Magnetic field Valkyrie Lu Mingfei

Chapter 63 The Third Year of Mankind

Chapter 63 Human No.30 Millenniums

"So, how did humans defeat Iron Man?" The child's innocent eyes were full of curiosity, "Since Iron Man is so powerful, why did humans still win?"

The old man held his grandson in his arms, his eyes were cloudy and confused, "Ah, did I talk about the Iron Man Rebellion? Where did I talk about it?"

The child didn't mind it either, shaking the old man's arm and reminding: "It's about humans defeating iron men."

The old man only felt that his arms were about to fall apart, grinning his teeth in pain, but he couldn't hide the joy on his face.

It's good that the child has strength, because in this day and age, only a boy with strength can have the chance to become a glorious Astartes warrior.

"Oh! It's about the end of the Iron Man Rebellion. In No. 20 three thousand years, the disappearance of the Iron King caused those rebellious Iron Man to fall into a leaderless situation, and Iron Hero Ethan was the last straw that overwhelmed them."

The old man couldn't help but smile when he saw his grandson's eyes brighten. His eyes were also so bright when he heard his father tell this history when he was young.

"The iron men of the rebellion were retreating in front of the Iron Heroes. This war has also ended with the victory of mankind. However. The iron men did not disappear. At the last moment of the battle, the remaining iron men were led by one of their senior leaders fled to the warp."

"Grandpa, what about Iron Hero, what happened to him?"

The grandson's behavior of not asking Iron Man but only caring about Iron Hero is very understandable, but the old man still couldn't help sighing.

"That's the end of the story. There's a lot of training waiting for you tomorrow." Putting the little boy down, the old man patted his head, motioning him to take a bath and go to sleep.

The little boy pouted, but he still walked obediently to his own little room.

A silver-haired man appeared behind the old man, knelt down on one knee and said, "Master, I don't think you need to instill these histories to the young master. With your shadow, he can live a peaceful and happy life."

The old man didn't turn his head back, his old voice was full of weakness that couldn't be concealed: "Haier, you are an orphan picked up by my son from the battlefield of Mars. You know the story of Ethan, right?"

The man opened his mouth, but did not speak. As a Martian, he naturally knew Ethan's story, but he also understood that the old man did not need his answer.

"Ethan has mastered the entire Mars, and he has become the biggest obstacle to the unification of mankind. Even the empire cannot smash this reef! The hero of the past has become the tyrant of today, and he is the obstacle to the great expedition of the empire!"

Mars, which is adjacent to Terra, has such a powerful independent armed government, so how can the emperor feel relieved to go on an expedition to the galaxy? !
The old man's mood was agitated, his Qi and blood were not smooth for a while, and his chest heaved rapidly.The silver-haired man immediately handed the medicine to the old man.

After swallowing the pill, the anger in the old man's eyes did not disappear.

"I am just a son. As a loyal soldier of the emperor, he should have left in the glory of conquering alien races and destroying oppression, but he died on Mars without knowing why! As a human being, I cannot and cannot resent Emperor, so I can only place my hatred on Ethan."

The old man rested his trembling hands on the dry bark, "I'm too old, even as a navigator, I can no longer lead the ship. However, just like his father, Luowa doesn't have the blood of an awakened navigator. Doomed not to be accepted by the family.”

Haier remained silent. As a servant, at this moment, he could only remain silent.

The old man looked far and wide, watching the setting sun.

Empire, do I still have a chance to witness your greatness?
In the No.30 millennium, the Great Crusade has not yet begun.

The tall man was dressed in black power armor, sitting on his own Iron Throne.

Huston, the great sage of the Mechanicus, bowed to him, showing his humility.

The man is the consul of Mars, the incarnation of the god of all possibilities, the Iron Emperor——Ethan Suteres.

After listening to the news reported by his subordinates, Ethan nodded calmly.

He could probably guess what the Emperor was thinking, and it wasn't beyond his expectations.In fact, he had already wanted to start a war with the Emperor, and the Emperor took the initiative to attack, which was exactly what he wanted.

The 7000-year period has also been a huge wear and tear on him, and his spirit is completely different from his youth.

Human beings are no longer so important to him, and it has always been the obsession in his heart that has supported him to go on.

The God of Man, as Nitelug calls it, will destroy all that is his.

Ethan never really believed in Nitruge, who had made a contract with him, but Nitruge's prophecies were often verified as true, which made him have to believe it.

Going to war.

There was no movement from Ethan, and the black tide suddenly spread from the bottom of his feet.Countless screams sounded in the Kuroshio, and even this mechanized hall began to distort.

The mechanical equipment radiates its emotions around.

The technical priests around knelt down, but the target was not Ethan.

"Praise the Lord of Myriad Chances!"

Ethan frowned, but returned to normal in an instant.

"Nitrug, you're awake."

[Friend, why not give up.You are definitely no match for him. 】

"Did you wake up just to tell me this?" Ethan obviously didn't take the other party's words to heart. "As you said in the past, mankind only needs one leader, and he and I are destined to have this battle."

[I will help you, but it is doomed to fail in the end. 】


Ethan got up from the Iron Throne, and the black tide drilled back into his body.

With a big wave of his hand, he said to the envoys below: "The war is inevitable. Regardless of the outcome, only one of me and the emperor can survive. Fuck, my heart has never been so disturbed, called People are extremely uncomfortable."

"This time, I'm probably about to lose, at the hands of the Emperor! But I'm so fucking unwilling! So even if it's a battle that I must lose, I will fight! What about you! Even if you know that you are doomed to fail, Are you still willing to fight the fucking empire with me?" Ethan's voice was like thunder, making the people under him terrified.

After a brief silence, the crowd began to frenzy.

"Hu~hu~, Emperor, I am willing to follow you!"

"Damn it, I just want the emperor to defeat that emperor!"

"Everyone loves the Emperor, but we Martians only love you!"

"Our technological power far surpasses that of Terra, you don't have to worry about it, Emperor!"

Looking at the fanatical courtiers, Ethan's face was full of satisfaction.

"Nitrug, I will prove your prophecy wrong."

【Maybe. 】

In the next few days, Mars began to prepare its military forces with great fanfare.

God bless the iron seat!

The same is true for Terra, and a large number of Astartes troops have returned to Terra to gather one after another.

For the Emperor!

This battle is inevitable.

Only the victor can dominate mankind.

【Hey. 】

somewhere in the warp,

The black-haired ghost held a long amethyst blade, with an uncontrollable ecstasy on his face.

"My father sent an oracle, it's time for us to go out."

Behind her, dark shadows knelt down.

For the great Nitrug!
 The pen is limited, the fucking Warhammer is so difficult for me to write!

  Kaul wasn't born yet, so I made one up for the Great Sage.

(End of this chapter)

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