when reincarnation invades

Chapter 442 Drag you into the water

Chapter 442 Drag you into the water
The First Apostle is not here.

Shi Zhixuan had already prepared all the evidence and planned to completely steal his home.

Where there is no explanation, they directly make up some false clues. The highest level of deception is nine truths and one falsehood. What's more, their conclusions are completely true, but there is a slight problem in the process.

But there is no problem with the first apostle who has already exposed his flaws.

If you have the ability to explain.

As long as you can't explain it, then I can directly conclude this case for you!
Of course Fu Tianhe couldn't explain it.

at this time.

Fu Tianhe and Lin Bin have entered the secret realm at the same time!
As soon as he entered, he realized something was wrong.

His biggest flaw...

Fu Tianhe is not a reincarnation person, so he cannot enter the secret realm or even use reincarnation props.

But now he was taken into the secret realm.

And since he has entered the secret realm, his identity as the first apostle must have been leaked.

At the very least, to Lin Bin, he has been completely exposed!

Therefore, Fu Tianhe didn't hesitate any more and immediately attacked Lin Bin without any hesitation!

Little did he know that Lin Bin had the same idea. Although he had doubts before, he had no substantive evidence after all, so he could only test. If his plan failed and he failed to pull him into the secret realm, then By the time he has entered the secret realm, Shi Zhixuan will apologize on his behalf!
As long as Fu Tianhe is truly Fu Tianhe, he will definitely not care about such a harmless temptation!
But now, he's in.

His identity is naturally ready to be revealed, and he must be the first apostle without a doubt!
Therefore, at the first moment, Nanming Lihuo Sword carried boundless power.

The cultivation level that has reached the Taiqing Realm has not been spared at all, and even the Xuanming Dao cultivation in the body has been transformed into the Taiqing Realm!
When you reach the Taiqing Realm, there is no longer a distinction between the first and second levels, because the cultivation of Taiji Xuanqing Dao has reached its peak state.

It has also reached the limit that the Zhuxian Secret Realm can reach...

Although it is not as good as the Beast God, if it is also blessed by Xuan Ming Dao, which is not inferior to Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, this is not as simple as 1+1, but 1×1!

Even if he faced the Beast God, Lin Bin would probably not be inferior to him with his absolute cultivation.

Fu Tianhe was about to take action, but he didn't expect that Lin Bin's movement was so fast and without any hesitation. Although it was a moment slower, this moment made him instantly passive.

Dou Qi turns into a shield.

Suddenly, there was a sound of gold and iron that was as dense as big beads falling on a jade plate.

Although the sword energy is dispersed, it is not chaotic, and the sword contains a blow that is not inferior to the full strength of the Zhenguo-level reincarnation person.

Even if he was as strong as the First Apostle, he could not find a chance to turn his defense into an attack!
Can only passively defend...

The road in the passage was extremely narrow, and there was no room for hiding between the two sides. The first apostle shouted angrily, holding the shield of fighting spirit, a large amount of steam came out of his body, and his body seemed to be equipped with an accelerator and headed straight towards Lin. Bin rushed.

But instead, Lin Bin reached out and took advantage of the situation to offload his strength to one side!

National Art!

The first apostle sneered in his heart, and came closer, raising his hand to hold Lin Bin's wrist behind his back. Although his body was thrown away, the other person's strength was lost in the air, and instead he was entangled in Lin Bin like a maggot attached to his bones. Bin.

He raised his palm and struck Lin Bin on the forehead!

If this knife hits the target, no matter how many protective tools Lin Bin has, he may not be able to escape death.

But Lin Bin didn't panic at all. His feet were lowered and his body suddenly sank three points, and this three points made the first apostle become old.

He hit back with a backhand...

In the palm of the hand, an extremely sharp sword tip has been extended.

Nan Mingli's Fire Sword had already been integrated into his body, but now it was stretched out. If the first apostle really continued to fight with him at close range, he would definitely give him a severe blow.

You can't be so despicable!
The first apostle was furious. He had finally given up the advantage he had finally gained and retreated again...

At the same time, the cramped space in front of the two people suddenly became brighter!
The two people who had been fighting in close quarters immediately retreated...

Lin Bin raised his hand, and seven A++-level magic weapons were unsheathed from the sword box at the same time, forming a formation of Zhenwu Seven Sections, attacking the first apostle, but just as the sword blade came out, his expression suddenly changed. .

The sword force immediately turned back, flowing smoothly around itself.

Wherever I go...

There were several sharp sounds.

Mixed with shrill screams, several sprays of blood instantly exploded beside Lin Bin.

The face of the first apostle also changed slightly. He raised his hand and a huge ice ball enveloped him. Then the ice ball exploded, extending out countless ice spikes, directly piercing through those who surrounded him!

At this time, in addition to the dozen monsters killed by Lin Bin and the first apostle, there were dozens of monsters lurking in the distance, staring at them eagerly!

The shapes of these monsters are very different from those of human beings. They may be covered in jet-black hair, have animal pupils and sharp teeth, or may be as huge as giants, squatting on the ground like apes, or simply lying on all fours, like beasts that have not yet fully evolved.

There are so many monsters guarding the exit of this secret realm... It looks like they are hunters waiting for something to happen.

Lin Bin's pupils shrank, and he instantly understood why so many reincarnations had managed to escape despite the high casualty rate in this secret realm.

It turns out that the entrance and exit of this secret realm has been completely exposed...

As soon as the reincarnators entered this secret realm, they were attacked by terrifying and powerful enemies from this secret realm. Moreover, even in the face of A++ grade sword energy, the cause of death of these monsters was that they were hit in the vital points instead of Being swept away by the sword energy, it can be seen that their strength is that even if they are attacked by A++ level magic weapons, as long as they don't hit the vital point, they will never be fatal!

These monsters are definitely not minions, but extremely powerful monsters!
When he saw that the first apostle was also involved, Lin Bin burst into laughter.

He laughed and said: "President Fu... No, I should call you the apostle. Sir, you have tried your best to let me enter this secret realm. It must be because this secret realm contains something that is absolutely important to me." A killing trap, how about it, you didn’t expect that now this killing trap is not only for me, but you are also affected with me!”

The first apostle looked solemn, but it was too late to take action against Lin Bin.

As the two of them appear...

These remaining monsters were not afraid of the power that Lin Bin and the first apostle had just displayed. Instead, they roared crazily and charged towards the two of them.

The first apostle raised his hands.

A huge fireball appeared above it, and then shattered into countless tiny fireballs. These small balls were like floating weapons, immediately killing all the surrounding monsters!

Lin Bin's side was equally clean and tidy.

Nanming Lihuo Sword's sword energy dispersed and surrounded him. Anyone who came within ten meters of Lin Bin would be killed!And the Seven Swords showed no mercy, heading towards the first apostle!

"Abin, stop."

After leaving the secret realm, the first apostle's expression became extremely calm. He shouted: "No matter what kind of grievances there are between the two of us, now that we have entered the secret realm, and the danger of this secret realm is definitely beyond your imagination. , both public and private, neither of us should engage in internal strife anymore!"

Lin Bin did not listen to the first apostle's advice and sneered: "Interesting, I pulled you into this secret realm just to kill you. To me, killing you is more important than the mission. It must be I’ll kill you first and then I’ll talk!”

"But you can't kill me!"

The first apostle said lightly: "Abin, I admit that your strength is indeed far beyond my expectation. I didn't expect that you would still hold back when you plotted against me... But if the two of us really When it comes to fighting, I’m the one with a higher chance of winning, right? In that case, let’s just go our separate ways and wait until the mission begins before we fight again!”

"But since you have already said that you have a higher chance of winning if we fight to the death, you have given up on your best plan."

Although Lin Bin didn't know what the other party meant, he also knew that the other party's strength was far beyond his imagination. Since he proposed such a plan that was obviously unfavorable to him, it was obvious that he must have ulterior motives!
He said: "Why should I fulfill your wishes?!"

"Because things are no longer under your control!"

The first apostle suddenly burst out laughing and said loudly: "Abin, Abin, you are really powerful. I thought that my disguise was perfect and no one could see through my flaws. I never thought that you could discover my identity. But your good luck ends here, do you know why I tried so hard to let you enter this secret realm?"

Lin Bin asked: "Why? Are you willing to explain it to me?"

"Because this is where you are destined to perish!"

The first apostle laughed and said: "The mission... after you read the mission, you will understand everything!"

The voice fell.

The reincarnation watches in their hands vibrated at the same time.

[Secret Mission: Repair the Nine Heavens Barrier of China]

[Complete the mission: 5000 reincarnation points! A-level merit ×1! 】

[Task time limit: None! 】

[Failure penalty: none! 】

Lin Bin's pupils suddenly tightened.

The eyes that looked at the first apostle were already somewhat solemn!

"It seems that you have realized it too, hahahaha."

A cheerful smile appeared on the face of the first apostle, and he laughed: "Do you understand why I let you enter this secret realm? I'm afraid you don't know yet... The method to repair the Nine Heavens Barrier in China is not difficult, as long as you If you can find the five legendary artifacts and form a formation, you will naturally be able to easily repair the Nine Heavens Barrier in China! But one of these five artifacts is legendary..."

Lin Bin said: "Nuwa Stone!"

"Oh? It seems that you have learned your true identity from the second apostle!"

The first apostle smiled and said: "So I don't need to compete with you at all. If you can't complete the task, you will never leave this world. And if you want to leave this task, you must use yourself as the leader, but the energy in your body Even if the Nuwa Stone supports you to complete the formation, it will still be extremely weak. It will be difficult to escape my attack."

Lin Bin took a deep look at the first apostle and said, "You are very clear about the mission of this secret realm."

"That's natural. If I'm not completely sure, why would I insist on letting you enter this secret realm?"

The first apostle smiled and said: "You asked me to send you here. It seems that you had ulterior motives for a long time, but you don't know. Even if you don't let me send you, I have to come with you... because if you don't come, I How can I weave such a mission for you with the proof of props and screenwriting in my hand? Or should we just go on like this? You are unwilling to complete the mission even if you die... That doesn't matter, as long as I reveal that you are Nuwa When it comes to Shi, not only the monsters in this world, but also the humans in this world will want to kill you, and you will be the enemy of the whole world, hahahaha!"

"And you can also lend me my hand to repair the barrier. By then, this secret realm will no longer be a threat. I'm afraid you will turn this secret realm into your own back garden like Chaldea, right?"

Lin Bin added what the first apostle said.

"of course."

After the first apostle laughed, his expression returned to calm.

He said calmly: "Although there have been some accidents, I am a conspiracy in itself. As long as you step into this secret realm, no matter what accidents occur, I will be invincible. Your mind is indeed very astute. I thought about entering this secret realm with me and facing the crisis together, but unfortunately, you are still the one who really faces this secret realm, and you are the one who faces all the risks, because from the beginning, the person who specified the script... was me !”

Lin Bin shook his head and said: "But since you have joined this secret realm, how can I let you go in vain? Wouldn't it be boring for you to just specify the script? Do you want me to add some fun to you?"

The first apostle looked slightly moved and asked, "What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting, I'm just giving you some extra ingredients!"

Lin Bin kept in mind Shi Zhixuan's so-called advice to risk death and survive.

This task is obviously extremely difficult...

But unfortunately, since the first apostle is so calm, it is obvious that he does not take this kind of difficulty seriously.

"Since you said your strength is above mine, then I wonder if your ability to conquer secret realms is also above mine?"

Lin Bin took out the expansion fire!

A message immediately popped up on his reincarnation table!
【Do you want to use expansion tinder? 】

【Yes! 】

【The mission has been expanded! 】

[Secret Realm Mission: Repair the Nine Heavens Barrier in China and kill the Western Demons! 】

[Complete the mission: 10000 reincarnation points! S-level merit ×1! 】

[Task time limit: one year! 】

[Punishment for failure: Obliteration! 】

The first apostle is now Lin Bin's teammate. As Lin Bin's mission increases, he naturally also sees reminders of the mission.

His expression suddenly became extremely solemn, and he said in shock: "Abin, you..."

"This secret realm, I call it the Secret Realm of the Sky's Mark! It is also the source of the Nuwa Stone in my body!"

Lin Bin smiled lightly and said: "But I really didn't expect that the Western Demons would be able to invade our land, China. But now that they have invaded, how are you going to kill them completely, Apostle?"

Seeing the first apostle's expression instantly turn livid.

Lin Bin smiled lightly and said: "This time, the general!"

(End of this chapter)

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