Chapter 316
The matchmaker gasped.

After many days and nights of busy research, after all, it still affected its strength.

A sense of fatigue surged up, making her a little slower.

Fortunately, the surrounding area was surrounded by thick smoke and blazing fire, which covered her figure to a certain extent.

"Hong, Mrs. Matchmaker?!"

Suddenly, several flustered servants rushed out of the smoke.

They were obviously taken aback when they saw the matchmaker.

The matchmaker noticed keenly that these people still held some jade articles and jewelry in their hands, or hung them around their necks, or wore them on their wrists.Or hold a handful in your hand.

It is obvious that they have robbed cloth shop and are running away.

Hong Niang's eyes suddenly turned cold.

Luoshen Cloth Shop is not all composed of demons.

In order to ensure the concealment of the cloth workshop, many human handymen were also recruited.

The people in front of me are one of them.

"Human beings are really unreliable!"

Furious, Hong Niang flashed past these people.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! !

The necks of these people burst out with bleeding lines, their bodies were separated, and they fell to the ground and died.

But the matchmaker who had dealt with these people didn't stop walking, and continued to escape to the nearest secret passage.

"It's close! It's close! It's close!! The entrance to the secret passage is just ahead!!"

Although the surroundings were full of billowing smoke, Hong Niang still found the right direction by virtue of her precise memory.

But when she approached the secret passage, she found a person standing at the door of the secret passage amid billowing thick smoke.

That man, with his back to the matchmaker, was holding the head of a turtle demon in his hand.As if he heard the movement, he slowly turned around and looked at the matchmaker.


The corner of the man's mouth raised in an arc.

"Red Moon Demon? What a coincidence, I just found out a secret passage from this guy, and I was about to come over to block it, when I encountered a big fish."

He casually threw the demon bag in his hand in front of the matchmaker.

Accompanied by the sound of the tortoise and Yaoyao's head rolling, Hong Niang finally recognized who that person was.

"[Hundred Cuts]...Liu Pai!"

Matchmaker has stayed in Tianyuan Town for so many years, and she still recognizes the well-known Qianhu.

But she didn't understand that a mere Fairy Tail of hers had alerted two thousand households to encircle and suppress them!It is simply to... use thunder to kill him!
At this moment, the sound of footsteps approaching rapidly came from behind Hong Niang.

Looking back, the familiar figure who was chasing after him had changed from galloping in the thick fog to walking slowly, stepping forward.

"It turns out that Liu Qianhu has stopped him, but I am impatient."

Liu Qianhu smiled slightly, and slowly drew his sword out.

"Suqianhu, you and I teamed up to deal with a Fairy Tail, it can be said to be a slasher, isn't it a bit too bullying?"

"Hahahaha! Slaying demons and eliminating demons, how can you talk so much! I have long heard of your name of hundreds of swords. The speed of your sword is so fast that you can slash a hundred swords in an instant! Today, I would like to see it with my own eyes. It is your sword. Fast, or my [Speed ​​Wind Sword] fast."

"Okay, I've heard about Su Qianhu's Sufeng Sword a long time ago. When the sword is released, the sword moves without a shadow, and it hurts people in the air. Today is just a good time to open your eyes."

The two were in front of each other, trapping the matchmaker in the middle, and they chatted every now and then.

With a calm and relaxed look, it seems that he has already settled for the matchmaker, and doesn't take her seriously at all!

Seeing that she was surrounded by two masters, the matchmaker gradually calmed down.

After losing the chance to escape, there is only one choice left... and that is, fight!

Cover your face with one hand.

The matchmaker lowered her head and let out a maniacal and piercing laugh.

Liu Qianhu obviously showed some vigilance.

Even if it is Fairy Tail, he will treat it with caution.

"Red Moon Demon, why are you laughing?"

"Do you still need to ask? In such a desperate situation, she must have gone crazy because she knew she would die."

Su Chito grinned with a relaxed expression, not paying attention to Matchmaker at all.

Bi beheaded the housekeeper first, and then the maid, this matchmaker probably wasn't that bad.

And at this moment, the matchmaker spoke.

"You guys, don't you think you're going to eat me!!"

Bang! ! !
The blood-colored mist suddenly exploded from Hong Niang's body!

The beautiful human skin was torn into pieces in an instant, and its crimson moon body slowly emerged from the blood mist, looming.

The round full moon shape, like a real moon, floated slowly in mid-air one or two meters above the ground.

Apart from being blood-colored, its appearance is almost the same as that of a normal full moon.

When both Qianhu were attentive and on guard.

The crimson moon's pitted surface suddenly opened its eyes.

At first it was just one.

Then there were two, three, four... dozens of eyes of different sizes, densely spread throughout the blood moon body, giving people a weird and crazy feeling.

"There's something wrong with this Red Moon Demon!"

"First strike is stronger!"

Su Chito suddenly drew his sword.

Liu Qianhu has already drawn his sword.

hum! !

The sound of the sword and the sound of the knife sounded almost at the same time, pinching back and forth, there is no way to avoid it!

However, at the moment when the two shot.

A sharp sound that instantly overwhelmed the sound of swords burst out from the Red Moon Demon!

Ohh Ohh ohh! ! ! !
It was a piercing mournful sound like a boiling kettle!

Accompanied by the sound, there is also billowing red steam!

When the knife and sword strikes were about to attack the body, billowing red steam spewed out crazily like a steam spray!

In an instant, the entire scene was shrouded in red steam, and you couldn't see your fingers!
Both Su Qianhu and Liu Qianhu felt the feedback that the slash hit the target accurately, but... the Red Moon Demon still made a sound.

"Today, I'll let you all know what it means to unite demons and spirits!!!"

Boom! !

Accompanied by the sound, the sound waves exploded to the surroundings like substantial ripples.

Seems like... things are getting a little tricky.

Liu Qianhu held the knife with one hand, and changed to holding the handle with both hands.

It's interesting.

Hashichito sheathed his sword again, waiting for the next Ikai.

From a sure victory at the beginning to a quiet confrontation now, the situation seems to have changed quietly.

As a gust of wind blew by, the two of them started to act almost simultaneously!

The team members of Yudifu in the nearby yard were still chasing and killing monsters one second, and the next second the wall of the nearby yard exploded!

Something swished past them, before they came back to their senses.

Bang! !

Someone suddenly exploded, turned into a pile of flesh and blood, and scattered all over the ground.

"Fa, what happened?!"

"No, I don't know! What kind of monster is that? Where is Master Qianhu?"

"Support! We need support!!"

Seeing the three black shadows go away, everyone around felt terrified. It was beyond their ability to intervene in a battle at this level.

The fire in Luoshen cloth workshop is still burning, and it is getting more and more intense.

Although there were twists and turns in Qianhu's demon-killing battle, the entire Luoshen Bufang's demon-killing plan was quite successful.

As the resistance became weaker and weaker, the monsters were killed one after another. The entire Luoshen cloth workshop was littered with corpses, and the ground was covered with corpses of monsters... The overall situation is settled!
呲! !

With Liu Qianhu's final slash, the Red Moon Demon, who fled far away, has changed from a full moon to a gibbous moon, and a third of its size has been cut off.

However, the speed also increased suddenly at this time, smashing open a rockery, and directly burrowing into the secret passage under the rockery fragments!

when! !

Su Chito's slash was delayed by a second, and he slashed at the gate of the secret passage that merged quickly.

I don't know what kind of material the secret door is made of, it looks like metal, but under Su Qianhu's slash, it only leaves a trace a few inches shallow.

If they want to break open the secret passage door by brute force, even if the two of them work together, it will take some time. By then, the Red Moon Demon will have already fled to nowhere.

Su Qianhu wanted to cut again, trying to break through the gate, but Liu Qianhu stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Don't waste your energy. By the time we break through the gate, people will have already left. Besides, our goal is not just such a monster tail. Luoshen Bufang also needs someone to guard and guard. We can't leave rashly."

"But the Red Moon Demon has escaped, if she goes to report..."

"Don't be afraid, haven't you noticed? At the last moment, she was almost insane, a wild beast that lost her mind. Obviously, there is a price to pay for the sudden increase in strength."


Su Qianhu agreed with this statement, pulled off the fabric of the sleeve, and simply bandaged the injured left eye, turning into a one-eyed dragon. He and Liu Qianhu turned back to kill the other demons in Luoshen Cloth Workshop.

With the joining of these two thousand households, Yudi Mansion's combat power increased dramatically, and Luoshen Bufang soon completely fell.

According to the habit of Yudi Mansion, demons that can be captured alive will be escorted back to be kept for research or decomposed into materials.

But this time, the team led by the two thousand households did not do this, but directly killed the monsters, leaving no one alive.

Seeing that it was almost done, with a wave of his hand, he led people directly to the next place.


The Red Moon Demon was on the run, she couldn't remember why she wanted to run away, she was in a daze, almost acting on instinct.

The moment she woke up suddenly, she realized that she had been lying in the corner of the roadside at some point, mixed with the dirty muddy water.

The entire demon body has shrunk by more than half, turning into a gibbous moon shape, but flat like a thin oval stone.

As long as she doesn't move, people may think that there is an extra stepping stone in the corner at most.

The brain was groggy, and no matter what he thought about, it seemed to be a beat slower, as if some part was missing.

Is the fusion of demon and spirit a success?

The Red Moon Demon didn't know that it was hard to say that it was a success due to the severe sequelae and the irrational reaction similar to the previous experimental subject.

"A kick in the door... It's obviously just a kick in the door!!"

The Red Moon Demon hates those thousands of households rushing to the door.

But what she hates more is the traitor who betrayed all her information!

"Among the monsters, there is an inner ghost!"

"I can't just go back to the monsters like this. Fairy Tail, Fairy Foot, Fairy Body... I can't trust anyone!"

"I have to get in touch with the demon heads, those big demons, to hold me safe, or endure until Master Lan returns, to be truly safe!"

As soon as I thought of this, a feeling of losing control suddenly came over me.

It’s a side effect of the union of demons and spirits!My consciousness is about to be taken away again and I lose control!
Panicked, the Red Moon Demon immediately made a decision.

boom! !

Click!Click!Click! !
In an instant, her stone-like body burst into more than a dozen cracks.

As long as the injury is too severe to be able to move, even if you lose your mind, you can limit your actions to avoid being discovered.

Although self-inflicted wounds aggravate the injuries, it is still better than losing one's mind and committing murder, causing a scene and then being discovered and killed by the people of Yudi Mansion.

Sure enough, as the consciousness disappeared, traces of red steam emerged from its body, and the incomplete stone immediately trembled crazily.

But as if the movement was too big and the injury was involved, Hua La La's body shattered into a large pile of small stones, and the follow-up was cut off all of a sudden.

As if passed out, he immediately stopped moving, the red steam also slowly faded, and everything returned to calm.

At this moment, a little boy hurriedly ran to the corner of the corner, squatting on the ground to hide as if playing hide and seek with someone.

As soon as he lowered his head, he saw a dozen or so small boulders on the ground that were broken like big rocks.

This small pebble was inexplicably beautiful. Subconsciously, the little boy lowered his head to pick up a piece and put it in his pocket.

Hearing footsteps approaching, he quickly held his breath and hid, but accompanied by 'Aha! With a sound, he was still caught by a friend.

While laughing and laughing, the two left this place, and the little round stone was brought back home by the boy...


Lingyun Inn.

The little monsters who are lazy on weekdays and Moji would come to report in the afternoon, but today they entered the inn one after another.

Even the guards at the door and the eyeliners around are much stricter than usual.

When Bie Huzi, holding the head of [Shan Sichen] wrapped in a cloth, together with Rong Qiulu and Bu Ange, came to the door of Lingyun Inn, he was dazed.

The three of them squatted outside all night, followed [Shan Sichen] back home, and waited until late at night to make sure no one noticed before sneaking in.

It succeeded, and the three of them were not in a hurry to claim credit.

After all, it was impossible to rush to Diao's Mansion in Yudi Mansion to meet Fang Yu.

Che Linfang was the only one in their team who could enter the Yudi Mansion.

Unless Che Linfang is willing to bring people into Yudi Mansion, otherwise, these monsters will not be able to enter that place openly.

So the three of them went to drink to celebrate, and waited until the daytime now before heading slowly to the Lingyun Inn, preparing to wait for Fang Yu's arrival to claim credit.

Unexpectedly, there are unexpectedly many people in Lingyun Inn today, and monsters disguised as human skins keep entering the inn.

"Master Bie Huzi!"

Suddenly, a person passed by and saluted Bie Huzi.

Bie Huzi recognized this person, he was one of the monsters he had brought over.

Under Fang Yu's name, although Bie Huzi didn't become the second-in-command, he was still a small leader after all, and there were still a group of people following him.

"What's going on today? Is it so lively?"

Bie Huzi asked in confusion. Rong Qiulu and Bu Ange next to him were also confused.

The two of them have been with Bie Huzi since last night, and they don't know what happened.

"Doesn't your lord know?"

The younger brother's eyes widened, he hurriedly approached Bie Huzi, and said in a low voice.

"A big deal! A big deal! The demon tail next door to us, the Red Moon Demon, was killed by a team led by the Yudi Mansion, and even the entire Luoshen cloth workshop was burned! The demons under the Red Moon Demon were killed and injured, There are almost no survivors! It is comparable to exterminating the family and ransacking the house!"

(End of this chapter)

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