Three hours away.

There was gradually no words between the two of them.

Lin Bin didn't sleep...

The other party was here for his life. If he fell asleep in front of him, Fu Tianhe might be secretly surprised by the coincidence of the timing. He wouldn't have to bother entering any secret realm, he could just kill him!
For this reason, Lin Bin also volunteered to express that he could drive and let Fu Tianhe rest for a while.

He didn't know that he had been exposed at the moment. If he really fell asleep, he might not have to enter this secret realm.

But it's a pity that you still need to enter the secret realm to be matched by Fu Tianhe, so you can't be too tired and refused.

The three-hour drive was over quickly.

There are fewer and fewer people in the front.

Because of the existence of this secret realm, there are almost no villages or towns within a radius of a hundred miles.

With such a large area of ​​lush green fields, it is conceivable that after the secret realm here is solved, there will soon be many high-rise buildings here. By then, it will certainly be able to greatly alleviate the crowded living area in China. .

And when they came to the vicinity of the secret realm.

A large number of arms and weapons can already be seen, and a brand-new fort is aimed at the entrance to the secret realm.

Drones patrol the sky, and soldiers are on guard duty.

There are even permanent reincarnations lurking in the dark.

The tight defense of this secret realm seemed to exceed any secret realm Lin Bin had ever seen before.

From a distance, you can see dozens of staff inside who are concentrating on detecting the scene in the secret realm.

It can be seen that the importance they attach to this secret realm is indeed beyond any other secret realm.

And at the very center of all the detection devices, a hideous red gap like a wound is spread across the secret realm!
Lin Bin was shocked and said: "This secret realm..."

Fu Tianhe asked in surprise: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing. I forgot that you are not actually a reincarnation person. You shouldn't be able to see this secret realm, right?"

Lin Bin shook his head and said: "The danger here is beyond my imagination. At the very least, I have never seen the entrance to a secret realm of this level. I feel that the secret realm here may be a little different from other places."

"Different? You are quite perceptive. They didn't notice anything strange."

Fu Tianhe thought it was normal. What was the danger?
Or does this Abin really have his own uniqueness in the secret realm, and he can judge the danger inside just by relying on this ordinary door?

But now, no matter what the degree of danger, since he has agreed, he will definitely not go back on his words.

"Come on, let's go!"

Lin Bin said.

The two walked forward.

As they approached, the person in charge immediately greeted them respectfully, and said with a restrained salute: "President Fu, President Lin, the place is simple and we really can't find a place to receive you, so I can only wrong you two. "

Fu Tianhe asked: "It doesn't matter, the reincarnation arranged by this secret realm has stopped, right?"

"It has been stopped. President, do you want to allow the invasion of this secret realm, and then we can completely solve this secret realm by virtue of the geographical location?"

"No need, next, President Lin will personally enter this secret realm and completely solve this secret realm that has existed for more than ten years!"


The person in charge was stunned for a moment, and turned to look at Lin Bin in surprise.

Lin Bin nodded and said: "It is indeed me!"

"It would be great if President Lin takes action."

The person in charge shouted in surprise: "President Lin, you have solved such a difficult secret realm. Before, we were wondering why you didn't come to solve this secret realm... I didn't expect you to come so soon..."

Lin Bin asked: "When can I enter?"

"We still need to do some testing and it may take another two hours."

"Okay, then wait two hours."

Lin Bin looked at Fu Tianhe.

Fu Tianhe asked: "Do you need a rest?"

"Well, in two hours, find me a quiet room, let me meditate, rest, and adjust my state!"

"it is good!"

The person in charge acted quickly and immediately helped Lin Bin find a place to rest.

Fu Tianhe stayed at the entrance of the secret realm to investigate the many information here!
Two hours passed quickly.

The door to the lounge was opened, and Lin Bin stepped out.

He said with a solemn expression: "Okay, it's time for me to leave."

"Bon Voyage!"

Fu Tianhe's eyes flashed, but he warned seriously: "Remember, the crisis in this secret realm is not trivial, so remember to be careful!"

"I see!"

Lin Bin stepped towards the entrance of the secret realm.

Everyone's eyes were on him unconsciously, knowing that the most dangerous secret realm ahead was, but he still entered calmly... There was quite a sense of heroism that he was going to the Tao even though tens of thousands of people were there.

And just when Lin Bin stepped into the entrance of the secret realm.

Suddenly, Lin Bin's figure suddenly became blurry, as if being torn apart by something.

"No, there's something wrong with the entrance to this secret realm!"

Lin Bin suddenly opened his mouth and screamed. He was shocked: "I told you a long time ago that there is something wrong with this's not's terrible..."

It was clear that he had not yet entered the secret realm, but his figure became increasingly blurry, and then disappeared so abruptly.

But it's not like entering a secret realm, but like being sucked into another unknown space.

"what happened?"

Fu Tianhe screamed with an extremely solemn expression.

A look of shocked anger appeared in his eyes...

The plan has reached the final step, and Lin Bin is about to step into the most dangerous situation. At that time, everything will be a foregone conclusion. Except for this Abin, no one in the Samsara Space Association can enter his eyes.

Then he can implement his plan with peace of mind.But who knew that something unexpected would happen at this moment.

Where did Lin Bin go?

It would be okay if he went to the secret realm, but if he went to other places... with his ability, it might not be difficult to come back.

But when this secret realm breaks out, it will be extremely difficult to coax him into entering.

He said angrily: "What's going on? How could such a low-level mistake happen... Before entering the secret realm, Jie was expelled to another place by the space crack. Check... check it quickly..."

Fu Tianhe took two steps forward angrily.

Staring at the crack with burning eyes, it was clear that a living person had just been expelled, but at this time, the entrance to the crack was as smooth as ever, as if a well-fed giant beast was snoring leisurely.

"what happened?"

For the first time in his life, Fu Tianhe was confused... He could not accept that his perfect plan failed in such a ridiculous and bizarre way.

"Where is Abin now!"

"it's here!"

Suddenly, there was a low sneer behind the ear.


Fu Tianhe instinctively wanted to dodge, but the opponent was ready to attack, and his speed was almost beyond his imagination. Especially if Lin Bin's strength was not as strong as him, he was definitely qualified to threaten him.

Just now, it turned out that Irisviel had disguised herself as him with props and then returned to his body.

At this time, the real body's optical camouflage cloak was suddenly attacked.

Fu Tianhe was already prepared to be injured, and he couldn't help but wonder what went wrong.

How could I be exposed?
But the pain in his body did not come. Instead, a figure rushed behind him, hugged him tightly, and the two of them fell towards the entrance of the secret realm!
"What are you doing..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Bin had already taken Fu Tianhe with him, and the two of them were completely swallowed up by the scarlet secret realm, and completely disappeared!

Many staff members were left with confused faces!

Even Fu Tianhe's personal bodyguards had no time to react.

When I rushed forward, I found that Lin Bin and Fu Tianhe were no longer there!

"What just... happened?"

"It's President Lin... He has entered the secret realm, then came out, and then dragged President Fu into the secret realm with him?"

"Why did he do this? Could it be because he didn't actually want to enter this secret realm, but President Fu forced him, so he dragged President Fu into the secret realm together in anger?"

"It's very possible. So what should we do? President Fu is in danger. Should we ask President Zhou Qin to seek justice?"

Everyone was in confusion.

And right now.

Suddenly, a hearty laugh sounded.

He laughed and said: "You idiots, you are assigned to protect the president, but you don't even know that the president has been betrayed. You are so stupid that you are hopelessly stupid. Fortunately, President Lin is not It's up to you to protect him, otherwise, no matter how powerful he is, he will still be dragged down to death by you..."


Bodyguard captain Zhong Nanhai looked up angrily.

Just when he saw a handsome figure of Fengshen standing on a flag in the sky, he laughed and said: "Don't you see the key to this? Fu Tianhe is one of the three presidents of the Reincarnation Association, and in Before Abin, reincarnators were never allowed to enter the civil service system, so how did Fu Tianhe, who is not a reincarnator at all, enter this secret realm?"

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone's complexion suddenly changed.

Indeed, if they do not have the status of reincarnation, let alone entering the secret realm, they cannot even see the secret realm, and they cannot even use the props in the secret realm.

This is the iron law.

If even this iron law can be broken, then wouldn't weapons in the real world also be able to perform extremely well in the secret realm?

That's a waste of strategy. Just launch the army into the secret realm, and then plow it with artillery fire. More than 90.00% of the secret realms below the saint level will not have any threats. Physical transcendence is also transcendence. The fear comes from unknown firepower, and Hua Guo The firepower is definitely enough.

But now... President Fu has entered the secret realm?There can only be one explanation for this, and that is that he quietly became a reincarnation in a place unknown to them!
"How is this possible? President Fu is under our noses almost every day. To become a reincarnation, you have to enter the secret realm. He has definitely never entered the secret realm..."

The person who came was surprisingly Shi Zhixuan!
This was also the strategy he and Lin Bin discussed.

Fu Tianhe's so-called trap was actually not set by him, but a crisis within the world.

In this way, when Lin Bin pulled him into this secret realm, the so-called fatal crisis would be borne by both of them.

Although the First Apostle is extremely powerful, perhaps even better than Lin Bin, Lin Bin's strategy ability is far better than that of the First Apostle. He is even more liberal in the secret realm, and with Ava Takashi's Arturia's assistance.

Even if you are defeated, it is not difficult to escape.

At that time, it will depend on which of the two can escape from this trap first.

This shows the true ability of the two people. Lin Bin obviously thinks that this way, the chance of winning will be much higher than before.

Shi Zhixuan's words directly confirmed Fu Tianhe's crime in the real world!

Naturally, no one would believe him if he bluntly said that he was the first apostle, but he could be made into a ally of the first apostle.

"You don't know. I am Abin's father-in-law. I was entrusted by him to join the Kingdom of God and became the seventh apostle. Over the years, I have been investigating the power of the Kingdom of God. As far as I know, the first After the death of the apostle, his remaining forces never gave up revenge. The most confidant of the first apostle was a man named Feng Zheng. He had the ability to incarnate tens of millions of people. He could perfect anyone who died in his hands. Become like him!"

Shi Zhixuan made nonsense: "Let me ask you, after Zheng Feng's death, is there anything strange about President Fu?"


Shi Zhixuan's appearance was too deceptive, and he didn't look like a villain at first glance. In addition, his words were true, and Fu Tianhe was indeed taken into the secret realm.

Zhong Nanhai also looked panicked at this moment.

It wouldn't matter if Fu Tianhe was dragged into the secret realm. If he was temporarily replaced by someone else, and they, the bodyguards, foolishly protected the enemy for so long, then there really would be no way to absolve themselves of the responsibility for incompetence.

But he obviously couldn't do anything to confuse right and wrong. He suddenly realized: "By the way, on the first day after President Fu came home, he suddenly had a splitting headache. But afterwards we took him to check his body and found nothing. Nothing unusual, but the condition is surprisingly good..."

"It seems that he was replaced at that time."

Shi Zhixuan sighed: "Although there is no evidence at the moment, Fu Tianhe has the identity of a reincarnation person. This is the biggest suspicion. You might as well put the news here and let them check it. They will definitely find out what Feng Zheng left behind. Clues!”

"What President Lin said..."

"Although Feng Zheng is one person, he can incarnate into several people. In order to prevent them from causing trouble, especially since President Fu has an important identity, attacking him directly will lead to internal strife in the reincarnation space. Therefore, President Lin will not hesitate to sacrifice himself to bring Feng Zheng into the world." The main body was dragged into the secret realm, otherwise, if I suddenly told you that Fu Tianhe was a spy, you would never believe it, right?"

Shi Zhixuan said sternly: "Now, go and check. He is no longer in the real world. No one is covering up. I don't believe it. He can still be watertight without a single flaw!" (End of Chapter)

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