Chapter 285 Loops
After throwing Zhuo Xue'er away, Fang Yu and He Bashan fought a few moves, and each stepped back.

The two seemed to have a tacit understanding, and they were not in a hurry to fight again.

"It seems that this is the limit of my current state."

Fang Yu opened his mouth slowly.

Regardless of Fang Yu's vigorous fighting just now, he has not used the bone armor yet, so the threat he can pose to Heba Mountain is very limited.

If it wasn't for Zhuo Xueer's restraint, he might not necessarily be He Bashan's opponent.

Estimates, without using the bone armor, he is probably stronger than the ordinary 1500 blood fighters, and he is still a bit worse than the monster rookie like He Bashan who can make a name for himself.

"In this state? Does it mean that you still have a backup? Sure enough, the person who can instantly kill the old man Tieshi will not be an ordinary person."

With one against three, he can still repel two people. Even if he has some good luck on his body, He Bashan's record is still enough to stand out from the crowd.

But he still did not underestimate the enemy.

Because the record of the person in front of him is not inferior to him at all.

In addition, he was on a tall building before, far away, and he hadn't seen the specific appearance of this person clearly.

Now that it's getting closer, take a closer look...

"Have we met before?"


The other party did not respond.

But He Bashan was still staring at Fang Yu, frowning slowly, as if searching for something in his memory.

Fang Yu's heart skipped a beat.

Or was he spotted?

Also, last night, I used part of the power of the bone armor. He should have noticed that unique method.

Squinting his eyes, Fang Yu no longer kept it.

Anyway, I have tested it, and there is no chance of winning against this kind of guy without using bone armor.


Don't pretend, it's a showdown.

I am Red Bull!One of the top ten executives at the Bonfire!

"Armor... Transformation!!!"

Bang! ! !
Don't talk about Wude and directly strike, the bone meal suddenly exploded from the whole body.

With just one glance, He Bashan's eyes widened.

Almost at the moment when Fang Yu's whole body was covered with bone armor, he immediately recognized Fang Yu.

"It turned out to be you?! Red... Cow!!!"

Memories of last night flooded back in an instant!
Last night, there were countless people, which made He Bashan quite concerned.

One of them is Red Bull!

And Red Bull seems to have used a similar white powder method when they played against each other.

I didn't think about that before. After all, Red Bull is just a protector who is inferior to him. Among the many ring players last night, he was one of the people who performed well.

It's not at the same level of expressiveness as today's monster who killed the old man Tieshi with a snap of his fingers, how could it be connected.

Coupled with the fact that the distance was far away before, it was impossible to see clearly, so it was even more difficult to judge clearly.

Now that they are so close, and the opponent's methods are clearly seen again, He Bashan naturally recognized it immediately.

That's right, it's the same method!
But Heba still had doubts.

Really Red Bull?

Or a master like Red Bull's fellow teacher, uncle, master?

After all, this Red Bull looks so young, does he really have the ability to kill the old man Tieshi?
If it's really him, then last night, wasn't he pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?

Thinking of this possibility, He Bashan's face darkened.

Fortunately, I am still complacent, thinking that the ranking is above him, and I feel arrogant...

I'm afraid this kid secretly laughed at me last night!
A kind of anger surged from his heart, and there was a killing intent in He Bashan's eyes.

"What Red Bull, I don't understand what you're talking about."

The whole body was covered with bone armor, and the sword in his hand was integrated into the bone armor. Fang Yu smiled.

Whether you recognize it or not is up to you, and whether you admit it or not is up to me.

"Don't pretend, after last night, they said that you disappeared without you. I thought we would never meet again, but I didn't expect to meet again today, it is the meeting of swords now."

Obviously what he said was very good, and he looked regretful and reminiscing about the old days, but He Bashan's face was full of murderous intent, and even faintly excited.

"It seems that this is really destiny. We didn't fight last night, so let's have a good time today! I hope you, don't let me be too disappointed!!"

Mount Heba wants to do it.

If he said this, he would do it first.

But unexpectedly, Fang Yu moved faster!
Almost the moment he finished speaking, Fang Yu rushed over first!
This guy? !

Seeing the white afterimage coming in a hurry, He Bashan was startled.

So fast! !
If Fang Yu just now was just as tough as a loach, then at this moment, he is as brave as a thunderbolt.

The speed at which he sprinted was completely different from the attack just now!

This is... the real strength of this guy? !

The sense of oppression that was pulled in quickly ignited the fire in He Bashan's heart immediately.

Warring fire!

"Good day!!"

The other party galloped rapidly, raising smoke and dust on the road, half covering his sight.

But He Bashan didn't care.

Low-level blindfolding.

Even though there was a bang, more white powder burst out as the opponent's figure moved, and it was still futile to try to strengthen this concealment ability.

It's a pity that we didn't fight last night.

It is fate to meet again today.

Between you and me, there must be a victory or defeat.

It has nothing to do with the positions in the Bonfire Club, or the tension with the local foreign fighters in Tianyuan Town, it's just... between you and me, a peak duel of sympathy between masters! !
Heba Shan felt a fire burning on his body.

The long-lost excitement welled up in my heart, and that intense sense of oppression and urgency was so familiar.

It is in such crises and pressures that he breaks through and grows.

This time, there will be no exception! !
Holding up the double hammers in his hands, He Bashan had a smile on his face, and his pupils moved at high speed in the eye sockets as if in chaos.

He was analyzing the speed of Fang Yu's impact, when he would slash this sword, and even what he would do next.

Filling in the data of Fang Yu's battle last night, and today's battle with Lin Kuanglong, the means to solve Old Man Iron Stone with one move, all kinds of information are added to the calculation in his mind like special conditions.

At this moment, in the eyes of He Bashan, the figure rushing in front of him seemed to have transformed into afterimages of dozens of different moves in an instant, attacking from various angles.

But as the distance got closer and closer, these afterimages began to disappear rapidly, leaving only five or six afterimages still coming, and there was not much time left for him to think.

The afterimage is just the concretization of He Bashan's calculation of the battlefield situation.

In essence, it is the computing power of the brain.

"found it!"

When the afterimage disappears to only one left.

when the enemy is close.

The double hammers that He Bashan held high with a smirk, suddenly fell down.

Bang! ! !
Oh oh oh!
The wind howls!

Caught by me!
Now, if you draw your sword, you will be crushed to death by my double hammers.

If you don't move your sword and retreat, you will fall into my rhythm.

As long as I take a breath, my potential will start to develop continuously. The more I fight, the stronger I get, and the stronger I get, the stronger I get!

Turn this pressure into nutrients to achieve self-growth!

He Bashan's eyes revealed excitement.

He has already seen Fang Yu's future, and that indomitable figure will be smashed into mud under his heavy hammer!
Heavy hammer, drop it!
boom! !

Dust was everywhere, and He Bashan, who was still grinning just now, suddenly changed his face.

Because of this hammer, the touch feels wrong.

He, like, smashed the air.

"Where! Where are you!!"

Mount Heba roared and looked around.

When the dust was slowly dissipating, he suddenly paused, slowly lowered his head, and found that his chest had been pierced by a long bone blade at some point.

"How... when..."

He Bashan was dumbfounded.

He is so focused.

When the opponent rushed over with all his strength, there were too many things to calculate in his mind, and the results of the plan were even visualized in the form of afterimages in his sight.

However, the final result was very different from what he had calculated.


He Bashan knelt on both knees, opened his mouth and let out blood.

The dust slowly dissipated at this time.

It also revealed the appearance of the person in front, as well as... the location.

That is, standing at a distance of four or five meters from Heba Mountain.

As for the bone blade, the reason why it can be stabbed with a sword is because... the bone blade is too long.

Covered in white powder, the extended bone blade was four or five meters long, just passing Heba Mountain's chest.

"I clearly, obviously feel that you are very close to me! Very close!!!"

He Bashan could accept his defeat, but he couldn't accept his proud analysis ability, which was completely denied.

The result of his simulation was completely wrong? ?

"At that moment, I was indeed very close to you, but I immediately felt that you were locked on, and even predicted my actions, and shot ahead of time. So, I retreated."

Fang Yu opened his mouth slowly.

The Yuan Demon Body cannot be used as a conventional method.

So he also started to test his general strength under normal conditions, under the state of bone armor, and under various conditions.

The situation in Tianyuan Town was deteriorating, and Fang Yu had to make plans early.

"You retreated, why did I still get hit by the sword?" He Bashan was at a loss.

So the result calculated by yourself is correct?
So what's going on now?

"Who said you can't draw your sword if you retreat? And my sword is a little longer."

More than a little longer.

Spanning four or five meters, while still retreating, the bone blade suddenly grew wildly, piercing Heba Mountain's chest.

If it weren't for the recent increase in his own strength, the length of the bone blade that the bone armor can change would also increase accordingly, Fang Yu might not be able to do this smoothly.

Of course, even if he didn't do this, He Bashan probably wouldn't be his opponent in his bone armor state.

Under the bone armor, no matter whether it is a powerful bone hammer, a sharp bone blade, or a mimic elephant foot, they can all exert impressive power and raise the upper limit of strength.

It's not enough to look at Heba Mountain.

[Heba Mountain: 546/1500. 】

Although He Bashan still had blood, his heart was pierced by his own bone blade.

Humans have weaknesses.

An important organ like the heart is pierced by a large sharp blade, so it is very difficult to survive.

After being hit by this sword, the blood bar has become very empty.

If it is not treated in time, it is estimated that it will fall by itself in a short while.

Not everyone is like Fang Yu, who has the ability to transform into a body with data, and the separation of organs is not a problem.

Even if it is a monster, if its vital organs are injured, it will die tragically.

Although Heba Mountain's force is not bad, it is not in the category of monsters.

呲! !

[Heba Mountain: 432/1500. 】

As Fang Yu withdrew the bone blade abruptly, He Bashan knelt down on the ground with a plop.

He Bashan stared at the young man walking in front of him, and covered his chest, which was constantly bleeding, with his hands.

"I never thought... that I would fall into... your hands!"


Fang Yu just came to Heba Mountain at this moment, shrugged and said.

"I didn't expect that you would come to give away the head. Even though Yu Jifu has got the news, why do you dare to come here like this? You don't think that the ring held at the bonfire last night kept the information well, right? "

Hearing this, He Bashan grinned, his mouth was full of blood, overflowing from the gaps in his teeth, looking a bit permeable and weird.

I saw him coughing up blood while saying.

"Do you think I care? As long as I can fight against the strong, it doesn't matter what organization I join...Even... Even if I die at the hands of... the strong, I will... die..."

With a flash of sword light, Heba Mountain's head rolled down.

[Heba Mountain: 0/1500. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for killing [Heba Mountain] and gaining 240 experience points. 】

[System prompt: The experience value has exceeded 100, and the total has been converted into 2 attribute points. 】

[System prompt: [Heba Mountain] was detected as a human being, and the blood talent of [Blue Demon Blood] was triggered. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player's maximum life value increased by 1500 points. 】

[Life: 21023/23178. 】

The moment he killed [Heba Mountain], Fang Yu suddenly had an inexplicable feeling, as if there was a very weak evil spirit slowly entwining himself, but the system prompt did not sound.

It may be that the concentration is not enough, not to the point of prompting?
Before Fang Yu could think deeply, the [Soul Clothes: Broken Sleeves] tied on his arms suddenly swept away this feeling and sucked it into the sleeves. The dark part seemed to be a little paler again.

Seeing this, Fang Yu was overjoyed.

With this evil-destroying thing, it is peace of mind!
If it weren't for the fact that there are many powerful enemies around, Fang Yu didn't want to be too conspicuous, otherwise he could take the opportunity to develop a wave.

In addition, during the chaotic battle, his blood volume was unexpectedly maintained well.

The main reason is that people from the Yangshentang are all around to open the way for protection, and almost no one has a chance to hit him. ,
Only this Heba Mountain came to look for trouble.

But in reality, this He Bashan is a pawn, stupefied, who was sold and paid for it.

What kind of bonfire will protect the law, and there is not even a subordinate around him.

In his opinion, the Bonfire was purely using these people as cannon fodder.

"I just saw you win, and thought you were going to keep him alive. Why did you kill him all of a sudden?"

Zhuo Xueer's voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Fang Yu had already noticed it, but he didn't look back.

"He doesn't know anything, he's just a pawn of the Bonfire Society. And my sword has pierced his heart and lungs. He won't live long, so it's better to give him a good time."


Zhuo Xueer passed Fang Yu, went up to search the corpse, and soon found a sign.

It is the signboard of the Dharma Guardian position of the Heba Mountain Campfire Club.

He still keeps this shit by his side?
Fang Yu was a little surprised.

While weighing the weight of the brand and checking the material, Zhuo Xueer glanced at the chaotic battle between the Lin family and the Li family.

Suddenly, Zhuo Xueer suddenly stopped, and looked in a certain direction in astonishment.

"That's... Li Shiquan???"

 The alarm clock didn't go off, and I overslept.

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(End of this chapter)

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