Qin Shi: Sword Asks the Bright Moon

Chapter 130 Climb to the Drunken Dream Building

Chapter 130 Climb to the Drunken Dream Building

Watching people go to the empty room, Wei Xianxian felt like a dream. If it wasn't for the broken floor, she would even think that what happened just now was just her own hallucination.

"I saved the man in the trap, is that right or wrong?" Wei Xianxian walked towards the small case by the window, his eyes flicked across the token, and landed on the plain silk that was pressed underneath. The location has been completed, and a palm protruding from the window is holding a paintbrush as if throwing it.

"How did he know what I did at that time?" Looking at the picture on Subo, Wei Xianxian couldn't hide his shock.

At that time, she saw the white cat she raised stealthily, trying to catch the little sparrow. She did throw the paintbrush in her hand to scare the little sparrow away. She was not allowed to hug her for days.

But, how could he know?Could it be?Wei Xianxian was thinking, and his eyes fell on the pen holder, there was indeed an extra empty space there.

Could he guess it just because of this?But that shouldn't be possible.Wei Xianxian thought suspiciously, and his gaze towards the picture scroll was gradually replaced by another emotion.

"It looks like he drew it, but, I was taking a shower just now, how would he know what my hand looks like?" Wei Xianxian stretched out his right hand to compare with the palm in the painting, and the blush on his face that hadn't disappeared gradually deepened the trend of.

"No way? Although he is a killer, he looks very polite. I don't want to be that kind of person." Wei Xianxian hesitated as he thought about it.

Wei Xianxian didn't sleep well that night. When she woke up, she realized in a panic that her floor was broken. How would she explain it if her father saw it?

However, Wei Xianxian's panic didn't last long, and there was already a knock on her door.

"Xianxian, it's for the father." Wei Yong's voice sounded from downstairs.

In Wei Xianxian's panic, the maid downstairs had already opened the door.

this?this?Looking at the broken floor, Wei Xianxian sat down on the bed slumped, what to do, there is no way to hide it.

Father, he won't kill me, right?Wei Xianxian thought pessimistically and fearfully.

"What's the matter with the roof? That place is Slender's bedroom. How did such a big hole be opened?" Wei Yong downstairs couldn't help but turn pale with shock when he saw the big hole above his head. He has also led troops in battle, and he still knows martial arts, how can he not see how the hole in the top of his head came from.

Shocked, Wei Yong hurried upstairs and stood still outside Wei Xianxian's bedroom. After all, his daughter is getting older, and there are many things to avoid.

"Xianxian, come out."

It's over, this must have been seen.Wei Xianxian walked towards the door in despair.

"What's going on with that hole?" Wei Yong, who walked into the room, looked around calmly, trying to find a clue.

"Father, I saved a person before, and he accidentally left this hole." Wei Xianxian, who already knew it was impossible to hide it, could only reply resignedly.

"Why are you so bold and reckless, you dare to save people of unknown origin? What is this?" Wei Yong looked around the room and saw the token on the small case.

"Father, that's it?" Wei Qianxian was about to say something, but Wei Yong quickly stepped forward to pick up the token.

"Qin State's snare? The person you rescued was the Qin State's snare?" Wei Yong said, looking at his daughter numbly in shock.

"I didn't know it beforehand, and I only found out last night." Wei Xianxian said dejectedly.

"You haven't saved anyone, you know?" Wei Yong took a deep breath and said calmly.

"Father?" Wei Xianxian looked at his father in astonishment, not knowing why his father said that for a while.

"It's time for your maid to change." Wei Yong put away the badge and said.

"Father, don't, this matter is all my fault, please let Ping'er go, she doesn't know anything." Wei Qianxian showed real fear for the first time since Wei Yong came in.

What Wei Yong said was simple, but how could Wei Qianxian, who still knew his father well, not hear another layer of meaning in Wei Yong's words.

This is to kill people to silence her mouth, the person she killed was her maid Ping'er, and the mouth she killed was her mouth for helping the snares.

"Xianxian, what do you think of being a father? Is being a father that cruel in your eyes? Okay, okay, I won't change your maid, let Ping'er continue to be your maid , but she can't leave your yard." Wei Yong said in a slow tone.

"No, no, my father has always been the best person in the world in Xianxian's eyes." Wei Xianxian said hastily, feeling lucky in his heart that his life was saved.

"That's the end of this matter, you can't have any more involvement with the trappers." Wei Yong said solemnly.

"If there is another time, your maid will really have to be changed."

"Xianxian knows." Wei Xianxian said as obediently as possible.

Wei Yong, who returned to the study, looked at the snare token in his hand, with an inexplicable light in his eyes, and there was a flame called ambition beating inside.

"So the token left by the master is not for that Miss Wei, but for Wei Sikong and Wei Yong?" In the room of the inn, Yingge asked in surprise.

Yang Ming left a token of a snare for a lady of the family, such a thing is completely unnecessary in Yingge's view, and there will even be more unknown hidden dangers.

"That's right, Wei Yong is different for things that Wei Xianxian doesn't use." Yang Ming said.

"Wei Yong is ambitious. Of course, there are many people who are ambitious. If it's just that, Wei Yong is not special, but he not only has ambition, he also has the courage to take action. The most important thing is that this person Shameless enough, unscrupulous enough, such a person, for the sake of power, he can sell everything, he can cooperate with the devil, including snares."

"If Wei Yong enters the game, then Luowang may open up another brand new situation in Wei." Yingge pondered.

She was born in Yemu, and she knows very well that if Luo Wang can cooperate with Wei Yong, a key official of the Wei State, many things will be much easier. The reason why Yemu is terrifying is not because of its intelligence and killers, but because of the people behind it from the General's Mansion. power.

What kind of monster can be derived from the combination of power, intelligence, and killer? Parrot Song, who knows how the night is rampant in South Korea, is too clear.

"So, what shall we do next?" Parrot Song asked again.

"Lie down and sleep." Yang Ming said lazily. He just wanted to catch up on sleep after tossing about half the night last night because of black and white. Three days and three nights without sleep will not cause too much sleepiness.

He just likes the feeling of sleeping.

"Sleep?" Parrot Song asked in amazement.

"There will soon be problems within the Wei State. They can no longer take care of the nets. Just let the remnants of the nets be silent. After this turmoil is over, they will reorganize the nets in Wei." Yang Ming said.

In Yang Ming's memory, King Wei died in this year. Now it is September, and King Wei's time is running out. The old king will die, and the new king will be established. But there is too much room for manipulation.

Of course, in this plausible time and space, King Wei may not really die this year. After all, Han Wangan next door is on the historical track, but he is not in the top position yet, and Han Fei next door does not have this time and space. So sneaky.

"Is there going to be a problem within Wei?" Yingge asked in confusion.

"I still need to verify it to be sure, but I'm not in a hurry right now. I have a more important thing to do tonight." Yang Ming said.

"What is the master going to do?" Yingge asked curiously. After more than half a year of getting along, Yingge had already known when to properly share Yang Ming's secret.

"I'm going to Zuimenglou." Yang Ming said.

"Drunken Dream Tower? What is the master doing in such a place?" Yingge asked in surprise.

When he was in Xianyang, although Yang Ming often went to Jinghua Garden and even had a close relationship with Li Wu who was an oiran, Yang Ming never stayed in Jinghua Garden. Song doesn't think too much, but there is still some curiosity that should be there.

"Xuan He Daliang City." Yang Ming was already lying on the bed when he spoke.

"Xuanhe Daliang City?" Yingge pondered, but couldn't think of a reason for a while.

When the night falls on Daliang City, the brilliant colors belonging to Zuimenglou bloom in the darkness.

Luxurious carriages stopped near Zuimenglou, men in gold belts and jade came from all directions, and walked into Zuimenglou with familiar smiles.

"This is Zuimenglou. I heard that the wine here is the best when I was in Weiguo. I can finally taste it this time." A young man with a slightly elongated face but very big eyes looked at Zuimenglou in front of him, subconsciously Wiping his mouth that was about to drool, he ran into Zuimenglou excitedly, making the expensively dressed people around him look mocking.

It's really out of style to be so anxious.

"Zuimenglou, this time I'll see where you're going to escape, I've prepared this net for you." Yang Ming looked at Zuimenglou in front of him, with a smile on his face.

The fish that left Xianyang without saying goodbye is hiding here, but I don't know what color she should be dressed up now?
With the arrival of guests one after another, the evening program of Zuimenglou kicked off.

On the gorgeously decorated stage, dancers dressed in colorful clothes came out of the backstage one by one, and danced to the accompaniment of the musicians.

In the cloister, there are gorgeously dressed women with smiles on their faces, talking and laughing with the guests around them, frowning and smiling, not only making the guests feel tacky, but also getting the greatest satisfaction from themselves .

As time went by, the atmosphere that should have been getting hotter and hotter suddenly froze, and the sound of the entire Zuimenglou disappeared in an instant. Everyone looked at the stage in unison, holding their breath and concentrating, lest they miss it. Even a moment of beauty.

There, a slim figure walked out from behind the scenes.

Her skirt flutters, and her apricot yellow dress blows fragrance with the wind.Like a hibiscus coming out of water, the ice is clear and jade-like, like an autumn chrysanthemum covered with frost, as quiet as a pine growing in an empty valley, compared with the beauty of the southeast and west, it is more beautiful than the Xia Ji in the chaotic country.

(End of this chapter)

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