Chapter 2

The child's interest came and went quickly. After staring at it for a while, the little girl heard that her mother came back from Zhaodu to visit her, so she left excitedly. Before leaving, she just said that she wanted to try tiger meat.

Near noon, a fierce tiger weighing four hundred catties was finally cleaned up. Tiger blood, tiger bones, internal organs, tiger skin, and tiger meat were sorted out. Yang Ming also packed a tiger as promised. The legs and the only tiger whip were given to Uncle Biao.

It was not Uncle Biao who got the tiger whip the happiest, but Aunt Biao.

So Aunt Biao, who was in a good mood, directly invited Yang Ming to her home and packed the dinner for the evening.

"Ming, you're not young this year, aren't you? Do you want to think about getting married?" Aunt Biao scraped the last bowl of corn and rice from the stove and brought it to Yang Ming. By Uncle Biao's side.

In this relatively war-torn era, it is quite rare for Aunt Biao, who was born in a peasant household, to be able to accumulate such a dozen catties of fat on her body.

"It's still early." Yang Ming, who took the corn and rice, picked up a piece of pickled vegetables.

"It's not too young. The boss of the old Zhang family on the other side of Zhuangzi is only 14 years old, and he became a father not long ago." Uncle Biao, who was already full of wine and food, echoed.

He and Yang Ming's father are both from the Qin State, and they already have a natural sense of closeness. Coupled with the fact that they have been neighbors for so many years, the relationship between them is naturally extraordinary. After all, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. guest.

Therefore, for them, each other is not only neighbors, but also relatives.

In the absence of Yang Ming's parents, Uncle Biao and his wife naturally wanted to take Yang Ming's matter to heart.

"Isn't it because I haven't found a suitable one? I've already prepared the dowry, five tiger skins." Yang Ming said after swallowing the corn and rice in his mouth.

"Ming, don't set your sights too high, as long as you can live a life." Uncle Biao, who has talked about this matter with Yang Ming more than once, said, for Yang Ming, a young man who can hunt tigers alone and is quite good-looking, why? He obviously knew the reason for the delay in getting married.

"I know, I know." Yang Ming said perfunctorily.

Of course he knew that Uncle Biao and his wife had good intentions. If he only had 15 years of memory, he would certainly follow their advice, but he didn't only have 15 years of memory. In his memory, there was another period. 20+ years of memory.

In that memory, he had seen a bigger world, so how could he willingly confine his world to this manor at this moment.

"By the way, hasn't Miss been living in the capital all the time? Why was she sent to the old lady?" Yang Ming, who was about to change the subject, couldn't help but a small figure appeared in his mind, wearing the beautiful fox fur hat. You can vaguely see a head of snow-like hair, and the girl at a young age has a different style.

Moreover, Yang Ming, who still had memories, was no stranger to the Miss Manor who had only met a few times. Her silver hair and the name of Xue Nu undoubtedly pointed her identity to someone.

However, it is precisely because of this that Yang Ming is puzzled. Although the manor he is in is not very big, its owner is from the royal family of Zhao. on a par.

How could such a young lady from aristocratic background become that magnificent dancer in the future?What kind of story is there in it?
"This matter is a bit complicated, but I have heard some news from the people who serve in the old lady's courtyard." Sure enough, Aunt Biao was distracted by Yang Ming.

"What is the specific situation?" Yang Ming, who deliberately changed the topic, showed his thirst for knowledge appropriately.

"Miss's mother, it seems that there is an unclear relationship with the king now. I heard that the king wants to take her as his wife." Aunt Biao said with a mysterious look.

Uncle Biao looked at his wife who wanted to show off his knowledge, and couldn't help covering his eyes. He was really stupid, but he couldn't help but perk up his ears.

"Just looking at Miss's appearance, her mother must be a beauty." Yang Ming mused, probably no one in this world knows Xue Nu's beauty better than him.

That is the real beauty in the north, a peerless and independent woman, although the current Xue Nu is only a girl.

"Of course, Ming, you don't know that the young lady's father, that is, the lord, almost broke with the old lady in order to marry her. What was the reason for that? Didn't he value her beauty?" Aunt Biao obviously knows more things.

"Miss's mother was born in the Jian family, and Ming also knows that although the Lord's family has long since declined, but after all, the ancestors came from the royal family, how could the old lady allow him to marry a daughter from the Jian family."

"But there is no way, the young lady's mother is too beautiful, and she is good at bewitching men's hearts. She fascinated the lord, and risked breaking up with the old lady to marry her into the house, and then lived in the capital all year round. This old lady was very dissatisfied, and a few years ago when the lord died young, the old lady hated him even more, so she took the young lady back to raise herself."

"Why did the lady's mother come back today?" Yang Ming asked.

"It's hard to say." Aunt Biao said mysteriously with a long voice.

When Yang Ming returned home, night had already fallen, and the moonlight reflected through the snow outside the house and projected into the room.

The shadow under the moonlight did not enter the bed early in this cold winter day like other people in the manor, but practiced the cloud-dispelling palm in the narrow bedroom.

Cloud Pai Palm contains the meaning of "cloud impermanence". Its moves are erratic and elusive, but they are also extremely fierce and powerful. There are twelve moves in total.

The first type is flowing water and clouds, the second type is wearing clouds and wearing the moon, the third type is overturning clouds and rain, the fourth type is overturning mountains and seas, the fifth type is dark clouds covering the sun, and the sixth type is heavy clouds and deep locks.

And the seventh form tearing the sky and clearing the clouds, the eighth form the waves of the sea of ​​clouds, the ninth form Xieyun Wude, the tenth form disaster cloud sky fall, the No.

Coupled with the cloud-dispelling palm's Xuyun strength and footwork cloud trace phantom, it is a set of powerful palms that can really be used in the finale.

Under the moonlight, Yang Ming stepped on the Cloud Phantom, his body was like a ghost, and his shape was like a cloud.

During the movement of the palm, it drives the blood flow of the whole body, and the Xuyun strength evolves in his body. After several years of hard training, Yang Ming has already practiced the cloud-dispelling palm to the harmony of Qi and strength, and made a further breakthrough, reaching Knowing the realm of mind and qi, combining nerves and blood qi as one, you can perfectly control the flow of blood and qi as you like, and gradually change from reality to emptiness, and show yourself in detail.

During Yang Ming's rehearsal, the palms are round and continuous, as smooth and unimpeded as water. This is the first style of flowing clouds and flowing water.

Suddenly the palm style changed, changed from the round and continuous one before, and became extremely fast, with heavy shadows on the palm, dazzling and hard to guard against.

Yang Ming's palm style changed again, the numerous palm shadows have been reduced to simplicity, and the storm has turned into an overwhelming force, with no strength to cast.

At this time, Yang Ming's blood was already boiling, and Xu Yunjin evolved into layers of cloud energy to cover Yang Ming, as if it wanted to attract the cloud energy of heaven and earth to harmonize with his body.

But Yang Ming's movements became extremely slow, as if he was under a thousand weights.

"Fifth type of dark clouds covering the sun." Yang Ming snorted softly, and the black clouds around him rose towards the sky like a raging fire, broke through the thatch of the roof, and finally merged with the clouds between heaven and earth. The incomparable cloud energy gathered in the palm.

The huge force was almost uncontrollable for Yang Ming, and he forced his palm towards the ground. With a muffled sound, the rammed ground was like a hard-hit ice surface, and cracks spread out, spreading across the entire room. .

"I finally managed to practice the fifth form, dark clouds cover the sun, and draw the power of heaven and earth to align with my body's virtual cloud strength. Only in this way can I continue to practice the sixth and seventh forms until I have cultivated the cloud-dispelling palm to No.12. Form to achieve perfection." After one palm, Yang Ming, whose body was almost collapsed, said excitedly to himself.

The four postures in front of the palm of Paiyun, training the qi and blood of the physical body, and evolving the virtual cloud strength, are the introductory stages, and from the fifth posture, one can gradually manifest one's true power, attracting the cloud energy between the heaven and the earth to gather between the palms , use the power of heaven to help people, and use the power of people to show off the power of heaven.

Both the power and the speed of cultivation will be greatly improved, and will eventually reach an unimaginable state.

At this moment, Yang Ming felt that it was just the moment when the heaven, earth and cloud energy entered his body, and the Xuyun Jin he had practiced hard for several years had fully increased by [-]%, which was more than the previous three months of hard training.

"When I practice the ninth form, I can walk out of this manor. In this world, there are seven kingdoms, hundreds of schools of thought, beauties and famous swords. How can there be no me?" On an earthen kang covered with tiger skins.

But what needs to be done now is to fill up the hole in the roof first, because the winter in Zhao country is still very cold.

(End of this chapter)

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