when reincarnation invades

Chapter 447 Crossing

Regarding this point, although it is ridiculous, I have to mention that it is indeed the setting in this world.

It was clearly the five artifacts of the Bell, Sword, Axe, Pot and Tower that could form the Void Formation.

But Yuwen Tuo was able to use four substitutes to achieve the same effect as the Void Formation when four of the five major artifacts were missing.

I have only heard of three without one and four without one. Where have I heard of one without four?

In this situation, it seems that Yuwen Tuo only had a little bit of jealousy in his hand, and in the end, he ate the dumplings with just such a little bit of jealousy...

It's ridiculous.

But that's the truth.

and so……

"Previously Grand Master Yuwen could replace the other four treasures with various treasures of heaven and earth phenomena. It can be seen that even if the five artifacts of the Bell, Sword, Axe, Pot and Tower are not available, if there is the Xuanyuan Sword as the foundation, and if you understand the movement of the Void Formation, then No problem."

Lin Bin laid out a bunch of S-level props and said with a smile, "Master, let's pick them out."

The bells, swords, axes, pots and towers are the ten supreme artifacts that support this world. They can be said to be the creation of heaven and earth.

But the many world-class props in Lin Bin's hands all carry the luck of their respective worlds.

It may be inferior in terms of power, but in terms of grade, it may not be much inferior.

And he doesn't need to teleport many people...

It just needs to be able to allow Yuwen Tuo and Lin Bin to shuttle through it.

Nowadays, Lin Bin has quite a lot of S-class props in his hands.

Whether it is Avalon as the supreme defense, Nanming Lihuo Sword and Haotian Mirror, Heshi Jade and the Bible of the Dead, Time Stone, etc...

Don't say one is missing four.

As long as they can be replaced, Lin Bin can completely replace all five pieces.

As Lin Bin displayed each item, Yuwen Tuo showed a shocked look on his face. He stared at him and asked in surprise: "Where did you get so many props?"

"These are world-class props, products of the destruction of the world. They are all suppressed by luck. Compared with the five artifacts of the Bell, Sword, Axe, Pot and Tower, there should be no problem in replacing them."

Lin Bin briefly explained the origin of world-class props.

And the reason why the First Apostle is so fond of this world...

After listening, Yuwen Tuo's face became as cold as pig iron.

He didn't say anything, just silently put the props in his hands to investigate.

He is not a reincarnator and cannot use these props, but this does not prevent him from appreciating the magical power of these props with his own eyes.

Then I discovered that Lin Bin's words were not lies.

The energy contained in these props is indeed extremely powerful.

"It doesn't mean that props can be substituted. They must have matching attributes. However, there are so many of these props that it may not be impossible to find them."

Yuwen Tuo said, slowly selecting from these props, and then slowly divided the things into two categories.

"Although the aura contained in this Bible of the Undead is unknown, it is quite similar to the Demon Refining Pot. Anyway, there is no need to distinguish between good and evil in the void array. No matter how evil it is, can it be more evil than what I did at the beginning? Isn’t it possible to use the Wanling Blood Bead?
Well, this Phantom Sound Treasure Box is pretty good. It has its own space world inside, so replacing the Haotian Tower is not a problem!Avalon can isolate the world, and it is just right to replace the Donghuang Bell. As for the Pangu Ax, there is no suitable prop, but the power of the Nanming Li Fire Sword can penetrate the world, and combined with the luck suppression of Heshi Bi If you can, maybe you can! "

Yuwen Tuo felt an unprecedented happiness.

You know, in order to open the Void Formation, he spent a lot of effort, and even had to go against his heart and slaughter the lives of innocent people in several counties before he succeeded in getting what he wanted. thing.

But now, there are so many things for him to choose from.

"I just have to say ugly things up front."

Yuwen Tuo said sternly: "Just like the Lost Formation consumes the foundation of the Qin Ding Seal Mirror Stone, using these treasures to undertake their responsibilities will inevitably consume a large amount of the power of luck inside, and may be degraded. Maybe, are you sure you want to do this?"


Hearing this, Lin Bin hesitated for a moment, then nodded without hesitation and said: "As long as you can kill the first apostle, even if you peel me into a blank, it will be considered a sure profit, and this can be regarded as an inevitable sacrifice. "

"Okay, since you have made this decision, then of course I have no reason not to cooperate!"

He took out so many props at once, and even invited him to go on adventures in other dimensions with him, which allowed him to see clearly what kind of person this person was.

Yuwen Tuo asked: "What are you going to do?"

"It's very simple. Just use this Snow Drinking Sword as a guide and see where the Void Array will send us... Anyway, no matter where it is, it must be related to the Nuwa Stone."

"Okay, let's start now?"

"Well, start!"

Lin Bin clenched the time stone in his hand and calculated that he and the first apostle agreed to meet up in one month. In order not to arouse his suspicion, he must not be late.

And if the time stone is there, plus his current reincarnation point.

This should be able to extend this month to about half a year...


At the moment, Yuwen Tuo did not hesitate and began to arrange the void formation without hesitation.

Lin Bin, on the other hand, sat cross-legged and tried to refine the white dew in the snow drink.

This is not difficult for him...

Just like when he absorbed the ice soul, he had a different feeling for this knife, or rather it was not the knife, but the aura contained within it.

And all he needs to do is to draw these breaths together and then force them away from the blade. With his current cultivation level, it is simply a piece of cake!
It only took less than half an hour.

The snow drink is still there.

The sharpness is still there, but the cold and chilling aura within it is no longer there.

Obviously the power of the divine weapon is still there, but it has lost its power.

"Fortunately, at least I can give Nie Feng a magic weapon."

Lin Bin breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the white dew in my hand, I felt an inexplicable impulse in my heart.

I want to eat this...

Obviously, the Nuwa Stone in the body has not been completely replenished, so when it encounters something that can replenish its origin, it will instinctively develop the intention to devour it.

At this time, Yuwen Tuo's arrangements had already been completed.

An extremely complex formation was formed with all kinds of magical weapons, and the Xuanyuan Sword was used to suppress the formation.

Forming a square circle of about two meters...

He waved to Lin Bin and said: "When I started the Road to Babel, I had the intention of trying. It was only because I was lucky that I succeeded. This time is also just an attempt. It will succeed or not, or we will be teleported." To where, I don’t know…”

"It doesn't matter, just use this white dew as a guide. It doesn't matter where we go. Anyway, we can definitely come back."

Lin Bin was quite calm.

Luck or something... Although I forgot to ask Xia Dou for her luck card.

But his luck can compete with even S-level prop luck cards.

"That's good, you activate the other five props, and I will control the Xuanyuan Sword!"

"Understood!" Lin Bin instilled it with his own true energy, and instantly activated the power of five props at the same time.

"Good cultivation!"

Yuwen Tuo admired. Although the props were magical, the power required was also amazing. Lin Bin was able to activate five of them at once... This power was amazing. No wonder he dared to challenge that old monster who had lived for hundreds of years. Challenge launched.

"get ready!"

Yuwen Tuo roared.

On the Xuanyuan Sword, the golden light suddenly lit up, transforming into a thousand brilliance.

This brilliance pierced the void, mixed with the spiritual power of white dew, and forcibly tore the heaven and earth apart... Under the red body, another entrance was forcibly torn open.

Devouring two people in the formation at the same time.

After a while, the brilliance faded.

Xuanyuan Sword and five S-level props, along with Lin Bin and Yuwen Tuo, have disappeared.

On the isolated island, the sea breeze was gentle, but there was no breath of it anymore.

For Lin Bin, it felt almost like entering a secret realm to experience.

It's just that this time he no longer needs to move by himself. Others take the initiative to help move... and directly teleport the two of them to the end of the passage.

In an instant, the world is clear.

The two of them had already appeared on an island.

But compared to the remoteness and ruin of the island where Yuwen Tuo is located, the island here is lush with green plants, and there are also smoke and smoke.

"where is this place?"

There was a look of surprise and uncertainty on Yuwen Tuo's face. No matter how strong he was, it was his first time traveling through time, and this experience was still too novel for him.

"It's already another world."

Lin Bin glanced at the reincarnation watch in his hand, and sure enough, there was no signal.

It seems that he is also a kind of stowaway now...

I just don’t know if this method counts as escaping obliteration?If I stay in this world for more than a year and then go back to the world of Tianzhihen, I wonder if I can directly receive the news that the first apostle has been obliterated by the mission... And because I escaped that erasure, So he was directly sentenced to return?

"Another world, where should we go?"

Lin Bin clenched the cold dew in his hand as if he knew the way, and said: "Follow me!"

Using the cold dew as a guide, he could clearly sense the path ahead, and there would be something that could resonate with the cold dew.

Along the way, the two of them could see with their own eyes a huge ship breaking through the waves in the distance.

Obviously there should be people living on the island...

But the two of them have clear goals and don't care about anything in this world, but move forward indomitably.

After half a column of incense.

As soon as the two of them turned a corner, they both had strange looks on their faces.

A jet-black sword light was already coming towards Lin Bin, who was walking at the front.

The power of the sword is fast and unparalleled. With just one sword, this person's strength has undoubtedly reached the level of sainthood.

But even so, Lin Bin just raised his hand.

His fingertips easily blocked the attacker's weapon, which turned out to be a dark heavy sword.


The visitor's harsh tone unconsciously contained a bit of shock.

You must know that although the magic weapon in his hand cannot be called the best in the world, he has fought countless powerful enemies with him. He can resist the cutting of the magic weapon with his tyrannical martial arts, but this kind of resistance can be easily resisted with his fingers... This is not only Just by practicing horizontally, the opponent's strength is definitely far greater than any powerful enemy he has ever encountered.

Even Hayato Tennin, who had put him in a difficult battle in the past, was probably as humble as an ant in front of this person.

"Bu Jingyun, wait a minute!"

After Lin Bin took the sword, he slightly bent his fingertips. Bu Jingyun felt a very heavy force coming from the blade of the sword, which made his right arm numb and he unconsciously let go of the hand holding the sword.

Just one blow can make the difference between superior and inferior.

But the magic weapon fell into the hands of a powerful enemy. Just as he was about to take it back, the other party's voice suddenly sounded in his ears, saying: "I am Nie Feng's friend!"

"Junior Brother Feng?"

"There is snow drink as proof!"

Lin Bin threw the Xueyin Kuangdao directly.

Bu Jingyun caught it, with an even more confused look on his face!

Lin Bin asked: "What did you do on this island?"

Bu Jingyun said in a deep voice: "I'm here to kill Lianchengzhi and seize the ruthless knife in his hand!"

"Is Wuqing going to be born?"

Lin Bin's face was suddenly stunned, and he already understood what time period this place was in.

In the final stage of the plot, Bu Jingyun came to the isolated island. He originally wanted to take advantage of the great demon and Lian Chengzhi's fight to gain an advantage, but he ignored that Lian Chengzhi had practiced his Wuqi Yi Jue and had the ability to do so. The ability to transform other people's skills for your own use.

In a great battle, the great demon was successfully killed.

He has even more successfully absorbed the power of the Great Demon God's Four Heavenly Skills. Not only has his strength not declined, but he has gone a step further, and his abilities are even astonishing.

This battle was extremely embarrassing for Jingyun. Not only was his peerless sword cut off, but he was also frightened... If his father hadn't personally come to the rescue, he might have died here in front of Lian Chengzhi. In hand.

In other words, I arrived just in time. If I were one step too late, the peerless sword would be broken.

You know, no matter how magical Heihan is, it is just a Nuwa stone.

Using stone to refine weapons is a waste of natural resources. Bu Jingyun is a warrior, and he is unable to exert the effects of Nuwa Stone...

Over the years, he has wielded a superb sword, wielding an AK47 as if it were a club.

"I'm here to ask for something from you."

Lin Bin didn't give Bu Jingyun a chance to answer and asked, "Do you know about reincarnation?"

"There were several people called reincarnations who wanted to seek the peerless sword in my hand, but they were killed by me..."

Bu Jingyun calmed down when he saw Xue Yin's Kuangdao. In other words, the enemy was too strong. No matter how amazing his fighting spirit was, he would never be his opponent.

The other party takes the initiative to express goodwill.

If Bu Jingyun was not stupid, he would not have a conflict with him.

He replied: "They have the same ornaments on their wrists as you."

"As long as you know...it will save you a lot of trouble if you explain it this way."

Lin Bin said seriously: "I'm here to ask for something from you. I want to use the power of Nuwa in your peerless sword. How about it? In exchange, I can give you some advice... or in other words, Is it about your future destiny or something like that?”

At this point, he sighed with regret and said: "It's a pity that I came a little late. Otherwise, I could have traded with you directly to save your son's life in exchange for the spiritual power of the peerless sword in your hand. But This is not a bad thing, after all, the peerless sword will be broken soon, so instead of letting it be destroyed, it is better for me to take away the spiritual power in it first, so as to save the world!"

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