ease. Otherwise, if the box has been dropped and it is empty, but I run to you to ask for the time gem, this It’s not appropriate.”

"makes sense."

Upon hearing this, Joan of Arc took the box and joked: "But of course I have complete trust in you, Mr. Abin."

As she spoke, she opened the treasure box.

Is there any trace of gems inside?

It was clear that there was only a small snake about the thickness of a finger coiled in it.

Joan's expression suddenly changed.

Before he had time to react, his wrist hurt, and a blue shadow like a drill instantly retracted to Lin Bin's wrist.

Joan's expression suddenly changed with shock, and a feeling of weakness and weakness invaded her body like a wave. She knelt on the ground helplessly...she said in shock: "Abin, you...what are you doing?"

"Xiao Qing's original form was a poisonous snake, and now that I have become a spirit, when she bites me, I have to go limp for a while before I can recover. No matter how strong you are, you can't stop her poisonous nature."

Lin Bin showed a playful smile on his face and said: "And...if it is the real Joan of Arc, even if I ask her to check it, she will never check it. You have too many flaws, you are a fake."

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