Infinite Flame Break

Chapter 174 Night Attack

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"Hahaha, don't worry about it, my companion is just joking." Zheng Zha laughed exaggeratedly, then came to Yu Zihan's side and said, "Yu Zihan, don't be so exaggerated, what we want is a cat, not a lion !"

"Hey, a lion is also a cat, don't mistake a lion for a cat!" Yu Zihan said dissatisfied.

"Anyway, we won't take this 'cat' on board, so get rid of it quickly!" Zheng Zha grinned and said, after enduring Yu Zihan's off-line behavior for so long, Zheng Zha was about to explode no matter how good-tempered he was. [

"Okay," Yu Zihan gave Zheng Zha a depressed look, then hugged the lion and said, "Ding Dong, I'm sorry, I can't take you away this time, you have to be obedient..."

O'Connor and the others are fine, but Zheng Zha, who are familiar with a certain animation in the island country, was once again slapped by Yu Zihan, who actually changed the name of the lion to 'Ding Dong', why not change it to 'Doraemon'!

"Okay, that ferocious Zheng Zha told me to get rid of you, then I'll let you go." After finishing speaking, Yu Zihan pulled hard, breaking the iron chain tied around Ding Dong's neck, and then slapped hard Ding Dong's ass, drive it towards the center of the city to get z you, Ding Dong ran into the crowd while roaring, the whole town screamed, and the instigator, Yu Zihan, looked like sending his son blood , while waving his hand, shouted loudly: "You must come back often, and write letters if you have time. Remember, you must brush your teeth after eating people, and you must cover yourself with a quilt at night..."

"No, I won't take risks with them, he's a lunatic!" Jonathan, who witnessed what happened, pointed to Yu Zihan who was obsessed with his own script in fear, and said to O'Connor with wide eyes.

"Okay, don't refuse, I'll give you a few gifts." When Ding Dong's figure disappeared, Yu Zihan, who was originally grieving, immediately changed his face and turned cold. After taking a look at Jonathan, he took out the Throwing a few gold nuggets into his arms, he said, "Now tell me, will you allow us to board the boat?"

The money-greedy Jonathan didn't blink when he saw these gold nuggets, and after hearing Yu Zihan's question, he hurriedly said, "How could you not be allowed on board? You are my best friend." My friend, your name is Yu Zihan, right?"

After the farce ended, Zheng Zha walked up to the three of them, and he said with a cool smile: "Hehe, hello, my name is Zheng Zha, and these people are all my partners. We are an expedition team sponsored by a rich man in the United States." , the purpose is to find possible secret places in the world... Of course, the legendary capital of the dead in Egypt is also one of the secret places for this adventure. We will provide the fare on the way, and we will also provide you with enough safety by the way. Protection, of course, please follow some of our advice during the exploration, and don’t do things that will endanger everyone’s lives, that’s basically it.”

During the chat yesterday, Zheng Zha asked O'Connor not to reveal their identity as the Lord's fighters, and the only set of rhetoric was agreed last night.

Eve, who had been looking at O'Connor, was first attracted by Yu Zihan's magic stick, and then startled by the lion jingle. Her brain hadn't processed these things well. After hearing Zheng Zha's words, she Then he came back to his senses and said hastily: "What, what! We didn't join your expedition team! We are looking for the existence of the capital of the dead in a private capacity, why should we listen to your advice? What is the fee? Classes are unnecessary, and we can still afford them..."

Zheng Zha quickly shook his head and said: "I think you may have misunderstood, our purpose is just 'adventure', and we are not interested in the gold we get from the expedition..."

On the other side, Yu Zihan threw a few more gold nuggets to Jonathan, and Jonathan immediately changed his formation and became on Yu Zihan's side, persuading him earnestly, "Sister, you have to trust our friends! Trust our friends!" friendship!"

Eve's reaction was even more intense now, she almost blushed and roared: "You just hold your money and die! Ah, I get it! Your goal is the Black Dead Bible or the Golden Resurrection Truth" Sutra? Don’t even think about it! Impossible! Even if such ancient documents really existed, how could they be handed over to that rich man? Absolutely, absolutely impossible! Such documents are treasures of history and culture, and I will never hand them over to you !"

Zheng Zha saw that many people around him looked at them in surprise, and even vaguely felt a hostile gaze, so he could only shake his head and said, "Okay, okay, we don't take anything, is that okay? Just 'Adventure' is just an 'adventure'... oh, women...everyone is paranoid." After speaking, he led everyone into the travel boat on the river.

But Eve was still relentless, she tugged on O'Connor's clothes and said, "You swear what he said is true? No matter, they are the ones you brought anyway! You swear they will never take those two This book? Can you promise me? Otherwise, I jng sue you..."

Facing this grinning little woman, O'Connor could only smile wryly, especially when he saw that Zheng Zha and the others had already boarded the travel boat, his smile was particularly bitter...

When boarding the boat, Yu Zihan asked in a low voice: "Didn't the mission say that I can't kill this cock? Can I cut off her tongue?"

In any case, O'Connor finally got Eve settled. By the time he boarded the ship, Zheng Zha had already used the same gold grain 'attack' as Yu Zihan to cover most of the first-class cabin. Is it a gold nugget or a gold grain, as long as it is gold, it is his favorite. After getting a gold grain, this man immediately began to call Zheng Zha and others brothers and sisters. Of course, those who have seen the legend of ghosts People, they will stay away from this man named Jonathan, because he is really a very qualified thief, and he will touch things on you without knowing it.

"Follow the river downstream until noon tomorrow. We will disembark at this ferry, and then walk westward for about half a day to reach the largest and only oasis on the way to the capital of the dead. It is also a nearby merchant. The trading place, where we will purchase supplies such as camels and fresh water, after that, we will continue to move southwestward, and if there is no accident, after three days and three nights, we will arrive at Hamna Tower, the capital of death..."

O'Connor spread out a simple map of the nearby area on the desktop, he pointed to the map and said to the others. [

Eve quickly asked, "Accident? What kind of accident?"

O'Connor didn't say much, he suddenly threw the package he was carrying on the table from the ground, and then opened the package, it was full of pistols, rifles, and pistols and rifles, which seemed to be enough for several people up.

Eve stared at the package and was stunned. She said stupidly, "I... did I make a mistake? Are we going on an adventure? Are we going to fight?"

O'Connor ignored her, but picked up a pistol and loaded it, and said while filling it, "Miss, that place is not quite right... There is something under the tomb, and there are a group of mysterious people Guarding that tomb...there is a veritable capital of the dead, and there are far more people who died there than the living who are about to go there!"

Eve quickly said to Zheng Zha: "Didn't you say you would protect us? I only need those two books, and you can take all the other things...Although it is only my brother who thinks there is a treasure there, I don't Think you guys can really find priceless gold..."

"There are indeed treasures there, and do you think we care about money? And why do you think we should listen to you? Beauty, please realize one thing, we do follow O'Connor for some reason, but here It doesn't include you, don't make noise in front of me, otherwise, I'll throw you into the river and drown you!" Seeing Eve messing around there, Yu Zihan threatened impatiently.

"You..." Eve pointed at Yu Zihan with a blushing face and said, "How can you talk like that? Are you a priest or not? You actually..."

"Okay," Yu Zihan waved his hand impatiently, "All people are created by the Lord, judging by your appearance, the Lord must have forgotten to give you a heart and lungs, and you look heartless! I It’s just sending you back to the factory for repairs, remember to thank me when you get off the quilt!”


At this moment, Xiao Honglu, who had been sitting quietly all this time, suddenly interrupted her, and asked to himself, "What time is it?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, Zheng Zha looked at his watch and said, "It's past ten o'clock..." He was stunned for a moment, and then he saw Xiao Honglu nodded slightly towards him.

When I was still in the hotel yesterday, Zhan Lan had already told everyone the whole plot of the legend of ghosts and ghosts, and I don’t know if it was because she had strengthened her jng power. The details were all told, and it almost made everyone relive the story of the legend of ghosts and ghosts.

It was only then that Zheng Zha recalled that they would be attacked by the crowd in black at night, and the time should be around this time.

"Eve, you go get the go get the map and the disc, zero point, Zhang Jie, you protect her all the way... O'Connor, accompany me to find Jonathan, he should be with those Americans now Playing poker? The rest of the people stay on guard and listen to the orders of Zhan Lan, Qi Tengyi, and Zhao Yingkong if something happens... Let's go, the story begins!"

Zheng Zha stood up, took the high-vibration particle cutting dagger out of the ring, and then took the lead to walk over to the deck of the cabin.

At this moment, Jonathan is playing poker with the Americans. Looking at his pale face, he can tell that this brother must have bad luck, and there is a golden gold in front of the American opposite him. Nathan has obviously lost the gold he got from Zheng Zha.

"Hey, two brothers, do you want to come and play too?" Jonathan saw Zheng Zha, O'Connor and others. Of course, although Zheng Zha was holding a dagger in his hand, the high-vibration particles cutting the The appearance is really not very good, so no one thinks that it will be a murder weapon.

O'Connor was also a little dazed, and he asked Zheng Zha strangely: "What happened? I always feel that the expressions of your group seem very strange..."

Before O'Connor finished speaking, there was a burst of gunshots not far from the cabin, and then everyone saw billowing black smoke rising from the back cabin, and everyone was still a little dazed, and then a standing male waiter followed suit. He fell onto the deck with a thud, and judging from his bleeding chest, this man was dead.


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