Magnetic field Valkyrie Lu Mingfei

Chapter 70 God of Eyes, Great Rebellion

Chapter 70 God of Thousand Eyes, Great Rebellion
"In the dark universe, the stars burn themselves in an attempt to illuminate the world.

And the God of Thousand Eyes will eventually engulf the world and return everything to chaos!
Dressed in Jiuyou, wandering around the world.

All eyes are cloudy, all eyes are black.

Unstoppable, unstoppable.

When the fullness comes, the day when the world is wiped out.

I wait"

With a sword, he decapitated the nagging Elder Clan prophet, and Fulgen threw away the blood on the sword.

"What's the matter? I met two stupid god sticks today!" Before killing this idiot, he also met a idiot who said that Horus was going to launch a rebellion. Horus was his close friend of Fulgrim. Brother, how could such a thing be done!

The furious Fulgrim naturally chopped off his head.

This is a shameful slander to the Warmaster, and a shameful slander to his brother!
However, since the last meeting, Horus went to the planet Devon to perform a recovery mission, and they have never met since then.

I heard that Horus went to Moloch, I don't know what happened to him now.

As Fulgan thought about it, he led the Emperor's Children to wipe out these Eldar. He wanted to kill the rumors, and no one could slander his brother.


And Horus, who is far away in Moro, is doing a very important thing, that is, to gain power here that can rival his great father.

Although it was just hearsay, he still wanted to try, because he didn't want to be a puppet of the evil god, but planned to rely on his own strength to win the right to life for brothers and warriors.

No one has the arbitrariness to take the life of a loyal and brave warrior, not even the Emperor they are loyal to. No. No!
It was you who betrayed us first, father.You abandoned the sons who fought for you to please those mortals and form the so-called Terra Council, this is your betrayal of us!So you too will face our betrayal!

With a firm gaze, Horus stepped into the star gate.

There was nothingness inside the star gate, and Horus seemed to hear some crawling sounds, and demons were approaching, but soon, these sounds disappeared, and he could only feel a cold breath approaching.

【Warmaster of the Empire, why did you come here? 】Countless eyes appeared out of nowhere, and Horus was surrounded by them. The dense eyes seemed to be able to see through him, bringing him a slight psychological pressure.

"It is said that the star gate has the power to transform people into gods. I am here this time to completely destroy this evil thing." Horus raised the mace in his hand.

【So it was for patricide, I thought you were a loyalist. 】

Horus stabilized his mind, the monster in front of him has the power to see through people's hearts, and he must not continue to show his flaws!

[Don't be nervous, you are here for strength, and I am the one who can give you strength. 】

Horus took a deep breath: "You don't look like a human being, as for power - I don't think I need it!"

【.Your mouth is really hard, you obviously can't do what you want. ] The thousand-eyed monster was amused by this bald guy, who was as stubborn as his father.

"Are you a god of chaos? Those evil gods that exist in the subspace." Horus said coldly. In fact, he would make a deal with him regardless of whether the other party was an evil god, not only because he had only one way to go, but also because He is confident enough in his will.

[God of Chaos?No, I am not.You can think of me as your human god. 】

"Are you kidding? If you are a human god, how could the Emperor let you live!" Horus did not notice the trust in the Emperor in his tone. Fate is entrusted to the control of this evil god. ,

As if hearing some joke, the thousand-eyed monster's eyeballs rolled around randomly.

【Hey, he really didn't intend to let me live. In fact, the empire you talk about was built on my body. 】

Horus's eyes are bulging. This news is too explosive. If human beings are born by cannibalizing its body, how powerful is this evil god?He had to reassess the dangers of doing business with it.

[Don't be surprised, with our relationship, you can even call me father. 】

"Even if I spurned and betrayed our father, he is still my father after all. How dare a monster like you insult the noble Primarch!" Horus was furious, and the mace was wrapped in a huge force that could shatter mountains. to this monster.

But the black ripple was faster than him, flooding his brain with information, and the Warmaster froze in place.

It took a long time for Horus to break free from the huge amount of information, and his eyes were complicated.

"Maybe our birth is related to you, but I will never admit that you are our father." He took back the hammer and continued: "But our goal is the same, you help me sit on the throne of the emperor, and I help you regain your body .”

[So, you have decided to trade. 】

"It is undeniable that I need your power." And I think your power is safer than those evil gods.The second half of the sentence was not uttered, and Horus made a trade-off in his heart. This choice may be the best.

[Very well, as expected of the Warmaster, you made the wisest choice.Your planning and wisdom are also the best among the Primarchs. 】

Without any price, just by making a blank check, Horus took a lot of power from Lu Mingfei.

This power is even enough to rival the Emperor, even stronger than the Iron Emperor a hundred years ago.

Horus, who had left the star gate, no longer had any worries, and Magnus' previous persuasion no longer lingered.

He is Horus, he is the Warmaster, and his decisions can only be right.

Now, what he has to do is to recruit some people with lofty ideals among his brothers, and together with him, dismember this empire, and then build a new empire on the corpse of the old empire.

An empire where only warriors rule!

Malcador, the Emperor, and those mortals.
Lu Mingfei watched Horus leave and did not intend to stay longer. His body became more and more unstable. Even the body of the Star God could not support his soul. This body had already begun to be distorted by his soul. Looking for another body.

Whispering began as he left.

【He meddled in our plans again. 】The loving father whispered.

【Damn it, He is getting more and more greedy, all thoughts are devoured by Him, and almost all the nutrients that flow to us are robbed by Him. 】The blood god can no longer bear it.

【Can you solve him?Or stop him? ] Prince Joy sneered.

[I have a plan, if it succeeds, he will never be able to interfere in the subspace again] the Lord of Destiny said inscrutablely.

【tell me the story. 】

When they left, an eye appeared in the void, and after the eyeball rolled around, it closed again.

Huh, that's fine.

 Lu Mingfei's role intensified.So be it.

(End of this chapter)

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