Infinite Flame Break

Chapter 129 The New Spider

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Originally, the book review area was always deserted, but since Ruth died, everyone has been boiling. Well, at everyone's request, let's correct Yu Zihan's distorted personality a little, but everyone should be patient.Don't worry, Ruth will be resurrected, plus Sophia, hugging left and right?Do you really think this route is okay?


"Then I'm here!" After hearing everyone's decision, Paknotan, the heroic woman with short blond hair and wearing an office girl, came over under Kuroro's gesture, "Don't worry, it won't hurt, just need to Just recall the situation at that time, this is my telekinetic ability 'Memory Exploration', it won't harm you."

After finishing speaking, Paknotan came to Yu Zihan, and placed his right hand on Yu Zihan's forehead. [

"Is it all right to just recall the situation at that time? It's just that, I have no problem." Yu Zihan let Paknotan put his hand on his forehead without any precautions, as if he didn't care about the memory being watched by others, just It seemed that Wo Jin's death really had nothing to do with him, but after feeling the activation of Paknotan's ability, Yu Zihan showed a strange smile, "I'm fine, I'm afraid you have problems!"

With the activation of Paknotan's ability, Yu Zihan also closed his eyes, and began to fly to the Gordon Desert to recall. It was nothing at first, but the so-called memory not only records the objective reality, but also records the subjective mood. , as the scenery of the Gordon Desert entered Paknotan's mind, the memories of Yu Zihan's three personalities also flooded in.

Yu Zihan's main character sighed at the scenery, and then ran wildly, thinking of sand, buildings, and atoms, which can be described as all-encompassing and unconstrained, but for Paknotan, he was at a loss, completely clueless, and then, " Lie's feelings about the Gordon Desert also came out. If the subjective memory of the main character is a miscellaneous book, then the memory of 'Lie' is a collection of weapons, killing arts, and twisted and abnormal thoughts.* *, how many people can be buried alive in that sand pile, what shape of killing tool can that piece of sand be ground into, that place is very suitable for shooting and assassination...

No matter how messy the memories of normal people are, there is still a main thread running through them, but the memories that erupt at the same time as the main character and "Lie" are indeed like allowing Paknotan to accept the memories of two people at the same time, and each A person's information flow is huge.At this time, Paknotan couldn't help but snorted in pain, but even more terrifying things were yet to come.

Compared with the memory of the wild faction of 'Lie', 'Zhi' is more rational, scientific, and regular. With his own personal experience and the support of Chaos, within a short distance of more than ten meters, 'Zhi' has already I will analyze the climate, terrain, specialties, and humanities of the Gordon Desert. I have already estimated and planned the weather of the Gordon Desert in the next ten days, or the use of the sand in front of me. Yes, but the speed of thought that has reached the limit of human beings, in addition to being able to come up with secret schemes, will also generate a huge amount of information flow, and the transmission speed is like an optical fiber.

Before Yu Zihan could recall seeing Kurapika, Paknotan let out a muffled snort, then bled from his nose, and fell to the side as if injured.

"Paknotan!" Seeing Paknotan who was weak as expected, everyone couldn't help exclaiming, and then glared at Yu Zihan, and Nobunaga, who had always been dissatisfied with Yu Zihan, drew his knife and slashed at Yu Zihan again, Yu Zihan couldn't help but I thought, 'Could it be that Nobunaga and I don't get along well, why do you cut me off every time there is any movement?Damn, it's really a tiger that doesn't show its power, you really think I'm helloktty!'

Thinking of this, Yu Zihan jumped into mid-air, and then used the flames of the sky to accelerate in mid-air, moving in the air like a shooting star, at a speed that even Nobunaga, a seasoned swordsman, could not capture. At that time, Yu Zihan came behind Nobunaga, "Where are you looking? Stupid..."

Before Yu Zihan finished speaking, he avoided Nobunaga's knife with an arched bridge, only to hear Nobunaga scold angrily: "I knew you would appear behind me, it's an old-fashioned attack pattern!"

"I think so too!" After Yu Zihan made an arch bridge, he then performed a backflip. This time, Yu Zihan's feet did not fly out of the knife like they did when he was fighting Wo Jin, but Yu Zihan was on his feet. The flame of the sky was ignited on the ground, and with Yu Zihan's kick, the fiery flame drew two crescent moons of flame in the air.

At this time, Nobunaga used his thoughts to build a 'circle' with a radius of four meters.The so-called 'circle' is an advanced joint application technique of 'wrapping' and 'practicing', allowing the qi to expand outward with itself as the center of the circle, and to detect intruders within the range covered by the qi.At the moment when the flames rushed over, Nobunaga avoided the two flames like a stroll in the courtyard, and then gradually approached Yu Zihan.

"Really, if I don't make a move, don't think I'm weak. I'm not serious about fighting you, but I'm not interested. Although it is said that as long as I fight with you, as long as I win, I can officially become a full-fledged member of the brigade, but in this case It's too chatty, originally I wanted to slowly explode my ability, and then let you beg me to join, but now that you are so aggressive, then I will not be polite!" Yu Zihan looked coldly at Nobunaga who was approaching step by step , said in a cold tone.

Maggie, who had been inspected by Paknotan, was about to stop this so-called battle, but Kurolo stopped him, motioning for the battle to continue.

Yu Zihan used flame eruptions to fly in the air, while Nobunaga used the narrow environment and walls in the building to continuously make jumps. In this way, the two staged a chasing battle in the air.Seemingly tired of procrastinating like this, Nobunaga put the sword away, made a posture of drawing the sword, and prepared to strike with all his strength.And Yu Zihan, who was still in mid-air, saw Nobunaga's posture, smiled and followed in the posture of drawing his sword. When Yu Zihan didn't take the initiative to use other abilities, Yu Zihan fell from the air naturally.

"Blade drawing technique!" Nobunaga shouted lightly, and when he got closer to Yu Zihan, he made preparations to attack.

"Flame Sword Drawing Technique, Meteor!" Yu Zihan clenched his left hand into a fist and put it on his waist, while his right hand also clenched into a fist and put it on his left hand. The flames in the left and right hands kept colliding, not only raising the flame power, but also in Yu Zihan's hands. The moment Han let go of the suppression, that explosive power will be even more astonishing.

Nobunaga pulled out the blade sharply and quickly, drawing a crescent moon in the air, and Yu Zihan also let go of the restraint on the flame at the same time. Under the conscious pull, Yu Zihan's right hand was like pulling out a knife. Out of a flame, a red crescent moon was drawn in the sky.

The red crescent moon and the icy crescent moon collided in the sky, creating strong air currents that blew in all directions.

"It's been a long time since I saw Nobunaga so serious!" [

"Of course, in the brigade, the relationship between Nobunaga and Wojin is the best. Now that Wojin is dead, it is right to explode."

"Unexpectedly, this newcomer's strength is really good, and he can be on par with Nobunaga."

"Not a match? No, Nobunaga hasn't even come up with his ultimate move yet!"

"Looking at the relaxed look on that kid's face, do you think he has no tricks?"


As the battle continued, after confirming that Paknotan was fine, everyone watched the battle like a spectator, and there was a lot of discussion.But after the dust aroused by the aftermath dispersed, the situation in the arena was also shown in front of everyone. Although Nobunaga was in a mess, he looked refreshed after a fight as if he had relieved the suffocation in his heart. Shuang said to Yu Zihan: "Little devil, you lost!"

At this time, everyone turned their attention to Yu Zihan, only to see that his right arm was empty, and the broken arm was on the floor not far away. Although no blood flowed out at all, everyone just thought that Yu Zihan was using his power of thought. Control blood vessels and muscles, and seal the outflow of blood.

"I lost? Not necessarily!" Although his right hand was broken again, Yu Zihan didn't care at all, so he smiled. At this moment, Yu Zihan activated the pattern of the sun behind him. The black energy generated by the activation of the flames had already entered into the chaos in Yu Zihan's body, but now part of it floated into the shadow that was looming again.

With the activation of Yu Zihan's Sun Flame, flames began to gushes from the fractured part of Yu Zihan's right arm, and the arm on the floor slowly turned into a large ball of flames, which divided into groups of small flames and flew into the flames on the broken arm With the addition of flames, when the flames formed by the severed arm on the floor flew into the flames at the fracture, an arm made of flames appeared in front of everyone, and Yu Zihan moved to the side With a strong flick, those flames were immediately extinguished, revealing a strong arm.

Yu Zihan squeezed his right hand tightly, then sent it, then squeezed his right hand again, after repeating this several times, Yu Zihan handed his right hand to Nobunaga, smiled and said to Nobunaga: "Look, this is not Is it all right?"

Except for Hisoka and Maqi, who had already surpassed Yu Zihan's performance, everyone present had only heard of Yu Zihan's ability. Now that they saw it with their own eyes, even Kuroro couldn't help showing curiosity and surprise. .

Just when Nobunaga saw Yu Zihan standing in front of him intact, he was about to draw his sword again, at this moment, Kuroro clapped his hands to signal to stop, "Okay, don't fight, let's listen to Pike Notan's words."

After hearing Kuroro's words, Nobunaga reluctantly put the knife back into the scabbard, glared at Yu Zihan, and then walked in the direction of Paknotan.After seeing Nobunaga's angry glaring, Yu Zihan whistled nonchalantly, and then walked over, only to hear Paknotan say: "Although the amount of information is very large, it caused discomfort, but I also read it, and he really did not See the one with the chains."

Hearing what Paknotan said, everyone made dissatisfied voices, not because they were dissatisfied that Yu Zihan was not the murderer, but because they were dissatisfied with not being able to capture Kurapika as a reward.

For Yu Zihan who possessed the sea of ​​consciousness, it was easy to create fake memories or directly project a virtual image to Paknotan.Moreover, Yu Zihan, who is familiar with micro-expression psychology, is not only familiar with how to tell a lie from a lie, but also how to lie, so in view of Paknotan's words and Yu Zihan's just right dissatisfaction, everyone believes that Yu Zihan is indeed related to Wo Jin's death .

"Okay, although Wojin is dead, we still have to live on, and good medicine will continue to be a thief!" Finally, Kurolo concluded, "Yu Zihan, now you will take Wojin's place, would you like to take the place of Wojin? ?"

"Of course, I'm very happy," Yu Zihan replied with a smile, then seemed to think of something, and said with a teary face, "However, can Wo Jin's number '11' be changed, I don't want to be a bachelor!"



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