Chapter 317 The Three Scenarios

As soon as these words came out, the three of Bie Huzi gasped and became sober.

Red Moon Demon?
That Fairy Tail who has been at odds with Master Diao all day long?

What happened to her?Or was the whole territory turned upside down by the people from Yudi Mansion? ?
The three of Bie Huzi looked at each other, a little dumbfounded.

To be honest, it's just that Fairy Tail was killed, and they might not feel anything yet.

After all, their previous Fairy Tail, Qing Yao, was killed by someone, and then Diao Deyi, who was airborne, took the position of Fairy Tail firmly.

But Fairy Tail's territory, and all the monsters under him, are all taken over by one pot, that's so frightening!

The seriousness of the matter is not at the same level at all!
"How did the Yudifu know that the Luoshen Bufang is the old lair of the Red Moon Demon?" Bie Huzi was full of doubts.

"To wipe out the entire Luoshen Cloth Workshop, the Yudi Mansion must dispatch a large number of people! That is to say, they are very sure that the Red Moon Demon is in the Luoshen Cloth Workshop!" Rong Qiulu speculated.

"Could it be that the Red Moon Demon lured the people from the Yudi Mansion to Luoshen Cloth Workshop, and then accidentally exposed his flaws, causing bad luck?" Bu Ange frowned.

At this time, the three of them looked at the little demon in unison, but they startled the little demon.

He was just passing by, so how could he know so much.

That little brother demon had an innocent look on his face.

"Three adults, it's useless to look at me. If I knew why Master Hongyue Yao was wiped out by the Yudi Mansion, I wouldn't use the inn to meet everyone."

This is true.

If you know the details, there is no need to panic.

Bie Huzi also reacted at this time.

The essential reason why so many little monsters came to gather at the inn was not simply because a Fairy Tail died, but because the power of a Fairy Tail was uprooted!
To put it seriously, if the Yudi Mansion can destroy the territory of the Red Moon Demon next door today, then tomorrow it will be able to destroy their territory of the Blood Demon Demon!
The ghost knows whether the nearby demons will be confessed when the Red Moon Demon is destroyed, and whether they will be found by following the clues.

Among the Fairy Tails, the strength and power are actually pretty much the same.

Even if the Blood Demon is the strongest among the nearby Fairy Tails, the difference is not too much, and it is impossible to shake the Yudi Mansion.

Inside the Yudi Mansion, there are a lot of monsters. Once their territory is exposed, the only thing left is to be uprooted.

When it really came to that point, everyone just flew separately in the face of a catastrophe, and each escaped according to his own ability.

"Where is Lord Blood Demon? Is he here?"

Feeling the seriousness of the matter, Bie Huzi's tone became a little anxious.

The other two also quickly looked at the little brother demon.

This put a lot of pressure on the little brother demon.

"Master Bie Huzi, I don't know if Lord Blood Demon is here or not. I was stopped by you before entering the inn."

The three of them hurriedly took the younger brother into the inn together.

As soon as I entered, the noisy sound inside was like a vegetable market, chattering and chattering non-stop.

If it weren't for the silence demon's cover, the noise should have been heard outside the inn.

"Horror! Horror! Master Yaotail Red Moon Demon was directly wiped out by Yudi Mansion's leaders! The entire Luoshen cloth workshop is burning with fire! Yudi Mansion's attack will scare people to death!"

"The Red Moon Demon was actually wiped out?! Did that guy want to touch us so arrogantly before?"

"Listen clearly, it wasn't the Red Moon Demon who was killed, but the Red Moon Demon, together with her power and territory, were all wiped out by the Yudi Mansion! The monsters under her name were killed and wounded, and the corpses lay in the wild!"

"Hiss—it's a good thing I didn't hang out with the Red Moon Demon back then, but put myself under the name of Lord Blood Demon, otherwise I would be a corpse over there now!"

"Why do you say that the Yudi Prefecture suddenly launched an attack? This thunderous method is simply frightening!"

"Don't underestimate human beings. There are so many masters among them. It's really head-to-head. We may not be opponents."

"I'm thinking, the Red Moon Demon has been destroyed, and the power has been vacated. Who should fill in the incomplete position of the demon tail? Do you think I have a chance?"

"Dream! It's really such a good thing. When we get you and me in a round, at least a powerful monster must fill the position."

They are still dreaming happily, and someone here sneered and said, "Isn't it too early to think about dividing up the territory now? I have heard that the actions of the Yudi Mansion are far from complete." It's over!"

"What do you mean?! Is it not enough to kill a Red Moon Demon?"

"Not enough! Some people saw with their own eyes that the group of people from the Yudi Prefecture, after killing the Red Moon Demon Queen, turned around and killed the Linlin Bird Demon's territory!"

The bird demon is also a demon tail. Recently, it seems that it has climbed up to the powerful master demon feet. With a thigh hug, the demons under its influence have become arrogant and domineering.

Therefore, most of the monsters in the inn, or the monsters in the surrounding area, are more or less hostile to the bird monster.

But this is private hostility. If it rises to a struggle between humans and demons, then they must support the harpy.

Even if there is anyone in the nearby Fairy Tail who can stand against this wave of liquidation from the Yudi Mansion, then it is most likely that the bird demon has a new backer. After all, others can shake people. Come to the rescue.

"Destroy the Red Moon Demon first, and then find the Bird Demon. Could it be that they Yudi Mansion got some definite information this time, and are going to uproot all the Demon Tail forces near us?!"

For a time, people panic.

Although Bie Huzi was a small leader, he had little official authority and a low sense of presence, so even though he entered the door, few people noticed the three of them.

To be honest, Bie Huzi didn't bother to care about whether someone greeted him at this time.

He turned his eyes and scanned back and forth on the field, but he didn't find the blood demon at all.

"The blood demon hasn't come yet? Such a big thing happened..."

Thinking of the blood demon, Bie Huzi felt inexplicably irritable.

The blood demon is originally an internal agent lurking in Yudi Mansion, how could there be any news...

and many more!

Bie Huzi suddenly remembered that the blood demon seemed to have said last night that the Yudi Mansion would take action in the near future.

Although everyone paid attention at that time, they didn't think much about it.

After all, who would have thought that this so-called action would directly take the Red Moon Demon and its people into the territory, and directly collect the ashes!This is outrageous!

This is still the case that there are blood demons who should get the information. If it is replaced by other monster tails, I am afraid that they will be attacked suddenly without knowing what happened.

Bie Huzi also understood at this time.

Although the blood demon is lurking well in the Yudi Mansion, but after all, it is only at the level of the inspector. What decision did the higher-ups really make? The blood demon can only get accurate information during the execution stage. Before that , can only catch wind and shadows.

Just as Bie Huzi was thinking about it, someone knocked open the door of the inn behind him, and a person rushed in hastily.

"No, it's not good! The latest news, Rotten Heart Demon! Master Rotten Heart Demon has been killed!!! In Changmou Street, more than a dozen shops have been set on fire. The situation is exactly the same as that of Red Moon Demon!"

Rotten heart demon? !Everyone was shocked.

The Rotten Heart Demon is also a demon at the level of Fairy Tail!

And the relationship with their blood demon forces is not bad, because of the outstanding performance of the blood demon master, the rotting heart demon obviously has the intention of an affinity alliance, but the blood demon master has not made a clear statement, so it has been only the people below. Just guessing.

But he didn't expect that after the Red Moon Demon, the third unlucky person was the Rotten Heart Demon!
And compared to the uncertainty of the bird monster, here it is directly said that the rotting heart monster has been killed, and the site has also been set on fire, which is really miserable!
"First it was the Red Moon Demon, then the Scaled Bird Demon, and finally the Corrupt Heart Demon. One by one, the sites of the Demon Tails were liquidated by the Yudifu. What about the next one? Is it our turn next?"

"What should we do? Why don't we just run for our lives? That group of fools from the Underworld is obviously targeting our Fairy Tail forces!"

"Damn it! If you want to make trouble, go to the big monster like the Demon Foot and Demon Body above. What kind of ability is it to bully our little Demon Tail forces! How many Demon Tail forces are controlled under one Demon Foot? Kill us! What's the use! Can you kill it!"

"That's right! Only bully soft persimmons!"

"I know! There is a specific saying on the human side. It's basically that they can't get rid of the big monster, and they don't even know where the big monster is. But sweeping away us little monsters can be regarded as achievement. Make a mission to the high-level human beings."

"Games at the top, disasters at the bottom. What should we do? Wait for death?"

At this time, someone had already discovered the three of Bie Huzi, and many people turned their attention to Bie Huzi.

Where did Bie Huzi experience such a scene, he immediately felt like Alexander.

He turned his head and spoke slowly.

"Perhaps we can join hands with Lord Long Poetry Canvas Demon and the remaining Fairy Tails around..."

At this moment, the door was slammed open again.

But this time, everyone's voices suddenly fell silent.

Everyone's eyes were all focused on the person coming.

Because, the one who came was their boss, Fairy Tail—the blood demon!

"Blood, Lord Blood Demon!"

"It's Lord Blood Demon!"

"Master Blood Demon is finally here!"

"Master Blood Demon, something is wrong..."

Someone wanted to report something, but Fang Yu raised his hand, signaling that they don't need to speak again.

Fang Yu, although he came late.

However, the subordinates of the monsters encountered on the road have already passed the news to him intermittently.

Before even reaching the inn, he already knew that the Red Moon Demon had fallen.

Fang Yu couldn't help but sigh.

This guy who was always against him was finally dead this time.

As one of the Fairy Tails, it's really difficult for him to attack the Red Moon Demon, especially if this guy seems to have some powerful background, it's even more difficult to do so.

But if there is a high-level human being to do it for him, it is natural to give priority to getting rid of this demon.

Besides the Red Moon Demon, the news that the Demon Tail Rotten Heart Demon who had never met before had also been beheaded spread like wildfire.

Coupled with the fact that the team of the Yudi Mansion who killed the Red Moon Demon went straight to Yaowei's territory aggressively without stopping, things became obviously more difficult.

It can be said that everything is going according to the plan of the head of the Yangshen Hall, and they are advancing step by step. The only problem is that their Yudifu team is progressing too fast!

Fang Yu hadn't reacted yet, two Fairy Tails were destroyed, and the third Fairy Tail was also in danger.

But the panic effect was fully achieved.

Looking at the fearful, dazed, worried, helpless expressions of the demon subordinates around him, Fang Yu understood that it was time for him to act.

Clean up the team of Yudifu and rebuild the Fairy Tail!

He will take the position of demon feet!
With a light cough, Fang Yu spoke.

"I have a general understanding of the situation. Two of Fairy Tail's colleagues had accidents one after another. The Yudi Mansion came prepared this time!"

Fang Yu looked around at everyone present.

"Right now, we have three options."

"First, sit and wait. Like a tortoise, I pray that the team of the Yudi Mansion will not find us, and the other Fairy Tail will not leak our information."

"But this possibility is too low, even if the Yudi Mansion is busy eliminating other Fairy Tails, and has no information from us at all. But wait for them to deal with those Fairy Tails they know, and then catch the remaining subordinates under the name of Fairy Tail, and torture them It's only a matter of time before we extract a confession and follow the clues to find us!"

These words were approved by most of the monsters present.

in fact.

It is very difficult to find out who, what identity, and where is the demon foot from Yaowei.

After all, most Fairy Tails know very limited information about the Fairy Feet on them.

Because there is a demon foot, demon tail under him, at least ten fingers, not every one of them will go to meet each other specially, and most of the time it is just to order a task and let the trusted demon tail to convey it.

So even if you catch Fairy Tail alive and torture him, the information you get is only about the nearby Fairy Tail of the same level.

Therefore, under such a large-scale raid, the one who will be betrayed is the Fairy Tail of the same level!The demonic feet above can probably sit back and relax.

The real crisis and risk are borne by the little demons below them!

It was also an ordinary Fairy Tail like Fang Yu and the little demons under his name who were going to have an accident.

But if we can find out these lurking demon tails in this group of Yudifu team through thorough investigation and torture, and kill all these Yudifu team members first, buy time, and let the remnants of demons have a chance to escape , things can take a different turn.

And this is Fang Yu's second point.

He was going to be persuasive and guide the demons under him to the option of counterattack.

"Second, it is to take the initiative to attack! The Yudi Mansion is coming fiercely, and there is no news from Yaozu. Or wait until the news comes from above, we may all have an accident!"

"Instead of waiting for the mercy of fate, waiting for a sliver of luck, waiting for the negligence and omissions of the Yudifu, it is better to take the initiative to attack! Combine with other Fairy Tails, ambush traps, establish a first-mover advantage, and get rid of this group of Yudifu's team directly!"

"As for what problems will happen after we get rid of them, let the big monster above worry about it. At least we have solved the problem, and it's the turn of the big monster above to wipe our ass."

This option caught the eyes of many monsters present.

But more monsters were hesitant, facing Fang Yu's glance, their eyes dodged.

Therefore, Fang Yu gave a third solution.

(End of this chapter)

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