Chapter 225
"Interesting, really fun."

Li Shiquan above the eaves looked at the group of monsters in the distance with great interest.

His eyes were locked on the tall blood demon, who was four or five meters high.

At first, he just wanted to join in the fun, to see if Qing Yao would make a move, and by the way, from the battle between Qing Yao and the enemy, to observe whether Qing Yao's recent strength has improved.

After all, as a pure-blooded monster that he was optimistic about, he was almost specially recruited.

Although the monster below didn't say anything, they must have some opinions in private.

If Qing Yao's strength has not been improved, it will somewhat cause dissatisfaction among the following, and it will become unconvincing.

This is not a good thing.

Li Shiquan deliberately recruited Qing Yao, but as a key training object, if he didn't perform well, he would lose face.

However, with subtle and complicated thoughts, he waited until the first wave of invisible Cruciating Monsters flew out of Yuan Ti Martial Arts Hall and merged into Yuan Hongxin's body.

Li Shiquan's eyes widened immediately, and his attitude changed subtly.

"That's... the Cruciatus Demon?!"

That's right!

Li Shiquan knows this kind of egg demon!
It can even be said that it is impressive!

The reason is also very simple, because the egg monster like the heart-crushing demon is not a natural wild species.

It is a product of the Holy Mountain.

The holy mountain, unless otherwise specified, is the most widely circulated in the general monster circles, it is the "sacred mountain of misery".

Back then, he was still ignorant, lost his way, and went to pursue the legendary, misty and illusory [Sacred Mountain of Misfortune].

At that time, the circle was too small, and all the monsters who knew him thought he was crazy, chasing something that never existed.

this is not the truth.

The legendary [Sacred Mountain of Suffering] really exists!
He had gone through untold hardships and finally found the [Sacred Mountain of Suffering]. Although he could only stand at the foot of the mountain, prostrate and kiss the ground, it still made him tremble with excitement.

It was at that time that he saw an invisible egg demon—the Cruciate Heart Demon!

At that time, the Crucifer Demon could only parasitize humans and steal nutrients.

Now it can co-exist with humans, and even be absorbed and transformed by humans.

What happened in the middle?Is it a natural transformation, or man-made manipulation?

Li Shiquan didn't know, he only knew that the Cruciating Demon was not simple!
That time at the Holy Mountain, the only time he had seen such a thing as the Cruciating Heart Demon in all the years of Li Shiquan.

And now, it's the second time!

For a moment, Li Shiquan's mood became very complicated.

He couldn't help turning his head, looking towards a certain direction in the sky, his right hand trembling slightly.

Did that adult also participate in the chess game in Tianyuan Town?
Do not!wrong!

If that adult wants to intervene, we little demons are not qualified to stand on the chessboard at all.

To the monsters on the holy mountain, we are just weeds on the side of the road, not worth mentioning!
And Weed's small actions are not worthy of the attention of the big shots.

Yes, that's how it should be.

Suppressing the palpitations in his heart, Li Shiquan gradually breathed steadily.

But at this moment, the second wave of Cruciatus surged out.

This time, after calming down, Li Shiquan looked at Qing Yao.

He wanted to know how Qing Yao would solve this dilemma.

The heart-crushing demon is immortal, and Yuan Hong's heart is immortal.

Can Qing Yao realize this?Can you discover the secret?
If not, he might spend a long time with Yuan Hongxin, how can he break the situation?Can it be broken?
To be honest, Li Shiquan is looking forward to Qing Yao's performance.

But in the end, the blood demon leaped up, annihilating most of the Cruciating Heart Demon in mid-air, disrupting Yuan Hongxin's plan.

This was completely beyond Li Shiquan's expectations.

Only then did Li Shiquan finally focus on the Blood Demon.

When the third time, the army of the Crucible Heart Demon, which can be called covering the sky and covering the sun, appeared in a dense mass, rushing like the end of the world, the wonderful performance of the Blood Demon Demon, and the subtle cooperation with the Green Demon, made him feel good about this monster. Newcomer monster, a little more appreciation.

It's a pity that ordinary monsters have mixed blood and limited potential.

Although he has some brains, but his talent is limited, and his strength is sky-high. I am afraid that he can only reach the level of [Demon Foot].

Feeling that the matter is coming to an end, Li Shiquan no longer hides it.

He generously stretched out his hand to grab it.

With Yuan Hongxin's death, the group of Cruciating Heart monsters who began to flee in all directions, seemed to be attracted by something, and were captured by Li Shiquan.

Although through the efforts of Fang Yu and the group of monsters, they successively killed the group of Cruciating Heart Monsters, and most of the Cruciating Heart Monsters that covered the sky and the sun were wiped out.

But I don't know where Yuan Hongxin raised so many Crucible Heart Demons, and even though he killed so many, there are still many left.

Fortunately, the number is within the controllable range. Even though the experience value has killed more than a dozen in a row, the system prompts 0.01 only once, but Fang Yu still has no thought of letting go of these experience points.

But I didn't think about it, and suddenly I was grabbed by a big hand in the air, and they were all taken away.

Looking over there standing on the eaves, standing with one hand behind his back, and holding an invisible spherical cage in the air with the other hand, Fang Yu couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

It's fine if you snatch the Crucifer Demon, why are you still putting on airs?

It's good to be good after getting the benefits, right?

But Fang Yu dared to say this in his heart, that guy is a big brother with [-] blood, and it is safe to stay far away from him.

Those captured Cruel Heart Demons were all trapped in the invisible cage held by the right hand with Li Shiquan, squeezing each other together, forming a black mass, so hideous.

Just as Fang Yu was thinking about it, he suddenly realized a fact that you had been ignored.

That is... Li Shiquan, but he can also see the Crucifer Demon? ! !
To be precise, it is wrong to use the word 'also'.

Because Fang Yu can't actually see it, he can only see the dense blood bar, so he can see all the movements of the Crucible Demon without hindrance, as if he could see it.

Facing Fang Yu's gaze, Li Shiquan also seemed to feel that it was not good to leave after collecting things like this, so he said lightly.

"Blood Demon, you have done a good job, you should be rewarded."


Something is flying from the air.

Fang Yu took it subconsciously, and opened his huge palm to see, but there were two black feathers.

What the hell?Give me two hairs?
Looking up over there, Li Shiquan has disappeared, and with it, there are also those huge numbers of Cruciating Demons.

Fang Yu was puzzled.

Could it be that Feili Shiquan also wanted to try the taste of the heart-crushing demon? ?

"Diao Deyi!"

The green demon came over with great joy, and stepped forward.

The tree and vines under the feet make steps, one step at a time.

Walking here, there is a kind of rushing foot of a Taoist immortal.

But as he fell into Fang Yu's palm, sweat dripped from his forehead, and he looked like he was panting for a while.

This trick looks quite gorgeous, but its practicality still needs to be discussed.

"I knew you could do it!"

Qing Yao smiled, he was here to help, not to overwhelm the host.

Today, he is here to help his brother. Even if he has this strength, he will not steal the limelight from his brother. Unless the brother really can't handle it, he will use thunderous means to suppress Yuan Hongxin.

But now, everything is settled.

Suddenly, Qing Yao saw the two feathers on Fang Yu's palm.

"what is this?"

"Master Shu Bird Demon just gave it to me."

Qing Yao was taken aback.

"Could it be... the feathers of the bird demon? He is really willing."

Qing Yao frowned slightly, feeling a little weird.

Fang Yu asked hastily.

"What's the use of this feather?"

"Break it off, and you will feel a force of the wind that wraps around your body. The speed becomes faster, and the landing speed decreases, which can have the effect of slowly floating."

"If it is made into human shoes, it can also slow down the weight and increase the speed. You can also take the opportunity to manipulate the shoes and lure those greedy humans to seek their own death."

It seems... not bad?

Fang Yu planned to get a pair of shoes and insert a 'chicken feather' into them, which should improve his speed a lot.

You can also keep it just in case, but there is no rush.

"Come on, let me help you restore the human skin."

Qing Yao was about to step forward, but Fang Yu said suddenly.

"Don't worry, brother Qing and watch me operate."

Fang Yu put the green demon back to the ground.

Under the stunned eyes of the green demon, Fang Yu's huge figure suddenly exploded like blood, splashing some frosty ice cubes and falling to the ground.

"Diao Deyi?!"

Qing Yao's face changed, thinking that Fang Yu was going to commit suicide suddenly.

As a result, when the bloody water with ice slag splashed down, a 'tiny' human figure walked out of the flesh and blood quickly, and shook the flesh and blood residue on his body like a puppy.


Qing Yao's eyes widened, his face full of astonishment.

"How do you..."

Fang Yu laughed.

"Since I absorbed the [blue-and-white fruit] sent by Brother Qing last time, I have a little bit of this method. It is the first time to use it now, how is it, can my human skin be repaired?"

Human skin... Repair?
Qing Yao seemed a little unbelievable.

When he was young and ignorant, he also used [blue flower fruit] for other monsters several times.

But the effect is very small, it just makes it have some subtle wood characteristics, but that's all.

Like Diao Deyi, who can even master the ability to repair the body, it is like integrating part of the blood into his own body.

This kind of monster also has a specific name, it is called a double-hybrid monster.

However, it is generally natural, and it is formed like this, and this is the first time the green demon has seen it.

Although he knew that his bloodline was very strong, and the effect of the [Blue Flower Fruit] would only be better when he became an adult, he did not expect it to be so good.

In a sense, Diao Deyi is now considered a kind of tree demon?
I don't know if it's an illusion, but now Qing Yao looks at Fang Yu more cordially.

"It's not bad, it looks good."

After a pause, he was a little excited to transform into a real monster.

"Come on, help me fix it too, and I'll check it out for you to see how far you've practiced."

Fang Yu quickly smiled wryly.

"Brother Qing, I'm a pirated version, I can't repair it for others, I can only repair my own human skin."


Qing Yao's excitement was like being poured with cold water, and his face was full of pity.

"Your talent, if the main body is not a blood demon, but a wood-type monster, I am afraid that it will shine a long time ago."

The appearance of the broken thoughts, quite a feeling of envy of talents.

Fang Yu didn't care, after all, he was a fake.

Ignoring the voices of all the monsters around to celebrate, Fang Yu swept to the system to prompt.

[Yuan Hongxin: 0/8888. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for killing [Yuan Hongxin] and gaining 2222 experience points. 】

[System prompt: The experience value has exceeded 100, and the total has been converted into 22 attribute points. 】

[System prompt: [Yuan Hongxin] is detected as a human being, and the blood talent of [Blue Demon Blood] is triggered. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player's maximum life value increased by 8888 points. 】

[Life: 12592/13304. 】

The death prompted by the system is the real death!
This reassured Fang Yu enough.

and then...

Ten thousand blood!

Although this amount of blood is very puffy.

But it's real blood!

At this moment, Fang Yu felt that his waist had been straightened a lot, and he didn't feel too lost in standing in front of Qing Yao.

Although Qing Yao is becoming stronger very fast, but I am not bad!
Fang Yu thought to himself very cheekily.

I don't know that without Qing Yao's help, this head may not be able to get his turn.

Fang Yu didn't know how the system judged.

You know, Yuan Hongxin's strength can crush her.

But it seems that in terms of the realm judged by the system, he and Yuan Hongxin are actually at the same level.

In other words... they are all grass-level junior warriors!
This is too grassy.

False grass-level warrior: Three against one, almost no match for six thousand blood demons.

A real grass-level warrior: Encountered a group of monsters and almost killed the whole audience.

How can this be at the same level? ?
However, Yuan Hongxin's method is indeed weird.

Say he is a demon warrior, but there is no such thing as demonization at all, he is not like a demon warrior at all.

But if you say no, you can absorb the densely packed Crucible Heart Demon by turning your head, and strengthen your own strength.

This is basically like a new path that has been blazed in addition to the martial arts system, the demon warrior system, and the spiritual god belief system.

It's just that this path is a bit like a variant of the demon warrior system, not so independent, but not so simple.

"Master Blood Demon!!"

"Master Blood Demon!"

"We won, we won!"

The demons around surrounded him, and Fang Yu's appeal became louder and louder.

If it weren't for the silence cover, it would have been unknown how many people would have been attracted.

All the monsters bowed their heads to Fang Yu, but Fang Yu couldn't resist the enthusiasm.

But when he looked back at Qing Yao, he realized that the latter had quietly retreated some distance away.

"Enjoy the moment."

Qing Yao smiled, opened and closed her lips silently, Fang Yu instantly understood.

Then the green demon led the people around and left.

Slightly raised his hand, the [Invisible Chameleon] on the right showed his figure, and covered it with human skin and flesh on the spot, returning to its original shape.

As the green demon let go, other guard demons also appeared one after another, following behind them.

"You are responsible for enjoying the glory, and I am responsible for... cleaning the tail."

"The glorious moment of good brothers, you can't be disturbed by these guys."

What Qingyao looked at was the street in the distance, where a lot of people's voices could already be heard, rushing towards this side.


in a hurry!
Zhuo Xueer strode like flying, a little out of touch with the team, striding to the front of the road.

"Master Zhuo Xueer!"

Han Mengyu and other hundred households chased after him, but they were a bit reluctant.

Fortunately, at this time, the outline of the Yuanti Martial Arts Hall was almost visible in front of him.


Zhuo Xueer actually accelerated again and rushed out.

Han Mengyu hurriedly followed, but inevitably distanced herself from the other hundred households.

With a thump in her heart, she hesitated for a while, but she still slowed down and acted together with her colleagues from hundreds of households.

And behind these hundreds of households, there is a large force dragged into a long queue like a marathon.

Including her, this group of people should have followed Diao Deyi's order to search and patrol in another area.

As a result, Zhuo Xue'er suddenly appeared, as if she had received some news, she was about to take over the team of the Yudi Mansion here in a hurry, and led people towards the direction of the Yuanti Martial Arts Hall.

Now that the Yuan Ti Martial Arts Hall is in front of her eyes, Zhuo Xueer became even more impatient.

To be honest, Han Mengyu has no influence on Yuan Ti Martial Arts. The last time he suddenly caught sight of him was because he investigated Diao Deyi's background and found out.

I don't know what happened to the Yuanti Martial Art Museum, and the candidate vice-captain of the Yangshen Hall is anxious to come and see the situation.

Just when Han Mengyu thought of this, Zhuo Xueer, who was galloping ahead, suddenly stopped in her tracks.

Seeing her reaction like that, several people immediately looked at each other in doubt, and then quickly led the team to follow.

As soon as she got to Zhuo Xueer's side, Han Mengyu couldn't help shrinking her pupils suddenly.

In front of them, there was a group of people blocking the way of everyone.

The person who took the lead is the Li Shidao who is now in the limelight and claims to be the most promising to become the next Patriarch of the Li Family!

This is... a veritable, monster-level existence!
Young and powerful, able to fight against the veteran overlord Li Shiquan, this power alone has already made the disciples of Yangshentang have to deal with it carefully.

Even the captain candidate who is as strong as Zhuo Xue'er can only behave peacefully in the face of ten knives.

The members of the Li family are all lunatics, there is no reason at all.

It is brutal even internally, let alone externally.

The arrival of Han Mengyu and others seemed to give Zhuo Xueer a bit of confidence, she couldn't help but speak.

"Li Shi Dao, what do you mean at this time, what are you doing here to stop me from going astray?"

She asked calmly and calmly, but anyone could tell that she was so impatient and galloped just now.

The calmness and calmness at the moment, on the contrary, showed the restlessness in his heart.

"Front, the Li family is doing business, if you don't want to die, get out."

Qing Yao spoke lightly, squinting at Zhuo Xueer.

Zhuo Xueer clenched her fists immediately.

"I got news that there are monsters in Yuanti Martial Arts Hall..."

Before Zhuo Xueer could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Qing Yao.

"I said, the Li family is doing business, are you deaf?"


Zhuo Xueer blushed from holding back, but she didn't dare to attack.

An ordinary master of etiquette, she holds her own identity and can turn around a little bit.

But in the face of Li Shi Dao, she was not at all sure of defeating this person.

Whoever has the biggest fist is the truth, she still knows this kind of thing.

It's just that Diao De led a patrol, but disappeared mysteriously at this moment, and then someone discovered something strange in the Yuanti Martial Arts Hall, which inevitably made people think too much.

But when Zhuo Xueer turned around and was about to walk away, Qing Yao suddenly spoke again.

"By the way, you guys from Yudi Mansion broke into my territory by mistake. I've dealt with him a little bit. When the matter here is understood, I will naturally let him go."

Diao Deyi was taken away by people from their Li family again? ?

Zhuo Xueer's complexion darkened, she gritted her teeth, suddenly turned around, rushed forward, and instantly staggered past the team of Qing Yao and others.

"grown ups?"

Zhuo Xueer brushed past her with elegance, blowing the guard [Li Lan]'s hair flying.

He turned around and was about to make a move, but Qing Yao stretched out his hand to grab it.

"Let's go with her."

There is another sentence that Qing Yao didn't say.

That's... over there, it's over.

With a wave of his hand, Qing Yao also led the people away.

"Go, go?"

Han Mengyu was a little taken aback.

She didn't remember that the Yangshentang's face was so big that it could even make way for this proud man of heaven.

But when she led the team and followed Zhuo Xueer into Yuanti Martial Arts Hall, she finally understood why Li Shi Dao Yao gave way.

Because, the battle is over.

The scene was horrific.

The corpses of monsters were everywhere, and the blood stained the ground red, and it was sticky and uncomfortable to step on.

But it seems that all the dead here are monsters?
I don't know who is fighting these monsters.

Suddenly, Han Mengyu saw a corpse, a human corpse.

It is quite rare to find a human corpse in this series of fragments of monster corpses.

Immediately, she hurriedly greeted everyone around her.

"There is a human corpse here!"

"What the hell happened here? The scene was too tragic, right? The people from the Li family killed the demons, that's a real killer."

"It's even more ruthless than our Yudi Mansion. We can't even do such things as beating monsters into meat."

"Stop talking, even though the people of the Li family have a bad attitude towards us, we are comrades fighting side by side in dealing with demons."

"Otherwise, if the people of the five major families don't kill monsters, do they kill people? Just now I felt that Master Zhuo Xueer was too aggressive towards Master Li Shidao."

"Hush! Keep your voice down! Is that something we can manage!"

At this moment, Zhuo Xueer came over.

She ignored the two people who stopped talking immediately, but frowned slightly, looking at the corpse on the ground.

"This is... Yuan Hongxin? The curator of Yuan Ti Martial Arts?"

After she mentioned it, everyone could barely discern some features from the tragic appearance of the corpse.

It seems that it really matches the data?
What is this scenario?
Demons attacked the Yuanti Martial Art Museum, and the owner of the gymnasium stood in as a substitute, fighting the group of demons to death.

Then the Li family mopped up, saw the monsters so rampant, and directly killed them to clean up the monsters. This is the current scene?
Everyone present more or less had the same idea.

But when Zhuo Xueer waved at them and led them into the Yuanti Martial Arts Hall, Qiqi suddenly changed his face.

If we say that the remains of corpses outside are a slaughterhouse for monsters.

Then the corpses and stumps in the Yuanti martial arts hall are everywhere, which is a slaughterhouse for human beings.

As far as the eye can see, human limbs and arms are scattered all over the ground, showing the ferocity of demons.

At this moment, everyone couldn't help but think that if it wasn't for the members of Youli's family to take action, there might only be the end of the Yuanti Martial Arts Hall being slaughtered instead of the corpses of the monsters at the gate.


Many people in the team clenched their fists.

Although they were not familiar with the people in the Yuanti Martial Arts Hall, seeing the cruel end of their kind, the hatred for demons couldn't help rising from their hearts.

Every time at this time, the original dream of practicing martial arts, the original ideal of joining the Yudi Mansion, would come to mind.

Kill demons and eliminate demons!Keep the world peaceful!

"This is the method of the demon!"

"It's too tragic... It's too tragic! There are not many dead bodies, not one alive!!"

"It's no wonder that the members of the Li family are so vicious at the gate to slaughter monsters. It turns out that the real reason is here!"

Not to mention the Li family, even people like them couldn't help but want to rush out and slaughter all the monsters when they saw this hell-like situation on earth.

"Don't all gather together, spread out, and search to see if there are any survivors."

Zhuo Xueer opened her mouth, and everyone was ordered to search separately.

As a result, the more I searched, the more frightened I became.

Han Mengyu obviously saw that there were several waves of people hiding in rather tricky and hidden corners or locations.

However, he was still discovered by the vicious demon, who tore the body into several pieces and threw it on the spot.

She could even imagine those trembling bodies hiding in dark corners, praying not to be discovered by monsters.

But the final outcome was so cruel.

Han Mengyu was not familiar with the Yuanti Martial Arts Hall, and she even thought that some places were perfect hiding places, but when she opened it, it was still a corpse.

"There are no survivors."

"There is no living..."

"There are no survivors!"

Hundreds of households began to gather and report the search results to each other.

Han Mengyu came a bit late, seeing the eyes of her colleagues, her eyes slowly turned red, she sighed, and shook her head slightly.

When everyone saw this, their hearts sank.

Such abominable demon massacres are rare in the history of Tianyuan Town.

After this matter is reported, the search for demons will definitely be raised to a higher level.

But the people in the Yuanti Martial Art Museum have already been wiped out, and the liquidation and search afterwards is meaningless to the dead.

After all, death is death, and nothing is left.

"Where is Master Zhuo Xueer?"

Han Mengyu asked suddenly.

Everyone was stunned and looked at each other, only to realize that the leader, Mrs. Zhuo Xueer, had not returned to the assembly point.

Where has she gone?


Underground room.

Zhuo Xueer walked down the steps of the secret room slowly.

She didn't discover the secret room all of a sudden.

But from the outer room, the body that was split in two was still desperately searching for something in the room at the end of its life, so it can be deduced that there may be a safe secret room or something in this room.

After some searching, the door of the secret room was opened and entered below.

The scalding heat came from the bottom of the secret room, and I don't know what is below.

"It's a pity. If the corpse can go up a little faster and find the entrance to the secret room, maybe it can escape the pursuit of the monster and survive."

"However... there is such a huge secret room below this Yuanti Martial Arts Hall? What is the purpose of this place?"

"And the guy at the entrance of the secret room, how did he know about this secret room? From this point of view, it is a private space that can only be built by the owner of the Yuanti Martial Art Museum. Others should not know about it."

"It seems that the inside of Yuanti Martial Arts Hall is also very chaotic."

Zhuo Xueer was thoughtful.

What you see is not what you hear.

In the early days, she often heard others mention Yuanti Martial Arts, and they would say that it is a warm and small martial arts gym with a good atmosphere, a harmonious and loving relationship between disciples, and a harmonious and natural relationship between master and apprentice, and there are certain standards for income. The frequency is not high, causing the internal relationship to be like a big family.

Now it seems that there are battles everywhere, and all kinds of small thoughts are indispensable.

However, they probably never imagined in their dreams that they did not die in the fighting in the martial arts hall, but at the hands of demons.


When Zhuo Xueer thought of this, she finally came to the end of the steps.

The source of scorching hot air is impressively below.

Looking up, I saw a huge furnace below.

But in the furnace, there is no liquid, and the bones will only be exposed after the lake dries up.

Lots and lots of human bones, piled up and settled below, I don't know how many years have passed.

Zhuo Xueer's face changed slightly.

You can see the problem at a glance.

This Yuan Hongxin, this underground secret room, is actually making alchemy with living people? ?

This is a taboo among taboos!

For a moment, Zhuo Xue'er felt that Yuan Hong's heart was not wronged!

That is to say, this matter has not been exposed, otherwise, just the visit of Yudi's mansion would be enough for Yuan Hongxin to drink a pot.

Jumping into the furnace, the feet landed on the ground as if they were stepping on ashes, the touch was extremely delicate.

While moving, if you accidentally touch a bone, the bone will shatter and disappear like gravel.

This made Zhuo Xueer a little uncomfortable.

Suddenly, a newer corpse caught her attention.

Judging from the tattered clothes, he should have died within a few days.

From the foot of the corpse, he picked up the token that was not completely corroded, with the words [Song Dongmen] written on it, and the word Yuan on the back, which seemed to be a symbol of some kind of honor status in the Yuanti Martial Arts Hall.

After checking around for a while, Zhuo Xueer was a little confused as to what was originally in the furnace.

After all, ordinary molten iron will not allow the bones of the corpse to remain for such a long time.

Step up with both feet.

She came outside the furnace.

This is the opening for adding firewood, but the firewood seems to have been packed and taken away. All the firewood has disappeared, and there are traces of being dragged and taken away on the ground. The traces are very new, which seems to be a recent act.

Going a little further, Zhuo Xue'er saw iron handcuffs, a cross post on which people were bound, and some earthen pots that seemed to be used for cooking medicine.

Zhuo Xueer's face darkened. Although she didn't see it with her own eyes, she could probably imagine what happened here.

Apparently, someone captured living people and used them as drug testers. I don't know how many people have been tortured.

"This old bastard!"

Zhuo Xueer clenched her fists.

She would rather have a life-and-death confrontation with demons than to see the dirty process of human beings torturing human beings.

Picking up a wooden chair, she quickly wiped it with her hand, and directly lit the spark, and with a breath, the fire burst out.

Set fire to all flammable things, she is going to burn this place full of sins.

It seems that because of the billowing smoke, and because everyone searched most of the room, they finally found this place.

Everyone shouted to the bottom.

"Master Zhuo Xueer, is that you?"

"Master Zhuo Xueer? Where are you?"

When everyone spoke up, Zhuo Xueer had already walked up the steps.

Passing through the black smoke, he appeared in front of everyone.

"I'm here."

Han Mengyu and the others were startled by this blow.

They wanted to ask what was down there, but they saw that Master Zhuo Xue'er was in a bad mood right now, so it was better not to make trouble.

I don't know if it's lucky or not, at least for now, Diao Deyi is not seen in the Yuanti Martial Arts Hall.

"He may have suddenly received a request for help from the Yuanti Martial Arts Museum, and then rushed over desperately, so he disappeared from the scheduled search area."

When they left the secret room together and returned to the square, Han Mengyu thought of a possibility and couldn't help but speak.


Zhuo Xueer stopped suddenly and looked at her sideways, but she didn't finish speaking, and she didn't know whether she agreed with this statement or felt that this assumption was a little unreliable.

But when she raised her foot to leave, she still asked.

"Diao Deyi, what's your attitude towards Yuan Ti Martial Arts?"

"I've checked this. He was born in a poor family, and when he got an opportunity, he entered the martial arts gym and started to rise to the top. Naturally, he has a lot of trust in the martial arts hall and has a great sense of belonging. If something happens to the martial arts hall, he will not ignore it."


Zhuo Xueer was still silent when she heard the words.

It's just that I already have an outline of this matter in my heart.

A chief commander who was supposed to carry out the search mission rushed to support because of an accident in the martial arts hall.

In the end, he found that there was a massacre of monsters in the martial arts hall. He fought hard for the martial arts hall, but lost to the enemy, and was almost swallowed by the sea of ​​demons.

Fortunately, someone from Li's family stopped by to help, so he was able to survive, but he was also taken away by Li's family, and his life and death are unknown.

Zhuo Xueer took a deep breath and straightened things out.

She decided to go to Li's house and get him back.


Sweet Flower Lane.

"Why haven't you come back yet?"

"Why haven't you come back yet!"


Ding Hui wanted to read again, but was forcibly interrupted by Mi Hengpeng who was about to collapse.

"Sister, don't read it anymore, you've been talking about it for almost a day. You don't bother me, we are tired of hearing it..."

He didn't dare to be too tough, after all, this is Mr. Ding Hui, in terms of status, he is not qualified to touch this man.

"No, how long has it been, can't you go and help find out the situation? What's the use of just guarding me!"

"...Our task is to protect you, Mr. Ding Hui, so we will be made difficult."

After Mi Hengpeng was ordered by Fang Yu to come over to protect the injured Ding Hui, he never left the room.

Although the nerves were tense and the vigilance was carried out, there was no danger.

His vigilance also decreased a lot.

"Maybe Diao Deyi has already caught the murderer, maybe the matter has been settled? I'm really fine. It's good for you to go alone to scout for information. Don't just stay here."


Mi Hengpeng stopped talking.

Anyway, since he can't speak up to Master Ding Hui, he might as well shut up obediently.

The team members of the Yudi Mansion next to him looked at him gloatingly.

After all, it’s okay to be on guard for a long time, and it’s not bad to have fun watching.


At this moment, the sound of horseshoes sounded outside the door.

A carriage stopped at the door of the house.

Mi Hengpeng and the others tensed up immediately, and quickly formed a formation to protect Ding Hui behind.

Ding Hui also stretched his neck to look out, his body trembling slightly, apparently also a little nervous.

And at this moment, the people in the carriage lifted the curtain and came out.

It was Fang Yu who was holding Diao Ruru in his arms and carrying big bags.

"Boss is back!"

"It's an adult!"

"A false alarm, just scared me to death!"

"The person the boss is holding is..."

Everyone reacted differently, but Fang Yu only looked at one person.


That was the reaction of Ding Hui, who slumped on the ground and let out a long sigh of relief.

As if sensing Fang Yu's gaze, she twitched the corners of her mouth and smiled.

"nailed it?"

"nailed it."

It's that simple.

In two sentences, Fang Yu and Ding Hui seemed to have conveyed what they wanted to say, that emotion.

it is more than words.

"My lord, has the murderer been caught?"

Mi Hengpeng's untimely voice sounded, interrupting this delicate atmosphere.

Fang Yu smiled.

"We'll talk about it tomorrow when we go to the Yudi Mansion. I've worked hard for you today, so go back first. I'm enough here."


Someone couldn't help but ask.

"My lord, this person in your arms is..."

"Oh, my second sister, I was a little worried about the murderer's attack before, so I put her somewhere else to hide."

Another layer of meaning in these words is that now that the murderer has been eliminated, people can naturally be brought back from the place where they were placed.

If Mi Hengpeng and others realized something, they bid farewell and left one after another.

The house suddenly became quite deserted.

Oh, it was blown by a leak.

Fortunately, the gate was reinstalled.

"Tomorrow I will find someone to fix the house."

Fang Yu closed the door, put the second sister in the room, and threw the big and small bags to Ding Hui.


"I don't know, it came from Yuan Hongxin's secret room."

Ding Hui'an resisted the urge to unpack and asked, "Is Diao Ruru still in a coma? I'll go see how she is."

"No, I woke up once in the middle and was knocked out by a knife in my hand."


Ding Hui's eyes widened, what kind of operation is this.

"Did you hit right? Did you hurt her too much? And why did you knock her out!"

Just kidding, there were all monsters outside at that time, and they were all in a state of liberation.

Let the second sister wake up screaming and running around, is it okay?
Definitely have to control the wave first, arrange the right time, and slip away without being noticed.

But facing Ding Hui, Fang Yu naturally couldn't say that.

"It was chaotic and the battle was fierce. I couldn't spare time to take care of her, so I could only make her faint first."

Ding Hui fell silent immediately.

If there is an extra burden of shaking and screaming during the battle, it will be really troublesome.

"I gonna go see."


Ding Hui entered the room, while Fang Yu checked his status outside.

In addition to a series of death assists and killing Yuan Hongxin, those Crucible Demons also gave a lot of experience points later.

After looking at the harvest of this wave, it can be said that it is at the level of a big harvest.

Maybe, today can break through to grass-level intermediate?

Open the properties panel.

[Name: Diao Deyi. 】

[Boundary: The grassland is the first level. 】

[Demon Bloodline: Green Demon Blood [Summer Advanced], demonized. 】

[Demonization: 4%. 】

[Life: 12892/13304. 】

[Physique: 50. 】+
[Spirit: 10.2. 】+
[Human level skill: digital life. 】

[Grass-level primary skills: Yuan body solid foundation skill [Perfect Green]+, Yuan body white shadow legs [First glimpse of the door]+, Yuan body heart bone protection [First glimpse of the door]+, Yuan body vertical hammer head [First glimpse of the door]+ ]+, Yuan Body Two Zero Sword [First Glimpse]+]

[Flower-level high-level skills: rooted into the soil [first glimpse] +. 】

[Flower-level intermediate skill: Ice-Blood Storm [First Glimpse]+,]

[Flower-level primary skills: Moisturizing pupil [first glimpse of the door]+, big kun belly [first glimpse of the door]+, two-heart lock [first glimpse of the door]+. 】

[Attribute points: 86. 】

[Experience value: 85/100. 】

With a blood volume of up to 86 and a full [-] attribute points, it is extremely conspicuous.

I'm sorry, Brother Qing.

In this wave, buddies are one step ahead of you and have reached a stronger realm!
You adjust well, buddies are waiting for you up there.

Dark blue, add some!

(End of this chapter)

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