Qin Shi: Sword Asks the Bright Moon

Chapter 151 So You Are Deceiving Aijia

Chapter 151 So You Are Deceiving Aijia
"You're still cheating. If you're holding a stick, don't you say you're using the stick method." The startled salamander glared at Yang Ming and said, there's no such sophistry, it's purely bullying.

Thinking of this, the startled salamander holding the long sword became a bit more murderous, and a thought suddenly came to his mind to teach Yang Ming a lesson, but...

"I'm just cheating." Yang Ming said as if I was a rascal and I was afraid of someone.

"You?" The startled salamander pointed at Yang Ming. The anger in his eyes lasted only for a moment, and then he felt wronged. This tough female killer had already turned into water.

"Okay, okay, it's just for fun. I really didn't use sword skills, but body skills. I lost." Yang Ming held the startling salamander and pointed to his finger.

Hearing Yang Ming's words, the startled salamander felt more wronged. In a trance, Yang Ming grasped the palm of his hand, and with a light pull, he brought this female assassin with strong sword skills into his arms.

"You are getting cuter and cuter." Holding Wenxiang Nuanyu in his arms, Yang Ming leaned into the startled salamander's ear and said, now Yang Ming doesn't have the heart to learn any kind of swordsmanship, if it is another kind of swordsmanship, maybe It can also attract his interest.

"It was you who lost in the first place. You used martial arts other than swordsmanship, but I didn't use all my strength, otherwise I wouldn't have lost." Startled Salamander protested.

"Can't you lose to me?" Yang Ming said, looking into the startled eyes of the salamander.

"No..." The startled salamander wanted to say no, but when the words came to his mouth and met Yang Ming's gaze, it turned into an inaudible sound. I also don't know what the startled salamander said.

"Let's talk." Yang Ming hugged the startled salamander's slender waist, and before lifting his feet, he had already arrived at the stone table in the courtyard and sat on the stone bench.

"What are you talking about?" The startled salamander, who was sitting on Yang Ming's legs together, hugged Yang Ming's neck and asked.

"What do you think?" Yang Ming asked back.

"I don't know, but I like to stop you talking." The startled salamander shook his head, and Yuchai made a crisp knocking sound, as if it was the accompaniment of the startled salamander's words.

"Then tell stories?" Yang Ming suggested.

"Story, is it still the story from before? I haven't finished listening to it yet." Hearing the word "story", the startled salamander's eyes became a little brighter. She hasn't studied the previous move of cutting the sky and drawing the sword?

"Then finish the story today." Yang Ming said.

"Well, this actually doesn't have to be so urgent, you can tell it slowly." Although the startled salamander likes listening to stories very much, and is eager to know the next plot, but also thinks that if the story is over, there is no need to listen, and for a while He hesitated again.

Now the startled salamander is like a child with a plate of delicious food in front of him. He wants to eat it until he finishes it, but he is worried that he will have nothing to eat after eating it, and he dare not finish it all at once.

"You look really silly like this." Yang Ming pinched the startled salamander's little nose, and had to say, the cold startled salamander coupled with the kind of simple and naive aura displayed at this time, really has a special charm .

And Zhao Ji, who was basking in the sun, already felt a little hot at this time. Although the temperature in winter is low, if it is sunny and stays in the sun for too long, she will still feel hot and even sweat. Zhao Ji is like this.

Zhao Ji sat up from the soft couch, and stretched out her hand to pull the chest in front of her. There was already a thin layer of fineness inside, which made her feel a little uncomfortable. A wisp of cool wind blew in and fell between the sweat-stained mountains. The wind from the mountain stream made her feel a kind of comfort that penetrated the soul.

"What are Yang Ming and the startled salamander doing now?" Zhao Ji stretched her waist and asked Yuanli, the female guard beside her.

"Yang Ming is learning swordsmanship from the startled salamander." Yuanli replied.

"Did you see it just now?" Zhao Ji asked.


"How is Yang Ming's swordsmanship?" Zhao Ji asked curiously. Although Zhao Ji didn't have a specific evaluation standard for how high Yang Ming's martial arts were, the Fengshen leg that Yang Ming used to beat Lao Ai to death was alive. But it shocked her extremely.

Zhao Ji may not be able to understand martial arts that are too mysterious and profound, but the visually impactful martial arts such as Fengshen legs are exactly what Zhao Ji likes. The body technique that can almost fly in the air seems to want to wreak havoc For someone like Zhao Ji who only knows a little about martial arts, the strong wind of heaven and earth is quite a temptation.

"Lieutenant Yang has a great talent for learning swords, and within a month, he can become a good swordsman." Yuanli replied.

With Yang Ming's talent of mastering sword moves just by reading them once, it is very easy to become a master of swordsmanship, and he can even exhaust the ways of changing swordsmanship, and then reach a higher level.

"This kid really won't disappoint people. He's still learning how to sword?" Zhao Ji sighed in admiration, and then asked again.

"It should be." Yuan Li didn't know what Yang Ming and Jing Xi were doing at this time.

"Let's go, it's okay to be idle, and go to see how our Yang Xiaowei is doing with his sword learning." Zhao Ji said, she is not very interested in learning swords, but for Yang Ming's learning swords, She's still quite interested.

After Zhao Ji said that, she walked towards the courtyard in the distance. Of course, Zhao Ji knew the place that belonged to her like the back of the palm of her hand.

However, when Zhao Ji was about to enter the courtyard, Yuanli said, "Queen Mother, should I call Captain Yang and the others first?"

"What's the reason? Is it possible that Ai's family is still waiting here for the two of them?" Zhao Ji asked back, a little dissatisfied with Yuanli's troubles.

"Queen Mother, it's better to let the servants hand over Yang Xiaowei and the startling salamander." Yuan Li said awkwardly.

"No need." Zhao Ji didn't hear what was going on between Yuan Li's words at all, and she had already stepped into the courtyard.

However, Zhao Ji, who walked into the courtyard, suddenly stopped in her tracks. At this time, the garden was almost bare due to the season, so the field of vision was considered wide, so Zhao Ji who walked into the courtyard could see it at a glance. I saw where Yang Ming was.

But, just because I saw it, the empress dowager Zhao who was so aggressive just now, who dares to stop me, stopped by herself, stood still, and looked at the scene in the distance, her expression fluctuating.

"Oh." Yuanli saw Zhao Ji who stopped, but she didn't know where she was. Zhao Ji had already seen it. Captain Yang, I have tried my best, but the Queen Mother won't listen to my advice.

Just when Yuanli was about to mourn for Yang Ming and the startling salamander, she found that Zhao Ji was just standing stiffly in the distance, with a very rich expression on her face, but she didn't have the anger she imagined.

There seems to be something wrong with this.

"Too..." Yuan Li was about to say something, and she wrote a letter for Yang Ming and Jing Xi. She believed that as long as she talked to Zhao Ji, with Yang Ming and Jing Xi's martial arts, they would not fail to discover their relationship. exist.

But just as Yuan Li opened his mouth, Zhao Ji glared at him, and the next words were blocked in his throat.

After Zhao Ji stopped Yuanli, she turned her gaze back to the depths of the courtyard, where there were two figures in front of the stone table.

In Zhao Ji's line of sight, Yang Ming is sitting on a stone bench, while the startling salamander is sitting on a stone table. There is a height difference between the two, and it is precisely because of this height difference that the startling salamander can hug perfectly. Yang Ming's neck, and Yang Ming also happened to be able to touch the front of the startled salamander.

The scarlet salamander's apricot-yellow dress was messy, and Zhao Ji could even see the ribbon on Yang Ming's shoulders, which was the ribbon that the scarlet salamander used to tie his waist.

In Zhao Ji's sight, the front of the startled salamander slipped to the sides, and Yang Ming...

For a moment, Zhao Ji only felt that her heart was hot, and even her chest seemed to be hot, and an indescribable feeling lingered in her chest.

Zhao Ji is no stranger to this feeling, and she is not a girl of thirteen or fourteen, so there is nothing she doesn't know.

However, the impact of the scene in front of Zhao Ji is still huge. She is the queen mother, but she is also a widow. When her eyes stare at the scene in the distance with uncertain expressions, she is also torturing herself .

"The empress dowager's face is more important than the life of a lowly official." Suddenly, what Yang Ming said once appeared in Zhao Ji's mind.

At that time Yang Ming was so loyal, but thinking about it now...

Zhao Ji realized in a trance that Yang Ming was probably deceiving herself. At that time, Yang Ming wanted to go to Wei State so urgently. It was because of the startled salamander who was holding him in his arms at this time, not necessarily because of herself. The so-called empress dowager's face is more important than the life of a lowly official, but it's just the same as those flattering people.

Regarding other people's flattery, although Zhao Ji knows that the other party's motives are impure, she will accept it as long as she is in a good mood. She doesn't care about other people's motives, as long as she is in a good mood.

But now, Zhao Ji experienced a very heavy sense of betrayal. The words of the past were still lingering in her mind, but she had lost the warmth of the past, but after the cold, there was boiling anger.

"It turns out he was lying to Ai's family." Zhao Ji sighed suddenly, just as Yang Ming said to Wei He, Zhao Ji has the intelligence of a little girl, but she doesn't have the great wisdom to control power. What a stupid person.

With Zhao Ji's sigh, the anger that was still filling her chest just now disappeared without a trace, replaced by a feeling of emptiness.

Yuanli observed Zhao Ji carefully, and couldn't help but sweat for Yang Ming, but Zhao Ji's reaction was completely beyond her expectation: the Queen Mother was not angry.

But it was precisely because of this that Yuanli's heart was filled with even heavier worries.

If the angry Zhao Ji is just scary, but the calm Zhao Ji in front of her seems to be scary.

What is going on in front of me?Yuanli thought in bewilderment.

(End of this chapter)

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