Chapter 224 This Is Your Stage
Yuan Hong glared at Fang Yu in the distance.

If it wasn't for Fang Yu, he would still be able to entangle with these monsters for a while, and still have a little possibility of abducting Fang Yu and getting away.

But now, surrounded by many demons, without a steady stream of supplies from the Crucifer Demon, he has fallen into an absolute disadvantage.

"Why... why can that guy see it!!"

Yuan Hongxin didn't understand, really didn't understand.

The Cruciating Heart Demon is his carefully selected egg demon, and it is impossible for a warrior like Diao Deyi who doesn't even understand Qi to find it.

Even a martial artist who has mastered 'Qi', without special means, it is difficult to find this special monster.

There is a reason why Yuan Hongxin chose this egg demon as her experimental subject after lurking for so many years.

But the result now is indeed...

Yuan Hong's heart sank, and she really felt that death was approaching.

Immediately, he couldn't care less about hiding any means.


Boom! !

Accompanied by the violent resonance of the body, like an earthquake shaking a mountain, something seemed to have happened in the Yuanti Martial Arts Hall, causing a violent vibration.

On the contrary, outside the martial arts hall, it is just a wave of aftermath.

"Is it just this kind of strength?"

[Invisible Chameleon] a slow voice came from the front.

It didn't seem to care about Yuan Hong's heart at all. It was clearly hidden, but it dared to reveal its position.

It stands to reason that once this invisible monster reveals its position, it will immediately suffer a series of blows, carry out a strong pursuit, lock the opponent's position, and ensure that it will not slip away.

But at this moment, Yuan Hongxin didn't dare to do that.

That's right, he didn't dare!

The previous offensive had already made him understand the difference in strength between the two.

Before the next wave of Crucifer Demons arrives, he just wants to hold on!

Raising his hand to knock down the iron chains attacking again from the surroundings, Yuan Hongxin looked at the direction of the [Invisible Chameleon] while slowly backing away, wanting to distance himself, but did not dare to move too much, so as not to arouse the opponent's anger Furious pursuit.

The surrounding iron chains hit again one after another, and it was the other members of the guard team brought out by Qing Yao.

They have all turned into monster forms at this moment, but they all hold iron chains in their hands, throwing them out one after another, interfering and cooperating with the attack of [Invisible Chameleon].

The three demons who were injured next to him did not expect that the subordinates brought by the adults would be enough to suppress Yuan Hongxin, even without the help of the adults.

For a moment, they all lowered their heads.

[Invisible Chameleon] was not in a hurry to attack, and Yuan Hongxin got a little respite, but was tired of dealing with the interference of the surrounding iron chains.

No one noticed that [Invisible Color Changing Demon]'s gaze at this time was actually directed in the direction of Qing Yao, as if waiting for someone's evaluation.

However, Qing Yao's attention at this moment was not on him at all.

"Diao Deyi, what did you do just now?"

No one paid attention to Fang Yu's jumping up and down just now.

Only Qing Yao's attention never moved away from Fang Yu.

He didn't know what Fang Yu did, but he also believed that Fang Yu would not do meaningless things.

"Brother Qing, I feel an invisible aura flying out from the Yuan Ti Martial Arts Hall. I suspect that is the reason why Yuan Hongxin has been able to fight until now!"

It was impossible for Fang Yu to tell the truth, but the opposite Qing Yao didn't hide too much, just lowered his voice and mentioned the key part cryptically.

"is it?"

Qing Yao looked a little puzzled, looked up at the sky, but saw nothing, didn't feel anything.

But he believed in Fang Yu.

"Do you need help?"

"Need not……"

As soon as Fang Yu finished speaking, he seemed to feel something, and suddenly looked in the direction of Yuanti Martial Arts Hall.

The next moment, his pupils contracted, as if he saw something unbelievable, he opened his mouth wide in a daze.

"what happened?"

Qing Yao opened his mouth in doubt.

But Fang Yu just stared at the empty sky.

From Fang Yu's perspective.

On the top of Yuan Ti Martial Arts Hall, dense blood streaks soared into the sky, covering the sky and covering the sun, like locusts crossing the border, rushing towards Yuan Hongxin in a dense mass!

This, how many heart crescent demons must this be? !
This is to summon all the Crucible Heart Demons that have been saved at the bottom of the box for so many years, right? ?
At this moment, the afternoon sun seemed to be obscured by the crescent demon all over the sky, and it seemed to be dark.

But the monsters around didn't seem to feel it, they just felt the ground shaking slightly.

Even Qing Yao just looked at Fang Yu in confusion, and didn't feel at all how many Cruciate Demons flew over their heads at this moment.

This is the frightening thing about the Cruciating Demon. If you don't know about Yuan Hongxin's methods, you won't be able to discover the existence of the Cruciating Demon.

As if provocative, he felt Yuan Hongxin, who was in the middle of the battle, looking at her from time to time, and her lips parted and closed silently, as if saying...'My good apprentice, how can you break this move! '

But Fang Yu had no time to pay attention to him, he just kicked his feet quickly, stepped on the courtyard wall of Yuanti Martial Arts Hall, and then jumped up suddenly.

"Brother Qing, help me!!"

Fang Yu had no choice but to retract his foreword.

This amount was no longer something he could clean up with a wave of the bone blade.

Obviously, Yuan Hongxin has also reached the moment of life and death.

Can Yuan Hongxin withstand such a huge number of Cruciating Heart Demons?
If he can bear it and absorb it all, how far will this guy's strength expand?
Fang Yu didn't know, he only knew that this had to be prevented from happening!
"How can I help you?"

Qing Yao shouted in confusion.

Fang Yu, who was in mid-air, had already slashed with a bone blade, killing monsters frantically.

Every time the five-meter-long bone blade danced, it chopped off large pieces of Cruciating Heart Demon.

These Crucible Heart Demons with only 0.1 points of blood have no defense at all, and they can be killed or injured with a light touch.

At this moment, Fang Yu suddenly understood, the weakness of this heart-crushing demon.

Although there are many opponents, covering the sky and the sun, as long as they have a wide range of air-to-air attacks, they can easily wipe out all of them.

Just like when I first met Li Qianxuan.

With one's own eyes, the group of monsters as swords, and the combination of heart and sword, they can kill and injure the Crucible Heart Demon by a large margin.

Although he was a little distressed by the attenuation of experience points, he couldn't care less about it at the moment.

Ignoring the system prompts that rang frantically in his ears, Fang Yu shouted directly at Qing Yao after landing.

"Brother Qing, that thing above is here again. There are a lot of them, and it feels like it's overwhelming the sky. You help me up first, and then tell everyone to attack the sky together!"

Looking at Qing Yao, the latter immediately understood what Fang Yu meant.

When Fang Yu approached him for a run-up, he dragged his hands, and a stream of cyan light immediately followed his hands like a line, blended into Fang Yu's body, and swam quickly through his body.

Fang Yu was overjoyed, and immediately felt familiar.

It was that night, the energy from when they teamed up once again merged into their bodies.

As if cooperating with his own actions, this green light, as long as he moves his mind and makes an action, it will immediately follow and spread its power simultaneously.

I saw Fang Yu jumping into the air, and a bone blade turned and swept away.

At the end of the bone blade, the green light exploded in all directions like a branching current, spreading to the surroundings.

Qing Yao obviously didn't know where Fang Yu's offensive was going, but she still believed Fang Yu without reservation.

The Qingmang expanded Fang Yu's attack range, and the number of Crucible Demons he killed was even greater.

The system prompt has been reduced from 0.03 experience points to 0.01.

Fang Yu wondered if if he continued to kill, he would not be able to get experience points from the Crucible Demon.

"Everyone listen to the order, cooperate with the blood demon, and attack the air!"

The group of monsters were full of doubts, but since it was the green monster who spoke, everyone still made attacks.

It's just that the attack was as fierce as a tiger, but it was like setting off fireworks, and it didn't hit many Crucible Demon at all.

After all, the direction they attacked was the area after Fang Yu's sweep.

Coupled with the fact that they couldn't see the Cruciatus, their natural attacks became somewhat hesitant.

"What is this for?"

"I don't know, since it's an order from an adult, just follow it."

"I see nothing in the sky."

At this time, Fang Yu had already started to land and began to direct the audience.

"Crimson Moon Demon!"


Hongyue Yao responded with some reluctance, but still made a sound.

At this moment, she is already in the form of a demon, it seems that she is not really unwilling to contribute, but just did not find a suitable opportunity.

"You are in charge of leading people to attack that area!"

"Che Linfang, can you still stand up?"

"Sir, I am here!"

A monster made a sound from the crowd. Its monster form made Fang Yu a little strange, but he gave the order immediately.

While quickly arranging tasks in this way, new changes appeared in the battle situation ahead.

I saw that Yuan Hongxin, for some reason, was blown out by the Qing Yao's guards, and it was striking in this direction.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, it bounced off the ground.

"How did you do it?!"

Even Fang Yu couldn't help shouting angrily at this moment, glaring ahead.

I saw [Invisible Color-changing Demon] showing his figure, walking slowly towards this side.

Facing Fang Yu's scolding, there was a bit of disdain in his expression.

The other little monsters chasing after Yuan Hongxin tried their best and threw iron chains one after another, but unfortunately they couldn't lock the opponent at all.

Seeing that Yuan Hong's heart was beating and he was about to contact the Crucible Heart Demon, he immediately jumped up anxiously.

But flat-bottom jumping, without assistance, he couldn't jump that high.

Only halfway to the height, people began to fall.

It wasn't until this time that Fang Yu noticed that the legs of Yuan Hongxin's bone armor were in a spring-like shape, which made the hard bone armor change softly.

This made Fang Yu's face change slightly, and he learned a trick.

Unfortunately, it is not so easy to learn and use now.

Seeing Yuan Hongxin turn her head and look back at herself with a sneer, Fang Yu's heart sank.

boom! !

At this moment, on the ground, a sapling suddenly rose from the ground, growing rapidly and crazily upwards.

When Fang Yu had just fallen half a distance away, under Yuan Hongxin's astonished eyes, he suddenly stepped on a hard branch.

With a foothold, Fang Yu's face was happy, and when he was about to jump up again, a voice quickly passed along the tree body, transmitted to Fang Yu's soles, and then transmitted to Fang Yu's ears like bone conduction.

"Behave well, I saw Shu bird demon. He is also there."

It's the voice of Qing Yao!

Shu bird demon is also present? ?
That [-]-blood Li Shiquan? ?
Fang Yu's heart skipped a beat.

He could understand Qing Yao's thoughts.

He wanted to show off his style in front of Shu bird demon, and be looked at extra high.

But the problem is... I'm human! !
All Fang Yu's current means are the means of human warriors.

With the back of the green demon and the identity of the team leader, no demon dared to question anything.

At most, I have some doubts in my heart.

Fang Yu had heard this discordant sound before in the monster crowd, but it was overshadowed by the excited voices of most of the monsters.

Keshu bird monster is different, if there is any doubt about the existence of that level...

At the same time that Fang Yu's heart sank, he jumped up and rushed towards the bloody Yuan Hongxin.

[Yuan Hongxin: 2452/8888. 】

He seemed to have been attacked by the [Invisible Chameleon] before, and his blood volume dropped again.

At this moment, it is like the end of a crossbow, wanting to grasp the last hope, so desperately rushing towards this group of crucible monsters, wanting to absorb these crucible monsters in advance.

But how could Fang Yu make him wish!

"Yuan Hongxin!!!"

Fang Yu turned into a huge bone hammer in mid-air. In order to attack with all his strength, he didn't even leave half of the bone armor on his body.

On the huge bone hammer, there are still traces of green light sent by the green demon to himself along with the sound.

For a moment, the green glow wrapped around the bone hammer like an electric current, and the huge bone hammer smashed towards Yuan Hongxin like a huge pendulum!

The huge shadow immediately covered Yuan Hongxin's body completely, making him in mid-air impossible to escape!
"Diao Deyi!!"

Damn you! !

Yuan Hongxin roared angrily, but there was nothing she could do.

The resonance of the whole body has reached the extreme, but Fang Yu has already emptied most of the surrounding Cruciating Demons, and the rest are still some distance away.

Only you... Only you are my weakness! !

What was supposed to be a battle between monsters turned into a master-student confrontation once again.

It's just that the way of confrontation has been changed.

The Crucible Heart Demon was slaughtered, so Yuan Hongxin would surely die.

Otherwise, he would have a chance to escape!

Obstacle, only one! !

Both arms turned into huge meteor hammers, and Yuan Hongxin hit them hard.

"This is the last one I taught you, liquid bone transformation! Let me go down to understand it!!"

Bang! ! !
The meteor hammer hit Yuan Hongxin's huge bone hammer, and it exploded like a water polo, and then, as if being manipulated by someone, it turned into dozens or hundreds of mobile bone dragons, rushing towards Fang Yu.

While Fang Yu's pupils shrank.

boom! ! !
His heavy blow also completely hit Yuan Hong's heart.

[Yuan Hongxin: 434/8888. 】

Terrible injuries erupted from Yuan Hongxin's body, and he fell down like a meteor.

The surging heart-crushing demon rushed downward like a group of peaks, as if trying to catch up with Yuan Hongxin before he landed.

And Fang Yu was hit by hundreds of tiny bone dragons and flew downside down.

The bone dragon's damage is not high, but it can't stop the large number.

Fortunately, after one impact, the bone dragon will shatter and split apart, which is a one-time attack.

After Fang Yu bone armor recovered, the damage was immediately reduced to double digits, and then he made successive moves in midair, hitting the bone dragon, and immediately defusing the attack.

Fang Yu was puzzled, why did Yuan Hongxin's final blow feel a bit thunderous and rainy?

But when he looked towards Yuan Hongxin, his scalp felt numb.

I saw the densely packed heart-crushing demons rushing madly towards the falling Yuan Hongxin like a tidal wave.

Already meeting with Yuan Hongxin on the way, Yuan Hongxin's blood volume rose rapidly.

[Yuan Hongxin 1834/8888. 】

[Yuan Hongxin 2702/8888. 】

[Yuan Hongxin 3381/8888. 】

[Yuan Hongxin 4507/8888. 】

[Yuan Hongxin...]

You can really recover blood! !

At the same time, Fang Yu felt great hatred in his heart.

boom! !

Yuan Hongxin's skyrocketing health bar suddenly stopped abruptly!

Red crit!

[Yuan Hongxin 989/8888. 】

Terrible injuries emerged from Yuan Hongxin's head.

A tree whip was drawn from the ground into the air, and directly hit Yuan Hongxin's body.

Like being hit with a volleyball, Yuan Hongxin was suddenly hit and flew towards Fang Yu's direction.

But it's off.

In other words, Yuan Hongxin had made an effort to detect it before being attacked, and forcibly changed her direction after being knocked into the air.

He didn't have time to change the flight trajectory, so he could only change the flight altitude.

At this height, even if Fang Yu took off immediately, it would be too late to respond.

On the top, the overwhelming Crucible Heart Demon in mid-air has been attracted by the resonance of Yuan Hongxin, and it is pressed down to an unknown height like a large army, and it is not far from the ground.

"Diao Deyi!!"

Brother Qing shouted loudly, as if hinting something to him.

Go ahead, this is your stage! !
Fang Yu understood instantly, but hesitation flashed in his heart.

But when he thought that letting such a huge heart-crushing demon penetrate Yuan Hongxin's body, the situation would only go awry again, not to mention there was Shu Bird-monster watching outside.

Immediately, Fang Yu made a decision in his mind.

Quietly crushed something.

In Yuan Hongxin's astonished eyes.

In the gaze of the monsters.

In the blue demon showing a gratified smile.

Bang! ! !
Fang Yu exploded the blood mist, splashing high.

Keep growing taller, taller, taller!
"Impossible! You really are?!"

Yuan Hongxin turned pale with shock, but it was already too late.

Although there was an influx of the Crucible Demon before, it was beaten back to its original shape by the Blue Demon.

The current him is so fragile that he can't stand the blow of Fang Yu's monster real body at all!
Looking at the giant palm like Wuzhi Mountain in front of him, it came thunderously from the bursting blood mist.

Yuan Hong lost her composure and exclaimed.

"Impossible! Impossible! Impossible!!!"

boom! !

A thick palm hit his body directly.

Yuan Hongxin flew upside down like a flying buzzer, flew in an arc, and landed heavily.

boom! ! ! -
[Yuan Hongxin 0/8888. 】

Amidst the dust, Yuan Hong's blood flow emptied.

Everything is at peace.


(End of this chapter)

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