Infinite Flame Break

Chapter 128 Questioning

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As the blood flowed out from his chest, Wo Jin's breath slowly became faintly visible, and the breath of life began to disappear. A black energy born of obsession slowly flowed out from Wo Jin's body and drifted towards Yu Zihan's back. At that time, a black shadow loomed behind Yu Zihan, and as the black energy absorbed increased, an ominous aura slowly emanated from the black shadow, Yu Zihan only felt his body sink, and then felt something there is none left.

As if aware of something, Kurapika pointed at Yu Zihan's back suspiciously, but before he could speak, Yu Zihan put his finger on his lips and gave a 'shh', signaling to Kurapika not to speak. The cursed shadow continued to cling to him.

After cleaning up the blood on his body, Yu Zihan took out a booklet from his pocket. The moment he saw the booklet, Kurapika's pupils couldn't help dilating, and he was about to ask Yu Zihan for the information about the Phantom Troupe. The pamphlet, but Yu Zihan's next action made him freeze in place. [

After Yu Zihan took out the booklet, he shook it a few times with a look of disdain, and then a flame ignited in his palm, burning the booklet that Kurapika wanted to into ashes.

"Yu Zihan, you!" Came back to his senses, Kurapika roared at Yu Zihan angrily, just as he was about to teach this man who played tricks on him, suddenly, Yu Zihan took out a CD from his arms and flew over , Kurapika was stunned again, and instinctively caught the disc, only to hear Yu Zihan say.

"It's so old, and you still use brochures. You guys, as a cutting-edge fashionista, how can I use brochures instead of CDs?" Yu Zihan wiped off the dust on his hands while Said.

"Uh, Yu Zihan, are you really planning to join the spider?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Otherwise, why would I kill Wojin?" Yu Zihan gave Kurapika a strange look, and then said with a smile, "Okay, don't force yourself to find a topic. I just like to do whatever I want." Life, my curiosity about the dark world is not a matter of a day or two, and there are many strong people in the brigade, which is more interesting and fun."

Seeing Kurapika, what else do I want to say? From Kurapika’s point of view, the Phantom Brigade is a vicious gangster criminal organization that kills people without batting an eyelid. Leaving, the worst result is to join forces with others. Yu Zihan's abilities are not only comprehensive, but also very strong. If he becomes an enemy, it will be very difficult.

"Okay, if you need my help in the future, feel free to ask me! When you are in a good mood, I will help you for free!" Yu Zihan took out a western-style coffin, which was the kind of coffin engraved with a cross that vampires lived in in movies. After putting Wojin's body in, he started the Dakong motorcycle, and said to Kurapika: "I will find you later, I have already agreed with Xiaogang and the others to meet you, don't talk nothing! "

"I didn't agree!" Kurapika couldn't help getting annoyed when he heard that Yu Zihan made the promise for him without asking for his opinion.

"Then don't you want to meet Xiao Gang?"

"That, that's not..." Hearing Yu Zihan's rhetorical question, Kurapika flinched instead.

"That's it, I'm leaving first, bye! Take a taxi and go back by yourself!" After finishing speaking, regardless of Kurapika's reaction, he started the Daikong motorcycle and walked away.

The night wind blew up Kurapika's clothes, Kurapika glanced at the desert as far as the eye could see, sighed, and said helplessly, "Where can I take a taxi here?"

Just as Yu Zihan was driving the car towards the assembly point, at the same time, the spiders were gathering together at the assembly point.

"The person who uses the chain? It's the manipulator of the operation system or the materialization system. Although Wo Jin is proud of his overwhelming combat power, in a one-on-one battle, it is the two who are most likely to defeat him. A person with a variety of abilities. Many ability persons of the realization system can add special abilities to physical objects, and this ability is likely to prevent Wojin’s ability from being able to function normally. In the case of the operating system, if Wojin himself is manipulated, This is even worse." After listening to the reports of the knights and the others, the team leader Kuroro calmly analyzed.

After hearing Kuroro's words, the knight couldn't help feeling annoyed: "Really, we should go with him, damn it!"

"Wait until dawn, if Wo Jin has not returned, then we will change the plan!" Speaking of this, Kurolo concluded.

At this moment, there was a roar of motorcycles outside the meeting place. Hisoka, who was sitting on the stage, saw a spotlight shining from a distance, and a motorcycle was flying towards it, raising sand and dust.

"What's going on?" the knight who was discussing with Kuroro below looked up and asked.

"Hehehehe," Hisoka said with a smile, "It's nothing, it's just that my kid is back, oh, he seems to have brought a gift back."[

Following Hisoka's words, Yu Zihan, who was driving at full speed, had already come to the outside of the ruins, Yu Zihan kicked outside, the motorcycle collided with the stones outside the ruins, and the whole motorcycle flew up with the coffin dragged behind, It smashed through the glass and landed directly in front of everyone. After Ma Qi waved away the glass shards on his body in dissatisfaction, he glared at Yu Zihan.

"Oh, are you all waiting for me? I'm so flattered!" After finishing speaking, Yu Zihan turned to look at Ma Qi and stared at her. After a while, he said, "I'm sorry, I'm not casual Man, I wouldn't like you even if you looked at me like that!"


"Little ghost, do you know that it is very rude to rush around like this, and although the leader said that you are a reserve member, in my opinion, you are nothing!" Nobunaga raised his hand to stop Ma Qi who was about to run away, Although Chang usually looks ruthless, in fact he and Wo Jin are good friends, Yu Zihan has to admire him for being so calm when he is not sure of his friend's safety.

"Okay, I won't be a member of the reserve team soon, okay?" Yu Zihan waved his hand with a smile, pulled out the coffin from behind, kicked it, and the coffin opened immediately, revealing the corpse of Wo Jin lying inside , "Look!"






"Little devil, you are a bastard who uses chains! You killed Wo Jin!" Nobunaga immediately drew out his knife and swung it at Yu Zihan without thinking. Immediately ignited a ball of flames, drew a wall of flames to resist Nobunaga's attack, and then said: "Hey, don't wrong the good man, I also brought Wo Jin back with good intentions to prevent Te Violent Corpse from being left in the wild, and you carefully Check Wojin's scars, my ability is flame, his death has nothing to do with me!"

Seeing Yu Zihan open his eyes and talking nonsense, Hisoka couldn't help laughing 'hehehe', and then said: "Nobunaga, don't mess around, after all, Yu Zihan is the person I brought, if you doubt him, just It's like doubting me."

"Hmph, you're not a good thing either!" Nobunaga said indifferently. Those who can become members of the Phantom Troupe are all powerful and proud people, so Nobunaga didn't care about Hisoka's emergence at all. murderous.

"Nobunaga, calm down!" The chivalrous man who was carefully observing Wo Jin's body continued to inspect and said, "Yu Zihan is right, the wound on Wo Jin's body was indeed not caused by flames, unless you think that Yu Zihan was not only caused by flames Ability, as well as chains, and the ability of the strengthening department is on par with Wo Jin!"

"Hmph, of course it's impossible!" After hearing the knight's words, Nobunaga also felt very reasonable, put the knife into the scabbard with a 'swish' sound, and after he finished speaking, he came to Wo Jin's body and looked at it. The last side of Wojin.

"Yu Zihan, can you tell me what's going on?" At this time, the group leader Kurolo finally spoke.

"No problem," Yu Zihan jumped back, sat on a pile of rocks, dangling his feet, and said, "I was in the Gordon Desert and was about to come back here, but unexpectedly, I heard the sound of an explosion. , and then curious, after all we chatted all day, when I went there, I saw Wojin lying on the ground dying, in order to save him, I injected him with a large shot of morphine, I wanted him to support himself , Come back here, let you treat him, but unfortunately, he died in the end." After speaking, Yu Zihan pretended to wipe the corners of his eyes, as if there were real tears!

"You are lying. If it was really a chance meeting, why would you bring the coffin? Don't tell me that you have the habit of walking with the coffin." Ma Qi said disdainfully, as if he had dismantled a huge coffin. Like a lie.

"What are you talking about so much, let Paknotan read his memory, won't it be clear?" The grumpy Feitan couldn't help but say something when he saw that everyone said that there was nothing constructive.

"I also agree with what Feitan said, we are arguing here." Kube said.

"You have no objections, Yu Zihan?" Kuroro nodded, and then asked Yu Zihan.

"I'm fine!" Yu Zihan said so-called. [


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