Invincibility starts when I see the BOSS health bar.

Chapter 190 The Trial of the Ri Family

Chapter 190 The Trial of the Ri Family

Yangshen Hall.

"Li Family, a new round of trials has begun."

On the high seat, the person who closed his eyes and rested his mind suddenly spoke lightly.

Li Baizhen, who lowered his head down, suddenly froze, and his face gradually became gloomy.

Li Baizhen always thought so.

The Li family is the most special among the five major families, with the most cruel internal methods.

Every once in a while, they will start a trial.

The subjects of the trial are basically the blood of the Li family.

Like a dragon giving birth to nine sons, the nine dragons win the pearl.

The testers, in order to compete for the position of the Patriarch of the Li Family, will fight each other and use all means, regardless of life or death, until the Patriarch calls to stop.

As far as Li Baizhen can remember, there were 30 people in the Li family's direct lineage at the beginning.

After a trial, the ranking is determined, and there are only 10 people left.

But in the second trial, the number of players has been restored to 20, and a new battle for ranking has started again.

Why can the number of people go up?
the reason is simple.

Because the Li family is very perverted.

It divides everyone in the Li family into three levels.

Animals, people, dragons.

All the women of the Li family are [animals], a kind of resource.

resources for the production of offspring.

Every woman of the Li family will be firmly controlled in the Li family to complete the role of childbearing, so that every year, newborns will be born, and the 'population will be prosperous' continuously.

Even a little girl will not be let go, and she will be supported until she is old enough to continue the role of the previous generation of women.

It stands to reason that such close relatives have children, sooner or later there will be problems.

But the Li family seems to have its own means, and there has never been any handicapped person, and it even grows stronger and stronger.

Even the women of the Li family play such an important role in the Li family.

But [animal] is [animal], in that family, there is no representative of the future.

Just like...the younger sister that Li Baizhen has never met.

Once born, they are pulled away, imprisoned, nursed, and cultivated into new birth containers.

When the younger sister grows up and loses her role, she will probably end up like the mother who only saw her once.

That meeting was a funeral, my mother's funeral.

It was also the first time Li Baizhen had seen the appearance of the so-called mother since she became conscious.

The body was very old, even though it had been carefully arranged, it still looked old.

Li Baizhen doesn't have any feelings for her mother who only met once.

Until her mother was cremated, she was buried silently in the Li family's tomb, leaving only a line of name to represent the evidence of her life.

Li Baizhen suddenly felt sad and painful, but he was unable to change it.

Because he is also a part of the Li family, one of the gears.

The status of [animals] in the Li family has always been very low, yet very honorable.

Noble to all-round protection, nutritional support, to ensure the best baby.

He was so low that he couldn't even decide what to eat, let alone leave Lifu.

Among the girls of the Li family, unless their talent is strong enough, and they show enough strength and aptitude, they can be promoted from [animal] to [human].

[People] just have the basic family resource supply and can go out to meet people.

Anyway, as far as Li Baizhen is concerned, he has met only a handful of women in the Li family for so many years.

And want to go further.

If you want to break through from a [human] to a [dragon] who can participate in trials, there is still a long way to go.


Even if they are not direct descendants of the Li family, they are still eligible to participate in the trial.

Their collateral blood, even if they are not born well, can still show enough strength through their own efforts to win the qualification of [Dragon].

Li Baizhen's father is desperately trying to transform from a "human" into a "dragon".

Li Baizhen originally had many brothers of the same age, but they all died one after another.

Because of father's research, damn it!Research that wants to push the limits!

One spirit cannot satisfy the father!
In order to be able to catch up to the realm of those monsters of the first line, and to win the qualification of [Dragon]... Father, I am crazy.

Killed his mother, killed Li Baizhen's brother, and became neither human nor ghost.

If it wasn't for the second year, when new siblings were born one after another, or matured, Li Baizhen wouldn't be alive now.

Li family, is sick.

is disgusting.

So Li Baizhen fled.

He is powerless to change, the most he can do is escape.

Under normal circumstances, the Li family does not allow the Li family to flee.

But Yudifu is an exception.

After Li Baizhen took the initiative to sever all ties with the Li family, the Yudi Mansion saved him.

After leaving Li's house, Li Baizhen discovered a new world.

Humans can live freely in this world.

In the past five years, Li Baizhen has been very stable.

With a virtuous wife, brothers and subordinates who depend on each other for life and death, and even dreams.

It's just that he didn't expect that today, five years later, he heard the news about the trial of the Li family.

A new round of trials...

Li Baizhen clenched her fists, raised her head and asked.

"The number of people in this trial is..."

The people on the high seat still closed their eyes and meditated.

"About fifty."

More than 50 people?

The last trial was five years ago.

After five years of cultivating health and rest, they really have bred another batch of monsters.

[Dragon], there is a requirement for strength.

Those who are not of age or strength, even if they are of direct blood, are not qualified to be [dragons].

Li Baizhen didn't need to think about it, he knew that the Li family was about to set off a bloody storm in Tianyuan Town.

Now that the monsters are causing troubles frequently, the Li family has started a trial, and it is not known whether it is a good thing or a bad thing.

The only thing that can be foreseen is that the Li family is about to roll out a brand new monster, a monster that may be comparable to the head of the Li family.

After so many years, the strength of the children of the Li family has been iterated and strengthened layer by layer.

Lifespan is also decreasing from generation to generation.

As far as Li Baizhen can remember, the monsters of the Li family have gradually started to appear younger.

Those who are older are gradually becoming less powerful than the young and strong.

It's like the body structure, with the birth of generations, it becomes stronger and stronger, and it is more and more suitable for the ritual family's exercises.

Up to now, several rounds of trials have passed, as far as Li Baizhen heard the rumors.

Most of the children of the Li family who are in the limelight are young children in their early twenties.

I even heard that there is a new generation of the Li family who has been able to fight the owner of one of the three major martial arts [Hongyang Martial Arts] for dozens of rounds without losing the wind.

What level of strength is that, Li Baizhen dare not think deeply about it.

He always thought that the Li family was sick, but he had to admit that the Li family... was very strong!
Strong like a monster.

Li Baizhen didn't know what happened to the other families of the five major families.

But the Li Family, apart from the Patriarch at the top, the backbone of the lower ranks have been continuously improved in the cruel trials again and again, and their overall strength is terrifying.

Fortunately, he has already left the Li family.

Unlike his younger brother, Li Qianxuan, who still has inextricable ties with the family, but was only temporarily released to enjoy it for a while.

It seemed that Baizheng had been silent for a while while watching the ceremony. The person on the stage who closed his eyes and meditated, opened his eyes slightly, and spoke slowly.

"Gift City, also participated in the trial."

Hearing the word 'Gift City', Li Baizhen's expression changed drastically and uncontrollably, causing an uproar in his heart, and he suddenly raised his head.

"He...has he become a [dragon]?"

Mentalist, close your eyes and nod your head.


Then he thought of something, and sighed: "Li family, Pinzi generation, it is really not easy to participate in this round of trials."

Character generation...

Li Baizhen showed bitterness.

Mouth, Lu, product.

The seniority of the Li family is very chaotic, because too many people died and were consumed too quickly.

But Li Baizhen knew.

This product represents the previous generation of Li Baizhen, the collateral blood of the Li family, and his father's generation.

Gift City is the father of Li Baizhen and Li Qianxuan.

Have you turned [Dragon]...

He succeeded?
So what's the price?
Li Baizhen didn't dare to think deeply, just lowered her head again.

"What are you going to do, my lord?"

Asking this lord is naturally tantamount to asking the foolish underworld.

However, the person who raised his mind on the stage just smiled lightly and shook his head slightly.

"That's the trial of the Li family. Just like the rules that have been passed down for so many years, unless it is really necessary, under normal circumstances, we will not interfere in the internal affairs of the five major families."


Li Baizhen didn't say anything, the people on the stage had already made it very clear.

Yudifu will not interfere in this matter.

Everything, wait and see.

Li Baizhen wanted to say something, but moved his throat and stopped again.

He has self-knowledge.

"Okay, you can step back. I agree with what you proposed."

When the person above spoke again, Li Baizhen's eyes lit up immediately.

"Thank you sir!"

The man who raised his mind spoke lightly.

"You don't have to thank me, existences like demon warriors are still very rare."

"I wanted him to stay there for a while longer, to lay a solid foundation, and then to be promoted."

"In order not to overthrow the seedlings, enter the vision of others prematurely, be suppressed by others, and die halfway."

"Since you think your temple is too small now, then come to my Yangshen Hall to exercise in advance."

Having said that, Keli Baizhen understands that without the achievement of destroying the green demon and digging out the great demon behind it this time, it is absolutely impossible to get the recommendation of the Yangshentang, let alone get Diao Deyi to join in advance Yangshen Hall.

Although in the end it was the Li family and the Lin family who eliminated the great demon, but the information provided by Diao Deyi also benefited Yudifu.

Li Baizhen retreated, and the room returned to silence.

The person who was resting his mind did not leave, but continued to rest his mind with his eyes closed, as if he was doing nothing, and he seemed to be practicing something.

Suddenly, there was a light knock on the door.

"Come in."

The god-raiser spoke lightly.

People from outside pushed the door and entered.

She was dressed in white, cool and capable, with the fragrance of just after bathing.

Or because of the small movement of pushing the door, the waist card worn on his waist was turned over, revealing three small characters - Zhuo Xue'er.

"My lord, I have done what you ordered."

Come to salute and report.

"How many did you catch?"

"17 people."

"Well, I'll be locked up for a few days, and I'll do all the hands and feet that need to be done, and then I'll send them all back to the Li Mansion."


Zhuo Xueer stood up, saluted again, and was about to step back.

Suddenly, the man who raised his mind spoke again.

"By the way, in a few days, there will be a newcomer joining the Yangshen Hall, and you will be responsible for taking it with you."

Zhuo Xueer paused and raised her head with a surprised expression.

Yangshentang, it has been a while, and no newcomers have been added.

"Is there... anything special?"

"Have the same power as you."

His eyes narrowed slightly.


Also... a demon warrior?

"Yangshen Hall, Juan'an Hall, and Tea Ceremony Hall are collectively called [Three Fen Halls], and they are also the strongest forces in the Yudi Mansion."

"In addition to the three-point hall, there are [Ming Hall] and [Dark Hall]."

"Mingtang, in other places, I don't know the situation. But in Tianyuan Town, the five major families arranged some puppets and wastes to come here and use the name of Yudi Mansion to facilitate things. At the same time, they will be under the jurisdiction of the Sanfentang It’s basically impossible to turn over any storms.”

"For some obscure matters, the five major families will not go through [Mingtang] to go through official procedures. It can only be said that it is equivalent to a facade, and it is not worth mentioning."

"The dark hall has a lot to say. There are rumors that [the dark hall] is the strongest force in the Yudifu, and it specializes in handling some dark things that cannot be brought to the table for the Yudifu."

"However, the dark hall acts in a low-key manner, and the personnel are unknown. We have not yet had colleagues lurking to that extent. Naturally, we don't know the specific situation of [the dark hall]."

"In fact, at the level of Tangkou, it's not easy to get involved."

"We have been lurking in Tianyuan Town for so many years, and we only wandered and worked under a hundred households. First, we are low-key enough so as not to be exposed. Second, the position above the hall entrance is really not easy to mix in."

"Of course, if you can lurk well and are lucky enough to climb into the [dark hall]. This information will definitely be rewarded by the adults above."

When [Che Linfang] said this, his voice dropped.

Fang Yu followed [Che Linfang]'s line of sight and looked forward, only to realize that the exit of Yudi Mansion was already in front of him.

There were people coming and going at the door one after another, so it was inconvenient to talk about it.

A few minutes ago, Fang Yu came out of the prison and went straight to the Li Baizhen compound.

As soon as he entered the yard, he found that the people standing inside were basically acquaintances.

[Che Linfang], [Tang Shan], [Hu Shusheng], and even... [Kunshanhai]!

These few people are all here, and there are other ten households and about dozens of team members.

[Che Linfang] Several people, Fang Yu can still understand.

Li Baizhen arranged to come over to help.

But what the hell is [Kunshanhai]?

Didn't he go to [Han Mengyu] to negotiate terms just now?

Why turned around and was arranged to come back?
It just so happened that after the third question was asked, Fang Yu directly changed the subject.

"What's the matter with that guy? Didn't you talk to [Han Mengyu]?"

[Che Linfang] looked back at [Kunshanhai], and said in a low voice.

"Hanmeng Jade Lion opened his mouth wide, Kunshanhai couldn't afford it."

With a simple sentence, Fang Yu roughly understood what was going on.

Apparently, Kunshanhai seemed to take advantage of Han Mengyu's momentum, either to overthrow Li Baizhen, or to stand on its own, but was embarrassed by Han Mengyu, who was crazily accumulating money, and the lion opened his mouth.

Fang Yu smiled, not paying much attention to the matter of Kunshanhai.

Just don't bother him.

But Fang Yu didn't pay attention to Kun Shanhai, but this guy seemed to have been charged with gunpowder.

After leaving the gate of Yudi Mansion, he suddenly accelerated and walked at the front of the team, as if he was the leader of the team.

He also gave Fang Yu a cold and provocative look.

The good image she had pretended to be when she was fooling around before was gone.

I still like your face when you fool people.

Fang Yu sighed inwardly, unwilling to argue with [Kunshanhai].

However, the ten households who had just followed Kunshanhai to seek refuge with Han Mengyu began to get close to Fang Yu.

It seems that because [Che Linfang] set an example, they also warmed up.

After all, [Kunshanhai] has been clearly deflated. If they can't quit and leave, then if they stay by Li Baizhen's side, there is no need to say more about which popular person they want to please.

"Diao Deyi, Lord Li Baizhen entrusted you with full authority to lead the team for this mission. He is hinting at you."

"Hint me?"

Fang Yu glanced at the man.

[Yu Chengzhong: 100/100. 】

"How?" Fang Yu asked.

Yu Chengzhong regained his energy and continued.

"Think about it, investigate [Luo Lifang], what kind of fat job must that be."

"Master Li Baizhen didn't lead the team himself, but asked you to lead the team to investigate, don't you understand?"

"This is cultivating you. Although your current strength is far from qualified to be the next Baihu, to take over the position of Master Li Baizhen."

"But you're still young. After five or six years, Lord Li Baizhen will retire, and the position of Baihu will be vacant, so it must be passed on to you."

Their group of ten households can be seen.

Kunshanhai is indeed the closest existence in the team to Master Li Baizhen in terms of strength.

However, there is still a long way to go if he wants to take over the position of Lord Li Baizhen and climb to the position of Baihu.

On the contrary, this seemingly most unlikely newcomer is far inferior to Kunshanhai in terms of strength, status, and qualifications.

On the contrary, he is the one who has the best chance of succeeding Lord Li Baizhen as a hundred households.

The reason is also very simple.

One is that Diao Deyi, a newcomer, climbed his status too quickly.

From ordinary team members to ten household positions, it will only take about ten days or 20 days, right?
You know, they climbed to the current position of ten households, but they only climbed up in units of years.

The second is the great love of Master Li Baizhen.

From all the signs, it is not difficult to see that Master Li Baizhen took special care of Diao Deyi.

After several missions, although they have experienced dangers, it just shows that the important missions are all entrusted to Diao Deyi.

Otherwise, why didn't the peony dyeing workshop let Kun Shanhai perform the task?
In terms of strength, Kunshanhai is definitely above Diao Deyi.

In terms of seniority, Kunshan Hai has been with Master Li Baizhen for so many years.

No matter how you look at it, Kunshanhai is more suitable for such dangerous and extremely rewarding tasks.

But in the end, it was Diao Deyi who came out on top.

This is not love what is it?
Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

When it's time to stand in line, you have to stand in line without hesitation.

In the wave of Kunshan Hai, I have already pressed the wrong treasure. This time, I can't choose the wrong one again!

These ten households circled around Fang Yu, making Fang Yu feel a little giddy.

[Che Linfang] next to him rolled his eyes.

You'd better pretend, you can't stand this little compliment?

I gave [Hu Shusheng] a look, and told him to go up and follow Kun Shanhai, and continue to make friends.

The latter glanced at her and didn't move.

[Che Linfang] suddenly became a little angry.

But there are so many people here, it's hard for her to express anything.

I just vaguely understood why [Hu Shusheng] didn't obey his orders.

[Che Linfang], [Hu Shusheng], [Tang Shan], although they have different strengths, they are actually at the same level within the monster.

To lurk in this kind of mission, strength is only secondary. Whether you can lurk and pass on information is the criterion for measuring meritorious service.

Now that the green demon is 'dead', the three demons have the same job, and the incubation time is not bad, and there is no one boss, so naturally no one will accept the other.

[Che Linfang] was sulking, Fang Yu had already got rid of those bragging ten households, pulled Che Linfang forward, opened up some space with the others, and lowered his voice.

"what's the situation?"

"...[Hu Shusheng] didn't listen to the command and didn't continue to follow [Kunshanhai]. That guy is still useful, he has been making troubles, maybe he can use it at any time."

What [Che Linfang] said made sense, but Fang Yu didn't bother to care.

He only saw these few demons, without the blue demons in charge, no one would obey the other, at most they were lurking with each other, and nothing big would happen.

"I'll talk to him later." Fang Yu said casually.

[Che Linfang] looked at Fang Yu with some displeasure.

You talk to him?What is your status and you just talk to him?
Make it look like you're higher than me?
With a cold snort, [Che Linfang] retreated to the team.

Fang Yu:? ? ?
These demons and inner ghosts, without the green demon, why do they feel that they have become difficult to get along with.

Or... find a chance to do them?

Staying in the team is also an unstable factor.

The next few ten households also had some inexplicable [Che Linfang] reactions, obviously they were very skilled with Diao De just now, how could they become indifferent again.

But they didn't care about Che Linfang. Seeing that there was no one around Fang Yu, they came up to make friends with Fang Yu again.

Fang Yu was surrounded by the crowd, feeling a little helpless, while [Kunshanhai] in front of him was about to go mad with anger.

It's fine for Han Mengyu to suffer, but when she comes back to receive orders, she still has to be inferior to the newcomer.

Even if I want to fight you, you shouldn't embarrass me so much because of your brother's face for so many years, so that I can't step down!
Kun Shanhai was very angry, and looked at Fang Yu with vicious eyes.

Pretend to be naive, isn't it just a temporary favor, who hasn't had it.

Wait a few years, can you see if you can climb up?

The road I walked is the road you are climbing now!

By that time, there will be no more than a hundred households in three to five years. I see if you are in a hurry, you Diao Deyi will be the next me!

With a heavy snort, [Kunshanhai] rode his horse coldly, and pulled a little distance away from the others, still walking at the front of the team.

At this time, [Luo Lifang] can already be seen in front.

Luolifang is not a single brothel, but an area, which is considered to be the largest place to listen to music in Tianyuan Town.

At night, when the lights are on, the streets in the square are full of soliciting customers.

Every household has remodeled their own brothel to have a unique style.

In the whole workshop, the roads are narrow, staggered up and down, and the difference in height can reach five or six meters.

The roads have been greatly rebuilt in order to force dignitaries and dignitaries to enter this place, and they have to dismount and walk to enjoy the spring scenery along the way.

But during the day, it is not so lively.

Fang Yu and the others went over, got off their horses, and walked inside, but attracted a few brothel girls to look down from upstairs.

"There are so many people, what a great style, what day is it that attracts so many officials from Yudi Mansion to visit?"

"The official is here to play, the concubine is so lonely."

Bold monsters, just wait, when I finish my work, I will let you know what is called daddy, and daddy is called daddy!

Fang Yu cheered in his heart, glanced at these brothels, and quickly locked on the largest brothel named [Luoli Pavilion] in front of the one.

According to Li Baizhen, [Mo Lingyu] is hiding here.

"My lord? What do the lords want to do?"

Before Fang Yu and the others went in, a bustard rushed out of the door and hurriedly blocked the door with her body.

In broad daylight, the business is indeed a bit less, but it doesn't mean there is no one, does it?

Not to mention... There is a heavyweight guest inside now.

[Ma Zifang: 150/150. 】

Fang Yu was slightly surprised, this old bustard actually has the strength of ten households?

Brothel Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.

But... no use!
Today, I, Diao Deyi, want to investigate strictly!

Show the token.


Before he finished speaking, [Kunshanhai] shouted first.

"The Yudi government handles the case, if you don't want to die, just get out!"

Fang Yu:? ? ?
How did you grab your lines?
[Kunshanhai] didn't realize it at all, went up and pushed away the old bustard, and glared angrily at the few guards who came behind the bustard.

Surprisingly, the guard was not afraid at all, and had no intention of giving way at all.

Sweep away.

[Chang Yuanhuai: 154/154. 】

[Ye Xiyang: 132/132. 】

[Wang Feichi: 101/101. 】

[Guo Ye: 1000/1000. 】

[Bo Huaishan: 224/224. 】


A group of ordinary people... color?

and many more!

Fang Yu suddenly looked at someone out of the corner of his eye, and his heart skipped a beat.

The one named [Guo Ye]? 1000 blood?

Really 1000 blood?

No way?
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon?Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?
This guy is at the same level as that monk, or even Lin Chengxian from the Lin family's martial arts hall? ?

Such a monster, if you don't go out to make a name for yourself, why don't you stay here as a little security guard?
Fang Yu, who was just about to make a fuss, immediately 'calmed down'.

Step forward to stop the furious Kun Shanhai.

"Brother Hai, we are only here to investigate the case, not to cause trouble, please be gentle."

After finishing speaking, he turned his back to the guards and gave Kun Shanhai a hint.

As a result, Kunshan Hai suddenly became even more angry, as if he had misunderstood something.

Give me back face?
Do you really think of yourself as the team leader? ? ?

If I don’t kill a few people for you today, everyone really treats me, Kunshanhai, as a sick cat, right?

With a loud roar, Kun Shanhai kicked the guard in front, and drew out his knife with a snap!
"I don't understand each of them, right? The Yudi Prefecture handles the case, who dares to stop and take a look! Don't blame the official, the knife in my hand has no eyes!"

After finishing speaking, Kun Shanhai squinted at Diao Deyi next to him.

Diao De's eyes widened, his expression was astonished and shocked.

snort!Unknown newcomer!

This scares you?
In terms of team leadership experience, can you compare with me?
Kun Shanhai was secretly proud of himself, but he didn't know what Fang Yu was really thinking about...

"It's over, Kunshanhai is dead!"

Because the kick that Kun Shanhai kicked was so unbelievable that it happened to kick on Qianxue's [Guo Ye]!

Can a sweeping monk tolerate such humiliation? ?

He's going to crook his mouth, he's going to...

Why didn't you twist your mouth?

Fang Yu was surprised that [Guo Ye] was holding his chest and getting up pretending to be injured, but he didn't do anything to Kun Shanhai.

Looking at the health bar.

[Guo Ye: 982/1000. 】

Lost more than ten points of blood?

Fang Yu thought of the monk [Quan Heng], he would not lose blood when he fought with him.

Is it...

No, fighting the [Quan Heng] monk, it was because I missed him.

This time, Kunshanhai can really kick the opponent with one kick.

"Too deceiving!"

Seeing that his companion was injured, some of the guards of the brothel went up to help him, while the rest surrounded Kunshanhai.

"Can you do whatever you want in a foolish mansion!"

"Evidence is also required in handling a case. Why do you Yudi Prefecture want to investigate us [Luoli Pavilion]?"

"Investigate the case and investigate the case, what are you doing with your hands and feet! Think we are afraid of you!"

Unexpectedly fierce!

Fang Yu was taken aback.

I don't know if it's because these guards are all strong men with more than a hundred blood, and they are not low-minded. Even when facing the Yudifu, they are neither humble nor overbearing.

Kun Shanhai held the knife, glanced at everyone coldly, and roared.

"What are you doing all of them? You are not afraid of death, are you? Brothers, come up with us and take down these waste things!"


No one came up.

Everyone in the Yudi Mansion behind looked at each other, and their eyes finally fell on Fang Yu.

Obviously, these people cannot be mobilized just by Kun Shanhai's words.

Even [Hu Shusheng], who was supposed to be lurking beside Kunshanhai, silently mixed in the crowd without speaking.

For a while, the scene became extremely awkward.

Fang Yu could clearly feel that Kunshan Haiergen began to turn red, and the hand holding the knife was gradually exerting force, revealing blue veins.

But he didn't back down, and he didn't attack anyone, so the situation seemed to be frozen.

"My lord, my lord! Oh, my lord, it's all a misunderstanding!"

The procuress, who still came to her senses, could speak, and squeezed between the two groups of people, her expression remained unchanged even when Kun Shanhai's knife was pressed against her chest.

"Put it away, put it away, what is the officer doing, tell me what you want to investigate, and I will guide you later, okay? Don't do anything."

Fang Yu quietly glanced at Qianxue's [Guo Ye] again, feeling that he didn't seem to have any intention of killing, so he looked away.

While putting the knife held by Kunshan Haina back into the scabbard, he turned and said to the old bustard.

"Don't stop me, we will check what we will check by ourselves, it's just for food, you don't want to see blood in this place, do you?"

"My lord, oh my lord, it's really not that we don't want to, it's because we have a distinguished guest today, can come back tomorrow?"

"Can't wait." Fang Yu shook his head expressionlessly.

"If you can't wait, you have to wait!" The bustard looked at Fang Yu, who refused to listen to persuasion, and couldn't help being anxious, thought for a while, and gritted his teeth.

"Officer, take a step to speak?"

Fang Yu raised his eyebrows, and looked at Kunshanhai who was holding back until his face turned red, tightly holding the handle of the scabbard...

"Uh, let me talk to the old bustard, don't mess around."


Che Linfang and the others responded.

Kun Shanhai didn't seem to hear it, but just stared down at the ground.

I seem to be still recalling the scene just now in my mind.

Why... didn't I cut it off?
I actually let Diao De press a knife back into its sheath?

I gave the order and no one followed me?

My words don't work at all, do they?

Look down on me...all look down on me! !Everyone takes me as a joke! !

Han Mengyu, Li Baizhen, Diao Deyi...

Wait for my hundred households!Wait for my hundred households! !I want to get back all the dignity I lost! !
The hand holding the knife became tighter and tighter, but the guards in front of the brothel sneered.

"I thought it could be so vicious, but it turns out it's just a barking dog!"

"Who are you scaring with a knife? Think we [Luo Lige] have no background, right? Do you really treat us like ordinary brothels?"

"It's just an ignorant frog in a well. I really think that Tianyuan Town belongs to your Yudi Mansion? Wrong, this is the Tianyuan Town of the five major families. You Yudi Mansion is not worthy of it!"

The voices of these people, like gossiping women, rang in Kunshan Hai's ears.

And behind him that he couldn't see, although there was no sound coming.

But in Kunshanhai's feeling, those former colleagues, those ten households who just responded to all the calls and wanted to go to Hanmengyu, are all talking about him behind his back, as if saying that he is a waste, a scumbag, what is it Impossible garbage.

Anger, roaring, suffocating, suppressing in the chest.

All kinds of troubles today flashed quickly in my mind.

When negotiating conditions with Han Mengyu, her condescending and contemptuous demeanor.

After receiving orders from Li Baizhen, he had to obey Diao Deyi's aggrieved team.

All kinds of behind-the-scenes discussions, whispers, and slanders from other people...

An evil fire was ignited in the heart.

He lowered his head and looked at the ground. Although he didn't say anything, Kun Shanhai's eyes seemed ready to kill someone.

The Kunshan sea at this moment is like a garbage dumper filled with hostility, and like a pack of explosives that will explode at the touch of a button.

Only one opportunity is missing, only one opportunity is missing, just...


At this moment, someone pushed him.

Just a moment.

hum! ! !
The knife shines, straight out of the sheath.

A blood-stained arm was chopped off.


At this moment, everyone's voices became quiet, and time seemed to slow down.

Everyone turned their heads slowly like a slow motion, or looked at this side in astonishment, shock, or doubt.

And in front of Kunshanhai, the [Guo Ye] who was supported by the brothel guards and pushed Kunshanhai with all his courage, stared blankly at his flying arm, and slowly widened his eyes.


The flow of time returns to normal.

"Kill, kill! Yudi Mansion is going to kill!!!"

"Bastard!! How dare you attack our brothers!"

"Kill, kill, kill! Fight with these lunatics from Yudi Mansion!!"

"Protect [Luo Li Pavilion]! Protect [Luo Li Pavilion]!!"

The guards of [Luoli Pavilion] roared one after another, drew their swords and rushed forward to slash at Kunshanhai.

Kun Shanhai was indeed strong, but he was too strong to fight with two fists and four hands. After blocking a few times, he started to get injured.

Everyone in the Yudi Mansion behind saw that their own people were about to be hacked to death, can this be tolerated?
Immediately with a roar, he rushed forward to join the battle.

In the blink of an eye, the two sides fought together in a chaotic battle.

When Fang Yu just heard what the old bustard said about the guest, his face changed, and when he was about to think about what to do, he turned around and was in a mess, completely fighting together.

"Don't fight! Stop it! Don't fight any more!"

The old bustard turned pale with fright, and shouted in a shrill voice.

Fang Yu quickly scanned the audience, and found that Yudifu had the absolute upper hand.

One is because there are many people, and the other is because the overall strength is stronger than the opponent.

Fang Yu faintly felt that something was wrong, but the situation was urgent, and he couldn't think of why he felt this way.

Seeing that the people on his side began to be injured, Fang Yuzheng immediately drew his sword and put it on the neck of the old bustard next to him.

"Everyone stop, I don't want her to die..."

Bang! ! !
Before Fang Yu could finish speaking, the crowd burst into a cloud of blood.

A cloud of shadows suddenly rose continuously in the blood mist, transforming into the real body of a demon.

[Pushing Qi Demon: 712/1000]

Fang Yu: ...

Fang Yu: 6.

Fang Yu was dumbfounded.

The first reaction was that those ghosts of Che Linfang turned into their real monsters to make trouble.

But take a closer look and compare the blood bars.

Fang Yu realized that he had misunderstood.

This is clearly the blood bar of [Guo Ye]!

Are you just a thousand blood demon? ?
You weak chicken thousand blood demon, what ABC are you pretending to be? ?
My buddies thought you were a thousand-blood warrior, and you were almost going to take my buddies out of the pot!

It's not that Fang Yu thinks highly of Thousand-Blood Warriors, but that the Thousand-Blood Warriors he met suddenly looked like monsters, which is a bit outrageous.

But the Thousand Blood Demon is different.

Not to mention far away, in the Peony Dyeing Workshop alone, Fang Yu hacked to death several thousand-blood demons.

Not to mention that when he first entered the game, even Li Qianxuan could lead a team to kill a thousand-blood demon.

But now, in Fang Yu's team, there are almost seven or eight people of Li Qianxuan level, and there is even Kunshan Hai with more than 200 blood.

How dare you transform into a thousand-blood monster?I really don't know how death is written.

Sure enough, before Fang Yu could react.

The brothel guards who were still in the chaotic battle just now, and everyone in the Yudi Mansion immediately yelled at the three-meter-high monster and frantically swiped output.

"Demons! There are demons!"

"It's the people from Yudi Mansion! The people from Yudi Mansion brought the demons to kill them!"

"Are you farting! It's obvious that you [Luoli Pavilion] became monsters! I told you that someone in [Luoli Pavilion] has a problem! No wonder the fees are so high, it turns out that they are in collusion with monsters! "

"It's [Guo Ye], it's not Yudi Mansion, it's [Guo Ye] who became a monster!!"

"Look, look, it's you [Luoli Pavilion]! Don't say anything [Guo Ye], you all have problems, all of you will be detained and tortured!"
161! (red crit)

They were shouting and cursing, but their movements were not slow, and they shot crazily at that [Pushing Qi Demon].

I saw that [Pushing Qi Demon]'s blood bar dropped crazily, and in the blink of an eye, it had dropped to only one or two hundred blood left, Fang Yu's eyelids twitched when he saw it.

"Get out of the way!!"

Let go of that monster and let me do it! !
With a roar, Fang Yu pushed the bustard away from his hand.

The old bustard, who was held up by the sword just now, had no time to panic, but was suddenly dazzled by the dazzling changes in front of her eyes.

He was held hostage with a sword around his neck, and his subordinates suddenly exploded into a blood mist and turned into a monster. Before he could call for help, he was given up and pushed to the side on the cold ground.

This twists and turns made the old bustard dumbfounded.

Looking forward, the captain of the Yudi Mansion, who was kidnapped just now, rushed towards the big monster without fear of death.

When other members of the Yudi Mansion stopped to make way for some space, their members of the brothel continued to attack the demons desperately.

The captain of the Yudifu jumped up and slashed at the big monster with a sword.

hum! ! !
With a flash of sword light, a huge wound appeared on the monster's chest, and blood spurted out from the wound. As Fang Yu's feet fell to the ground, the big monster fell down, and the ground trembled slightly with a bang.

[Pushing Qi Demon: 0/1000. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for killing [Push Qi Demon] and gaining 310 experience. 】

[System prompt: The experience value has exceeded 100, and the total has been converted into 3 attribute points. 】

That's it, this is it? ? ?

Fang Yu turned his head and looked at the [Push Qi Demon]'s corpse, wishing he could go up and spit.

Why can't you stand up a little bit, who can kill you with this amount of blood?
It was hard to get there before others surrounded you and beat you to death, but you fell down with a single sword strike.

What are you doing?Still not a monster?Can you stand up?
And those of the foolish mansion, Nima's, they are more excited to see the demon than to see the girl in the brothel, right?

It was as if he had been spat with chicken blood, and he slashed wildly when he went up!
how?Killing demons will give you gold coins, right?999 a knife?
Te, what, yes!
Fang Yu was so angry.

Almost, almost, I missed the chance to rub someone's head.

These thousand-blood demons, in front of so many human fighters with one hundred blood, their health bars dropped like a roller coaster.

In the past, Fang Yu thought that human fighters were too weak, and there was no room for fighting back against monsters.

Now Fang Yu understands, what the hell, human beings just rely on righteous gang fights, and it's over when they face the monsters and swarm them.

With so many people, is it true that the blood of the monsters is dropping rapidly?

No wonder ten households and hundreds of households were dispatched together.

These one hundred people besieged a monster together, let alone a thousand-blood monster, Fang Yu felt that the three-thousand-blood monster couldn't last long.

Sure enough, more people are more powerful.

Thinking of the back and forth between Fang Yu and the three thousand blood monsters before, the attack and attack were scraping, the defense was broken, you came and went, and it took a long time to win the battle of life and death.

If there were so many people together, they would have an upper hand, and the three thousand blood monsters would not matter.

Of course, the three-thousand-blood monster called [Bamboo-jointed Multi-legged Demon] is also a bit fierce, like a slap to the point of death.

In a real fight, I'm afraid it's the price of dying to kill it.

"Dead, dead!"

"Good job!"

"Diao Deyi, who told you to make a move!"

The last sentence was yelled by Kunshan Hai.

After he chopped people down, it seemed that he had vented a lot of anger, and everyone became calmer.

The team I lead, I don't make a move?
If I don't eat this head, who will eat it?

Fang Yu glared at Kun Shanhai, which was seen by [Che Linfang] and others.

She walked over and tugged at the corner of Fang Yu's clothes.


What to bear?

Fang Yu was a little taken aback, but when he saw Che Linfang's subtle eyes looking at the monster's corpse, he suddenly reacted.

I almost forgot, I'm still the ghost on the demon's side!

Hacking one of your own people, you have to show a bit of sadness, and you can't be excited, as if you were remorseful and angry for not being able to slash at the monster in the first place.

His emotions gradually subsided, and Fang Yu showed a faint, but not obvious, sadness.

[Che Linfang] naturally felt Fang Yu's emotions, but with so many people here, they could only hide their emotions in their hearts.

Seeing these humans being complacent about killing their fellow monsters, or flattering them, or insulting the corpses, they felt a little angry in their hearts, but they didn't dare to explode. They just looked over there with vague eyes. The Kunshan sea has regained its calm.

It was this guy who caused the tragic death of a fellow demon, and even forced them to draw their swords at each other!

At this moment, they recognized Diao Deyi more.

In other words, when Diao Deyi "showed his true feelings" and glared at Kunshan Hai angrily, there was a bit of resonance.

Although Qing Yao is no longer there, the days are still going on, they are still lurking in the Yudi Mansion, living a life of inner ghosts that may be exposed at any time.

In this perilous environment, if a few of their fellow clans don't report to the regiment to keep warm and help each other, then they will end up just like the monsters on the ground, and will be found and hacked to death sooner or later.

[Che Linfang] Among them, there is indeed a stronger existence than this monster on the ground, but the strength is limited.

Facing such a large difference in numbers, the chances of winning are extremely low, not to mention that once the identity is exposed, death is certain!

Taking a deep breath, [Che Linfang] and the others looked at each other, obviously thinking about the same thing in their hearts.

Abandon the previous suspicions and tide over the difficulties together, the days to come will be long.

"Brother Hai, are you okay?"

Suddenly, [Hu Shusheng] went up to support Kun Shanhai, he wanted to regain Kun Shanhai's trust.

Kun Shanhai sneered in his heart at [Hu Shusheng]'s rudder.

Knowing that this guy sees that besides his contacts, at least he still has strong strength, and he is worth continuing to follow.

But after seeing the true face of [Hu Shusheng], I have already had lumps in my heart, and I will no longer trust others.

What made Kun Shanhai feel even more sad was that, apart from [Hu Shusheng], there was no other person who came up to comfort and sympathize with him.

That is to say, although he showed his strength, in fact, he just let [Hu Shusheng] come back to his side.

That's it!

At least one more person supports me!

Kun Shanhai secretly thought of it, and responded enthusiastically to [Hu Shusheng].

It's just that under the surface of enthusiasm, there is an extra layer of indifference and estrangement.

But [Hu Shusheng] didn't care, what he wanted was to follow [Che Linfang's] previous arrangement and continue to stay by this person's side.

Until the right time, sell Kunshanhai at a good price.

This is just a small interlude.

The people from [Luoli Pavilion] are still arguing with the members of the Yudi Mansion over who is this monster on the ground.

Soon, the result of the quarrel came out.

It is indeed a person from [Luo Lige].

Not to mention the guards of [Luoli Pavilion].

Even the bustard who came to check was speechless.

She never expected that the guards she recruited were actually mixed with demons.

Thinking of every night, this guard used to walk and flow in [Luoli Pavilion], the old bustard was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat.

She is old and not as powerful as these guards.

If that demon wanted to eat her, she would have no chance of surviving.

Thinking of this, the bustard panicked even more.

Because no one can guarantee that there is only such a monster hiding in this huge [Luoli Pavilion].

The madam, who was originally against the Yudi Mansion's investigation, is now very supportive of them coming in and searching, and by the way, help them [Luo Li Pavilion] find out if there are any hidden monsters.

The old bustard also didn't understand how the Yudi Mansion found out the demon.

But there is a specialization in art. Since Yudifu just helped her investigate a demon, it must be a little bit capable, and it is always good to investigate.

And the only problem is one thing.

The bustard looked at Diao Deyi.

"My lord, look... what should I do?"

How to do?
Fang Yu was also a little confused.

The reason is very simple, because the bustard told him one thing just now.

That is... Today's [Luoli Pavilion] was reserved by the third son of the Hei family.

That's right, the famous third son of the Hei family who was rumored to have an affair with Lin Biesheng.

Just now, when Kunshanhai suddenly slashed his arm violently, causing chaos, and even a monster popped out of nowhere.

Fang Yu was listening to the old bustard explain why they wanted them to search the Yudi Mansion tomorrow.

That's why the reaction was a bit slow, and I almost missed the opportunity to gain experience.

The third son of the Hei family...

Fang Yu thought about it, and finally made up his mind.


 There will be one more.


  Recommend a friend's new book.

  Introduction: In 1999, the second year after the establishment of Tangren Film and Television, Chen Nan, a later self-media person, returned to this era and became a freshman who had just signed a contract with Tangren.


(End of this chapter)

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