Qin Shi: Sword Asks the Bright Moon

Chapter 152 True and False

Chapter 152 True and False

When Zhao Ji returned to the bedroom, the scene she saw in the garden just now kept replaying in her mind, and the words Yang Ming had said to her appeared from time to time in her ears.

"The face of the mourning family." Thinking about it, Zhao Ji couldn't help but let out a long sigh, feeling dull.

"What's wrong with Aijia?" Zhao Ji stretched out her hand to caress her heart, and pressed the soft object into a deep dent. She seemed to want to touch her heart and see what was going on in her heart. an idea of.

There was a fact in front of Zhao Ji, Yang Ming, who made her look different, seemed no different from those who flattered her and wanted to get something from her.

Zhao Ji had already seen such people a lot. If she was in a bad mood, she would punish such a person. If she was in a good mood, she would not mind letting such a person get some benefits.

But Yang Ming?Thinking of Yang Ming's possible deception, Zhao Ji found that she, who should be angry, couldn't get angry at all, and only had a feeling of emptiness.

It was a feeling of disappointment, disappointment replaced anger, and this was the first time for Zhao Ji.

Thinking of the young man she saw in Qilin Pavilion that afternoon, Zhao Ji couldn't help feeling lost.

Thinking back to the contact between the two, from the chat when they had nothing to do, to the martial arts competition for the captaincy of Ganquan Palace, to that afternoon, the blood flowing under the blade of the sword, and that little auntie.Zhao Ji suddenly realized that she had already had so much contact with Yang Ming.

In Zhao Ji's mind, a fact was clearly appearing, a fact that she hadn't been able to discover before, and she understood why she was not angry, only disappointed.

"Huh? It's really funny. Is the Ai family such a person?" Zhao Ji smiled, but the smile was very strange. It was a sad smile, a wry smile, or something else.

"If you want to get something from Aijia, then Aijia will give it to you. However, if you lie to Aijia again, Aijia will never let you go." Zhao Ji thought about it and fell into a trap. In a distant memory.

Yuan Li, who had never been ten steps away from Zhao Ji, looked at Zhao Ji tremblingly. It was because Zhao Ji was too abnormal now, so abnormal that she developed a kind of unknown fear.

This made Yuanli feel sympathy for Yang Ming even more. In Oasis Palace, if anyone made Zhao Ji feel bad, she could make that person feel bad all over.

"I seem to have heard something just now?" In the garden, the startled salamander said to Yang Ming while arranging the wrinkled dress.

"This kind of place is not something everyone can come in and out of." Refreshed Yang Ming looked at the startled salamander whose cheeks were as charming as jade.

"But there are still people who can come in and out." Suddenly, the startled salamander seemed to have become much more alert, but caught the loopholes in Yang Ming's words in an instant.

"It's nothing, it's just being seen." Yang Ming stretched his arms, hugged the startled salamander horizontally, and put the limp ball on his lap.

"The Queen Mother and the others?" Jing Xi asked in amazement, and then a worry arose. A killer might not care about Zhao Ji's power, but as Yang Ming, the woman of the school captain of Ganquan Palace, Jing Xi had to let himself think about it. Many, many things.

"Yes." Yang Ming nodded.

"Then we were all seen just now?" The startled salamander looked a little more flustered.

"I'm afraid so, but don't worry, they won't see too much. You belong to me. I don't want others to take advantage of you, not even women." Yang Ming was half joking, half serious. Said knowingly.

"Is there really no problem?" The startled salamander was still worried.

"Don't worry, the queen mother didn't rush over immediately, and she won't say anything after that." Yang Ming said.

"Really? It's just, husband, how do you know that the Queen Mother will not pursue it later?" Jing Xi asked suspiciously. Although she had absolute trust in Yang Ming, just like when she was in Daliang, the Queen Mother Zhao involved, Yang Ming How could Ming be so sure?
It has to be said that no matter what kind of female killer she is, she is a woman after all, and some female talents flow in her blood. As long as there is a suitable opportunity, these potential talents will turn into reality.

"Because she is Queen Mother Zhao." Yang Ming said.

To deal with a woman like Queen Mother Zhao, it is necessary to pay attention to strategy, and Yang Ming and Zhao Ji are now in a process of mutual testing, intentionally or unintentionally, but Yang Ming's testing is out of initiative, manifested unintentionally, But Zhao Ji's temptation was passive, but manifested intentionally.

This process is a see-saw process, it depends on who can figure out the opponent's bottom line first, then the leading person will be able to take the initiative in this game.

"What's the answer?" Startled Salamander asked with slight dissatisfaction in her confusion, she felt that Yang Ming was perfunctory her.

"Okay, let's practice swords now." Yang Ming took the initiative to change the subject.

"Rest for a while, rest for a while." The startled salamander said slightly flustered.

"You?" Yang Ming looked at the startled salamander in astonishment. He could clearly feel that the temperature of the startled salamander's body had risen a lot in an instant.

"I'm talking about this sword." Yang Ming took the two long swords placed on the stone table and said.

"That's what I said." The startled salamander let go of his expression, and even Yang Ming couldn't see the startled salamander's real thoughts at the moment.

In the passage of time, Yang Ming's life was very peaceful. In the morning, he would deal with official duties or practice the guards on rotation. In the afternoon, he would learn swordsmanship with the startled salamander. In the evening, he would go to Meng's house every ten days. In such a monotonous life, time soon came to the fifth year of Qin Wangzheng.

However, during this period of time, Yang Ming saw Zhao Ji less and less frequently.

In the early spring of the fifth year of Qin Wangzheng, the spring breeze gradually blew away the winter cold, and the Guanzhong Plain was a little more vibrant and green.

But Yang Ming saw Zhao Ji again after a lapse of one month, and met the owner of Ganquan Palace.

On the river inside the Ganquan Palace, there is a small wooden bridge built. This is a separate courtyard of the Ganquan Palace. The small bridge flows, and the wooden house is fenced. There are swans frolicking on the river, and there are fish swimming around in panic. escape.

It is said that here is a piece of land specially circled by the Empress Dowager Xuan. In the Ganquan Palace of the high-rise hall, such a wooden house that is no different from ordinary people was built.

No one knows why such a powerful woman like the Empress Dowager Xuan built such an ordinary small courtyard in a place like Ganquan Palace, but some people know that the Empress Dowager Xuan often came here in her later years, standing alone on the small bridge , Looking at the flowing water under the bridge, touching the fence alone and thinking deeply, it seems to be remembering, but also like paying homage.

One afternoon, Zhao Ji came here alone, a place that had long since lost its owner.

Looking at the small bridge and flowing water in front of her, Zhao Ji suddenly understood why the Queen Mother Xuan came to such a place to be alone in her later years.

Ganquan Palace is too big, too magnificent, and there are too many people, but also because of this, it is easier to feel lonely in a place like Ganquan Palace.

The palace is too high and too big, so that people are so small in front of it. There are too many people, but none of them is a person who can really communicate with each other. The more people there are, the loneliness in contrast will be heavier.

"Sometimes, being too smart is really not a good thing." Zhao Ji looked at the running water and rubbed her forehead in distress.

In her sight, a group of patrolling soldiers passed by the palace wall in the distance. Seeing those imperial guards, Zhao Ji couldn't help but think of the person who seemed to have lied to her.

The distance was too far, Zhao Ji couldn't see anything, but suddenly, she saw a figure jumping down from the palace wall, the height of nearly five feet seemed to not exist under the person's feet, Zhao Ji There was only time to see an afterimage, and that person had already reached the ground.

Immediately, an afterimage flashed in the distance from time to time, getting closer and closer.

This is obviously a master, a master who is coming towards Zhao Ji. Such a master with unknown intentions approached Zhao Ji so quickly. Normally, Zhao Ji might have instinctively called for help, but at this time, she did not come out. sound meaning.

The speed of that figure was extremely fast, so fast that it was difficult for even a person with martial arts to distinguish the identity of the person who came, but Zhao Ji did not show any panic, because she knew who the person was, and in Oasis Palace, she dared to do this. There was only one person who ran wildly and recklessly.

"I've seen the Queen Mother before." Yang Ming, who came under the small bridge, bowed his hands to Zhao Ji and saluted.

"Lieutenant Yang, running so unscrupulously in the most important place of the palace violated the prohibition of Ganquan Palace. As a captain of Ganquan Palace, you should know what kind of crime this is." Looking at Yang Ming who appeared in front of her, Zhao Ji said calmly. Said.

Once Zhao Ji wanted to tame Yang Ming, just like taming a pet. Later, with the start of Zhao Ji's taming plan, she regarded Yang Ming as her descendant. Those words of "little aunt" echoed in her mind countless times , branded in her heart.

At that time, she didn't think much about it, but as time went by, with the appearance of the startled salamander, Zhao Ji suddenly realized a fact, a fact that even she dared not face up to.

It was precisely because of this that even though she had begun to suspect that Yang Ming might just be deceiving her more, she still couldn't get angry, but instead felt a sense of relief.

If everything is false, Zhao Ji will be disappointed, but she will not have more emotions, such as anger, but what if everything is true?

"Then ask the queen mother to punish you." Faced with Zhao Ji's calmness, Yang Ming smiled, without any sense of dignity.

At this time, the sunlight was projecting on Yang Ming's body, which made Zhao Ji feel the temperature of the sunlight from Yang Ming's body. At this moment, Zhao Ji suddenly had an impulse, she hoped that it was true.

(End of this chapter)

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