China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 284 Attack Attack Attack Attack

Chapter 284 Attack Attack Attack Attack (Thanks to Xiao Zhi for the reward)
"Director, I'm sorry, I didn't expect them to keep asking me this." Shen Lang said to Gao Xixi after seeing the host interacting with people after returning.

"It's okay, we are more popular with you like this." Gao Xixi didn't care at all. He was different from Xiaogangpao. Xiaogangpao and Deng Chao had conflicts because of the interview. The fuse is that he is not that boring simply because of conflicts in the interview.

Why did you talk about Xiaogangpao, because he once got mad at Deng Chao in public.

The reason was because of the filming and casting. Deng Chao was very busy filming at the time, anyway, he was confused, but the small steel gun kept pressing the fire.

The MTV Ceremony at the end of 2007 was the trigger. Xiao Gang Pao brought the crew of "Assembly" to participate. He wanted to do a wave of publicity for the show, but unexpectedly, Deng Chao was the first one to win the award. As soon as he came on stage He didn't say anything related to the drama, and directly confessed to Sun Li, and the "I love you" ignited the enthusiasm of the gossip reporters in the audience.

Later, during the group interview, the reporters gathered around and asked about Deng Chao and Sun Li. Feng Xiaogang finally couldn't hold back, and directly fired: It seems that no one is interested in movies, so let's not waste time here.

Deng Chao realized that he hadn't done a good job, so he had to ask the reporter to talk more about the film, but Xiaogangpao didn't show embarrassment. Before Deng Chao could finish speaking, he led the other actors to leave the scene.

Because this time, the two people were found to be in conflict in the public. Anyway, the relationship has not improved until now.

Shen Lang and Gao Xixi didn't have this kind of thing. He was passively accepting the audience's questions. In fact, if Gao Xixi hadn't signaled, the host would probably have interrupted, otherwise it would be too unprofessional.

Gao Xixi just wants popularity. This is his first movie, and high popularity is good. The only pity is that Shen Lang can't accompany him on the road show.

I can't say that, your male lead only came to the premiere, and Liu Tianxian ran away alone a few days ago, and you are ashamed to call Shen Lang, he is really busy, so I told him directly, he is going through the formalities of buying a house.

Shen Lang didn't want to run away either. How much money he invested was unnecessary, and he didn't plan to inject points. It would be embarrassing to run away without anyone watching.

The brothers are absolutely willing to join in the fun, and there must be an opportunity for them to spend money for a man. If it were that easy, male fans would not be rare in the fan circle.

"Sister Fei, I'm sorry, I just used you as an example. By the way, what's for dinner?" Shen Lang stood next to Liu Yifei, anyway, that's all he did.

"Whatever, let's decide." Liu Tianxian was a little uncomfortable. It's inevitable to be happy and vain, but it's also necessary to have a burden. You should restrain yourself a little bit. There are too many people chasing me, so there's no need to get it under the flashlight.

"I suggest eating an iron pot stew. I have eaten one in Hengdian. It is really delicious, and there are spinach noodles." Shen Lang said.

"Really, I'll try it next time. I recommend you to go to the Si Nian Duck Blood Vermicelli Soup. It's really good." Liu Tianxian also chatted.

"Let's go together next time, if we have time." Shen Lang said casually.


Anyway, that's the end of the chat.


"Can I ask you something?" Liu Tianxian said suddenly, they were already in the dining room at this moment, and they really looked for an iron pot to stew, it wasn't that Shen Lang had the right to speak, but everyone didn't care.

Not all rich people go to that kind of business restaurant to eat. It is suitable to talk about things there, but this kind of restaurant is the only way to eat.

"Say, what's the matter?" Shen Lang still sits directly next to Liu Tianxian, and her assistant on the other side is watching Shen Lang very closely, you must be too rampant.

Others naturally don't care, even if they are interesting to Liu Tianxian, but it's useless if you don't have Shen Lang to take the initiative.

"Aren't you worried about what fans think when you behave like this in the media?" She was particularly curious.

"Don't worry, my character is to be happy before doing a good job, and I can't do anything well if I look forward and backward." What Shen Lang said was poisonous chicken soup.

In your industry, you have to look forward and backward, but you have a system that doesn't rely on fans, which is the so-called standing and talking without back pain.

"I trust you a little bit. What you said today will make many female fans dislike you." Liu Tianxian is not stupid, so he can hear it naturally. Today's teacher Shen's quotations naturally rejected a group of people.

You make men stand up and don't be licking dogs, what you make women think, it involves my interests, okay?

In the portraits of star chasing, men are worthless, and it’s not bad to hold a personal position, but a woman is needed for money, you, a star, still play like this, you are so bold.

"It doesn't matter. Originally, I didn't want to hide myself. It's better if they don't like me. Don't like me now and then go off the fan. That's unnecessary. Anyway, I will go off the fan in the future." Shen Lang's non-mainstream thoughts made me Liu Tianxian is very envious, he can do whatever he wants.

"Why do you have to take off the powder?"

"If I have a girlfriend, I can't hide it. Unless she is willing, otherwise, I don't mind being exposed." Shen Lang looked at Liu Tianxian with full attack power.

"Really, then you have a sense of responsibility." Liu Tianxian evaded, can you not be too obvious, but what he said can indeed give the other half a sense of security.

"Then do you like responsible men?" Shen Lang asked.

"It's okay." Liu Tianxian said that he didn't want to look at you, but then he remembered whether he liked Shen Lang, and he really became handsome all of a sudden.

But in the past few months, I don't have any special ideas, I don't understand.

"Do you know what kind of woman I like?" Shen Lang pressed on every step of the way, basically knowing what to cover up, and he exposed it on purpose.

"What kind of woman." Liu Tianxian was a little overwhelmed. Do you want to confess so quickly? How should I answer? I don't know myself.

"Like Zhao Linger, your character is the lover of my dreams, but unfortunately, it's a fictional character." Shen Lang replied, why, you thought you were going to talk about you, but you thought too much.

"It's pretty good." Liu Tianxian complained in his heart, pretending, who doesn't know that you like me.

In fact, it was rare for Shen Lang to tell the truth. He really fell in love with Liu Tianxian because of his role.

"Then goodbye, everyone." "Go back slowly." "I have a message when I go back." Shen Lang separated from everyone and went back to their respective homes.

There are no other activities, and people still have to run a road show. It seems that everyone is not very interested. That's right, although today is the premiere, it is also the first day of the screening.

The box office on the first day has not exceeded [-] million, but it should not be a big problem. This movie is still quite topical, but it all depends on natural popularity.

There is not much money for publicity, if it is not for the high popularity of several leading actors, the movie will feel more serious.

Even if Shen Lang participates in this life, the box office will not be much higher. He still has to rely on points to drive it, and he himself is not active in publicity.

If it's not your own movie, don't worry too much about it. Even if it's starring Liu Tianxian, he's going to Xiangjiang, so I don't know if he will have an affair.

 Thanks to Xiaozhi for the reward of 9500 dots, and I will return it later, thanks to Kung Fu Abao for the reward of 100 dots to Liu Tianxian, and the 100 dots for the far away Wuhen
(End of this chapter)

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