when reincarnation invades

Chapter 436: Acting still requires a complete performance

Chapter 436: Acting still requires a complete performance

Although he had not yet agreed, in fact, Lin Bin had already made up his mind that he would definitely go on this trip to the secret realm.

Just like this.

But it is better to make some preparations in advance.

Therefore, the next day, Lin Bin contacted Fu Tianhe again and asked, "Are there any clues or information about the secret realm you mentioned before?"

The person on the other side sighed and said with emotion: "No, all the information brought back before was false."

Lin Bin asked in shock: "What?"

"That world has actually been destroyed. It is only because of the special nature of this world that it has not invaded our real world. But even so, the real invasion is only a matter of time, so I am anxious to solve this secret realm. Originally, I wanted to send some reincarnations into it to collect some intelligence, but I didn’t expect that it wouldn’t work at all…”

Fu Tianhe paused and sighed: "I didn't expect that all the reincarnations who entered would be killed after returning. Not only were we misled by a bunch of false information for a long time, but we also caused great losses to the entire Samsara Space Association. , even in order to deal with these reincarnations who were replaced, we actually paid a lot of money. At that time, everyone in the Samsara Space Association knew about this matter, so if you can solve this secret realm, then the entire reincarnation space will be solved. I’m afraid no one in the Reincarnation Space Association will be dissatisfied.”

"I see, thank you very much."

Lin Bin hung up the phone.

Originally, I wanted to ask Fu Tianhe for more information... But according to what he said, whenever a reincarnator enters, he will be changed from the inside out?
"Isn't it because of this secret realm that reincarnators need to undergo the most detailed inspection and survey when they return from the secret realm to prevent being replaced by a civet cat for the prince?"

Lin Bin muttered.

As a result, no information was obtained.

"There are not many reincarnation points left, but there are still one A-level, two B-level and three C-level contribution points, which are enough to be redeemed for a prop."

And the Time Stone.

Just in case, all the props that should be brought should be carried safely.

Although he has not agreed yet, in fact, Lin Bin has decided to agree to Fu Tianhe and enter the secret realm in two days.

However, two days did not arrive.

Lin Bin suddenly received a call from Shi Qingxuan.

"Brother Bin...are you busy over there?"

Shi Qingxuan's voice was hesitant.

Lin Bin was stunned and asked curiously: "What's wrong?"

"No...nothing...just...just...he's back..."

Shi Qingxuan's tone was weak, even a little timid, and she said vaguely: "Why don't you...brother Bin, please come over?"

Lin Bin was stunned for a moment when he heard this. Is the evil king back?
But thinking about it, it’s time to come back...

Previously, the Evil King had been out investigating the whereabouts of the First Apostle. When the First Apostle died in his hands, Lin Bin immediately sent a message to him and Deng Yang, informing them of the First Apostle. Now that he is dead, he no longer has to worry about the affairs of the apostles of the Kingdom of God.

Counting the time, if he comes back now... wait!
Lin Bin suddenly reacted.

Shi Qingxuan's tone was so coy.

Could it be that after Shi Zhixuan came back, he found that his two daughters had been unsealed, so he wanted to settle a score with himself?

It does seem possible when you think about it.

For example, if you find out that you have a daughter, and then come back one day, you suddenly find that your innocent and lovely daughter has the charm of a young woman, as if she has been developed into eighteen different postures.

If it were him, he would have gone berserk.

Thinking of this, Lin Bin suddenly felt weak.

"Then... that... Brother Bin, is it convenient for you?"

Shi Qingxuan was still asking timidly like a deer.

Lin Bin nodded without hesitation: "No problem!"

No matter how vain you are, you have to go... Needless to say, the two sisters should be being scolded by Shi Zhixuan. At this time, if his client acts like a coward, even if the two of them don't blame him, he will probably look down on himself.

And Shi Zhixuan probably didn't call him to investigate. Otherwise, with his status as the assassination master, it wouldn't be Shi Qingxuan who called him.

"Sister, I'm going out for a while."

Lin Bin said.


Lin Xue looked at Lin Bin with helpless eyes, obviously knowing what happened...

Not surprising, Shi Feixuan is still a member of her organization.

Sitting on his H9, Lin Bin stepped on the accelerator and drove towards the town of Datang.

When passing by the supermarket along the way, Lin Bin bought two boxes of milk on a whim. Isn't it strange that there are so many people in Li? Besides, Shi Zhixuan definitely doesn't drink this stuff. When the time comes, the two of them can feed it to him internally. drink.

Half an hour later, the car stopped in front of Shi Qingxuan's house.

Lin Bin knocked on Shi Feixuan's courtyard door with milk in hand.

Inside the house, a stunning girl wearing a plain white dress and a pink cardigan opened the door. When she saw Lin Bin, her eyes lit up and her steps started to jump unconsciously.

When he walked outside the courtyard and opened the door, he whispered: "Brother Bin, why are you so stupid? Sister must have made it clear, right? At this time, you should run as far as you can."

Lin Bin chuckled and said, "I did it, why should I hide? Besides, an ugly daughter-in-law always has to meet her parents-in-law, and a stinky son-in-law always has to worship his father-in-law. Unless you sever ties, unless I don't plan to marry you two." , Otherwise, where can I escape to?"

Inside the house, a sharp scolding sounded, shouting: "You brat finally has some courage. If you dare to escape, you can't bear the evil king's pervasive pursuit. Why don't you get in quickly?"

Shi Feixuan stuck out her tongue slightly.

She, who has always been quiet and gentle, makes such playful actions, which is particularly endearing.

"If you can't run away, then face it calmly. Escape is indeed not a long-term solution."

She took the milk from Lin Bin's right hand, then naturally took his arm and walked inside.

Go inside.

Shi Qingxuan was cooking in the kitchen, and from time to time she could hear the sound of vegetables being put into the pot.

In the living room, Shi Zhixuan was sitting upright.He crossed his arms across his chest with an angry look on his face.

It seemed as if he could explode with unsuppressed anger at any moment.

Seeing Lin Bin come in, he shouted: "Feixuan, close the door!"


At this time, Shi Feixuan had no intention of disobeying Shi Zhixuan and closed the door honestly.

Lin Bin had a smile on his face and said with a smile: "Senior Evil King..."

The anger on Shi Zhixuan's face suddenly stopped, and turned into a calm expression. He asked calmly: "Is the first apostle dead?"


I thought I would be greeted with a storm of criticism. It was already a big deal for my daughter to sleep with someone, but it was even more big for her to have two daughters at the same time.

And if it was still the same man...

Shi Zhixuan has gained some self-cultivation by not killing people on the spot.

But just now, his face was full of anger. This sudden change made Lin Bin couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, nodded and said: "I killed him with my own hands!"

Shi Zhixuan asked: "Are you sure?"

"Not only did I end his life with my own hands, but I also burned his body and then saved his soul... I am sure that he will never die again."

Shi Zhixuan shook his head and said, "That's not what I meant. I'm asking you, are you sure the person you killed is the First Apostle?"

Lin Bin was stunned.

After thinking for a while, he nodded and said: "I must be him. His strength is extremely strong, almost reaching the limit that a reincarnation can achieve. Even if I join forces with the Beast God, I will not be his opponent. Five supreme reincarnations plus I can't even take him down. If I didn't rely on sneak attacks, I might not be able to kill him. This level of strength cannot be a substitute or anything else, or if even a substitute really has this level, then The First Apostle no longer has to hide in the dark, he can completely use his own strength to overwhelm all living beings and turn the entire Yuan Star into his back garden!"

Shi Zhixuan said: "That's strange. The person you killed was the First Apostle, so who is the person I found?"

This time, not only Lin Bin, but also sisters Shi Qingxuan and Shi Feixuan were stunned.

Shi Qingxuan asked: "Dad, what did you say?"

Shi Zhixuan sighed, took a sip of the tea on the table, and said: "The first apostle is the core of the apostles of the Kingdom of God. If the roots are not dead, no matter how clean we cut the branches and leaves, sooner or later they will become towering again. It’s a big tree, so we must be on guard against it... Based on this idea, even if the Kingdom of God was destroyed, I did not return to Datang Town, but continued to investigate the whereabouts of the First Apostle."

Lin Bin asked: "So, Evil King, you have achieved something?"

The Evil King said calmly: "I found the body of the first apostle!"

Lin Bin was shocked and said: "What?"

"The body of the first apostle, he even wore the clothes from the time of our apostolic meeting, and I went there with the eleven apostles at that time. He was a vampire. It was confirmed through drying up that this corpse indeed possessed something unimaginable to humans. With extremely powerful power, I can be sure that he is indeed the first apostle."

Shi Zhixuan explained: "When I joined the Kingdom of God, there was no longer a need to go to meetings in person, but to directly appear in a virtual space as an influence. But even if we appear in this virtual space, each of us has The clothes that appear on the body are all of the same standard, and are embroidered with numbers to indicate their identity. I have checked in detail and found that this space prop should have been obtained 80 years ago. In other words, Since that corpse was wearing those clothes, it must have been dead for at least 80 years."

Lin Bin: "The evil king means that the first apostle has been dead for more than 80 years?"

"If the first apostle really dies, then who is the person who has been acting as the first apostle since then?"

Lin Bin said solemnly: "So, it is Zheng Feng who replaced the first apostle, and he is the successor's first apostle? It's just because no one knows about this successor..."

"This is also the reason why I used the excuse that you bullied my two daughters to let you come over."

Lin Bin was suddenly enlightened and asked in shock: "Are they not the real first apostle? Is the real first apostle still alive?"

"Don't forget one thing. The first apostle has never been replaced."

Shi Zhixuan said: "In the Kingdom of God, there are records that can be investigated. Maybe the name and identity can be inherited, but the strength, acting style, wisdom, thoughts, etc. cannot be counterfeited. I used to investigate the first apostle , I read almost all the books in the Kingdom of God, and I found that it has been hundreds of years since the Kingdom of God was established, and in these years, the first apostle’s behavior has never changed in any way, so I am almost certain , the first apostle, only one person!"

"That Zheng Feng who was killed by me..."

Lin Bin shook his head and said: "Impossible. Zheng Feng is definitely the first apostle. There are some things and feelings that cannot be faked. But now it seems that although I killed Zheng Feng, the first apostle is probably still alive. ?”

Only then did he understand why Shi Zhixuan changed his face so quickly.

He had wanted to tell him the news from the beginning, but if the first apostle was still alive, then he, and maybe even Shi Zhixuan, would be under the other's surveillance.

If not for this reason.

Once the two of them meet, the first apostle may notice the clues.

"He must still be alive!"

Shi Zhixuan asserted.

"That is to say, the First Apostle must have the ability to incarnate millions of people, just like playing a game and opening a trumpet. Whether it is Zheng Feng or the corpse you found by the Evil King, it is actually his trumpet. Behind these small numbers, there is probably a large one hidden?"

"I'm not sure about this."

Shi Qingxuan relaxed and said: "No wonder dad, after you came back, you immediately wanted to settle the score with Brother Bin, but you didn't tell us the truth. I'm afraid you were worried that if we didn't do something right..."

"Pretending to be a little bit like me may be just unnecessary, but if someone is really spying in secret, it may play a key role in covering up. This is why I won't let the Eleven Apostles come over."

Shi Zhixuan said: "In short, you must know that the first apostle is not dead. Otherwise, the enemy is in the dark and you are in the light. In addition, the opponent's strength is far superior to yours. Once he decides to take action against you, I'm afraid You will definitely die!"

"So... no wonder the Free Federation was destroyed so quickly."

Lin Bin suddenly said: "I don't know why, but the purpose of the First Apostle is to cause a large number of secret realm invasions. If he really has many trumpets, he will definitely have arrangements with the Free Federation. I'm afraid the Free Federation The fall of the Federation is due to him!”

Shi Zhixuan said: "If this is the case, then it is even more important to guard against it. The Free Federation has been destroyed. If he still has any plans for the real world now, I am afraid that only China will be left. And to deal with China, you It is an insurmountable barrier in itself!”

Lin Bin nodded and said: "That's true. Thank you Evil King for reminding me. If it weren't for you, I might have been plotted without even knowing who the enemy was... Now that he knows this, he will never think of plotting against me easily again. "

"It's just that since even the identity of Zheng Feng can be given up so easily, the true identity of the First Apostle may be beyond our imagination. I don't know much about your circle of friends, and I can't help you. I can only filter it myself. ”

"Don't worry, the Evil King has done me a great favor by informing me of this news."

Lin Bin breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Let me just say, what kind of person is the Evil King, how could he be affected by such trivial matters? It turns out that it was just a reason for the meeting... The Evil King really understands the righteousness... "


Shi Zhixuan showed a somewhat meaningful look on his face and said: "Although I don't care about this kind of thing, there is one thing I still know. Acting... must be a complete performance, right?"

Lin Bin: "Huh?"

(End of this chapter)

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