Chapter 101

Under Yang Ming's gaze, Yingge only felt extremely uncomfortable. Even though she knew that there was a bathtub separating her from Yang Ming's gaze, she knew that she was soaking in the bathtub at this time, with her body naked. How could she be really indifferent.

Especially now that Yang Ming was still facing her, which made the former top night killer tremble with fear for a moment. Even though she had the courage to face death directly, at this moment, she was afraid.

But just like that, Yingge could only force herself to meet Yang Ming's gaze. Compared to her shyness as a woman, she was more worried that Yang Ming would suddenly attack when she turned her gaze away.

The shot is not the scariest, the scariest...

Just when Yingge could hardly bear it and was about to jump out of the tub, Yang Ming suddenly said, "I saw a woman today."

Finally speaking, Yingge, who could hardly bear the silence of Yang Ming just now, could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, as long as he spoke, that kind of unknown silence was really terrifying.

"What kind of woman? Is she beautiful?"

"It's not pretty, but she's very special." Yang Ming recalled that 'Yu'er' girl, and those beautiful eyes couldn't help appearing in his mind.

"Special?" At this moment, Yingge realized that there seemed to be something wrong with Yang Ming's tone of voice, and there was a hint of melancholy in it.

"She's not pretty, at least not as pretty as you, but her eyes are very special, the kind of eyes that may look too cold to others, but are very beautiful to me." Yang Ming recalled.

At this time, Yang Ming suddenly realized why he felt that the 'Yu'er' girl gave him a feeling of déjà vu.

"However, she should be a female killer just like you, but I don't know who is stronger between you and her." Yang Ming laughed as he spoke.

"Female killer? Master saw the killer of the net?" Yingge said in amazement, Xianyang is a forbidden place for the dark forces of the Six Kingdoms, and there is no other killer organization that can operate in Xianyang except the net.

"It should be, but I don't know who she is." Yang Ming said.

Seeing that Yang Ming's attention was completely diverted at this time, Yingge naturally didn't want Yang Ming to turn his attention to her again, so he quickly said: "If it's just that, it shouldn't be enough for the master to say that she Is it special?"

"Of course, thinking about it now, I probably know why she gave me a very special feeling."

"What's the reason?" Yingge unconsciously stacked her two dangling white arms on the edge of the tub, resting her chin on top of it. As a woman, her natural gossip disease broke out.

"She's like a... neighbor from my childhood." Yang Ming recalled: "At that time, I was very young and naughty. She was about the same age as me, so I always wanted to bully her. In autumn, I would throw her a fruit of a plant with a friend, that kind of fruit is like a small ball of thorns, it will stick to the hair and it is difficult to manage."

"The master is pretty bad. I can already imagine how the master's neighbor is about to die of anger." Parrot Song laughed.

Yingge no longer felt any danger from Yang Ming, and the man who terrified her had turned into a boy.

It seems quite simple.Parrot Song thought in his heart.

"I was still young at that time, how did I know that I had to consider other people's feelings, I only knew that I could get a huge sense of satisfaction when I bullied others." Yang Ming laughed as he recalled, but the smile was somewhat forced.

"The story must be more than that?" At this time, Parrot Song has become a qualified listener.

"Of course, people are hateful most of the time, and I am the same way. Whenever I see her angry eyes red and helpless to me, I feel inexplicably happy."

"It's a pity that people's patience has a limit, and she will be angry."

"Then what can she do when she is angry? Hit the master?" Parrot Song asked curiously.

"She is not my opponent, let alone we are still two people." Yang Ming said here with a little satisfaction: "But she is not helpless, she can also tell our parents and let our parents teach us."

"Once when we bullied her again, she finally couldn't take it anymore and said that she would tell our parents and let our parents teach us."

"Children should still be afraid of such things, right?" Yingge couldn't help laughing, the Yang Ming who brought her terrifying memories was disappearing, and what appeared in front of her was just an ordinary, slightly troubled man. Just teenagers.

"Yeah, and not long after that, I saw my friend was beaten up by his father until he was crying."

"Master, you won't be beaten too, right?" Yingge asked. At this time, the scene of Yang Ming being beaten could not help but appear in his mind. Such a scene must be extremely interesting.

"If this is the case, this story will be over, but in fact it is not the case. When I returned home with apprehension and fear, nothing happened." At this time, Yang Ming did not show the slightest rejoicing. , the melancholy on the body is even heavier.

"What's the reason? Could it be that the master's parents loved you too much and didn't want to 'teach' you a lesson?" Yingge actually felt a little regretful.

"No, they are very strict with me. As long as she tells my parents, if I can't run away, I will be beaten."

"That's strange, didn't she tell the master's parents?" Parrot Song asked curiously.

"No." Yang Ming shook his head and said.

"If it's possible, I'd like her to tell my parents. In this way, I will get beaten up at most, but it will save a lot of trouble."


"Yeah, trouble, big trouble. Since then, I have never bullied her again. Of course, it's not because I'm afraid of her threat, but because I don't think I can bully her anymore."

"Master, you fell in love with him at that time, right?" Yingge looked at Yang Ming and suddenly thought of a possibility.

"Yeah, at that time, I suddenly felt that she was very special. Of course, she was indeed pretty, but that's all. It's just that whenever I think of her eyes when she threatened me, the cold and lifeless eyes , It was too memorable, and since then, I have always wondered why she didn't tell my parents."

"Yeah, why?" Parrot Song pondered.

"I don't understand, maybe it's a bit funny to say, I even thought she had a crush on me at one point, so I didn't tell my parents. Therefore, in my memory, she is a seemingly indifferent, but actually very gentle girl."

"The person is so strange. I obviously don't know her, but I keep building her image in my memory because of this incident, and finally I fell in love with her." Yang Ming laughed when he said this.

"Like it? The master should not like her, but the person in his imagination." Parrot Song said, using his analysis ability as the leader of the night killer.

"I can't tell, I don't know what happened to me, but the matter is over, and the story is over."

"Master saw that woman tonight, did you see a familiar figure?" Yingge asked boldly.

"Is this something you can ask?" Yang Ming suddenly stood up.

Seeing Yang Ming's actions, Yingge leaned back, but forgot where he was, the heat of the water had almost dissipated at this time, and for a while, a look that could only appear on Yang Ming In sight, but not in the words, the wonderful scenery appeared in front of Yang Ming.

There are two red spots in the mountains and rivers between the mountains and mountains.

With a cry, Yingge quickly put her arms around her body, but unfortunately, her arms were too slender, and the things she needed to cover up were too grand. Things, on the contrary, because of too much force, the things that were trying to hide overflowed.

"Was the water already cold?" Yang Ming stood in front of Yingge in panic.

"No, no." Yingge's voice was trembling at this time.

"Very beautiful." Yang Ming put his hand on Yingge's beautiful collarbone as he spoke, and then he bent down and pecked at Yingge's slightly parted red lips because of panic.

"I can't be the only one who can't fall asleep tonight, and I'll make you sleepless too." Yang Ming said as he walked towards the bed, and as the curtain fell, Yang Ming disappeared in front of Yingge.

It took a long time for Yingge to realize that she subconsciously touched her lips with one hand, where Yang Ming's breath seemed to remain.

What just happened?Yingge thought blankly, and suddenly felt a chill. It turned out that the water in the tub was already cold.

"It's just, is the story just now true or false? Also, I won't be unable to sleep."

When Parrot jumped out of the tub, another person returned to his home before curfew.

Lu Qi, who returned from the Mirror Garden, returned to Lu Mansion, but found that the lights in the study were still on. Not surprised by this, Lu Qi turned to the path to the study. .

"Father, it's getting dark, why haven't you rested yet?" Lu Qi walked into the study room with the door open. Under the light, there was an old man flipping through the bamboo slips.

His age seems to be past fifty, his beard and hair are black and white, his cheeks are thin, and his nose bridge is straight and his eye sockets are slightly deep, giving people a vicious feeling.

He is Lu Buwei, who is now the only Prime Minister of the Qin State. He was conferred the title of Marquis of Wenxin and one hundred thousand households in Luoyi.

"I'm upset and can't sleep, so come and have a look." Lu Buwei said.

"But did something happen on Chaoyang?" Lu Qi asked.

"Leaving aside what happened in the court hall, what is the specific situation of Yang Ming recorded in this volume of information?" Lu Buwei pointed to the bamboo slips unfolded on the desk.

(End of this chapter)

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