Chapter 1

In the winter moon, the cold wind is like a knife, and the snow enters the soul.

At the eastern foot of Taihang Mountain, in front of a slightly old thatched hut in an ordinary manor in Wu'an County, more than a hundred miles west of Zhaodu, a huge tiger lay motionless in the snow, with blood-colored plum blossoms on it. It blooms on its head, and there is a feathered arrow stuck in its left eye socket.

This was obviously a fierce tiger that had been shot by someone. The arrow accurately shot through its eyes and went straight into the depths of its skull, destroying its brain.

Behind the tiger's corpse, there was a figure squatting there, holding a skinning scimitar passed from the wolf clan, skillfully cutting the fur of the tiger's abdomen and performing the skinning work.

"Ming, your archery skills have improved again. If you hit the tiger's eye with an arrow, even if it's a sneak attack, this kind of accuracy is enough to make the army called a sharpshooter." A strong man wearing a sheepskin Han stepped forward and said to the figure behind the tiger carcass.

"Uncle Biao, it's really a sneak attack. Tigers do take a nap too." Hearing the voice of a middle-aged man, the person squatting behind the tiger carcass raised his head, and a boy's face appeared in the sight of the big man.

I saw this young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, with blood stains on his face, and even more red from being frozen in the wind and snow. Although he was completely insulated from the red lips and white teeth, he also had a heroic spirit and a youthful vitality. .

The most special thing is his pair of eyes, which are as black as ink, shining like stars dotted in the night, but deep down, there is an undetectable melancholy.

"Do you want your uncle to help me?" The man called Uncle Biao by the boy said eagerly.

"Of course I have to. Skinning is too troublesome. I'm not good enough at this skill. If any piece is damaged, the loss will be huge." The boy grinned and exhaled a long white line. Handed the scimitar in his hand to Uncle Biao.

"Ha, you've been waiting here for me." Uncle Biao looked at the scimitar in his hand, and couldn't help crying and laughing.

"Can I ask Uncle Biao to help for nothing? I'll give you a tiger leg when the time comes." The young man looked straightforward and generous.

"Only one tiger leg? Uncle Biao, I'm worth this tiger leg?" Uncle Biao stared, pretending to be dissatisfied.

Of course, he was just talking about it. He knew very well that in this winter month, being able to eat a bite of meat was already too extravagant for an ordinary farmer like him.

"This..." The young man showed hesitation as he spoke, and after a brief struggle, he showed a heartbroken expression, and said, "One more tiger whip, no more."

"Hey, Tiger Whip." Hearing this, Uncle Biao couldn't help raising his eyebrows, obviously thinking of something.

Uncle Biao, who has reached middle age, naturally knows the value of the tiger whip very well, but when he sees the playfulness in the eyes of the young man, his heartbeat has already turned into another emotion.

"Uncle Biao, I still need that thing?" Uncle Biao said as if you looked down on someone.

"Uncle Biao, it doesn't matter if you say it. I need to ask my aunt if I need to know." The boy laughed out loud as he spoke, and even made a gesture to shout to the courtyard next door.

"Wait a minute, Ming." Uncle Biao couldn't hold back anymore, obviously, the boy's words hit his weakness.

As the boy said, when a person reaches middle age, the time is not his own, and who can resist the temptation of a tiger whip?
"So, Uncle Biao, you can work with peace of mind." Seeing Uncle Biao's confession, the young man was very satisfied. After all, in this cold winter month, it is really too boring, especially for the young man.

Uncle Biao is obviously more proficient in his business. Although he is not very powerful, he is definitely a professional butcher with the most refined business in this manor with dozens of farmers. .

The young man looked at it for a while, then walked back into the room, took out half a jug of muddy wine and two dusty pottery bowls, poured a full bowl for Uncle Biao, and leaned against the door frame holding the wine bowl , Looking at the Taihang Mountains in the distance like a white dragon, drinking wine into my stomach, recalling long-term memories.

His name is Yang Ming, the Yang of Yangliu Yiyi, the Ming of night and day, his father is from Qin State, but he was born in Wu'an County of Zhao State by his mother.

The reason for this was only because of the Battle of Zhao Du that year. General Zheng Anping of the Qin State led [-] Qin troops under his command to surrender to Zhao State under the siege of the Zhao army, and his father was one of the [-] Qin troops back then.

More than ten years ago, Zheng Anping paid the price of [-] Qin troops. In addition, the King Zhao at that time didn't know if he had the intention of disgusting the Qin State.

But the [-] Qin army as a price was extremely miserable. They were divided up by the dignitaries of Zhao State who suffered heavy losses due to the Battle of Changping at that time, and became the owners of manors in Zhao State.

At that time, Zhao Guo lacked everything except widows. After all, 40 Zhao soldiers died in Changping, and although there were not 40 widows directly caused, there were still more than 20 widows. The soldiers of the Qin army married the widows of Zhao Guo one by one.

Both Yang Ming's father and Uncle Biao who was fighting for the tiger whip in front of him were all Qin Jun who was paid for at that time. However, because his father had read a few books, he had a bit of arrogance. Zhao Guocheng died of depression after several years of starting a family. As for his mother, he also died of illness two years ago.

As for Uncle Biao, it is obvious that he needs to be more open-minded, settle down in Zhao Guo with peace of mind, and although he and his wife do not say that they are on par with each other, they can be regarded as a harmonious husband and wife. In more than ten years, the one person who used to be has become a man with a son and a daughter. Family of four.

But Yang Ming has memories of more than 15 years old at this time, because he is a time traveler. Thinking of this, a trace of sadness appeared on Yang Ming's face uncontrollably.

The way he travels is very ordinary, it is what people who browse that world after work like to do when they are bored: watch videos.

Brushing and brushing inexplicably changed a world, a different life.

But his time travel was also unusual, because the video he watched at that time was firmly engraved in his mind for some reason, it was a video about "Xiong Ba Tuo Apprentice".

It may be because of some special energy absorbed during the time travel, the video that Yang Ming just used for entertainment turned into martial arts integrated into the soul after Yang Ming traveled.

Xiongba, as one of the villains in the Fengyun series, although his martial arts are not top-notch in that comic series due to his early appearance, his special skills are really too famous.

Who doesn't know a stalk that three points belong to vitality and seven points depend on hard work.

What appeared in the depths of Yang Ming's soul was the master's martial arts template: Fengshen Legs, Paiyun Palm, Tianshuang Fist, and Three Points Returning to Yuan Qi, which also constituted Yang Ming's necessary golden fingers as a traverser.

However, since he officially opened his golden fingers when he was ten years old, he has only lit up one of the three martial arts that is immersed in the depths of his soul: Cloud Pai Zhang.

In the depths of Yang Ming's soul, the images that were originally as dim as Fengshen's Legs, Tianshuang Fist, and Sanfen Guiyuanqi already exuded a gloomy air of cloud sorrow.

Whenever Yang Ming sinks his consciousness into the depths of his soul, the villain shrouded in clouds will demonstrate the twelve-style palm technique of Paiyunzhang for Yang Ming.

"Ming, don't just look at it, quickly set up a pot to boil water. This tiger weighs at least 400 catties. It is more troublesome to pack than a pig." Uncle Biao took a sip of wine to cover up the blood and stench , and then skillfully cut open the abdomen of the tiger carcass. For a while, all kinds of unpleasant smells gathered together, extremely high.

"Okay." Yang Ming, who was brought back to reality by Uncle Biao's voice, responded, and then he got firewood from under the eaves that had been prepared for the winter as early as late autumn, lit the hay with flint, set up a bonfire, and Clay pots boil water.

As time passed, the nearby people got up one after another, but the cold weather made them not intend to go out of the house. Instead, the young children saw that there was a tiger being killed, and wrapped them in animal skins and sheepskins one by one. They are not afraid of the bloody scene, one by one happily gathered around the campfire, keeping warm while looking at the tiger carcasses being continuously decomposed by Uncle Biao.

No child can resist the temptation of meat.

"What a big old axe." Amidst the chirping voices of the children, a crisp female voice came from the side.

Yang Ming followed the sound and saw two figures, one big and one small, had appeared on the cleared path of the manor.

The big figure is an old woman in her sixties, she is full of jewels, and she is the owner of this manor, while the small figure is only seven or eight years old, and the blue dress is covered with a layer of clothes from the land of Liaodong, Yan Kingdom. The precious ermine fur suddenly made that little figure plump.

There is a white fox fur hat on the small head, and two ribbons hang down on both sides. The ends of the ribbons are dotted with two red pompoms, which are being held in soft hands and played with unconsciously.

Such a well-crafted noble girl looked at the bloody scene in front of her, but she didn't show the slightest fear, instead she looked curious.

The chirping children subconsciously held their breath when they saw the two people in sight. Although they were at an innocent age, they knew that in front of the two people in front of them, they couldn't feel like they were at home. Presumptuous.

"You're busy, I just took the snow girl to see." The old lady stopped at the same place with her granddaughter. The granddaughter is curious about unknown things, but she will not really let her granddaughter get in touch with the butcher at close range. At the slaughter site, an appropriate distance needs to be maintained.

"Yes." Uncle Biao replied stiffly.

(End of this chapter)

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