Chapter 318
"The third is to break it up into pieces, assuming that we have been defeated in advance, and flee separately. However, if we do this, we will face not only the pursuit of those humans in Yudi Mansion, but also the terrifying punishment of the big monster above! Town, I'm afraid I won't be able to stay any longer."

Demons are lurking very well, and that is for humans.

Inside the monsters, the higher-ups are very clear about where the monsters below are hiding.

The two armies fought and fled without a fight, and the liquidation later, what will happen is self-evident.

There are three options, each with pros and cons.

Although the first plan is to be a tortoise, there is a certain chance of getting through the crisis without incident.

Although the second plan is proactive, Yudifu is well prepared.

No matter how to set a trap, in the face of absolute strength, who dares to say that he will be able to win these masters of the Yudifu.

The third plan, although facing the pursuit of both sides, can be broken up into parts, with a large number of people, scattered and escaped, as long as they run faster than their own people, there may be a chance of survival.

All the monsters on the scene obviously showed hesitation.

They are vacillating among the three plans, and no one can guarantee that the plan is absolutely correct.

Suddenly, Bie Huzi, together with Rong Qiulu and Bu Ange, faced Fang Yu, and the three of them knelt down together.

"Master Blood Demon, please make a choice, no matter what plan you choose, we are willing to follow Lord Blood Demon to the death!"

Bie Huzi still has a little discernment.

After being mixed with humans for so long, I still figured out something.

Usually when the adults above give some choices, basically the adults already have an answer in their hearts.

What is missing is just an opportunity for people to say the answer.

When Bie Huzi, a high-ranking cadre, expressed his opinion, some clever little demons, as well as Bie Huzi's subordinates, knelt down one after another.

"We will follow Lord Blood Demon to the death!"

"Master Blood Demon, please lead us out of this predicament!"

In the high-pressure environment where the monster tails fell one after another and the outside situation was precarious, most of the monsters actually didn't have very bright minds.

Seeing that someone gave the 'answer', they all chose to follow the crowd.

"Master Blood Demon, please make a decision! We will fully cooperate!"

"Everything is arranged by Lord Blood Demon!"

"Master Blood Demon, my life is in your hands!"

All of a sudden, most of the monsters in the entire inn knelt down. Seeing this, the other monsters chose to obey where they dared to stand.

After all, they were Fang Yu's subordinates, and there was nothing wrong with following Fang Yu's arrangement.


Turning around, facing away from the demons, Fang Yu's mouth was slightly raised.

Although he didn't interact much with Bie Huzi on weekdays, this subordinate who took over from Brother Qing was not in vain.

Pulling him to the little boss finally played a role now.

After pondering for a while, Fang Yu closed his eyes and pretended to be thinking.

The monsters at the scene immediately held their breath in cooperation.

They are waiting for Fang Yu to give a direction, and this direction will determine all their next actions, even life and death!

There seemed to be only the beating of the hearts of the various demons ringing at the scene.

And at this moment, Fang Yu turned to face the crowd, opened his eyes suddenly, and said the choice he had already made in his heart.

"To be honest, I was originally wavering between the first and third options, but everyone trusted me so much and we all worked together as one, which made me make a decision!"

"I decided... to implement the second plan!"

"We take the initiative to attack and kill these people from the Yudi Mansion!"

"Although we want to get rid of the team of Yudi Mansion, we can't do it recklessly. In addition to the ambush and traps I mentioned before, we also need to join hands with other Fairy Tails. I believe that the surrounding Fairy Tails should also know about this group of fools. They are also terrified by the crazy behavior of the underworld!"

"At this time, we propose to join forces, which can not only stabilize their emotions, but also increase their combat power."

"I believe that the strength of the team sent by Yudi Mansion will not be too strong! After all, it is only us monster tail forces that have to deal with it. The deaths of the Red Moon Demon and the Rotten Heart Demon are only due to the sudden attack of the Yudi Mansion, and they are all Each fights on his own territory!"

"If the demon tails around us unite and unite as one, not to mention this Yudifu team, even the masters from the Yangshentang will have to weigh in!"

With those words, the hearts of all the monsters were surging.

They really believed Fang Yu's nonsense.

He felt that the mob united by Fairy Tail could fight against the masters of the Yangshen Hall.

To be honest, Fang Yu himself didn't believe this.

The more he understands it, the more he understands how outrageous the high-end combat power of the three halls of Yudi Mansion is, it cannot be solved by the number of little monsters below.

Of course, this mopping up of the Yudi Mansion was originally intended to cooperate with him in raising his status as a monster, so of course it's another story.


Among the monsters, suddenly a monster shouted.

"That's right! Let's unite with other Fairy Tails, unite, and fight against Yudifu!"

"Let the people of Yudi Mansion see the unity of our monsters!"

"Kill! Kill back! Avenge Lord Red Moon Demon! Avenge fellow demons!!"


Originally, when some monsters heard that Fang Yu was going to take the initiative to attack, they actually thumped in their hearts.

But wait for Fang Yu to come slowly.

It's not a reckless attack, but it is necessary to unite with other Fairy Tails, set up traps, and analyze the strength of the other party, and it feels very feasible.

Coupled with the idea of ​​following the public, they approved this plan one after another.

However, there are still some monsters with indifferent expressions, or pretending to be shouting slogans, but they actually already have the idea of ​​​​taking the opportunity to escape.

Fang Yu surveyed the audience, and soon discovered these maverick monsters.

A move in my heart.

He raised his hand and pressed down, the monsters stopped, and Fang Yu spoke slowly.

"However, there are still huge risks in this trip. I have decided to sacrifice my life for this trip, and fight with Yudi Mansion, even if I die in battle, I will not hesitate! But I can't decide the fate of everyone... If anyone wants to Those who want to withdraw from this operation can stand up now, leave the inn, and find a way to survive on their own. I will never interfere! It's just that from the moment you step out of the inn, you will no longer be my subordinate, from now on Afterwards, you will have nothing to do with me, the Blood Demon!"

As soon as these words came out, another group of fanboys and monsters were harvested.

"Master Blood Demon!!"

"Master Blood Demon, stop talking! You tell us to fight east, but we will never fight west!"

"Fight with the humans in Yudi Mansion!!"


As the team expanded, Fang Yu actually didn't have that close relationship with the monsters below, and his loyalty wasn't really that high.

But today, after a set of combined punches, the distance between him and the low-level monsters has suddenly shortened a lot.

In this hello, me, and reunion atmosphere, there is a monster who stands up with a whoosh.

[Garden Demon: 2888/2888. 】

This demon is very unfamiliar, and he should have joined his name only recently.

The strength is not bad, with some achievements, it is only a matter of time before he is promoted to a small boss.

But at this moment, this pastoral demon, who had just joined the team, obviously had a different idea.

The idyllic demon didn't say anything, just stood up, cupped his hands at Fang Yu, and saluted.

Then, he jumped down from his seat on the second floor of the inn and strode outside.

Apparently, he wanted to withdraw from this plan to fight against the killing of the underworld team.

Only then did the demons react.


"How dare you leave!"

"Leave it to me!" "Whose subordinate is he, something with no eyes!"

All the monsters shouted angrily, and the monsters who were close to the door even blocked the door directly, blocking the door with their bodies, and even let out a ferocious bang, and immediately exploded the blood mist at the slightest disagreement, changing into the real body of the monster, full of blood. The face is hideous!
[Pomelo Flower Demon: 905/905. 】

[Sea Serpent: 854/854. 】

Two demons, one in the form of a flower demon and one in the form of a sea snake demon, their numbers are not high, but their size is not small.

The sea serpent poked out its long neck suddenly, opened its mouth at the pastoral monster, and let out a big breath, which was so intoxicating.

Those two fangs seemed to be threatening, but for Fang Yu who could clearly see the blood volume, what they did was really dumbfounding.

The two of you are no match for each other, why are you still riding on the face.


Fang Yu narrowed his eyes.


The idyllic demon was already in a fighting stance, his forehead covered in cold sweat.

But he didn't think about it, and was stopped by Fang Yu.

The two obstacles in front of me are not difficult to deal with.

The difficult thing is that in a real fight, it has to face all the monsters in the entire inn!
One mouthful of saliva from this person is enough to kill it hundreds of times.

But no matter what the Tian Yuan Yao thinks, he feels that the plan to kill Yu's underworld team is to seek his own death.

It couldn't convince itself, so it decided to take a gamble.

After all, the name of a person is the shadow of a tree.

The Blood Demon himself has spoken out, and he can leave on his own, so he can't say nothing, right?
The pastoral demon looked back at Fang Yu.

Fang Yu waved his hand.

"Let him go."

Bie Huzi took a step forward and said anxiously, "My lord?!"

Fang Yu glared at Bie Huzi, and said emphatically, "Let him go!"

"..." Bie Huzi fell silent.

The two demons at the door looked at each other, gritted their teeth and stepped back, letting out the door.

"...Thank you, Lord Blood Demon! Although we have left this door, we have no relationship in name, but if you need me in the future, you can come to me at any time!"

The Tian Yuan Yao saluted Fang Yu, then quickly walked out of the gate and left the inn.

in the future?What a ghost in the future!
When I meet with the people from Yudi Mansion, I will ask someone to kill you!

"My lord, why..." Bie Huzi approached and asked in a low voice.

In fact, what Bie Huzi wanted to ask was also what many demons present wanted to ask.

But Fang Yu raised his hand to stop what Bie Huzi wanted to say next, then raised his head and looked around.

"Who else wants to leave, take this time and hurry up, I will give you ten breaths of time."

All the monsters couldn't help but look at each other when they heard the words.

"grown ups……"

Some monsters stood up and wanted to say something, but they listened to Fang Yu.


The monster's face immediately changed.


The demon had already jumped down from the third floor, rushed out of the inn with a whoosh, and disappeared in an instant.

With the previous example, the monster guarding the door did not stop him anymore, but the contempt in his eyes was on the surface.

And more monsters also left the inn one after another, waiting for Fang Yu to shout, 'One! ', at ten breaths, about 30 people left the scene successively.

Very good, the smart ones have already left, and I will find a chance to let the people of Yudi Mansion deal with it later.

The rest are either easy to fool, or absolutely loyal, anyway, they focus on one of their own people.

Facing the puzzled expressions of the monsters in the inn, Fang Yu smiled slightly.

"We are going to fight a desperate battle! These timid monsters are useless to keep, they will only hinder us. At that time, we will really fight with the Yudi Mansion. They will not work hard, but want us life."

As soon as these words came out, some monsters had already shown a little surprise.

But, it's not enough.

Fang Yu increased the intensity of pua.

"What I want is a group of heroes who will go forward indomitably, put them to death and survive! Not trash who are greedy for life and afraid of death!"

"And you, my friends. You are the real heroes! You are the subordinates I want!"

The smart monsters who can think independently have just finished walking.

The rest, either worship Fang Yu, or are low-IQ monsters who are easy to follow the crowd and fool around.

Therefore, as soon as Fang Yu said these words, there were immediately crowds of demons cheering.

"Master Blood Demon!"

"Master Blood Demon is our hero!"

"Master Blood Demon, lead us to win this battle!!"

Although their IQ is below the average level, they still have some strength, so this group of monsters is still very useful, and they can already be used as their core team.

boom! !

At this moment, the door of the inn was knocked open.

A woman rushed into the inn.

Seeing the frenzied scene, she was a little dazed, but she quickly came to her senses.

"Diao Deyi, it's not good! Something serious has happened!! The Red Moon Demon is dead!!!"

Fang Yu: ...

Demons: ...

The atmosphere at the scene was strangely stagnant.

The person who came was Che Linfang.

But her version of the news seems... a little behind.



Chang Hua Zhai, a five-story building, is a very famous antique shop in the nearby streets.

The reputation of his vegetarian master as being generous and gentle is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and anyone who sees him will praise him.

But at this moment, the owner of the Changhua studio is pulling down his beard by beard.

The white beard ripped all over the table, but he repeated this action anxiously as if he couldn't finish it.

With bloodshot eyes and eyeballs all over, Chang Huazhai suddenly grabbed the wrinkled old face and slid it slowly and forcefully. The long nails immediately tore the skin into neat wounds.

Flesh and blood rolled out from the wound on the cheek, and the whole old face seemed to be torn apart by this scratch.

And at this moment...

There was a sound of hurried footsteps, and he rushed to the Lord's room.

"Master Zhaizhu..."

Before the visitor finished speaking, the Veterinarian glared at him angrily, roaring in a hoarse voice.

"When the fuck is it, come back to the Lord! My life is about to die!!"

(End of this chapter)

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