Chapter 189 New Trials
"It's him! It's Diao Deyi!"

"Why is this killing god coming again?!"

"Shut up! Don't let him come to us!"

After a brief exclamation, the prisoners held their breath and did not dare to make a sound.

Just kidding, that's the god of killing Diao Deyi!
Who dares to touch this god-killing mold?

One glance can pull you out and behead you!

With a roar, I can rush into the prison and tear you to pieces!
He can be called the living Hades in the prison, the real warden.

Fang Yu's deeds, in the process of spreading rumors, and even in the jailer's gossip and bragging, gradually became demonized.

At least the prisoners in the prison have been terrified by this god of death.

The prison immediately became quiet again.

"Dead, dead?"

Only then did Qian Guxing regain his strength.

Just now she was almost frightened to death by [Kuang Youyi], the appearance of being possessed by a demon is really crazy.

Fortunately, it is fortunate that Diao De is there.

She got up and walked over quietly, grabbed Fang Yu by the corner of his clothes, and said in a low voice.

"It seems, it doesn't seem to be a demon. Me, let's go elsewhere to see other prisoners. Someone will deal with the body."


Fang Yu didn't speak, but looked at the corpse on the ground with a complicated look on his face.

Because he seemed to have vaguely sorted out the logic of the matter.

According to Kuang Youyi's performance just now.

He seemed to decide that the family was no longer the original family.

Or because of character, or because of memory.

In this case, he thought that his family members had turned into demons, so he wanted to kill the demons to avenge his family.

In the end, the family really died tragically at his hands.

Kuang Youyi thought that he really killed his family members again, which conflicted with his original cognition of demon possession.

Under the double stimulus, people will go crazy.

Judging from his crazy reaction of biting off the jailer's ear and eating it, the whole person's mental state is abnormal.

Even if Fang Yu didn't kill him, he would still be punished for killing his family members.

After all, in the eyes of outsiders, when his family members are not monsters, he, Kuang Youyi, is a standard murderer.

Not to mention, even if the family members are really demons, they should report to the officials and let the people in Yudi Mansion verify it, instead of revenge privately by the angry ones.

Let's not talk about whether he broke the law or not, whether he can fight or not is a problem.

But Fang Yu probably understood what was going on.

Most likely, this Kuang Youyi's family was replaced by players.

It's different from Fang Yu's dedicated management role.

Most of the players, for the background introduction of the game characters, just glanced over.

I don't care much about lurking or anything, and I play games to highlight that I can do whatever I want.

Fortunately, recently, when I scanned the forum, I found that the level of the players was rising a little bit, at least they had a sense of safety, and they would not casually expose the fact that they were not natives at all.

But once someone asks and investigates, it must be full of loopholes.

Unlike Fang Yu, he not only stabilized the anchor point of the second sister's role as a relative.

I also asked about the role memory endorsement, and the people around me are very organized.

It belongs to the latent very successful group.

Of course, if it weren't for Fang Yu's purpose from the beginning, he came to the game to make money.

We must understand the rules of the game, play all the details well, and treat it as seriously as work.

It is estimated that Fang Yu is similar to these players, just let go of the game, if exposed, it will be exposed, I can't help it.

So Fang Yu can understand the reckless actions of those players.

Although the death penalty is also very severe, if you die a few times, you will not be able to log in for a long time, and even each death is a restart, and the character cannot be developed.

But there are always players who don't care about these and only care about their own fun.

Although Fang Yu can understand those players, after all, he is also a player and can understand the other party's thinking.

But from another angle, looking at this matter from the perspective of that crazy [Kuang Youyi], it is simply unacceptable, extremely terrifying and miserable.

Family members are all replaced by strangers.

Personality and even memory are all gone.

It doesn't really matter whether it's a monster or not. The important thing is that the family members in the memory are actually gone the moment the player logs in.

From the perspective of [Kuang Youyi], this is a terrible thing.

Converted into reality, it is probably that sister Jin suddenly changed to another person and did not know herself, and all the surrounding interpersonal circles changed, and she was taken away by others, and she even suspected that she was the alien.

Thinking about it this way, in a sense, players are even scarier than demons...

Fang Yu suddenly felt a crisis.

He is not too worried about others.

Because most of the people he met in the game have a little bit of strength.

As for the players logging into the game, as far as he knows, they all start with ordinary people, and most of the people who win the game are ordinary person templates. Occasionally, there are geniuses or something, that is also the initial template to start with, and will not directly give the strength of martial arts .

Under this premise, among the people around Fang Yu, there was only one person to worry about the most.

That is the second sister.

Among the people I know, she is the most qualified to be logged in by the player.

Fang Yu's heart sank, and he felt a little anxious.

What Ding Hui said about teaching martial arts should be put on the agenda as soon as possible. If you enter martial arts as soon as possible, at least there will be more security guarantees, and the possibility of being replaced by players will be greatly reduced.

Although the number of players who log in to the game is scattered all over the country, and the number assigned to Tianyuan Town is not large, they are not afraid of [-] or just in case.

Thinking about something in his heart, Fang Yu was also a little absent-minded when opening the blind box.

Qian Guxing saw that something was wrong with Fang Yu's state, and asked worriedly.

"Diao Deyi, what's the matter? Are you feeling unwell?"

Fang Yu waved his hand to show that he was fine.

He glanced at the prisoner in the cell in front of him.

[Duanqu text: 45/45. 】

After a wave of water release, is there only this kind of crooked melon and cracked dates?
Fang Yu said involuntarily.

"I'll stop here today, and I'll come back another day to check if there are any monsters lurking in the prison."

I think you are a monster!

[Duan Qu Wen] hiding in the corner, thought to himself.

Hearing that the killing god was leaving, he was so happy that he almost jumped up.

No way, too much pressure!
Other people's interrogation is interrogation, and at most you will be given a set of torture combos.

But this killing god is different, he is really killing!
The kind that is hard to argue with.

There is a saying in the circle of prisoners who is shrouded in the shadow of the killing god, which is quietly circulating.

That is, when you are considered a monster by the killing god, you better really be a monster!

Because you are a demon, you at least have some room to resist.

And if you are just an ordinary murderer, then I'm sorry, but when you meet the God of Killing, death is the final outcome.

[Duanqu Wen] I have killed someone, but I killed my brother.

But my brother refused to lend him money for him to gamble, so he would be killed, so I went to my brother's house to get the money and continued to gamble!
Gambling is the only way to turn around and to repay your principal. Brothers don't understand this truth, and you deserve it if you die.

[Duan Quwen] I only regret that I didn't win that night, and that I was caught by the Yudi Mansion and thrown into prison early the next morning, but I never regretted killing my brother.

When I go out, I'll go to my elder brother's house!My sister-in-law is a widow and suffers so much, it is better to be dragged to the brothel by me to exchange money, so that I have the capital to continue gambling.

Duan Quwen thought bitterly.

I don't know what he was thinking, which caused his face to become a little distorted and ferocious, and he was noticed by the killing god who was about to leave just now.

"Wait! What did this guy do?"

"I think about it, it seems that he killed his elder brother, then robbed his elder brother's money, used it for bad gambling, and then was arrested by us."

After a pause, Qian Guxing added: "According to the files, this [Duan Qu Wen] was in our prison before, but it was all petty theft at that time, and no major crimes were caused. It was just investigated and found to be a gambling crime." Ghost, bad gambling."

"This time it's..."

Qian Guxing didn't go any further, because she noticed that Fang Yu was already calling for someone to unlock the lock and escort the prisoner out.

"No! Don't come here!"

[Duan Qu Wen] panicked with fright, shouted excitedly, but to no avail.

"My lord, spare my life! My lord, please spare my life!!"

[Duan Quwen] Kowtowed to beg for mercy, peed on the crotch of his pants, but Fang Yu just asked a few words indifferently, and then swung his sword.

The sword light flashed.

Red crit.

[Duanqu text: 0/45. 】

【system hint:……】

[Life: 3346/4246. 】

The begging voice was gone.

A cold wind seemed to blow through the prison.

All the prisoners were in danger and kept silent.

It wasn't until I heard the sound of treading footsteps gradually going away that my hanging heart slowly let go.

"Go, go?"

"It seems to be gone?"

"Phew—that killing god has left."

"It's too scary! Come and kill once, it's really lawless. Is there no one to take care of it?"

"We are prisoners, no one cares about us."

"Who said, I still have some contacts in my hand. If everyone can help me escape, I can find a way to report this matter to the Yudi Mansion, and make sure that Diao De will not be late."

As soon as the man finished speaking, the jailer next to him slowly turned his head.

The prisoner suddenly thumped in his heart.

I was so scared that I panicked, only thinking about how to save my life, and completely forgot that there were jailers guarding beside me.

"Master jailer, I'm joking, I'm joking!"

But it was too late, the jailer unlocked it, and pushed the prisoner into the torture room for interrogation.

There were screams from inside, and it was not much better than being killed directly by the killing god.

All the prisoners looked at each other in blank dismay, only feeling that these jailers seemed to have become a lot braver after the suicide god came.

You know, in the past, under the leadership of Qian Guxing, these jailers didn't even dare to fart against these vicious prisoners, but now they dare to arrest people, whip them, torture them, and use lynching.

All the prisoners showed bitter expressions. This prison is getting worse and worse, and they still have to find a way. Hurry up and ask someone to get them out.


outside the prison.

As soon as Fang Yu got out of the prison, he saw someone waiting at the door for a long time.

"Master Diao De?"

the man shouted.

Fang Yu felt that this person looked familiar.

[Gu Dongjia: 80/80. 】

Come to think of it, it was Li Baizhen's confidant who came here.

"Master Li Baizhen asked you to go to his yard, the manpower for the task has already been assembled."

Fang Yu nodded slightly.

Not everyone can enter the prison casually.

Most people, if they have no relationship or proper mission, can only stay outside and wait, and cannot enter inside.

Fang Yu was able to come in and out so freely by virtue of the privilege of Qian Guxing.

Turning to look at Qianguxing who had been escorted to the prison gate, Fang Yu said.

"Just send it here, I will come to see you some other day."


Qian Lone Star nodded heavily.

Fang Yu left, and Qian Guxing didn't look back until he couldn't see Fang Yu's back.

Being on duty in a prison is like being in a prison, with no sunlight and no contact with the outside world all day long.

Only the days of vacation are a little free.

Qian Guxing doesn't like working in prison, but this is the best job left by her father, and it is also the best job she can get.

Just as Qian Guxing turned around and was about to return to the prison, he suddenly caught sight of a sassy woman riding a horse and escorting a large group of prisoners.

It is said to be a large string, mainly because this person is holding a thick rope in his hand, and behind the rope, prisoners are tied one after another.

Qian Guxing didn't pay much attention to it at first.

Suddenly, I noticed the clothes of some prisoners, which looked familiar.

When he remembered something, Qian Guxing's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly went up to meet him.

"My lord, these prisoners seem to be... from the Li family?"

The woman smiled mysteriously and threw out a token.

"Close it, keep an eye on it, and don't ask other questions that you shouldn't ask."

On the token, there are three large characters written on the front - Yangshentang.

On the back, there are three small characters - Zhuo Xue'er.


Li family.

Qing Yao opened his eyes.

He looked at the image in the mirror and frowned slightly.

The man in the mirror is very handsome.

It's even so beautiful that it has a kind of evil feeling.

This kind of image is actually not a suitable target for monsters who need to hide.

But the human skin Shu bird demon prepared for him was this.

He is in his early twenties, with long hair like a waterfall, casually falling on his shoulders, and a Tsing Yi, as if tailor-made, which highlights the beauty and wickedness of human skin.

Qing Yao is still a little unfamiliar with this image, and her body moves a little bit unfamiliar.

Qing Yao understood that it was because he had been using Yue Guang's human skin for a long time, and he got used to it.

Now that I suddenly changed my body, it naturally takes a little time to adapt.

Sure enough, facing the bronze mirror, posing a few poses at random, the discomfort gradually faded away, and I gradually became familiar with and controlled my body.

Not surprisingly, in the future plans, he will need to stay dormant in the Lifu with this appearance.


Just then, the door was pushed open.

Qing Yao looked back and saw that it was Shu Niao Yao, or... Li Shiquan.

"What should I call you?"

Qing Yao asked calmly.

Li Shiquan smiled.

"You adapt quickly. Now you need to call me second brother."

After a pause, he continued: "As for me, I will call you fifth brother, or... salute ten swords."

"You are good at using knives, you are good at knife skills, you have a bad temper, sometimes you are like ice, sometimes you are like fire, and you are unpredictable."

"You are the fifth son of the Li family, and I am the greatest rival, the mortal enemy, and the next Patriarch, the most powerful competitor."

"A new round of trials for the Li family has begun."

"You will encounter many enemies, ambushes, and assassinations. can also deal with them one by one and devour them."

"I'll help you with your tail."

"Do you understand it?"

 Just one update today, and start to explode tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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