China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 285 Xiangjiang Map Development

Chapter 285 Xiangjiang Map Development (Thanks to Crane Dance Baisha for the reward)

Shen Lang thought about it before going to sleep, and wondered if Liu Tianxian would pay attention to the script he sent her.

He didn't go to meet Liu Tianxian for nothing. In addition to promoting "The Dewy Beauty", he also said that there was an interesting script that he wanted to recommend to her. It was "My Girlhood".

It's not that Shen Lang gave her benefits, it was Shen Lang who thought she was really suitable, the school girl, she acted super well in "To Youth", but unfortunately the script was not good, and the opponent was not good.

However, he personally felt that Liu Tianxian shouldn't care too much about it. Shen Lang was also to blame for this. There was only one script, and the production team had nothing, so what's the use.


Xiangjiang, the film center of Asia in the past, now with the rise of the mainland market, co-productions have become the mainstream.

"Director Xu, aren't you late?" Shen Lang and Xiao Tao followed the staff to the set. They were on the same street, and it was obvious that the citizens were not surprised.

I've already settled down. To be honest, with Xiaotao here, I don't need to worry about many things. Xiaotao said in my heart that I really want to worry about it. If there is a chance, I can't control you.

Yesterday, Shen Lang expressed a lot of personal opinions at the premiere of "The Dewy Beauty", which made the tiger-pushing men call the mentor Niubi again, but among the star-chasing women, they were boycotted again.

Because of your so-called awakening, do you know how many licking dogs I lost? There were seven or eight licking dogs before, and the monthly income was easily over [-] a month. Now I have lost two. Do you know how much it affects me? How much influence does your brother have?

This matter briefly became popular on Weibo, and then was overtaken by other things, for example, Shen Lang looked at Liu Yifei's eyes, Liu Yifei's star brother and so on.

The popularity is not too high. Shen Lang's current fan base is shifting more and more towards boys, and their personality prevents them from being as vocal as women, so Shen Lang's popularity seems to be not as good as the top stream.

It's not as good as the top class, it's normal for his face to match the variety show, so that his popularity soars, and it's easy to surpass most celebrities.

Otherwise, Xu Zheng wouldn't have thought about inviting Shen Lang to come over to film, but Shen Lang might have a small backlash in the future. Although he didn't really want traffic, even if he had it, he couldn't refuse.

The box office of "The Dewy Beauty" is not good, so he will be affected to some extent, but because he has not yet engaged in resource grabbing behaviors with others, and he is not the protagonist, the impact is not too big, the biggest ones may be Liu Tianxian and Rain, yes Everyone is going to mock.

It's normal for him to hide away. He saw today that some fans have already started to hold their respect. It's not the protagonist. The promotion is just the premiere. There are many reasons, and they have all been found.

"No, this time has been set. You are super punctual. Last time I saw you, you were only optimistic in our circle. It hasn't been long. You made a lot of noise." Xu Zhengdao.

Isn't that right, the last time we met was the premiere of "Heart Blossoms on the Road". Running Man hasn't aired yet, and now he is the newcomer king of variety shows.

Although he didn't get in touch with commercial performances like other members, there are rumors in the circle that the reason why the variety show rookie king who has proven his ability to bring goods has not been contacted is because he feels that the current spokesperson's offer has not reached the price that should be reached.

Of course, they are all rumors. Although they are true, the two parties who know about them can't directly stand up to prove the rumors. It's over to complain in private. That's how the rumors came about.

"It's a fluke, it's all a fluke." Shen Lang was very humble.

"Come on, let me introduce you. Basically everyone in the country knows this guy. Sister Wei, this is Shen Lang." Xu Zheng took Shen Lang to meet several important people in the crew, and it was enough to show that he paid attention to it.

Shen Lang met Little Swallow, the most capitalized player in Sidan Shuangbing, who was quite friendly, and also a baby who was very popular in the circle, but full of notoriety outside the circle. These two Shen Langs had the influence of previous lives , I don't like it either, but I can't show it.

Shen Lang doesn't have many roles, he is just an assistant director of the crew, and the crew can finish it in about five days. It is mainly filmed on the street, the error tolerance rate is too low, and because of the frequent rework, it doesn't matter for this filming.

His salary this time is 30, which is actually not much, but he has the nature of a guest appearance in friendship, it is impossible to give him a salary for the film, and Shen Lang is only for sharing, but the total is 180 million points, plus 30 Cash, he's happy with it.

It's still a start now. With the release of "Big Red Envelope", his box office ability has been fully demonstrated. Even if it is this kind of guest appearance, he will most likely be paid more than the boss's film salary. Movies are so realistic.

"Well, are there so many reporters?" Shen Lang asked Xiaotao next to him, and saw many people with cameras behind their backs.

"Reporters are paparazzi, and I have to remind you that this place is different from the mainland. The mainland is big, but here is too small. There are a lot of people following around, and many things can't be hidden from people. Be careful." Xiaotao said.

"What do you take me for? I'm not that kind of person." Shen Lang said righteous words, and then sent a WeChat message to Xiong Dailin: "Sister, I'm in Xiangjiang, where are you?"

He just puts his left ear in, and shoots as soon as he shoots, um, just to read the gossip, he is in Xiangjiang, and he can connect to the Internet.

He still needs to practice his spoken English, but it's not a big problem to read it, not to mention there are various translation software, it doesn't affect it.

Thanks to the fact that it is not connected to the same network as the mainland, such a bold picture was posted directly. Looking at the naked photos in the southern hemisphere, if this is Weibo, it should be banned.

Shen Lang looked at it with critical eyes, it was just average, um, check the news about my sister Xiong, um, fortunately, she has scandals, but she has no object.

Shen Lang's bottom line has been lowered, but he still doesn't want to do such things as prying the corner of the wall. Anyway, there is no official announcement.

Shen Lang didn't pay much attention to her in his previous life, he only knew about the 33-hour massacre between her and the Heavenly King, and news about whether the shoes fit or not.

Looking at it now, Sister Lin is also a scandal, okay, this is indeed a shortcut.

Xiong Dailin picked up his phone and swiped it, and saw Shen Lang's WeChat, this address, he went to Xiangjiang, but unfortunately, he was filming a variety show.

She spends most of her time in the Mainland during this time, and the variety show is too popular and earns too much money. That's what she does, and now she is filming CCTV's "Ding Ge Dong Dong Cho".

Their variety show is different from regular variety shows. "Running Man" is filmed and broadcast at the same time. Their show will be released after filming, and the date has not yet been set.

She understands the meaning of Shen Lang sending him a message. To be honest, she is also a little excited. Last time she was able to overthrow Shen Lang, she herself thought it was very interesting. Xiaoxian's physical strength is really good. The performance, she almost missed the plane, okay?

With Shen Lang, she can fly, but in real life, a mistake is a mistake, there is no such thing.

This is the little brother who listened to his sister and went to look for it. He really wanted to eat broiler chicken, but it really didn't work. Let's see how long he can stay.

 Thanks to Crane Dance Baisha for the reward of 500 points
(End of this chapter)

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