when reincarnation invades

Chapter 437: This is not called paddling

After half an hour.

Lin Bin, who was swollen into a pig's head, went back.

I got in the car and looked at my swollen head. My eyelids were so swollen that there was only a gap left for my eyes.

Lin Bin took in a breath of cold air, slowly warming his wounds with the vitality of immortality.

But he found that Shi Zhixuan was really ruthless... The punch he just punched actually contained the energy of the Immortal Seal.

Although the purity of the immortal energy of the Immortal Seal was far from comparable to his, the exorcism and recovery would still take a day or two.

"Damn it, saying that you have to perform a full set of dramas so that no one can see your flaws. This is obviously venting your personal anger..."

Lin Bin warmed his eyes with his hands, slowly opened his eyes, and said angrily: "Wait, how many times do you beat me? In a few days, I will have Qingxuan and Feixuan call me together." How many times do you say daddy... If I can’t fuck you, I can’t fuck your two daughters?”

He stepped on the accelerator and drove back.

But deep in his eyes, there was already a sense of relief.

Regardless of the clues and information found by Lin Xue or Lin Bin himself, it can basically be known that the first apostle is an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years.

Although his strength is worthy of this status, the opponent revealed clues because of his investigation of S-class time gems. Even Lin Bin was able to keenly grasp this flaw and target the first apostle. How could the first apostle detect it? Not yet?

But he still died.

In the past, Lin Bin only thought that the abilities of the Samsara Space Association were amazing, but now thinking about it, there are many doubts about this. Could this death be a clever step from light to dark arranged by the first apostle immediately after he found out that he was exposed? chess?
Also for this reason.

After killing the first apostle, Lin Bin thought that his influence was over and did not continue to investigate the truth about the apostles of the Kingdom of God.


In just a few months, the Free Federation collapsed.

What went smoothly was a complete mess.

"I should have thought earlier that the purpose of the First Apostle is to bring the secret realm into the real world. There is no warning for the destruction of the Free Federation, and if all the crises break out at once, there must be someone behind the scenes. Unfortunately... I was negligent... "

Lin Bin instinctively took out his cell phone and wanted to contact Fu Tianhe.

But I just took out my phone...

After hesitating for a moment, he let go again.

Even the identity of Zheng Feng, the president, can be given up, which shows that the first apostle must have a more important and even more hidden identity.

If there was only one first apostle, Lin Bin would never doubt Fu Tianhe...

But now, the first apostle is likely to incarnate into tens of millions. So if we look back at the previous hunt for Zheng Feng, could it be that it was actually just a scene of cooperation between the two?
After all, identity is more important than Zheng Feng, and it will never be suspected...

In addition to him, there is Fu Tianhe.

Who could have imagined that the one who captured the First Apostle was actually the First Apostle himself?
Lin Bin has no evidence.

But many times, proper suspicion...does not require any evidence at all.

Just because Fu Tianhe has no suspicion, this is actually a bigger suspicion.

"Don't blame me unjustly... Let's test it first."

Lin Bin turned on the automatic cruise system and the car slowly drove home.

He closed his eyes and thought carefully.

Two days passed in a blink of an eye.

Eight o'clock in the morning on the third day.

Fu Tianhe's call came on time.

"Abin, how are you thinking?"

"After careful consideration, I have figured it out."

Lin Bin said seriously: "I decided... not to go!"

"Huh? No... not going?"


Fu Tianhe's expression at the desk immediately became extremely strange.

He hurriedly asked: "Why?"

"It's not that I'm afraid of this secret realm. You also know that my ability to conquer the secret realm is still quite certain. It's just that I have solved so many crises in the real world, and the red secret realm has also perfectly solved more than one. , but even so, there are still people who doubt my merit..."

Lin Bin sighed: "I really doubt that it is really worth it to work hard to get the recognition of such people? Such people are always greedy. Even if I get their recognition, what will happen if I become the president?" Like this? Their respect for me is only based on my success, but who can always succeed? Once I fail, I am afraid that these people who admire me and admire me will trample me to dust immediately. , treat me with contempt and contempt.”

He said: "So after careful consideration, I decided not to be the president anymore. It is impossible to satisfy everyone. Why should I please those who are dissatisfied with me?"


Fu Tianhe had already prepared countless words.

But after listening to Lin Bin's words, he was still speechless for the first time and didn't know how to start.

It feels like what he said makes sense, but it doesn't seem to make sense.

"But once this secret realm breaks out, the crisis caused will be beyond imagination. The Free Federation has already put countless pressure on our country, and if we continue to be in chaos..."

"It's okay. This secret realm has existed for many years, hasn't it? There should be no problem in the short term... Let's wait until it breaks out. Besides, there are many crises in China at the moment. Where can you shine and shine without contributing your own efforts? There will always be growth and so on, compared to that, I still prefer to charge at the front!"

"Okay, now that you've thought about it, I won't force you anymore, but you still have to take on the position of president. I've already said what I said, how can I take it back? Besides, we really have no way to repay you for killing the first apostle, so the position of president can be regarded as repayment."

"That's... okay, I hope they don't laugh at me for being timid."

Lin Bin responded.

The phone hangs up.

Opposite me, Fu Tianhe's face had become extremely gloomy, wondering, could he have discovered something?
No...probably not.

He acted according to Fu Tianhe's character throughout the whole process, even though he didn't want this Abin to become the president, but just because Fu Tianhe wanted to, he ran around for him.

In this case, he has no flaws.

But if nothing unexpected happens, this secret place should be the best place to kill Abin.

If Abin was alive, he would always have a ray of light on his back, and he would not even dare to let go and do anything to completely assimilate this world.

But if we take action in the real world...

A cold smile appeared on Fu Tianhe's face.He murmured: "Abin, Abin, you forced me."

the other side.

Lin Bin put down the mobile phone in his hand.

He murmured: "It depends on how Fu Tianhe arranges it next. If he is not suspicious, this matter will naturally pass by. If this secret realm is really a killing plot he arranged for me, then next, he They will definitely try their best to get me into that secret realm!"

He couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

I hope there will be no problem with Fu Tianhe. After all, the relationship between the two is extremely harmonious. Even if he really becomes the president in the future, then Fu Tianhe will become his best partner.

But if everything about him is just a disguise, then there is no doubt that Fu Tianhe will be the most terrifying enemy, because even now, Lin Bin has not noticed any flaws in him.

Soon, a month has passed!

this month.

All reincarnations are busy very quickly.

And during this time.

The third president, Lin Bin, was finally officially promoted.

On this day, almost all the reincarnations were in a state of wild joy.

To them, the young Lin Bin seemed to be a mythical figure in their minds.

Now that Lin Bin has become the president, what does this mean?
It means that whenever they encounter a secret realm that is difficult to solve, they have the biggest backer.

Moreover, Lin Bin has become the president, so why don't you pass on some experience in conquering secret realms to your subordinates?

Therefore, these reincarnations are almost more happy than Lin Bin himself!
The internal civilian staff did have some complaints, but unfortunately, the entire Samsara Association serves the Samsaras. Although these civilian staff have a high status, they still exist dependent on the Samsaras. The Samsaras have no objections. They There can't be any trouble.

Just as Fu Tianhe said.

He can paddle the water justifiably. Even as the president, no one has any objections to his behavior.

Practice, practice, practice every day...

In the past two months, his cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds, and his progress has been rapid.

The cultivation level was finally able to break through the realm of Taiqing and the realm of Tongxuan ghosts and gods in one fell swoop!
Strength increases again...

At this point, even without relying on the power of the empty sword box, he already has a combat power that is not inferior to that of the most advanced reincarnation.

Unfortunately, this is nothing to be happy about for Lin Bin.

After witnessing the powerful ability of the First Apostle, he was dissatisfied with his current strength to an unprecedented degree.

Therefore, he kept the news secret, not even telling Lin Xue and Yan Fei.

It is estimated that through daily magic replenishment, only Ai Li feels that the concentration of the daily amount is much more abundant than before, and she has a vague judgment.

But to outsiders, he was just paddling.

Until this day...

"Now I suddenly understand why Director Lei was so happy and drunk when you left the World XX Bureau."

Fu Tianhe took the initiative to come to the door and sighed: "Do you know what paddling is?"

Lin Bin was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and said in surprise: "Aren't I just paddling now?"

"You should just call it going with the flow now. Even if it's paddling, it can only be called paddling after a few strokes."

Fu Tianhe complained: "You also know how busy the Samsara Space Association is now. In this case, I don't ask you to help me wholeheartedly, so you can help me at least... But now, you don't even do the previous work, just directly It has become a decoration.”

Lin Bin chuckled and said sheepishly: "Sorry, I don't know what to do. You know me. I'm really not good at handling these copywriting. As for solving secret realms, there are too many secret realms. I don’t know where to solve it either.”

"I know what you mean, and I know you want to be lazy, but you also know that the clerical staff has a lot of objections to you. So, let me arrange some simple tasks for you that you are best at. No need to delay You take a long time.”

Fu Tianhe said: "There are many reincarnations in the wounded area who have returned from experiencing the secret realm. Many of them fled back in a hurry after failing in the secret realm. There are also many who succeeded, but most of them were lucky... They are all recovering from their injuries at the moment. You can't move around for the time being, so you can just go and comfort them, improve your prestige, and by the way, you can give them some pointers through their experience so that they don't make this kind of mistake again next time."

He smiled and said: "What you are best at is secret realm strategy, so go and do secret realm strategy. The reason why those reincarnations are happy that you have become the president of the Samsara Space Association is to share your experience. You Don’t be stingy either.”

"That's true. Then I'll go tomorrow. It should be no problem to give them some suggestions and summary afterwards."

Lin Bin nodded.

Smiling at Fu Tianhe, he couldn't help but murmur in his heart. Is he really innocent?
At the very least, during this period of time, his performance really perfectly met the definition of a president.

Even though he was paying attention, he still couldn't find any flaw in him. This was unreasonable!

Maybe... I really think too much.

The next day, Lin Bin went directly to the injury area.

Sure enough, it was just as Fu Tianhe said.

The experience in the secret realm cannot always be smooth sailing. There are many people who die in the secret realm. If you can come back alive, you are pretty lucky, but it is normal to suffer some serious injuries.

as now...

When Lin Bin appeared, it instantly aroused the excitement of all reincarnations.

Even when some were still undergoing surgery, when they saw Lin Bin, the anesthesia was almost overpowering them.

"Don't worry, don't worry. I'm here to give you some suggestions for your experience, especially those who failed in the secret realm. Do you want to avenge your shame? If so, I can give you the best. suggestion……"

Lin Bin said with a smile.

"Thank you, President."

When everyone heard this, they were immediately excited.

And at this moment...

Next to it, a dozen staff members passed by silently carrying several stretchers.

Lin Bin was stunned for a moment and asked: "What are they..."

"They failed to conquer the secret realm and tried their best to escape back to the living world, but they were hopeless."

The head staff member showed a disappointed expression on his face and sighed: "In order to prevent the corpses from being tampered with, we can only dispose of their corpses into a molecular state, and not even the ashes can be left... Sigh..."

He sighed, directed his subordinates to carry the corpses, turned around and walked out! (End of chapter)

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