Chapter 62 Chapter 14
The nano-scourge stopped.

The huge white waves collapsed into a pool of loose sand when they were about to cut off human vitality.

But everyone knows that it's not over yet.

It is impossible for Iron Man to only use nano-weapons. In fact, even without these terrifying weapons, Iron Man can still defeat human beings.

They have taken over almost all standard template STCs, and can sink continents and even extinguish the sun if they choose.

However, the iron men stopped their attack, which is really puzzling.

But thanks to this, human beings have room to breathe.

Because the enemies are nanobots, none of the dead can leave a body.

Although some words are a bit cruel to say, they are better than the truth. That is because the time spent on disposing of corpses is saved, and humans have more time to pull back the front line.

And the one who took the lead in the counterattack was the commander of the Mars Interstellar Defense Line——Ethan Suteres.

This young and brave commander has become a hero among mankind. As long as he is present, no matter how powerful Iron Man is, he can only exert less than [-]% of his strength.

He was called "the vanguard against Iron Man" and "the terminator of Iron Man" by the people who worshiped him.

But he is not the absolute focus, there is such an existence that attracts everyone's attention.

— King of Gold.

His radiance is brighter and hotter than the sun.

He terminated the nano-disaster with supreme divine power and saved human beings from the end of death.

Ethan's power boots stepped on the soft ground, and the scenery in his eyes quickly reversed.The dark green laser blade swept across the bodies of those fortress-shaped iron men, like a hot knife cutting butter, instantly cutting the defensive force field attached to the armor surface and the hard alloy inside into two halves.

Many iron men and human soldiers were puzzled to see this young commander actually go to the front line in person.

They all know that even if the new star of the Federation just sits in the rear, that magical suppressing force can still take effect.

And as a member of the Galaxy Federation, he himself does not have much sense of belonging to Terra.

Then why is he fighting the enemy on the land of Terra at this moment?
At this time, Ethan was unexpectedly calm, he was having a conversation with an existence in his mind.

"Magros, are you sure you're telling the truth?"

[This is the 430th time you ask me this question, human. 】

The voice was obscure and did not belong to any known language, but Ethan still understood the meaning.

"If the treasure is really stored on the earth by you and your kindred, why wouldn't it be taken away by your kindred."

[Because, they are probably all dead. 】

Ethan actually wanted to ask what Magros would do next if he found the treasure and regained his strength.

After all, he didn't ask. If he broke the connection with Magros because of this, it would be a real loss. After all, he believed in this real guy more than the illusory Golden King.

If there is only one person who can save all mankind, it must be me!
It may be arrogant, but for this person who has the help of the Star God fragment, he does have the qualifications to say such a thing.

【stop. 】

[Just below. 】

It was the first time that Magros spoke twice out of his own will, which showed his inner excitement.

The guy in power armor who was killing all directions on the battlefield suddenly stopped, making the surrounding humans and iron men all stare at him curiously.

Ignoring the surrounding gaze, Ethan took out a turbine-shaped device and stuck it to his chest.

Goal - 400 million meters underground.

"He is going to jump in a short subspace, is he crazy?"

"He wants to travel through the subspace with power armor, he is absolutely crazy!"

Watching Ethan disappear in place, news of his death reached the Mars colony authorities within minutes.

"Shocked, Commander Nova died of brain insanity! "

Holding his waist that was almost broken, Ethan struggled to dig through the sand and stones around him.

He does use space jumps, but not through the Warp, but through the power of Magros.

With only a few decimeters of deviation, Ethan was almost stuck in the sand and rocks.

The power armor weighing several tons landed safely on the metal ground, making a muffled "clang!" sound.

Ethan looked up and saw many mechanical equipment and intelligent products running.

【It seems that someone has already found him. 】

"Aren't we here in vain?"

【No, we came at the right time, and I can feel His vitality. 】

Ethan swallowed, for some reason, he always felt guilty inside.

【Walk in, He is at the end! 】Magros urged frantically, it is eager to complete and even sublimate itself.

Its power suppressed all the mechanical creations around it, making it impossible for them to even attack Ethan.

until he came to the end of the aisle.

The black door kept him out, even Magros couldn't open it, and the most powerful melta cannon in Ethan's hand had no effect on this door.

Until the door was opened by someone.

The blond woman hooked her hand at Ethan, "Strong man, since you are here, you are guided by fate. Come in."

Ethan cautiously did not choose to follow directly, and planned to have a few words first.But Magros directly controlled the Power Armor and walked in.

"This is obviously fraudulent! Are you driven crazy by greed?!" Ethan roared in his heart, but the answer he got nearly choked him to death.

[It doesn't matter, I will make a move! 】

Finally, Ethan faced the 'treasure' that Magros called.

The blond woman's voice was faltering: "I have stayed here for fifteen thousand years, not out of my own will, but imprisoned here. I made a promise with him that only when he leaves here can I be freed. But in this world, apart from him, No one is qualified to wake him up."

The woman turned her head suddenly, her gaze was like a torch, and she looked at Ethan who was wrapped in the can.

"Until I saw you in the prophecy."

What was reflected in her eyes was not Ethan's figure, but a dark green dragon beast with layers of black squares and green lightning interspersed with each other, with an ancient and mysterious figure.

"Shard of the Star God, I finally waited for you!"

[There is a problem, but it doesn't matter, I can solve it. 】Magros thought to himself, it felt that women were just pretending deliberately, if he could wake up, why didn't he wake up when they found him, and choose now?

Until it met His sight.

{dragon?Make do with it. }
Magros wanted to run, but the soles of his feet seemed to be glued to the floor, unable to move at all.

Black lines appeared on the body of the blond woman, and she knelt down to the crystal.

"Your return will surely make the world celebrate."

{Well done, Jeanne. }
"This is my honor!"

When Ethan woke up, he had returned to the surface.

The memory in his mind stays at the moment of entering the black door, and he has no image of what happened afterwards.

"Magros, have you... succeeded?" He said in an uneasy voice, planning for the worst in his heart.

If Magloth really wasn't going to follow the rules, there was nothing he could do about it.

[Well, it was a success. 】

[I have recovered part of it, you can call me Nitrug in the future. 】

Ethan breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that the other party did not intend to turn his face.

(End of this chapter)

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