Qin Shi: Sword Asks the Bright Moon

Chapter 128 Visitors from Daliang City

Chapter 128 Visitors from Daliang City (Leader Plus 6)

Ganquan Palace, standing in front of the main hall, Zhao Ji looked at the palace wall in the distance, where the guards of Ganquan Palace stood guard, but there was one figure missing.

"He should have left Hangu Pass by now?" Zhao Ji mused.

"Back to the Empress Dowager, at Yang Ming's speed, he has already left Hangu Pass and almost reached Mianchi." Yuan Ming replied.

"Following Mianchi is Luoyi, then Gong County, Xingyang, Xinzheng, and after that is the border of Wei State." Zhao Ji said to herself.

"Who does he bring with him?" Zhao Ji asked.

"He brought three killer-level killers from the Xiangguo Mansion, and besides, his maid named Yingge." Yuan Ming replied.

"Less." Zhao Ji said, followed by a wordless silence.

"If you can come back safely, the Ai family will be your little aunt." Zhao Ji murmured to herself, no one knew what the Queen Mother of Qin was thinking.

On the sixth day of September, in Daliang, the capital of Wei, Yang Ming set off from Xianyang, traveling day and night, and arrived here in only four days.

Daliang, located in the Central Plains, was built on the plain formed by the accumulation of countless years of great rivers. A hundred years ago, King Wei Hui, the first king of Wei State, moved the capital from Anyi to this place.

Because Daliang is located on a plain so that there is no danger of mountains and rivers, Wei State exhausted manpower and material resources to build the city wall of Daliang, using the city wall as a mountain, and digging a chasm to connect the big river and the Huai River, and encircle the beam with all the water, so that Daliang can get the most water conservancy. .

Looking at the majestic walls of Daliang City, Yang Ming couldn't help showing a look of admiration. Yang Ming traveled through Zhao Kingdom, Qin Kingdom, and South Korea on this trip. He saw as many as a hundred cities, but they can be compared with Daliang City. But there is no one, even if it is the majestic Xianyang, which is as rich as Xinzheng, compared with it, it is far behind.

"Daliang City is known as the most powerful city in the world, so it's not just the bragging of the Wei people." The parrot who followed Yang Ming and wore a bamboo hat said.

In the Kingdom of Wei, the power of the night curtain still exists, and here, Yingge cannot let the people of the night curtain discover his existence.

But it was precisely because of this that Yang Ming brought Yingge with him. As the former top night killer, Yingge was no stranger to Daliang City. She had performed missions here many times, and this time she was Yang Ming's good assistant.

"With such a majestic city, the two sieges by the Qi army made King Wei Hui break the defense, so that there was a scene of two besieging the spot to fight for aid." Yang Ming said softly.

"It's time to enter the city." Yang Ming walked forward.

As soon as Yang Ming and Yingge walked into the city gate, they heard the noise behind them, and the pedestrians around them gave way to both sides of the street. Yang Ming was also pulled to the side of the street by Yingge.

"What kind of big man is this? Han? Is there a dignitary named Han in Wei Guo?" Yang Ming lowered his head and asked Yingge in a low voice.

"These people are not from the authority of Wei, but from the Korean royal family." Yingge explained to Yang Ming in a low voice.

"The royal family of South Korea, how could they come to Wei at this time?" Yang Ming asked unexpectedly.

"The queen mother of South Korea was the princess of Wei State back then. According to her seniority, the current king of Wei still calls the queen mother of South Korea aunt." Yingge, who knew the two countries well, replied.

"So that's how it is." Yang Ming didn't say anything more after hearing that, but like ordinary passers-by on the street, he looked curiously and in awe at the cavalry who opened the way, the entourage in gorgeous clothes, and the carriage pulled by four horses.

"Grandma, this Daliang City is so tall and big. It's taller and bigger than Xinzheng, and there are a lot of people." In the carriage, a girl in pink was lying on the side of the car window, looking curiously through the tulle between the windows. looking at the world outside the car.

"In all the cities in the world, the most populated city is Linzi of Qi State, the most powerful city is Xianyang, and the tallest city is Daliang." The white-haired old lady said dotingly, looking at her granddaughter lying by the car window.

She is the Queen Mother of South Korea, the mother of the current King Han Wangan of South Korea, and the former Princess Wei.

This time, Aijia should be back for the last time.Empress Dowager Wei looked at the familiar building outside the window and thought in her heart.

"It must be very lively and fun here, but it's a pity that Brother Nine is not here, otherwise I can let him take it out to play." The girl in pink said.

She is only ten years old, with bright eyes and bright teeth, even almond eyes and peach cheeks. At such a young age, she is quite charming. She is the youngest daughter of Han Wangan, named Honglian.

"Didn't your fourth brother also come, you can ask him to take you out to play." Queen Mother Wei said.

"Fourth brother is not ninth brother. Fourth brother never takes me to play, and I don't like him either." Little Honglian pouted, with a look of disgust on her face.

"Okay, okay, if you don't like it, then you don't like it, look for a chance to take you out of Aijia, Daliang City, Aijia has not visited for a long time." Queen Mother Wei pinched Honglian's round face dotingly, The elderly like young children, because they can see the shadow of themselves in young children.

After the long motorcade left Yang Ming behind, Yang Ming also left with the parrot.

"Drunken Dream Building? This is a good place." Yang Ming, who came to a tall building, looked at the building in front of him and murmured in wonder.

"The first floor in Daliang, it can even be said to be the first floor in the entire Wei State. Jinghua Garden can only be enjoyed at night in Xianyang, but Zuimeng Tower is the only one in Daliang." A very good guide.

"I can't go tonight. I'll take a look tomorrow night to see what's the difference between it and the Garden of Mirrors." Yang Ming smiled and walked forward. Right now, he's just finding his way.

When Yang Ming's back was about to disappear on the street where Zuimenglou was located, a window on the highest floor of Zuimenglou was pushed open, and a woman in a blue dress and apricot-yellow skirt appeared behind the window, watching the street with quiet eyes. Pedestrian, there is a trace of bewilderment in the calm expression.

Suddenly, her eyes froze on a figure that was about to disappear in the crowd: Is it him?It can't be him!
After wandering around Daliang City for a long time, Yang Ming found an inn to stay alone, while Yingge came to a wine shop on the back of the street.

After the boss served the food and drinks, Yang Ming used the drinks to draw a special mark on the table. The lady proprietress of the restaurant who never left saw the mark, and her expression couldn't help but change.

"Your Excellency is from Xianyang?" the proprietress lowered her voice.

"Yes, but you are that poisonous spider?" Parrot Song asked.

"The little girl's code name is Black Widow." The proprietress said softly.

"Uh, so it's under the command of Black and White Xuanjian." Yingge looked at the ordinary woman in front of her, but she didn't expect that it was the female assassin Black Widow. I have heard the name Black Widow in the underworld.

"Your Excellency?" Black Widow sat down and asked.

"You don't need to ask this question. You just need to know that I am from Xianyang, and I am under the command of Lord Jae Ri. Is there any news about Black and White Xuanjian?"

"My lord Xuan Jian has been missing since he failed to assassinate General Wei that night, and then Wei Guo went on a large-scale search for our trappers, and many of them were killed. We really don't have the extra strength to find Xuan Jian. The whereabouts of Lord Jian." The black widow said worriedly.

"Tell me what happened that night in detail, especially the escape route of Black and White Xuanjian after the failed assassination attempt." Yingge said.

"That day..." In the Black Widow's narration, Yingge gradually learned information that was not recorded in the intelligence, such as the direction in which Black and White Xuanjian fled, such as the area where Wei Bing chased and lost him.

"You continue to stay here, forget your identity as a snatcher, run the restaurant with peace of mind, and wait for orders." Yingge picked up the chopsticks and became a real diner.

"Master Xuan Jian?" The black widow hesitated to speak.

"We will find him, whether he is alive or dead." Parrot said, she could hear the strangeness in the words of the black widow, so she added another sentence.

After arriving at the inn agreed with Yang Ming in advance, Yingge came to the room that Yang Ming had reserved.

"The direction where Black and White Xuanjian disappeared last is in the west city of Daliang. Most of the houses here are the residences of the dignitaries of the Wei state. The area is not small, and it is easy to hide his figure. But it is very troublesome for the people of Wei to find him. Let us find him. It's more troublesome." Yingge showed Yang Ming the map he had drawn.

"Whose residence is this location?" Yang Ming pointed to a place on the map.

"Here? This is the residence of Wei Sikong and Wei Yong. He was born in the clan of Wei State at this time, so he should not be underestimated." Yingge said.

"Could the master mean that Black and White Xuanjian fled into Wei Yong's mansion?" Yingge asked in surprise, how did Yang Ming come to this conclusion?Is it just pure conjecture?
"Guess, but there is a great possibility that Black and White Xuanjian is here. I will sneak in to investigate at night and I will find out." Yang Ming said.

"This?" The more sure Yang Ming became, the more hesitant Yingge became.

Of course, Yingge didn't know where Yang Ming's determination came from, because she didn't know that Yang Ming had another memory.

In that memory, in that memory, the Weijiazhuang incident happened in the sixth year of Qin Wangzheng, and from the acquaintance of Heihei Xuanjian and Wei Xianxian, during the assassination of Qin Wangzheng in the fourth year, Heihei Xuanjian was seriously injured He was rescued by Wei Xianxian when he was escaping, and then became acquainted, and the various stories that happened during the five or six years of Qin Wangzheng's five or six years are also reasonable on the timeline.

Therefore, there is a high possibility that Black and White Xuanjian is hiding in the residence of Wei Yong, the Sikong of Wei State, at this time.

"Do you want Parrot Song to go with you?" Parrot Song asked.

"No, one person's goal is smaller, and we're not going to fight." Yang Ming refused.

"You are here waiting for Li Wu to kill them. The few of them are responsible for restoring control of the remnants of Luo Wang. We must not have controlled the remnants of Luo Wang. Instead, we have cut off contact with them." Yang Ming said something more For important reasons.

This time, Yang Ming came out from Xianyang with only three people, namely Li Wu, Gan Sha and Xun Feng.

Li Wu doesn't need to say much, she has the ability, Yang Mingyou is the most familiar with her, as for killing, his terrifying special ability, if used well, its effect is definitely not inferior to the first-class killer in Tianzi. And Xunfeng's ability to control the bees to collect information is unique in the world. Therefore, from the net, Yang Ming only brought three people, and these three people will also become the initial foundation for Yang Ming to control the net step by step in the future.

 Thank you book friend for being the 1500 book coin reward of Qingfeng Xiaoyu, who is the first rudder in the true sense, and it is recorded in Jiageng's account.

(End of this chapter)

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