Qin Shi: Sword Asks the Bright Moon

Chapter 102 Lu Mansion Chapter Yang Ming

Chapter 102

"Yang Ming?" Hearing this name again, Lu Qi was slightly taken aback. When he looked intently, he realized that the dossier in front of his father Lu Buwei was about Yang Ming, and there were more vermilion comments on it.

"Well, the text on it is still too little after all, I want to hear more specific content." Lu Buwei looked at the name on the bamboo slips, and seemed to have a lot of interest in the name.

"The basic situation is similar to what is recorded in the bamboo slips, as for more things..." Lu Qi couldn't continue for a while.

"Can't you see?" Lu Buwei looked at his son, somewhat disappointed, it seemed that he was destined to have no successor.

"Father, please tell me." Lu Qi has already been a little more careful. In the Lu family, Lu Buwei is not only his only son. If Lu Buwei is completely disappointed in him, then his future status in the Lu family will not be dared. imagine.

"Yang Xi, Yang Ming's father, have you done any investigation?" Lu Buwei asked.

"Yes, Bai Qi's personal soldiers back then, but more information can no longer be investigated. After the Bai Qi case, the information of those personal soldiers around him seems to have been erased." Lu Qi said.

"It's just been erased from the text. Some of those people are still alive and well. You can still find useful information from their mouths, but you didn't do it."

"You only saw the reason why these people in Baihuzhai helped Yang Ming, but you couldn't see the information behind them. Yang Xi, a member of the Yang clan, is even a direct descendant. If it wasn't for the case that started in vain back then, he would have Maybe he is already the head of the Yang family, even if Yang Duanhe sees him, he still has to call him the head of the family." Lu Buwei said.

"I never knew about it," Lu Qi said.

"Why did you order the trappers to lure him to Xianyang?" Lu Buwei asked again.

"Father, I think this person is very talented, he is not something in the pond. I want to lure him to Xianyang and cultivate him. In time, he will be a great help to our Lu family." Lu Qi regained a little confidence this time, Yang Mingzhi If it weren't for his long-term vision, who would have noticed a young man who was thousands of miles away.

"In the past, there was Hengshan who used vertical and horizontal techniques to unite with a group of thieves to attack the barbarians and intercept their property. Later, there was Yanmen who used the power of a military strategist to show off their prestige for a while and became famous in the northern Xinjiang. Such people deserve what you say. You did a good job in noticing the situation in the northern border of Zhao State, but since he has already entered Xianyang, why didn't you pay any attention to it?" Lu Buwei questioned.

"Father, I want to observe and see if he is worthy of our investment." Lu Qi was already a little more careful.

"You want to imitate what I did in the past, but you are afraid of losing the cost?" Lu Buwei asked.

"How dare I compare with my father, but..." Lu Qi said quickly, but he got stuck, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

"It can be said that I exhausted the accumulation of three generations of my Lu family for the sake of the late king. At that time, I didn't hesitate to be afraid of losing money. What are you worried about now?" Lu Buwei recalled.

At that time, a businessman in Zhaodu gambled all his net worth on a protégé of the state of Qin. People who are not attached to powerful people have become one of the top powerful people in the world.

"Do we still have to worry about this problem with the things that our Lu family owns now? Even if we lose a lot of bets on him, so what?"

"Since you have already decided, why do you have to look forward and backward, and lose sight of the other?"

"Opportunity is fleeting. If you can't make friends with him and give him favors when he is in his infancy, how can you reap ten times or a hundred times the benefits in the future?"

"Since you know that he is extraordinary, don't others see it? Don't you worry that others will get there first?"

Lu Buwei asked a series of questions, which directly stunned Lu Qi, and then his face turned red. He was originally a man with deep thoughts, but he still couldn't collapse for a while when faced with the questioning from his father.

"Yang Ming is capable and talented, and he is not a person with no background. It doesn't take long for such a person to stand out in Xianyang. By then, if you try to win over you, you may not be able to attract him. It has the desired effect." Seeing his son's embarrassment, Lu Buwei slowed down his tone.

"Father, after he came to Xianyang, I have been observing him. Although he left Meng Ao's relationship, Meng Ao seemed to be perfunctory with him, and just arranged for him to be cold." Lu Qi said.

"Do you think the imperial guards of Ganquan Palace are cold-blooded?" Lu Buwei asked rhetorically.

"It should be." Lu Buwei's attitude made Lu Qi unable to believe his own judgment for a while.

"It won't be soon." Lu Buwei said.

While Lu Qi was waiting, Lu Buwei said: "The Queen Mother will probably move out of Xianyang Palace soon."

"Father, why is this?" Lu Qi couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.

Now there are three empress dowagers in the State of Qin, namely, Empress Dowager Huayang, the aunt of King Qin, Empress Dowager Xia, the birth mother, and Empress Dowager Zhao, mother of the current King Qin.

At this time, it must be Empress Dowager Zhao who was mentioned by Lu Buwei. Among the three empress dowagers, Empress Dowager Zhao is the most powerful, because she is the mother of Qin Wangzheng and now lives in Xianyang Palace. The real master of the palace, and the influence of Xianyang Palace is unique in Qin.

But if Queen Mother Zhao moves out of Xianyang Palace, she will lose control of Xianyang Palace, and then lose the influence of Xianyang Palace. inevitable thing.

The most important thing is that the Queen Mother Zhao and Lu Buwei are in an alliance. Once the power of the Queen Mother Zhao is weakened, it is impossible for Lu Buwei not to be affected.

"Your Majesty is 17 years old, it's almost time to discuss marriage." Lu Buwei said.

"What's the relationship between the king's marriage proposal and the empress dowager's move out of Xianyang Palace?" Lu Qi asked.

"Xianyang Palace can only have one mistress. Before, the Empress Dowager could live in Xianyang Palace as a mother, but it is not appropriate to live there after the king gets married."

"The Queen Mother is willing to move out of Xianyang Palace?"

The importance of power, Lu Qi is very clear, the rules are there, but the Queen Mother Zhao can not follow the rules at all, who can force her to leave Xianyang Palace?
"Of course she is willing. Don't forget that she is not only the queen mother of Qin, but also a mother, and the mother of the great king. The queen mother may not want to harm her power, but the mother can willingly help her son." Lu Buwei revealed a trace of melancholy when he said this.

"The Empress Dowager Huayang has already negotiated with the Queen Mother to let the king marry the princess of Chu State. In this way, the king can get the support of the people from the Queen Mother Huayang's side. The queen mother is guarding against me."

Since Qin and Chu helped the state of Chu restore the state in the hands of the State of Wu at the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, they have intermarried for generations, and the relationship between them can be described as intricate. After more than 200 years, people who have blood ties with the State of Chu have already become an extremely powerful force in the State of Qin. , this force finally reached its peak in the period of Queen Mother Xuan.

At that time, the Empress Dowager Xuan was in charge of the state of Qin as the queen mother, and shared the military and political power with her two younger brothers. Even a hero as talented as King Qin Zhaoxiang had to be wronged, and it was not until she was in her 50s that she really owned the king of Qin. kingship.

Although that force no longer has the power it had when the Queen Mother Xuan was in power, its influence in the Qin State is still significant. Even Lu Buwei, who is now the No. 1 king of the Qin State, must deal with it carefully.

"You said, if the Empress Dowager moves out of Xianyang Palace, where will she move?" Suppressing the worries in his heart, Lu Buwei continued the question just now.

"Father is talking about Oasis Palace?" After talking about this, how can Lu Qi not understand what his father is talking about.

"Oasis Palace is now a cold palace, but it will soon be gone. From the information you collected, I saw that Yang Ming is currently guarding the Qilin Pavilion, and he is the only person who can persist in that place for the past ten years. I think this person has already caught Wei Wei's eyes, he is already old, and I think he is going to let Yang Ming take over his position." Lu Buwei analyzed.

"The captain of the Imperial Guard of Ganquan Palace may not be worth much at this time, but once the queen mother really moves there, this position will be no small matter. Of course, if the queen mother moves to Ganquan Palace, whether Yang Ming can be the captain is still a question, but this Do you dare to gamble?"

"So, should I start wooing and supporting Yang Ming now?" Lu Qi hesitated.

"Let's do it. Although Yang Ming may not be able to become the captain of Ganquan Palace, he is the person closest to that position. If we help, the distance will be even closer. You should know what that means." Lu Buwei said.

"Father, Li Wu and Yang Ming have a good relationship, but I have other arrangements for Li Wu, should I change my plan?" Lu Qi hesitated.

"Li Wu? The person in charge of training the startled salamander?" Lu Buwei asked.


"What is your arrangement?" Lu Buwei asked.

"Hiding in the mansion of Lord Chang'an."

"This plan can be cancelled." Lu Buwei directly denied Lu Qi's plan.

"Father, why is this?" Although Lu Qi was hesitating, Lu Buwei's direct denial of his plan still made him a little resistant.

"Mr. Chang'an, not only can we not limit his power, but we need to help him increase his own power in secret." Lu Buwei stroked his long beard and showed an inscrutable smile.

Under Lu Qi's perplexed gaze, Lu Buwei continued: "Tell me, Lord Chang'an is getting more and more powerful, who is the one you are most worried about?"

Lu Qi wanted to say it was us, but thinking that his father would never ask such a stupid question, he swallowed a few words in a hurry. After a long time, he suddenly realized, and almost blurted out: "It's the king, it's the queen mother."

"That's right, it's the king and the queen mother. If I, Lu Buwei, have the only voice in the court, then I will be the target of everyone's criticism, but what if there is another voice?"

"My power is not small in the state of Qin, but no matter how powerful I am, I am still a subject after all, and I do not pose a great threat to the king's throne, but Lord Chang'an is different. The more powerful Lord Chang'an is, The more difficult it is for the King and the Queen Mother to feel at ease, the more they need me." Lu Buwei said.

"If that's the case, isn't it more important to let Li Wu sneak into Chang'an Jun's mansion?" Lu Qi asked.

"No need, a dancing girl can only play a limited role in Chang'an Jun's mansion, but if she is used on Yang Ming, it may have a better effect." Lu Buwei said decisively.


(End of this chapter)

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