Chapter 282 Sudden Awakening

"Ten saber salutes, two people from the Lin family are here, I need an explanation..."

The 'negotiation' has already started over there, and Fang Yu's attention has long been withdrawn.

They are all their own people, and the threats and negotiations they say are all fake, and they are of no interest at all, so Fang Yu is naturally not interested.

Look at the people around you.

"Master Zhuo Xueer, I've been reckless this time, everyone..."

"Quiet! See that over there?"

Zhuo Xueer's sudden interruption made Fang Yu stunned.

Following Zhuo Xueer's mantis and scythe hand, he saw some new faces pouring into the crowd.

[Zong Xianli: 185/185. 】

[Tao Yangliu: 296/296. 】

[Han Yushu: 171/171. 】

[Wei Nianlu: 210/210. 】

[Commercial materials: 309/309. 】

These people came out of nowhere and kept blending into the surrounding crowd, like ordinary onlookers.

If Zhuo Xueer hadn't pointed it out, Fang Yu wouldn't have noticed the newcomers.

Fang Yu frowned slightly.

He, can't see what's wrong with these people.

Zhuo Xueer came here on purpose just to make herself pay attention to this group of people?
The strength is mediocre.

Thinking of this, Fang Yu couldn't help asking.

"Who are they?"

"From the vertical and horizontal martial arts hall."

"Zongheng Martial Arts Hall?"

Fang Yu was taken aback.

The name of this martial arts hall is a little strange.

In other words, except for the three major martial arts halls, he has no impression of the people in other martial arts halls.

After all, there are many martial arts gyms in Tianyuan Town, and Fang Yu will not join other martial arts gyms, so naturally there is no need to care about other martial arts halls.

"Is it great?"

"You do not know?"

Zhuo Xueer showed doubts.

Fang Yu shook his head frankly.

"... Zongheng Martial Arts Gym is one of the medium-sized martial arts gyms. It was just taken down by Li Shidao a few days ago, and there was a lot of trouble at that time. Because that day, Li Shidao kicked seven or eight martial arts gyms in a row, and gathered a lot of people at once. Li Shidao, who used to be a loner, suddenly began to recruit forces. This is big news to many people."

Fang Yu was taken aback.

That's right.

He really didn't know it.

Because after that fight with Li Shisan, Fang Yu lost contact with Qing Yao temporarily.

I have been busy with my own affairs in the follow-up, and I didn't know that Qing Yao took the time to go to the gym to recruit people.

"So these are... people who salute ten knives?"

"Yes. And it's not just these people. Look over there, over there, and those few people. Especially those few people, you have to pay special attention. Although you acted recklessly before and exposed us to the front of the stage, everyone's attention is now on the Li family and the Lin family. Maybe we have a chance to make up for it."

The so-called opportunity to make up for it naturally means that if the people from the bonfire club come out now, they can still arrest the people from the bonfire meeting and complete the original goal.

Fang Yu looked in the direction Zhuo Xueer was pointing at again.

The people in front are all fighters with 100-200 HP. They may be regarded as small elites in a martial arts gym, and they belong to the backbone of a medium-sized martial arts gym, but in the current environment, they are not enough.

Occasionally, there are a few warriors with [-] to [-] blood, who seem to be the little bosses who lead a group of people. They can barely stand up in the environment where the masters of the Lin family and the Li family gather, and even monsters, but they still can't affect the overall situation.

Fang Yu was a little surprised, Brother Qing recruited so many warriors of this strength, what was he planning to do.

But then, he reacted.

The battle between the Lin family and the Li family this time is not a one-on-one challenge, but a battle between the two families.

In a battle of this scale, the number of low-level combat forces is also very important.

To put it simply, a lot of cannon fodder is needed to support the scene. After all, Brother Qing is not the only one in the Li family, and the number of people who can command is limited.

Skipping over these unattractive mid-sized fighters, Fang Yu looked at the few people Zhuo Xueer highlighted.

With just one glance, Fang Yu understood why Zhuo Xueer specifically mentioned these people.

[Du Tiancheng: 1001/1001. 】

[Fu Hua Zang: 795/795. 】

[Shu Xinran: 888/888. 】

[Qian Lingbo: 1104/1104. 】

The strength of these people is around 800-1000!

This level of strength, placed in a medium-sized martial arts gym, is almost under the owner of the gym. He exists alone, and even has the qualifications to become the owner of the gym.

"Those people... are also from the medium-sized martial arts school?"

Fang Yu showed doubts.

"Do not."

Zhuo Xueer narrowed her eyes.

"They are people from [Di Ling Wuguan]."

Di Ling Wuguan? !
Fang Yu was startled.

"Di Ling Martial Arts Hall, one of the three major martial arts halls?"

Fang Yu had a little impression of Diling Martial Arts.

When he met Hei Ao and Zuo Lu for the first time before, Kun Shanhai under him even killed a disciple of Di Ling Martial Arts.

It seems that no one came back with revenge.

So although Fang Yu was surprised, he had no special feeling for [Di Ling Wuguan].

The only thing I still think of is Lin Biesheng from the Lin family, who seems to have something to do with [Di Ling Wuguan].

As Brother Qing shed his skin and his debt disappeared, [Di Ling Wuguan] hadn't appeared in Fang Yu's field of vision for a long time.

Unexpectedly, it will appear again.

Combining all the previous things, there is no doubt that this [Di Ling Wuguan] should be...

"The staff of the Lin family?"

Fang Yu looked at Zhuo Xueer, who nodded slightly.

"It should be, according to the rumors, [Di Ling Wuguan] and the Lin family are indeed closer."

In the Li family, there are many medium-sized martial arts staff to help out.

As for the Lin family, they recruited experts from [Di Ling Wuguan] to support the scene.

For a while, the two sides were evenly matched.

But Fang Yu knew that Lin Jiali's family was a family of monsters, and they were acting.

It's just the people under him, that's really hard work.

This wave is to consume the overall strength of the martial arts forces in Tianyuan Town?
Brother Qing, is this their plan?
No wonder they want to incorporate those martial arts forces.

Although the strength of the medium-sized martial arts gym in Tianyuan Town is uneven, and the gap between the lower limit and the upper limit is not small, it may not be a big deal in the eyes of big forces.

But in fact, it can be regarded as the backbone of Tianyuan Town, and it belongs to the category with the largest number of people.

This group of people, the upper limit can reach the strength of the disciples of the three major martial arts halls, and the lower limit can also guarantee a certain combat power, posing a threat to the monsters. Coupled with the large number of people, it can be seen that they are important in Tianyuan Town.

Fang Yu didn't know how many martial arts gyms Brother Qing had incorporated, and one of the three major martial arts gyms acquired by Lin's family. If some masters of [Di Ling Martial Arts Hall] were consumed by a wave of chaotic battles, Tianyuan Town would not be badly injured, at least it would not be easy. Both combat power and manpower would be affected.

Thinking of this, Fang Yu's scalp tingled slightly.

All along, a problem that he was a little reluctant to look at directly has slowly surfaced before his eyes at this moment, forcing him to make a quick decision.

That is the position of demons, and the position of human beings.

Although he and Brother Qing are as close as brothers and have a very deep friendship, no matter what, Brother Qing is from the demon side.

Brother Qing, all his actions so far have the same purpose, that is, the big monsters above will destroy human beings and Tianyuan Town together.

Before, his actions were small, his status was low, and his scope of influence was small. Fang Yu could still turn a blind eye and pretend to be an ostrich.

Now Brother Qing started to play big games, Fang Yu couldn't sit still if he wanted to kill a lot of people.

"What to do? Let it go, Tianyuan Town will be played to death by monsters sooner or later."

"But I can't do such a thing as betraying Brother Qing."

For a moment, Fang Yu was caught in a dilemma.

He thought of Zhuo Xueer.

Perhaps, it's time for me to start by revealing some information about the demons to the higher-ups of the Yudi Mansion.

With his current status, some information can already play a pivotal role in affecting the structure of Tianyuan Town.

But once there is action, it is easy to reveal flaws and leave traces. How to operate is also a problem.

Fang Yu felt difficult.

On the one hand, he didn't want to disappoint Brother Qing's trust.

On the other hand, the big move of the monster put Tianyuan Town in danger.

If Tianyuan Town is really destroyed, and even the demonic forces start to dominate, his identity as a fake demon will start to be difficult to mix.

After all, it is fake and may be debunked one day.

Even the upper echelons of the Yudi Mansion hold their own fate at any time, keeping files and records.

"what happened to you?"

Zhuo Xueer felt Fang Yu's strange reaction and asked suddenly.

"It's nothing, so many masters gather, I'm a little nervous."

nervous? ? ?

I just beheaded the old man Tieshi, but I didn't see you a little bit panicked!
The corners of Zhuo Xueer's mouth twitched slightly, she didn't believe Fang Yu's nonsense at all.

But she didn't delve into it, because at this moment, a few familiar people appeared in the crowd.

"Li Cong'an! Li Chu! Li Qianfeng!"

"Who? Who are they all?"

Fang Yu asked suspiciously.

"Those three people are all direct descendants of the Li family, who are on the Li family's trial list. I didn't expect them to appear here. Could it be...they joined hands with Li Shidao???"

Generally speaking, during the trial period of the Li family, the people on the list formed an army of one person and were hostile to each other. Even if there were any major moves, they would lead the people under them to act instead of uniting with other trialists.

But the current situation is somewhat subtle.

Zhuo Xueer didn't know what method Li Shi Dao used to get the three trainees to agree to join forces, but thinking about it, it must have paid a considerable price.

[Li Cong'an: 2800/2800. 】

[Li Rong: 3846/3846. 】

[Li Xiazhen: 3177/3177. 】

Fang Yu found these three people in a pile of blood bars.

They are all really top masters, elite!

Fang Yu was startled.

No wonder it is said that the strength of the Li family is far stronger than that of the other five major families.

This strength, actually suddenly a batch.

It seems that Li Shisan was at the bottom of the Li family's trial list back then?

These people were negotiated by Brother Qing to participate in this battle, and they are all real human masters...

Fang Yu's heart skipped a beat, and he vaguely guessed what Brother Qing or the monster was thinking.

This time the battle between the Lin family and the Li family, on the side of the monsters, the real purpose is probably these human masters who came to help!
They want to use human masters to hedge against human masters, let human masters fight civilly, and weaken the overall strength of human beings.

Especially the Lin family and the Li family, there were high-level people who were invaded by demons, and only the backbone of the face was difficult to deal with.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, get rid of all the troublesome guys in the family, those thorns, and kill them quietly in this battle, which will directly promote the high-level demons and completely control the Lin family and the Li family in their own hands!
There is still a patriarch of the Li family who is the finale, but it is said that he is old and has not heard from him for a long time. He does not know whether he is dead or alive.

Fang Yu's heart sank. After this battle, if the demons succeed in their schemes and the human strength of the Lin family and Li family is greatly reduced, the entire pattern of Tianyuan Town will undergo tremendous changes.

A chill rose from Fang Yu's back.

Zhiwei sees you.

Fang Yu has information on both humans and demons. From these tiny details, he can roughly deduce the plan of the upper echelon of demons, which is difficult for others to do!

Looking at the crowd, there were masters from the Lin family and they began to mix in the crowd, Fang Yu became more and more sure of his guess.

He thought that there would be a life-and-death battle between humans and demons in Tianyuan Town, but he never thought that this battle would come so suddenly and in such a subtle way.

Before there was sufficient information, no one would have thought that the conflict between the Lin family and the Li family was actually an important step for demons to wipe out human masters and plot against Tianyuan Town!
Find a way to stop this battle!

A moment of enlightenment flashed in Fang Yu's heart.

If the Demon Fang's operation succeeds and their strength increases greatly, it may turn from darkness to light.

It is naturally difficult to directly confront the other three major families, but it is more than enough to deal with Yudi Mansion together.

When something happens to the Yudi Mansion, his situation will directly fall into the most dangerous situation.

Fang Yu thought very far. It can be said that none of the people and monsters on the field at the moment thought further than Fang Yu.

But just when he was still thinking about how to save this situation and stop this battle...

"Shame on you! Today, if a person surnamed Li can leave this street, my name, Lin Xiaoyun, will be written upside down from now on!"

Lin Xiaoyun's sudden shout suddenly kicked off the prelude to the battle.

After all, he slashed at Brother Qing with a sword, but was directly blocked by Li Jiuxun at the side.

"Everyone obeys orders! The lackeys of the Lin family don't leave a single one behind! Give me... kill!!"

It was Brother Qing's cold voice that spoke!

Originally, when [Lin Xiaoyun] made a move, the hands on both sides were already ready to move!
After Brother Qing spoke like that, everyone suddenly rioted.



"Kill the lackeys of the Lin family!"

"Hack the trash of the Li family to death! Not a single one will be left!!"

As soon as the battle started, it instantly became intense.

The two sides seemed to be red-eyed. The battle was very fierce at the beginning, and blood was seen on the sword. In a short while, many bloody people were lying on the street, looking miserable.

In the battle of the strong, even the aftermath cannot be resisted by the weak.

In the chaos, the two sides fought extremely fiercely, and many of the surrounding onlookers were involved. In order to protect themselves, they could only shoot.

Those human masters of the Lin family who were disguised as passers-by took the opportunity to start a sneak attack.

He killed several people in a row, and he was killing vigorously...

when! ! !
"Li Cong'an?!"

"Lin He!?"

(End of this chapter)

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