Infinite Flame Break

Chapter 175 Capital of the Dead

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The Americans who gambled with Jonathan reacted the fastest. They yelled and pulled out their pistols from their waists, and imitated the cowboy's yelling and kept shooting around, but Jonathan's reaction was not slow. , the movement was even more neat, I saw his hands moving on the table for a while, the most conspicuous gold grains and a few banknotes on the table disappeared instantly, and then he ran towards Zheng Zha and Zheng Zha with his head in his arms. With a series of clean and neat movements, Yu Zihan felt that Jonathan was definitely a material for playing thieves!

Zheng Zha held the dagger, and he took the submachine gun out of the ring, and then he said, "O'Connor, protect Jonathan, and then go back to the cabin to meet them. Do you remember where you went ashore? ? When the time comes, don’t go to the wrong shore.”

O'Connor also reacted quickly, he pulled out two pistols from his waist, and then murmured: "Men in black... how do they know we are going to the capital of the dead? And the number is really outrageous... ..."[

"Yeah, the number is really cheating..."

Yu Zihan still remembers that in the original movie, there were only about ten men in black who boarded the boat to attack. Apart from setting fires everywhere, the number of men in black was not enough to wipe out the people on board, but this time there were actually [-] people who boarded the boat and attacked There are dozens of them, and there are still a steady stream of people climbing up along the side of the boat.

The power of a miniature submachine gun is already comparable to that of a heavy machine gun in this era. Zheng Zha took the submachine gun and swept towards the edge of the boat. The edge of the boat was completely broken, and nearly ten men in black fell directly into the river below. Everyone looked at him blankly.

"It's okay, it's okay..." Zheng Zha has been guarding behind O'Connor and the two, and he murmured, "Fortunately, these things can be solved by relying on children. I really miss this way..."

Jonathan turned around and asked curiously: "Then what are the things that cannot be solved with zi?"

Yu Zihan said again like a magic stick: "This world is full of evil and demons. Many opponents cannot be solved by me, such as ghosts, and..."

At this moment, Yu Zihan frowned and looked into the distance, while Zheng Zha held the dagger and blocked the door in front of Jonathan. There were two bangs, and the two streams were blocked by the dagger.

"Damn, master, I'm saving the lost lamb, you banana guavas are actually slaughtering sheep behind the master? You don't want to live anymore, do you?" After finishing speaking, Yu Zihan took out a machine gun from the space bracelet,' beep beep beep beep 'began to scan.

Jonathan, who was frightened by Yu Zihan's method of creating things out of thin air, patted Zheng Zha's shoulder stupidly and said, "It's amazing, it's... a pistol."

This man's stealing behavior has become his instinct, and almost subconsciously he took out a pistol from Zheng Zha's arms, and then he excitedly followed behind Yu Zihan and kept shooting around, while Zheng Zha Both Zha and O'Connor shook their heads wryly.

After more than ten seconds like this, Yu Zihan took out the machine gun and exploded because he couldn't stand Yu Zihan's rage. The man in black directly burned the opponent's head, and when the opponent died amidst the screams, Yu Zihan shouted loudly while looking for the prey: "Send you to see God! Send you to see God! Send you to See God! Send you off..." From this we can see that although Yu Zihan is only a priest of Osply, he is still a dedicated priest, amen!

Not long after, Zheng Zha, Jonathan, and O'Connor had returned to the side of the boat where everyone was, Yu Zihan had gone to nowhere, and Eve, Zero Point, and Zhang Jie had returned with the disk and the map It's just that the cabin is billowing with smoke at the moment, and it seems that it has been completely ignited.

Zheng Zha didn't talk too much. After he put the submachine gun and dagger into the ring, he smiled and said to everyone: "Are you ready?"

O'Connor froze for a moment, then smiled and said, "Of course, I definitely remember that An is on the other side..."

Jonathan asked blankly, "What are you ready for? Hey, O'Connor, what did he say you're ready for?"

Zheng Zha didn't explain much, he pulled Jonathan and threw it directly into the river, and snatched the pistol back from his hand. When he was about to reach out to Eve, the little woman screamed and grabbed her. O'Connor was trapped, so Zheng Zha had no choice but to withdraw his hand. Who knew that his arms suddenly became heavy, and Zhan Lan hung in his arms with a smile, while Ling Dian, Zhao Yingkong and others had already started jumping into the river. go down.

"Then... let's begin."

After finishing speaking, Zheng Zha jumped into the river with a smile. The water in this river is not rushing, at least the people were not washed away by the river after jumping into the river. On the contrary, everyone followed behind O'Connor and slowly went to the bank As they swam, the travel boat behind them was completely lit, and it seemed that there was still a group of people jumping from the other side of the travel boat.

A few people in the team were not very good at swimming, but with mutual support, everyone swam to the river bank one by one, and it wasn't until they reached the bank that Eve cried out again: "Oh my god, my god !My tools, my clothes, and a lot of papers are gone, my God!" [

Zhan Lan is the most leisurely among the crowd. She has been swimming with Zheng Zha, holding a docile black cat in the other hand. After swimming to the shore, the little black cat is still clinging to her. Badly didn't move.

"Where's Yu Zihan?" After landing on the shore, Zhan Lan counted the number of people and found that Yu Zihan was gone.

"Him?" Zheng Zha scratched his head and said, "He said you didn't have enough fun and wanted to have a fireworks display. Look, isn't he right there?"

Following Zheng Zha's finger, everyone found a figure floating in mid-air above the boat, and took a closer look, who else could it be if it wasn't Yu Zihan!He shouted loudly: "The Lord said that there should be light in the world, so there is light in the world!" After shouting, Yu Zihan also coordinated a huge fireball in his hand. Although the fireball is big, its power is not strong. However, it was enough to blow up the boat on the river, and Yu Zihan shouted "Amen!" Then he threw the fireball down, and a dazzling fire appeared on the river!

There was silence as the ship burned slowly in the firelight.Suddenly, there was a roar from the other side of the river, and a wretched man stood on the other side of the river and yelled loudly: "O'Connor! Hey, O'Connor! Haha, it seems that you are so miserable, all the horses are here! Here, haha!"

"Hey, Benny, it looks like you've landed on the wrong shore, hahaha..." After laughing, you still have to face the reality. Everyone doesn't have any means of transportation, and it takes half a day on foot to reach the Oasis Market. Of course, if Yu Zihan It's not like he didn't have a means of transportation when his box beast was released, but why did Yu Zihan help them?

After walking like this for a long time, everyone followed O'Connor and the others to the largest oasis market before entering the desert. This oasis has abundant underground water veins, and it is simply a small town. Except that no one sells it, other things are ordinary Almost all commodities can be found, especially camels, which are necessary for entering the desert.

The people did not hesitate. After supplying fresh water and food, they bought thirteen more camels, and then they started to move towards the city of the dead. Even if they were sleepy and tired, they just took a nap on the camels for three days. Three nights passed quickly, and everyone was getting closer and closer to the capital of the dead.

It was early morning again, when Yu Zihan and the others felt numb and accustomed to the desert, suddenly a large team of dozens of people riding horses came out from the sand dunes in the distance, and the leader was just a few days ago on the other side of the river. The ridiculed Benny, O'Connor's former comrade-in-arms, another person who survived from the capital of the dead.

"Hi, good morning, my friend," Benny called to O'Connor from afar.

O'Connor didn't speak, and led the crowd closer and closer to the opposing team, and then the two sides stood in a row with a distance of several meters, and there was nothing but an empty sand field in front of them.

An American behind Benny asked strangely: "Why are we stopping? Didn't you say that we are very close to the capital of the dead? If you want to go, hurry up, what are you doing here?"

Benny said lightly: "My friend, be patient, it will be almost here..."

Behind O'Connor, Eve asked curiously in a low voice, "What are we doing here?"

"Here...waiting for the destination to appear." O'Connor replied in a low voice.

The American just now suddenly said loudly from a distance: "O'Connor, do you still remember the agreement at the gaming table that day? Whoever enters the city can get [-] yuan... Do you want to try who enters the city?"

"O'Connor, these people are in the way, can I send them all back to God for training?" Yu Zihan asked curiously, send them back to God for training?Wouldn't that send them to heaven?Just because the other party said a few offensive words, Yu Zihan seemed to kill life. This behavior made O'Connor secretly take a step away. From O'Connor's point of view, although the other party has magical powers, if he can control these powers They are all neurotic people like Yu Zihan, so even if O'Connor is chosen as the main fighter, he will keep his distance from these people.Unfortunately, what O'Connor didn't know was that all of this was Yu Zihan's lies.

While he was speaking, the sun slowly rose from the sand dunes in the distance, and the golden morning light spread to the earth. Under the light, a piece of stone ruins slowly appeared on the empty desert plain, and this, It is Hamna Tower, the legendary capital of the dead!

Hamna Tower, the capital of the dead, is a large-scale ancient city. From the remaining stone walls and boulders, it can be seen that this place was indeed once glorious, and even thousands of years have passed, it still remains With its remaining dignity.


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