Qin Shi: Sword Asks the Bright Moon

Chapter 129 Night Interview with Wei Xianxian

Chapter 129 Night Interview with Wei Xianxian

The Sikong Mansion of the State of Wei, as an important minister of the two dynasties of the State of Wei, Wei Yong is very important in the court of the State of Wei, but even so, Wei Yong still has great troubles, and the source of his troubles is Xinling Lord Wei Wuji.

Wei Yong is much older than Lord Xinling, but, Wei Wuji, as the son of the first king of Wei, even if he was only a concubine, he directly enshrined the king and entered the court after he became an adult, just like Wei Yong who had struggled for nearly 20 years before entering the court from the local area. The same hall is a minister.

Under Wei Wuji's light, all the courtiers will be overshadowed, and more importantly, Wei Yong's ambition will die every time because Lord Xinling stands in front of him.

More than ten years ago, after Wei Wuji stole amulets to save Zhao, his reputation reached its peak, but it was also during those ten years that Wei Yong really experienced the taste of a powerful minister. Wei Guochaotang without Wei Wuji is a good place for him to play freely .

But such a good life lasted only ten years, Wei Wuji came back again, and the first thing after returning was to defeat the Qin army, and then gather the five countries to attack Qin. daimyo.

Although the co-ordinated attack on Qin was anticlimactic, Wei Wuji still came back, and even pushed out his confidant, Zhu Hai, the head of the Armored Sect, was the general who held the military power, completely cutting off the possibility of him intervening in the military power.

But recently, King Wei's health is getting worse every day. Once King Wei dies, who can stop Wei Wuji? tone.

Lord Xinling's power is beyond my imagination. There are too many strange people around him, and Zhu Hai controls the military power. Even the mighty Qin State's trap has been wiped out by him with a thunderbolt. He fights?

Wei Yong pondered, more wrinkles appeared on his forehead, he was no longer young, and there were not so many opportunities left for him by time.

snare?Suddenly Wei Yong's eyes froze.

In Wei Yong's melancholy, in the heavily guarded Sikong Mansion, a figure moved quickly with the help of the night, shaking the figure on the wall and roof like a breeze.

His speed is very fast, but it doesn't look like ordinary light work. He didn't jump up and down, didn't fly around, he just walked like an ordinary person, but every time he took a step, a figure would appear dozens of steps away, even No shadows can be seen.

Under the night, Yang Ming discerned a direction and headed directly towards an embroidery building. There, Wei Yong built it specially for his only daughter Wei Xianxian. Since Wei Xianxian was 14 years old, he moved into the embroidery building. She has never stepped out of the small courtyard for many years, so she is a real boudoir.

At this time, the weather is already September, it is already in late autumn, the temperature at night is extremely cold, the windows of the Xiulou are naturally closed, Yang Ming jumped down from the roof, and pressed his palms against the windows, controlling the fine-grained Xuyun to penetrate. Walking out of the gap in the window, under the vibration, the bolt behind the window broke. Yang Ming then pushed open the window, jumped into the room, and closed the window smoothly.

Wei Yong may be well aware of the customs of rich and adopted daughters. The furnishings in the room are extremely elegant and luxurious, including furniture made of rosewood, fine celadon and lacquer ware from Chu State, white porcelain from Zheng State, bronze ornaments from Qi State, Yan China's fine fur mattresses can be said to be everything.

It's just that Yang Ming didn't come at the right time. At the end of his line of sight, there was a jade screen blocking it. Through the screen, he could hear the collision of water splashes, and he could also see the heat rising above the screen.

There is even a vague figure shaking.

The blurry scene behind the screen clearly told Yang Ming a fact. At this time, behind the screen, there was a person taking a bath. Thinking about the owner of this embroidered building, who is the person taking a bath?The answer is self-evident.

Seeing such a scene, Yang Ming could only sit on the window seat. The owner of this place obviously often sits here, looking out of the window and looking at the world outside the embroidery building.

There is a cushion here, and a small case. On the small case, there is a piece of plain silk, and on it is an unclosed medical volume, which records the medical treatment for internal injuries.

"It seems that there is nothing wrong with this time." Looking at the medical paper in front of him, Yang Ming has almost confirmed that Black and White Xuanjian was indeed rescued by Wei Qianxian, otherwise a lady like Wei Xianxian would not study this kind of treatment for internal injuries medical volume.

It's just that I don't know where Black and White Xuanjian is hiding. Although this embroidery building is not small, it is not easy to hide a man.

Next to the medical scroll is a piece of plain silk with an unfinished painting on it. In the painting, a small bird is pecking at food. Not far behind it is a white cat crawling cautiously towards the small bird. Next The scene appeared to be a bloody tragedy.

Yang Ming and the others were bored, so they directly took the paintbrush and drew the side of the embroidery building on the blank space on the edge of the plain silk. When the window was opened, there was a plain hand stretched out, holding a paintbrush in the hand, making a throwing appearance.

Following Yang Ming's drawing, the figure behind the screen came out of the bathtub, stepped on the template with bare feet, took a clean cloth towel to wipe off the water stains on his body, and then took the underwear from the hanger and put it on .

Wei Xianxian, who had tied up her long hair with a ribbon, turned around the screen, but covered her mouth in disbelief, but still couldn't help but let out an 'ah'.

Wei Xianxian looked at the scene in front of her in horror and embarrassment. A man in black with a silver mask sneaked into her room at some point. The paintbrush is depicting something on her scroll.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Wei Xianxian only felt it was very strange. He went in without telling his master, which was no different from a thief. He covered his face with a mask and covered himself in black clothes. This was the costume of an assassin and a thief.

But the back figure holding the paintbrush is like the owner here, relaxed and at ease, without the slightest malice in the style.

"Who are you?" Wei Xianxian put down his hands and asked as calmly as possible.

"Can't you see my outfit? I can't tell you my real identity yet." Yang Ming stood up and looked at Wei Xianxian in front of him.

Maybe it was just coming out of the bathtub. At this time, Wei Xianxian was rosy and rosy, and she was indescribably charming. She was not too stunning, but she was also pretty, especially her quiet and gentle temperament, which was very suitable for her. The characteristics of a lady in this era.

With only thin clothes covering her body, her figure is not bad, but that's all.

"Then why did you sneak into my room?" Wei Xianxian said calmly, this fearless demeanor was indeed better than most women.

This is a woman who is soft on the outside and strong on the inside. If it weren't for this, those stories would not happen to her in the future.

"I'm here to find someone, he should be here with you." Yang Ming Daomingly said.

"If you didn't come to look for me, there is no one you are looking for here, only me and my maid, and even my father rarely comes here on weekdays." Wei Xianxian said.

"I'm sure, the person I'm looking for is here." Yang Ming pointed to the medical record on the desk beside him while speaking.

"You?" Wei Xianxian couldn't help but change his face when he saw this.

There was indeed someone hiding here, and she didn't know about the turmoil that day and night. When she woke up the next day, she found that there was a seriously injured person in her library.

Out of sympathy, she didn't think too much, but helped the man and bandaged the wound. After saving the man, Wei Xianxian learned about the recent events in Daliang City from the maid, and also knew The person he rescued was probably the assassin of that night.

If she knew the man was an assassin the first time she saw him, she might have handed him over without saying a word, but when she knew the man's identity, it was already after she rescued him, and Wei Xianxian couldn't help it for a while. hesitated.

In addition to the fact that the man's injury had already healed by five or six points, she gave up that thought. After all, facing that assassin, she was a weak woman and didn't have much room to resist.

Fortunately, although the assassin looked fierce, he was not bad, at least he knew how to repay her kindness, knew that he saved her, and always treated him with courtesy.

Wei Xianxian recalled, struggling for a moment.

"The person you saved was a trapper, with a pair of black and white swords, right?" Yang Ming said.

"So, you are also a trapper?" Wei Xianxian asked, the word 'also' had already told Yang Ming the answer.

"That's right, I'm also in the trap. This rash visit is just to take him away, and at the same time to thank Miss Wei for her help." Yang Ming said.

"Him?" Wei Xianxian wanted to say something else, but his sight was replaced by two sword lights. Downstairs, a man broke through the floor and stabbed straight at where Yang Ming was.

Yang Ming moved slightly, staggered away from the white sword edge, and stretched out his hand to press down on the attacking black sword edge.

Seeing each other, a figure has already stood in front of Wei Xianxian.

Looking at the man in front of him with a turban, scars on his face, and two light beards on his upper lip, Yang Ming was even more sure of his identity. With this strange outfit and two black and white swords, he could not be a first-class killer except Luo Wangtian. Other than Black and White Xuanjian, who else could it be?
"Black and white Xuanjian, attacking colleagues is one of the taboos in the net." Yang Ming said.

"Who are you? The aura on your body is not covering the sun." Black and white Xuanjian looked at Yang Ming and the covering sun sword in his hand solemnly.

"The predecessor's cover is dead, and the current cover is under the order of Luo Wang to come to Wei State to take over the matter of Luo Wang." Yang Ming said.

"Jianri died? How did he die?" Black and White Xuanjian asked vigilantly.

"I beat him to death." Yang Ming's voice came from under the mask, not cold but chilling.

"Beating to death by you?" Black and White Xuanjian asked in surprise.

What is the strength of concealing the sun?Even though he was still a level behind him, he was still a real master. Even if he did it himself, although he could guarantee victory or even severely injure the opponent, it was still difficult to kill him. How could such a person be killed?I only have [-]% strength now, so it would be difficult to parry him in front of him.

Thinking of Wei Xianxian behind him again, Black and White Xuanjian said: "Okay, I'll go with you."

Right now, no matter whether Yang Ming's cover-up is true or not, he must follow the other party, not for his own sake, but for Wei Xianxian's safety. Although he is a killer, he values ​​faith the most. Killing and repaying kindness are what he cares most about. thing.

"Miss Wei, this is Luo Wang's token. If you need Luo Wang's place in the future, Luo Wang will definitely help you." Yang Ming took out a token from his pocket and put it on the small case.

"Me?" Wei Xianxian was about to refuse, but thought that he would not need it in the future, so he nodded and accepted the token.

 Thank you for the 1000 book coins from scratch, the 5000 book coins from Qingfeng Driyu, and the 1304 book coins from book friend 0032····100. The second rudder of this book appeared, thanks Another chapter, there are still four more chapters to add to the lord, when will it be finished?
(End of this chapter)

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