when reincarnation invades

Chapter 448 Continuous time travel

Bu Jingyun was quite dismissive of Lin Bin's words at first.

But when Lin Bin told him the purpose of coming here and his life over the years...

Especially since he could clearly destroy the appearance of the merciless sword before it was born.

As a result, he waited until now, when the magic weapon was born, and the enemy was in a strong position, before taking action.

Because the person who forged this magic weapon was his biological father Bu Yuanting!

There was a very brief meeting between the two...

Moreover, there were only two people in this meeting, and there was no third person present.

Bu Yuanting had been planning for decades, so it was naturally impossible for him to reveal this common secret between them.

Likewise, Bu Jingyun never told this matter.

This should be a secret that no one can know...

"Furthermore, after Lianchengzhi learned your Wuqi Yi Jue and combined it with his own Red Flame Divine Art, he has the ability to absorb other people's essence. If you let the big devil kill him, you will let him absorb the big devil. The Demon God has thousands of years of skill, coupled with the ruthless sword at its peak, do you believe that if you fight him, the peerless sword will be completely broken before you are defeated?"

Bu Jingyun took a deep look at Lin Bin.

The other party spoke so casually, but what he said was his original plan.

"So what should I do?" he asked.

"Simple, fight out when the Great Demon God is about to die, join forces with him to kill Lianchengzhi, and seize the Wuqingdao... It doesn't matter even if the Great Demon God escapes. The Great Demon God's Four Skills of Hun Tian can only work at night, and during the day His skills are less than [-]% of those at his peak, and his weaknesses are not too obvious compared to Ren Chengzhi. In addition, he is not the Emperor of Japan. He does not have the name of justice and cannot command the entire Japan. In this battle, as long as you kill him Lianchengzhi is the greatest victory."

Bu Jingyun remained silent.

Lin Bin asked: "How about this, can the information I provided help you?"

Bu Jingyun said: "It is indeed of great help."

"Then I would like to borrow your peerless sword, can you? Don't worry, it won't take long, it will take a stick of incense to return it to you."

Bu Jingyun thought for a moment, nodded and said, "Yes!"

Anyway, it’s not like he’s never borrowed it from someone before. Mu Yingxiong had used his peerless sword before...

He keenly discovered that the peerless sword had changed hands several times in the past, but the sword became heavier and heavier every time anyone except him wielded it.

Apparently he was repulsed by the sword.

But this person can wield a peerless sword with ease, and seems to be completely immune to rejection...

In fact, he could vaguely sense the joy of the divine weapon after channeling the spirit.

This person has a mysterious origin.

Bu Jingyun said no more, just watched Lin Bin sit down cross-legged, put the peerless sword across his knees, and began to absorb the spiritual energy of the Nuwa Stone inside.

But his mind was thinking about what the other person said.

What the other party said didn't sound like a lie, which meant that if it hadn't been for the other party's intervention, he might have completely lost his peerless sword here.

Can you predict...the future?

Bu Jingyun had met several people who could predict the future, so he naturally thought so.

Lin Bin, on the other hand, already had the experience of absorbing the Snow Drinking Crazy Blade. He said it was a stick of incense, but in fact, it didn't even take the time of a stick of incense.

He holds the sword in his right hand, and a ball of black energy has appeared in his left hand, slowly integrating into his body.

"It really is the energy of Nuwa Stone!"

Yuwen Tuo said in surprise: "It's obviously a different plane, a different world, but the purity of the power is exactly the same? Brother Bin, it seems that your plan really works."

"That's natural. I thought about it carefully."

Lin Bin threw the peerless sword to Bu Jingyun.

Bu Jingyun took it, and it was still warm in his hand. There was no slight difference in the weight of the blade, but he didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that something was missing from his weapon.

It must be just an illusion, right?
"Thank you very much, Brother Bu. If there is a chance in the future, Nie Feng and I will treat you to a drink!"

Lin Bin waved his hand and said to Yuwen Tuo: "Hei Han has obtained it. Next, it's time to get the sacred stone... Grand Master Yuwen, activate the Void Formation. Bai Lu and Hei Han will take us there."

"it is good."

At this time, Yuwen Tuo completely believed Lin Bin's previous words, so he naturally didn't hesitate.

The artifact is displayed.

Lin Bin used his true energy to activate.

The next moment... the brilliance flashed again.

The two of them just disappeared without a trace in front of Bu Jingyun.

Even though he was as cold-hearted as Bu Jingyun, he still couldn't help but be stunned for a while, looking at the two people who suddenly appeared and then disappeared suddenly as if they were hallucinations.

Then he looked down at the peerless sword in his hand.

It seems like nothing happened...

But the other party had already given him some better suggestions.

"Is the ruthless divine weapon so powerful? It can't even compete with a peerless sword?"

He walked slowly towards the center of the island. Perhaps, he should change his strategy. He should no longer be so confident in his own force, but try to use some tricks.

And this time.

Just count the interest time.

Lin Bin and Yuwen Tuo had already arrived at a void place.

It is a world inside the earth.

Extremely unique and rare beauty.

Below is a vast sea of ​​magma and fire, flowing in the center of the earth.

But above, there are vast blue oceans, capsizing...

Water and fire should have blended together here, but they were blocked by a barrier.

The two of them were standing on this barrier at the moment.

Such a wonderful sight made Yu Wentuo couldn't help but look surprised and exclaimed: "What a magical sight...it's just that fire and water are incompatible, here..."

He quickly saw the clues, and his expression became serious.

"Well, that's right. If there were no divine stone to block it, the water flow would be endless and it would all pour into the center of the earth. Once the fire in the center of the earth cools down, it will cause the continental plates to move and squeeze, and even lead to the destruction of the world. Possible things.”

Lin Bin said: "From this point of view, the existence of the divine stone can be said to have saved the world."

"Then if we take away the sacred stone... wouldn't we destroy this world?"

Yuwen Tuo's brows wrinkled.

Strictly speaking, his character is somewhat similar to that of Emiya Kiritsugu. They are both the type who can sacrifice a few people without hesitation in order to save the many.

But sacrifice one world to save another.

For him, it was obviously still a bit reluctant.

"It doesn't matter. They don't have a way to replace the sacred stone, but it doesn't mean that we don't have it. Master Yuwen, the Xuanyuan Sword is extremely powerful. Why don't you chop this ocean into pieces with one sword. In this way, the sacred stone will naturally no longer have to stay here."

Yuwen Tuo glanced at the ocean that swept towards him, but was blocked by his spiritual consciousness.nodded.

In his opinion, the previous Bu Jingyun's strength was nothing more than this, but when Lin Bin said that he was already the top master in the world, it was obvious that these people had no way to solve this crisis, which was also very reasonable.

He slowly raised Xuanyuan Sword.

Said: "The Xuanyuan Sword is the sword of salvation. This place is also around me, China. The Xuanyuan Sword should be fully protected...Brother Bin, please step back and let me cut off this vast ocean!"

Having said that, the true energy penetrated the divine weapon.

The reincarnation power of the Kunlun Mirror is paired with the boundless power of the Xuanyuan Sword.

Yuwen Tuo let out a long roar and slashed straight towards the turbulent sea water with his sword.

The golden sword energy is dazzling!
Sweeping like a wave, it cut the boundless ocean into two parts in an instant. Then the sword energy continued to move and merged into the boundless ocean. Then it went upstream and struck directly at the center of the blue waves.

The sword energy spread for hundreds of miles, and then suddenly exploded in the center of the ocean.

In an instant, the entire land of China was shaken violently.

Everyone saw a golden light carrying boundless huge waves, soaring straight into the sky.

The vast ocean that originally gathered in one place instantly went back nine days...

Then it melts into the clouds and turns into a downpour.

After that day, it rained continuously in China, and it rained continuously for ten days!

Water does not disappear, but it can transform into other forms.

Yuwen Tuo thought deeply and turned the ocean directly into rainwater, letting the entire China bear the burden. In this way, even though the ocean was endless, it only caused the water levels in all the lakes and seas to rise a little, and it did not cause much impact. !

It's just that in the ten days of heavy rain, mixed with boundless and fine sword energy, the sword energy is boundless and endless. The vastness of the sword force makes all martial arts practitioners frightened. They only feel that the magnificence of this sword energy is as if they have been practicing hard all their lives. , it is also difficult to achieve the level of contingency.

For a time, all the warriors were mentally and physically exhausted.

Even Wuming, who had already cultivated to the realm of Heavenly Sword, looked extremely solemn.

He is the body of the Heavenly Sword, and all swords surrender to him, but just by feeling the tiny sword energy, he already feels a sense of surrender in his heart.

The power of this sword is absolutely extraordinary!
But instead he breathed a sigh of relief... The sword energy was sacred and inviolable. It must be the sword of the most upright king. With such a great momentum, maybe somewhere he didn't know, a crisis that could destroy the world was born. , and this sword can eliminate this crisis invisible!

At this moment, a sword slashed out, cutting off the source of water!
Wang Yang, who had previously harmonized water and fire under the divine power of the divine stone, immediately disappeared.

The sea of ​​​​fire below is still flooding.

But if the divine stone remains here, it has no meaning.

"Okay, you can take away the sacred stone!"

With all his strength, Yuwen Tuo consumed a lot of energy with his sword. After saying this to Lin Bin, he found a place and retreated to slowly recover the energy that he had consumed too much!

Lin Bin, on the other hand, sat cross-legged on the sacred stone and began to absorb the power of Nuwa contained in it.

And I don't know if it's an illusion.

After inhaling the white dew and black cold one after another, he felt that a consciousness seemed to be gradually awakening in his body.

It is not a man or a woman, but the purest consciousness, neither human nor animal nor anything, just the purest consciousness.

Sure enough, the previous Nuwa Stones were never in their prime, but now they have absorbed several Nuwa Stones from Fengyun World, and finally began to gradually regain their previous power, the true power of the top ten ancient artifacts!

The absorption of the divine stone took much longer than expected.

Black Cold White Dew only consumed one stick of incense, but the Recipe Stone consumed half an hour.

When the barrier completely disappears.

Lin Bin sat cross-legged in the air, feeling the endless vitality in his body, and said with satisfaction: "This time, the power that was lost before the Nuwa Stone has been completely restored."

Yuwen Tuo appeared from behind him and said: "If you use the Formation of Loss at this moment, although you will suffer a lot of losses, you will no longer turn into a stone."

"not enough."

Lin Bin said: "I was not the opponent of the First Apostle in his heyday, not to mention that after using the Lost Formation, my power will be weakened to an astonishing level. I still need more Nuwa Stones."

"Aren't there four pieces in this world? You have absorbed three pieces..."

"If nothing goes wrong, the fourth piece has already been absorbed by me. We have to change planes."

Lin Bin said: "Master Yuwen, could you please open the Void Formation again? This time, I have successfully activated the Nuwa Stone. I am already the most orthodox descendant of Nuwa. With me as the base, I can easily find it." New Nuwa Stone!"


Yuwen Tuo was already extremely skilled in setting up the Void Formation at this moment.

In just a few breaths, the formation of the void has been arranged.

This time, Lin Bin took the initiative to enter it, using himself as a base to instill true energy into it.

The next moment... the golden crack in time and space appeared again.

Both of them were old horses who knew the way, so they no longer hesitated and took the initiative to step into it one after the other.

Completely left this stormy plane.

A short passage trip…

when it reappears.

The environment has changed from the red and scorching heat to the continuous rain.

Between heaven and earth, the heavy rain is like a curtain of beads.

The roar of huge waves echoed across the sky.

In their ears, they could even hear the people's frightened cries for help mixed with the huge waves.

"How is this going?"

Yuwen Tuo was shocked: "The waves actually hit the human city? This is not the power of heaven and earth... but man-made..."

But after seeing the clothes on those people that were completely different from the people in the Central Plains.

His anxious mood instantly cooled down.

It turns out it’s not Middle-earth…that’s nothing.

He looked up into the distance.

Although he still couldn't see anything, Yuwen Tuo had already noticed the power of the powerful monster in this huge wave!
He couldn't help but shook his head and exclaimed: "What a powerful monster... The monsters in this world are really much stronger than the world we went to before."

talking room.

A giant python that was huge, even bigger than the black water black snake in the Zhuxian Secret Realm, suddenly emerged from the boundless waves.

It has two wings on its back and has a ferocious shape, especially the horns of its head are covered with ferocious sharp thorns. It moves with the force of the water, making it even more powerful.

And combined with the scene of the entire city being submerged...

Lin Bin has also realized what kind of place this is.

"Let's go, follow me, let's find what we need first!"

Lin Bin took Yuwen Tuo first and flew towards the location he sensed.

The world of Legend of Sword and Fairy!

And this water monster is so rampant... It seems like it is a great opportunity for them!

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