Chapter 286 Two Monsters
Ten punches? !

Fang Yu was startled.

If you want to choose the strongest monster from the monsters you have seen.

Then there is only Li Shiquan!
This guy has a blood volume of up to [-], he is simply a monster!

Don't look at the dire situation on the scene, the masters are like clouds.

In fact, in front of Li Shiquan, they are all younger brothers.

After all, on the scene, the strongest ones, the warriors with more than 3000 blood, or the monsters with [-] blood, are not of the same order of magnitude.

"Has it finally appeared..."

Fang Yu has always felt that the strategy on the demon side lacks a person who can suppress the scene and have the strength to control the overall situation.

It's not that Brother Qing is not strong, but compared to the current situation, Brother Qing is not yet strong enough to control the field, and even the [Li Jiuxun] he brought can only play tricks and secretly control variables.

Keli's ten fists are different, that absolute strength is enough to sweep the audience!
He looked over there, across the chaotic streets, to the third-floor window seat of a tavern.

I saw a man and a woman sitting by the window, admiring the chaos below as if they were watching a scene.

[Rite ten punches: 80000/80000. 】

[Bai Wansi: 75000/75000. 】

Two terrifyingly exaggerated blood volumes appeared, Fang Yu's eyes widened in fright.

Next to the [-]-blood Li Shi Fist, there is actually a monster with [-] blood? ?
What is this guy from?
etc!Surname Bai? ? ?
Fang Yu's heart skipped a beat.

Could it be the Bai family?
The five major families are the Lin family, the Li family, the Hei family, the Zuo family, and... the Bai family!
The Lin family and the Li family have been infiltrated by demons one after another. Their next target is the Bai family?

Or, the Bai family has been...

Fang Yu quickly stopped his reverie.

If this is the case, the plan to carry the bucket and run away can be put on the agenda again.

After all, what is true cannot be false, and what is false cannot be true.

He is a fake monster, but he is not qualified to enjoy the blessings with these big monsters after he has finished fighting the world. He can only fish in troubled waters when he is fighting the world.

Thinking of this, Fang Yu hurriedly asked Zhuo Xueer beside him.

"Master Zhuo Xueer, who is the woman sitting with [Li Shiquan]? Do you recognize it? I think it looks a bit like someone from the Bai family?"

Fang Yu tentatively gave a hint, but Zhuo Xueer shook her head.

"I don't know. The Bai family? No! There should be no one like her in the Bai family. It is probably just a new plaything that Li Shiquan found. There are not many good people in the five major families. The things they play are very disgusting."

Zhuo Xueer looked disgusted, but then she added to Fang Yu: "In front of them, you must never talk about these things. We cannot afford to offend the five major families. For some things, you just need to understand them in your heart. Yangshentang climbed higher, try not to get too involved with people from the five major families in the future."

"Yes! Thank you, Master Zhuo Xueer, for your teaching!"


Zhuo Xueer recalled these two words, and before she knew it, she also began to look like a superior.

The vice-captain's position has not been taken yet.


I don't know how many people outside are waiting to see their own jokes.

The most outstanding alternate vice-captain, the youngest female alternate vice-captain...

With all kinds of fame on her body, she was forced to make achievements and become... the real vice-captain!
Take a deep breath.

"Diao Deyi! Don't look, quickly check to see if there are any high-level campfire members around. If there are, we will find a way to catch two more. If there are no, we have to retreat."

Zhuo Xueer didn't want to leave.

The task this time is to capture the top executives of the Bonfire Club.

In the end, only one head was lifted, and he had to go back home, which was not considered as completing the task at all.

On the surface, although she won't say anything, in fact, the senior management of Santang will definitely calculate the results of this part of the task into her assessment score.

Zhuo Xueer didn't want to stay in the position of alternate vice captain for too long.

After all, this is a false position, and only a formal deputy captain like Uncle Zhou has practical significance.

But the idea is good, but the current situation does not allow her to be self-willed.

The lives of more than a dozen of her subordinates are following her, and she cannot but be responsible.

Otherwise, there would be too many casualties when leading the team, and she would still be unqualified as an alternate vice captain, which would reduce the impression in the eyes of others.

However, Zhuo Xueer was in a hurry, but Fang Yu was a little helpless.

He has seen all the top ten contestants in the campfire club, but the problem is that the surroundings are in a mess, how can he accurately find them.

The others also looked at Fang Yu at this time.

But what they thought was that Fang Yu could shake his head to show that he didn't find out, and then let Zhuo Xueer give up and go back home together.

Surrounded by swords and swords, most of the companions were injured, and some even died. No one wanted to stay here any longer.

It can be said that the idea of ​​the leader above making meritorious service is completely opposite to the idea of ​​the younger brother below wanting to run away and retreat.

"Others, don't be idle, take care of the wounded, pay attention to guarding the line of defense, look with wide eyes, think about the portraits of the previous arrest warrants, and see if there is anyone who fits the bill!"

Zhuo Xueer ordered around, but she didn't realize that most of the people started to work and didn't work hard.

Defense is a matter of life, but it is still an effort, but no one pays attention to whether there are people at the bonfire meeting.

To be honest, several times in a row, it was Zhuo Xueer who had sharp eyes and noticed the changes in the situation on the field and the appearance of key figures.

Fang Yu himself was a bit slow.

The reason is also very simple, Zhuo Xueer is in a hurry, she is the one who desperately wants to find the top executives of the campfire meeting, that's why she observes so meticulously and diligently.

"Why don't you look for it while withdrawing? Today's fight between the Li family and the Lin family was so brutal, I guess the bonfire meeting didn't expect that some people dared not come out to cause trouble. You see, for now, this guy is the only one who popped up. The others didn't even see a shadow."

The fact is also the same, except for the unlucky He Bashan who ran out with a high profile to die, no one else was seen.

Fang Yu still roughly knows everyone's appearance, even if [Li Chunyan] who gave out prizes behind the scenes came out, or the first in the ring, and now [Yang Chaoyu], the leader of the bonfire meeting, Fang Yu can spot it at a glance, let alone Can see blood.

It's just that there are too many people and the blood bars are densely packed. At this time, it is not convenient to observe with the naked eye.

When everyone heard Fang Yu mentioning this, they couldn't help pricking up their ears, and even their hands moved a little slower, which almost hurt them.

Fortunately, on the scene, there are not many strong players, and the level of the public is actually not high. With the cooperation of everyone in the Yangshen Hall, they can still handle it.

But if there were really some masters coming and tearing open the gap in the defensive formation, they could only watch and let Suo Fengxiang or Zhuo Xueer make the move.

After all, those who can break through their defensive line are probably not good at it, and they are not opponents they can deal with.


Zhuo Xueer was silent, she was hesitating.

But when he looked at the people around him, he still sighed in his heart.

"Listen to you, search as you retreat."

They said that while retreating and searching, they all retreated. How could anyone have the heart to find the mission target.

As it should be.

The surrounding team members subconsciously showed joy.

But Fang Yu turned his head, and was about to continue to see if the two old monsters [Li Shiquan] and [Bai Wansi] were still watching the play, when he suddenly stared at something unbelievable Big eyes.

I saw [Li Shiquan] and [Bai Wansi] sitting next to, at some point, there was a maid serving tea.

Fang Yu is not familiar with the face of this maid, but the name of the blood strip on her head is quite familiar to Fang Yu.

[Li Chunyan: 1000/1000. 】

Fang Yu: ...

This could he be messing with those two old monsters? ?

Zuo Lu and Hei Ao, the disciples of Zuo Lu and Hei Ao, the swearing, mysterious, secretive sect, who absolutely ban monsters, are now mixing with the big monsters!

Is there any mistake, Zuo Lu, Hei Ao, you two must be blind, thanks to the fact that I trusted the judgment of you two disciples of the five major families so much last night, it turned out to be a proper slap in the face now!
Fang Yu was convinced.

Li Chunyan, who looks like a maid over there, has poured tea for the two monster giants [Li Shiquan] and [Bai Wansi]. If it doesn't matter, Fang Yu won't believe it.

Damn it, the big sect of foreign forces actually colluded with the demon leader of Tianyuan Town, what are you doing, internal troubles and foreign troubles?The five major families already lack five and two, and the status of the Bai family is still unknown, so it counts as half of them.

There are only two and a half of the five major families left, and they may have to face off against foreign sects. Will Tianyuan Town really be able to withstand this wave?

"Why, what's the matter? Your face is a bit ugly, yes, did you get injured just now?"

Suddenly, a pleasant voice sounded nervously from the side.

Fang Yu withdrew his gaze and glanced, only to realize that it was Suo Fengxiang looking at him worriedly.

Fang Yu restrained his worries and grinned.

"Senior Sister Suo, I'm fine, I'm just a little worried about the current situation."

"Don't be afraid! We can definitely escape!"

Suo Fengxiang quickly patted her chest to reassure, and carefully observed Fang Yu's expression, as if she was afraid that Fang Yu would cry.

The strange thing is that the teenager who used to be teary-eyed for little things, is now resolute and full of resilience. Facing the external pressure that even she can't stand, she doesn't change her expression and is as stable as Mount Tai.

Well, what a contradiction, what a weird little guy...

"Don't be distracted! We are almost at the end of the street ahead! If you rush out, you should be safe for the time being!"

Zhuo Xue'er's voice sounded in front of her, her head was shaking left and right, her eyes were scanning everywhere, obviously she still hadn't given up.

Fang Yu could have confessed [Li Chunyan]'s position, but if Zhuo Xueer rushed over impulsively, she would be courting death.

Moreover [Li Chunyan] is now on the line of those two demon leaders, if Zhuo Xueer wants to trouble her, I am afraid that the final result will be that she herself will be killed by the demon first.

After thinking about it, Fang Yu suppressed his thoughts.It is better to find a way to disclose this kind of breaking news directly to the higher-ups, or to talk about it after returning home.

At this moment, the few people who were in charge of opening the way in front of them suddenly shouted in surprise.

"Rush out!"

"There are significantly fewer people here!"

"Phew - narrow escape! This task is too dangerous, and our achievements will definitely increase a lot."

"Look ahead, there are more people coming here again."

"It's the support of the Lin family and the Li family! There are also some foreign warriors, as well as people from the martial arts hall!"

It seems that it has rushed to the edge of the chaos.

As for why there are still people coming in a steady stream, it is naturally the riot here, which has just begun.

Fang Yu knew that this melee was just the beginning, how long it would last, and how far it would go, no one could say for sure.

But since Li Shiquan and monsters with [-] blood came to suppress the field together, this scene might not be a big deal.

With my current strength, I am afraid that I will be crushed to death in such a big scene, so I might as well retreat temporarily, and wait for the result to come out, and then go to find out the news.

In terms of obtaining news, I have a unique advantage.

Looking back at the scene of the chaotic battle, he looked for Brother Qing, but he couldn't find him.

Thinking that with his status and skill, nothing would happen, Fang Yu looked in the direction of the two old monsters [Li Shiquan] and [Bai Wansi].

[Li Chunyan] is like a maid, smiling and slowly backing away, disappearing in the place where the line of sight is blocked, and slowly retracting the movement of waving her hand in [Li Shiquan], it should make her retreat.

The monsters are eradicating the backbone of Tianyuan Town, and the collusion between the outside sects and the monsters needs to be revealed to the upper echelons of the Yangshentang.

Otherwise, if the situation continues to deteriorate, your living space will be greatly reduced. In addition, you have to make preparations for running away, just in case.

If he really wants to run away, the only thing Fang Yu can't let go of is Qing Yao. After all, other people can try to take away and run away together, such as Ding Hui, such as the second sister.

But the green demon is on the side of the demon, and it can't be kidnapped at all.


Withdrawing his gaze, Fang Yu cooperated with the others to open the way together, passing those who came to support him, and headed towards Yudi Mansion.

Li Xunxue, a hot potato, had to be dealt with quickly.


Mingyun Tavern, on the third floor.

"Come to the tavern, don't drink, only drink tea. Shu bird demon, you are really weird."

The flirtatious woman sitting opposite Li Shiquan covered her mouth and smiled. Her cool dress revealed a lot of snow-white skin with just such subtle movements.

If a man with a vigorous blood is here, I'm afraid the blood boils to see, and I can't suppress it.

But Li Shiquan, who was sitting opposite, calmly warned.

"Bai Wansi, be careful outside, don't call me by my name."

Bai Wansi didn't care too much, and said with a casual laugh.

"Why are you so serious? Even the old man of the Lin family was killed by us together. Now the situation in Tianyuan Town is under our control."

Standing back, he raised the teacup, drank it like pouring water, and then spat out the tea leaves with two bah bah.

"It's hard to drink."

Li Shiquan glanced at her.

"If you don't get used to drinking it, you can't get used to it. I really like this stuff."

Bai Wansi rolled her eyes, as if thinking of something, she suddenly sat upright, her natural movements made her fiery figure more conspicuous.

Unfortunately, facing her is Li Shiquan, a demon of the same race.

No matter how skinny it is, it can't attract the slightest attention from the other party.

"By the way, what did the servant girl mean just now? Li Chunyan? Someone from an absolute sect? This sect would actually hook up with us monsters? Is it reliable?"

Li Shiquan smiled.

When it comes to business, he finally has some interest in talking to this woman.

(End of this chapter)

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