Chapter 283 Oscar Night

The masters of the Lin family and the Li family were all familiar faces, and they recognized each other immediately after a fight.

My mind turned sharply, and I immediately realized that the other party was actually the same as myself, and also hid a master in the crowd to be responsible for the sneak attack.

But I didn't think about it, and they bumped into each other.

And if it had to be compared, the Lin family was even more shocked.

Because they thought that the other party would only provoke Li Shidao alone with a group of trash, so they quietly prepared to attack.

Who would have thought that the trainees of the Li family would join forces for the first time? ? ?

Under the impact, the Lin family [Lin He] reacted a little slower. When the opponent seized the opportunity, they immediately fell into passive defense.

You come and go, and the fight was extremely fierce immediately, which attracted the attention of others.

"Is it Lin He?!"

"Is it Li Cong'an?!"

"Wait! Li Rong?! Why are you still here!"

"Damn it, there's not only one person who comes to Li Shi Dao at the Li family!"

"The information is wrong!"

"The arrow is on the string, and we have to fire! Even if they and these trainees join forces, there are only a few people, and we are enough to deal with it!"

These masters fought with each other, and the intensity of the scene immediately rose to another level!
This is the internal friction of human beings!

Fang Yu opened his mouth, but was a little speechless.

The reason is also very simple, even if there are no monsters, the Li family and the Lin family, the five major families, will also break out internal fighting on their own, without even the guidance of monsters.

It's just that the battlefield this time was premeditated by the monsters, so it's different.

"Diao Deyi!"

Zhuo Xue'er beside her suddenly pulled Fang Yu's sleeves, her eyes lit up, and she stared straight ahead at somewhere in front of her.

"Look at that person over he the left protector of the campfire club, [Soul Reaping Hammer] Hebashan!"

Fang Yu froze for a moment, followed Zhuo Xueer's line of sight, and actually saw [Soul Seizing Hammer] Mount Heba in the crowd of scuffles.

[Heba Mountain: 1500/1500. 】

This guy didn't seem to realize at all that his face had been investigated by the Yudi Mansion long ago, and he was still swaggering among the crowd.

The appearance of unfamiliar faces did not affect the chaotic battle between the two sides of the Lin family and Li family.

However, Mount Heba obviously came with a mission.

As soon as the hammer was shot, one person fell down.

After all, there are not many people who are really powerful and outstanding among the crowd.

Only people like Fang Yu who have the ability to judge the strength of the enemy through the blood bar can accurately find the target in the crowd.

As for Mount Heba, it was obvious that he was looking for targets by feeling, so the people who hit him were all weak.

In the chaotic war, the level of the public is actually not high, only between 100 blood and 1000 blood. For a martial artist with strength like He Bashan, who has made a name for himself with hard power, it is almost a blow to the general public.

"It's him, right! It must be him!"

Zhuo Xueer was excited.

I thought this mission was almost over, but I didn't expect another village to emerge.

She immediately started waving at Suo Fengxiang and the others. The continuous demonization form was a heavy burden for her, but in this chaotic battle, she couldn't relax at all.

You have to get through this first.

Several people approached while fighting with the surrounding people.

Fortunately, these people in Yangshentang are considered powerful among ordinary people, so they are more than enough to protect themselves if they don't encounter masters.

After approaching, several people immediately protected Zhuo Xueer and the others in the middle, forming a circular defensive formation to keep the enemy out, and the cooperation was quite tacit.

At this time, Zhuo Xueer began to arrange tasks, and occasionally interspersed with some commands. Obviously, this formation can be practiced because she arranged it.

Suo Fengxiang listened to Zhuo Xueer's arrangement of tasks while resisting the attacks of passers-by.

It wasn't until Zhuo Xueer's task was almost finished that she secretly looked back at Fang Yu, only to find that compared to the excited Zhuo Xueer, Fang Yu seemed a little absent-minded.

"Master Zhuo Xueer, let Liu Ningran take Li Xunxue back to Yudi Mansion first."

At this moment, Fang Yu suddenly spoke.

During the chaotic battle, since Fang Yu had just beheaded the old man Tieshi, his power was still there, so not many people came to trouble them.

Even if there are those who don't have long eyes, they are easily taken care of by the people in Yangshentang.

So in this chaotic battle, they are relatively safe.

Hearing Fang Yu's request, Zhuo Xueer hesitated for a moment.

Reason and emotion are at war with each other.

Reason told her that the Li family's hot potato should not be touched.

But the opportunity to save Li Baizhen was right in front of him, but he let his subordinates die because of his foresight, this kind of thing, even if he said it, was too cruel.

Turning around, she turned her back to Fang Yu.

"up to you."

This is the default.

But whether it is an official statement or not is still a matter of opinion.

Fang Yu didn't care, he had to take this man away today, and with the half-blood man by his side, it wasn't safe in such a chaotic battle.

It's better to take advantage of the current chaos and let people send Li Xunxue out first and lock him up. When the matter here is understood, call Ding Hui to solve this trouble.


Liu Ningran pointed at herself in a daze.

She was going to carry out the task with everyone, and her heart was ups and downs, and her mood was like a roller coaster. She finally made up her mind, but she didn't expect to let her go back first? ?
"Send it to a Class-A prison and lock it up well. Seeing her recovery ability, it should be fine to wear a few iron nails through her lute bone, as long as she can lock people up."

What a cruel heart!
Li Xunxue felt incomparably disgusted because he had a slight heartbeat for this man before.

"You dare to touch me? Are you not afraid of Master Li Shidao's revenge! Don't forget that Master Li Shidao stood up for me and dared to face Lin Xiaoyun of the Lin family! Not to mention your Yudifu, after all, what is your Yudifu in front of the five big families!"

Mouth also smelly.

Fang Yu didn't even bother to talk to her, so he waved his hand.

"take away."

Liu Ningran looked at Fang Yu, then at Zhuo Xue'er who was silent, not even looking at this side, and then at the Lin family Li family's masters who were fighting hard and could easily crush her to death, Liu Ningran fell silent.

To go back, open the way first.

But this road is not easy to drive.

"...How about you send it back yourself?"

"No, he can't go!"

Before Fang Yu could say anything, Zhuo Xueer suddenly said, she looked at Liu Ningran.

"Of course, you don't have to come here again when you go back, just wait for our news in Yudi Mansion."

This is a privilege.

Now Changping Street is a very dangerous place.

Liu Ningran didn't need to escort someone back, it was equivalent to sending him back to the rear for protection.

Liu Ningran also came to her senses at this time.

Fang Yu had just beheaded the old man Tieshi, how could the entire team's important combat power be withdrawn casually.

"Then I'll... take a step first."

"it is good."

"I'll show you the way."

Several people in the team opened their mouths, and the offensive suddenly became violent, tearing a hole in front.

"Thank you two big brothers for your help!"

Grabbing half of the blood man, Liu Ningran, walked away.

"Master Li Shidao! Master Li Shidao save me!! Master Li Shidao save me!!!"

The blood man shouted hoarsely, but unfortunately the battlefield was already in chaos, and the voice was so noisy that it couldn't spread at all.Not to mention, if she really wanted to spread the word, Li Shidao would not even pay attention to her.

Do you really think Brother Qing is here for you?

Fang Yu was speechless.

One cannot be too confident.

"It's the running dog of the Li family! Take my life!"

Suddenly, someone in the crowd yelled, and a figure tore through the defensive circle temporarily adjusted due to the lack of people, and jumped towards Fang Yu.

"court death!"


Fang Yu hadn't done anything yet, but Suo Fengxiang and Zhuo Xueer suddenly shot at almost the same time!

With one knife and one sword, the person who crossed the defensive line was cut in half almost instantly.

The severed thigh fell to the ground, still twitching, and Fang Yu was stunned to see it.

Well, what a sturdy two heroines.

Zhuo Xueer only slashed once, but because she was in the demonized state, one slash turned into two slashes at the same time, cutting the person in half, while Suo Fengxiang slashed, leaving almost exaggerated sword wounds on the corpse.

When the corpse fell, Zhuo Xue'er got up naturally, while Suo Fengxiang was still in the attacking posture, with his back to the two of them, motionless.

"Well done, anyone who breaks through the line of defense will be killed immediately. The same will be done against [Soul Reaping Hammer] Mount Heba later, the moves must be quick, accurate and ruthless. In the current situation, we can no longer think about catching them alive. Killing all the high-level members of the Bonfire Club is also an option."

As if there was a step suddenly, Suo Fengxiang slowly retreated, with a sullen face, and nodded slightly towards Zhuo Xueer.

"I understand."

"set off!"

Several people moved, and the speed of action was not slow.

Because of Zhuo Xueer's frequent shots, ordinary experts can't handle it at all. Even if [Soul Seizing Hammer] He Bashan himself came, it would be hard to tell the outcome against the demonized Zhuo Xueer.

Although Fang Yu was following the team, he was actually observing the situation on the entire battlefield.

However, to his disappointment, the fight between the two sides of the Lin family and the Li family had reached a fever pitch, and some experts even began to be injured and lost their fighting power for a short time.

Both sides are red-eyed, and the new and old grudges are counted together.

Occasionally, passer-by monsters disguised as humans were beaten out of their real bodies, which only caused a small range of exclamations, and were quickly killed by people with knives.

Now that the monsters come out, they will be beaten by people from the Lin family, people from the Li family, and besieged by passers-by.

The truth of these monsters who came to watch the show is a bit confusing.

This operation, Brother Qing will definitely not be able to do it, the only possibility is a foreign monster.

But anyone who knows a little about the situation here dare not show up at this time.

Looking at Brother Qing, Fang Yu was suddenly 'surprised' to find out.

Brother Qing was actually fighting with the [-] blood Lin Xiaoyun with the body of a demon with [-] blood, and Lin Xiaoyun was gasping for breath, obviously slightly defeated.

Proper acting skills!

Well, brother Qing, there is really nothing to worry about.

The special effects played by the two were gaudy, loud effects at every turn, big waves, shaking people around, but it was hard to say how much of the force was done by Brother Qing.

Those who didn't know it thought that the two of them were fighting very fiercely, that they were in a life-and-death duel.

In fact, they are fishing for fish and paddling water!

I can only say good calculations.

Fang Yu felt a little helpless against the monster's strategy.

If the two sides haven't fought yet, maybe they can think of a way.

Now that everyone's eyes are red-hot, and the leaders of each have played 'real fire', there is no possibility of a truce.

The few elites of the Lin family wanted to support them, but they were all entangled by the Li family's trainees.

"Hahahaha! As long as no one disturbs you, who can be our fifth brother's opponent!"

"The trash of the Lin family, who can't fight one-on-one and wants to win with numbers? Ask me if you salute the sword in Grandpa's hand!"

The Li family's arrogance gradually became more and more arrogant, while the Lin family was obviously at a disadvantage.


After all, in the eyes of outsiders, Brother Qing's name and strength are equivalent to Li Shiquan.

A mere [Lin Xiaoyun] should not be qualified to touch a top powerhouse like Porcelain Li Shiquan.

So it's normal to be weak.

However, the battle between the two was just a show, and the fight below was real.

The battle was fierce, and several elites of the Lin family began to be injured frequently, but they were far from defeated or killed.

If it continues like this, maybe the two sides will continue to attract support from their respective families.

Is this also one of the goals of the demon?Introduce more people into the game and increase the degree of casualties.

But the game is so big, and there is no unique player on the scene. Can they control the situation?

Or is it that the Shu bird in the dark? ? ?
Fang Yu felt a chill in his heart, and subconsciously stopped.


"Master Lin He!!"

As soon as Zhuo Xueer's doubtful voice came out, it was covered by mournful shouts from behind.

Turning his head to look, he saw that the master of the Lin family named Lin He was attacked by [Li Jiuxun] from behind, piercing his chest with a sword.

The blood sword retracted, and with a flick, Lin He staggered to the ground, and his eyes gradually lost focus.

[Lin He: 0/2899. 】


The first elite of the Lin family fell forever.

Fang Yu looked at [Li Jiuxun] who was standing with his sword drawn, and realized in his heart.

"It seems that the real situation is still in the hands of the monster."

At this moment, the power of the Li family suddenly skyrocketed.

Even in the chaotic battle, some people shouted excitedly.

"The Li family is invincible! The Li family is invincible!"

"Li is heaven! Heaven is ritual!"

"God help me! Heavenly gift!!!"

On the other side of the Lin family, their eyes were red, and they entered a red temperature state.

One is called [Lin Shensi], and at this moment, he rushed towards [Li Cong'an] suddenly.

[Lin Shensi: 1220/2334. 】

[Li Cong'an: 719/2800. 】

Judging from the total blood volume, the strength of the two is relatively close.

Judging from the remaining HP, Li Cong'an is a bit dangerous, but there is [Li Jiuxun] beside him.

"Uncle Nine, join hands!"

"it is good!"

The two stood side by side, welcoming the enemy, and saw Lin Shensi screaming like a madman with blood and tears in his eyes.

"Crazy Li family, return my husband's life!!"

Lin Shensi rushed quickly, [Li Jiuxun] reacted even faster, flicked his sleeves, and suddenly became bigger, turning into a red cloth of more than ten meters, which suddenly blocked Lin Shensi's sight, blocked the sight of outsiders, and blocked Li Cong'an's sight.


Li Cong'an wanted to say that Uncle Jiu's move was inappropriate, but he didn't think...

呲! ! !
A bloody hand suddenly pierced through his chest!

The fresh heart even beat with a bloody hand.


boom! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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