Magnetic field Valkyrie Lu Mingfei

Chapter 71 I will kill the original book and fall into madness!

Chapter 71 I will kill the original book and fall into madness!

{Subchapter: Lu Mingfei's Ultimate Insult}
No one knows how Horus persuaded nearly half of the Star Chapters and so many of the Imperial Navy to revolt.

Even if the loyal Shadow Moon Wolf warrior who had escaped from the dead received a warning, it was too late.

Most of the northern territory of the empire has fallen under the clutches of Horus.

When the traitors hovered over the palace in their warships, Horus' plot no longer needed to be hidden.

Can't fathom why the unquestioned candidate for the next Emperor would act in such a sacrilegious manner, but rebellion is rebellion anyway.

Horus' actions and actions made the loyal space warriors furious. They vowed to suppress the rebellion, restore the peace of the empire, avenge the innocent comrades who died at the hands of Horus, and kill this shameless man.

However, Horus is the warmaster after all. His strategy and command are unparalleled except for the emperor. The rebellious space fighters plundered everywhere and were invincible. Countless planets and fortresses fell under his cavalry.

When his soldiers butcher knives pointed at the object he once protected, all Primarchs knew that their brothers would never come back.

The war was raging outside the palace, and no one knew why the Emperor didn't show up, but the loyal warriors just stood firm here.

When the Lion's Gate falls, only the Immortal Gate remains.

The sons of Dorne are here to die.

No matter how good his military skills were, Horus still couldn't break through the defense of the Imperial Fist in a short time.

Of course, this would not be possible without the support of the Golden Armored Forbidden Army shuttling through the battlefield, as well as...
The angel standing in the sky.

After fighting to the death for more than 200 days, Sanguinius was exhausted as the Primarch.Physical weakness is second to none. What really pains him is the death of his heir and the betrayal of his brother.

"I don't expect you to continue to devote yourself to this meat grinder for the empire." The wings on the back of Sanguinius flapped, and the sacred brilliance of the Primarch was no longer shining at this moment.

"Even if we leave, I won't accuse you at all." His voice was as warm as usual, "Nor will I ask you to continue to fight with your brothers in the past, and fight with those iron demons hidden in the crowd."

The gun of meritorious service shook the ground, and his voice rose high: "I will stay here. Not because I am not afraid of death. It is my mission as a human being that makes me stand here!"

He didn't continue his speech, he had already said too much before Horus came.All Sanguinius had to do now was to guard the palace behind him and wait for the emperor in the palace to show up.

The Warmaster also appeared, and his aura was unprecedentedly deep. In the eyes of Sanguinius, Horus at this moment was even comparable to the Emperor.

He won't back down because he's the Ninth Primum.

"It's a pleasure to see you here, my brother. But you know, this encounter is not destined to be a good one." Horus had a sneer like ice on his face, stiff and sharp.

"Maybe I should prop you up a little further." He held the mace, but didn't look like he was going to attack.

"No matter how far away, even beyond the Milky Way. I will accompany the empire to the end, just as you will eventually betray the empire." Sanguinius flew sideways for dozens of kilometers, and the place where he stood had collapsed, replaced by a A gigantic pit.

"You really surprised me and made me afraid. Sanguinius, you—could it be that you have detected fate?" Horus didn't care about the failure of the sneak attack, although Sanguinius was much stronger than he thought, But he still has the strength to crush it.

——Looking at it now.

Sanguinius didn't rush to fight back, but was hanging in the air with divine and peaceful eyes.

"It's not that I detected fate, but fate came to me on its own initiative." A black light flashed in his eyes. "It's in the Signus sector you asked me to go to."

Horus frowned. This was not planned.If what the evil god said is true, Sanguinius and the entire Blood Angels should be trapped in the Signus sector by his followers. However, the situation is obviously different. Not only is Sanguinius not trapped, but he even has strength. Advance.Could it be.
"As you can imagine, I also made a deal with him." The same power as that of the Warmaster surged out from the angel.

He bet on both sides, what was he thinking?What good is this other than destroying the few trusts between me and Him!Does he think Sanguinius can help him get his body back? !
stupid thing!
"You promised him to return his body? Do you think you can convince your father?"

"Well—in fact, it has nothing to do with your question. The contract is that when I die, everything I have will belong to Him." Sanguinius showed a look of embarrassment on his face.

He still can't understand that being that privileges him because of his appearance, which is almost like saying that Horus looks like a piece of booger compared to him.

Horus didn't want to continue the subject, the ally's stupidity almost made him cough up blood.Shet!Could it be that his IQ also leaked out?
In his opinion, Sanguinius was just stalling for time, and it was time to end that little thought.

He rushed towards Sanguinius violently, and the shoulder armor collided with Sanguinius' elbow armor, bursting out with extremely dazzling light and heat.

Sanguinius was indeed stalling for time. Just now, Magnus sent him a voice transmission, telling him that he and the Thousand Sons Legion were about to arrive.

Guilliman and Jonson are already on their way, and Leman Russ and Khan successfully reconciled. As long as they persist, this rebellion will be extinguished instantly when they arrive.

The psychic mask contained the aftermath of the battle between the two, and Magnus, who was far away in orbit, was almost drained by it.

He couldn't figure out why his two brothers had become so powerful, but his power was no longer in his hands. This was their battlefield, and he could barely control the aftermath to prevent it from destroying the palace.

Father, what are you doing?
On the ground floor of the palace, the emperor was playing a board game. Opposite him was an imperial guard, and behind him was a huge amethyst.

One after another, the energy in the crystal was continuously extracted and flowed to the needs of the empire.

"You have eroded my forbidden army without a sound, and many of those warriors must have been replaced by your family members." The emperor moved a black warrior chess piece, and moved it one foot to the opposite side.

"So that's why you gave up the anvil?" Lu Mingfei moved a purple chess piece in front of the black one with a smile.

After this step, the black pieces that the emperor moved before were glowing with silver, and then the purple pieces were reduced in half, and the black pieces were completely transformed into silver.

"So the dark angels are your main targets of erosion?" The emperor's eyes did not show any fluctuations, but the veins were swollen under his scalp.

"Poor Vulkan, just being abandoned by my father like this is really laughable." Under the helmet of the imperial army, Lu Mingfei smiled jokingly.

The blue pawn moves forward three steps.

The emperor said in a deep voice: "I never gave up on Vulcan, because even I never thought that Horus would choose to rebel."

The silver-white chess piece was inserted horizontally between the blue chess piece and the golden building, Lu Mingfei said with a smile.

"If Horus listened to your words, he would definitely say 'the emperor doesn't understand people'."


"Human nature is not human heart. Do you think the arrival of think tanks can reverse the situation?"

After changing the subject, Lu Mingfei asked about the battle situation outside.

"I trust my child." The Emperor closed his eyes and tried again.But the power is locked in this underground palace, and it can't play a supporting role at all.

He couldn't leave, and the battle outside was at stake.

"It's really impolite, are you going to leave the guests behind? Or do you mean you don't care about me taking my body?" Lu Mingfei held a black general and slammed into the opposite white general.

Bai Zi had a crack, but he didn't retreat.

The Emperor took a deep breath and thought quickly, what else could he do now!
"As expected of an angel, he actually blocked it. But even with my blessing, he is no match for the Lord of Hearts." Lu Mingfei said regretfully, it seemed that he was on the side of the white general instead.

Looking at Hongzi to the side, as if thinking of something funny, Lu Mingfei sneered: "It's the same with adding 'Odin'."

After 3 minutes of silence, the Emperor closed his eyes.

"Give up now? It's not like you."

The emperor stood up, a golden light flashed in his eyes.

"No, I've already won." He looked down at the chess game with disdain on his face. "Win over your arrogance."

Lu Mingfei made a question mark.

But then, he saw four big chess pieces on the board.

Emerald green, scarlet, dark blue, and crimson purple big stones are located in the center of the chessboard.

"Heh~ plus four bedbugs, you think you've won? Guess I know?"

"I know you know the plans that were deliberately exposed to you." The Emperor said coldly, "Maybe it's a game for you, but how can you be sure that you are the winner?"

"Just like your life, you can win a small victory, but in the end you can only win a big defeat! Lose and lose again! This is your destiny! You have never transcended!" Letting go of the fear of Lu Mingfei since birth, the emperor The emperor said so.

"You - say - what - what?!" The guard's body exploded into pieces, and a furious black figure appeared in the void.

Failed to be a bad boy, failed to be a holy king, failed to be a martial god, and the existence named Lu Mingfei has failed until now.

This is his pain point, the deepest scar in his soul.

Anger almost materialized, and he gave the Emperor a vicious look, and his language was no longer leisurely.

"Do you think you have won? Horus is as powerful as you, and your sons alone can't stop him! Even those freaks who can only live in the subspace! My family members are enough to torture and kill your warriors!" The strength! The destruction of the empire is inevitable! How can you stop it! How is it possible?!"

"Are you in a hurry?" The Emperor mocked, "Of course I can stop it, easily!"

The power of darkness embraced him, and the aura of the emperor at this moment was the same as that of Lu Mingfei.

"Come and guess, how much of your power I have absorbed over the years." The power of the magnetic field is running wildly, and the power revealed by the emperor has far exceeded 100 million horses, reaching a special level.

In the subspace, the golden sun was replaced by the black sun, and the fifth evil god was quietly born.

The God of Darkness and Humanity——[Despair]

Together with him, there are four distorted existences, and they successfully anchored the material world through the moment the king of darkness ascended the devil.

God of War and Rage——【Khorne】

The God of Magic and Transformation——【Tzeentch】

God of Plague and Despair ——【Nurgle】

God of Thirst and Pleasure—【Slaanesh】

When they came, the material world was about to be distorted almost instantly, but it was kept stable by the interference of the powerful force of the amethyst.


Lu Mingfei's personality is undoubtedly crushing their existence, but when he distributes the power accumulated for thousands of years, at this moment his power is only enough to confront the emperor alone. If he is in the subspace, relying on the characteristics there, he You can crush them five times, but now it is in reality
[I don't care about the rebellion, as long as I still exist, the rebellion cannot succeed.Only your disappearance is the best ending. 】The Dark Lord stared at his creator without any emotion in his eyes.

The fat monster squinted, but it couldn't hide its greedy look. [What a pity, we don't intend to separate you.After all, your soul is more delicious than the whole world put together. 】

The general in blood armor picked up its axe. [I actually respect you quite a bit, but if I don’t taste war again, I will probably die of boredom. 】

[May there still be hope for your future, hehe~] The Kaleidoscope viciously blessed this day, which it has been looking forward to for a long time.

The existence of being both male and female licked his lips, but did not speak.

Surrounded by the five gods, no one in the world can resist!

No one can do it!

Could it be that Lu Ming must usher in death?The cause of death is still so ridiculous?

"Oh——, this is absolutely impossible!" The dark power erupted, and Lu Mingfei tried to rush out of their encirclement, but the same dark power collided with it, entangled Lu Mingfei tightly.

"Gah! You're going to kill me!" Lu Mingfei stepped up his efforts to force the despair away, turning into a black light with a speed that seemed to surpass time.

He hit a green wall, which was Nurgle's belly.

The evil gods exist in any time and space, and it is impossible for Lu Mingfei to escape successfully if he does not enter the subspace.

Khorne's blood ax slashed heavily on Lu Mingfei's back, a large number of fragments jumped out, and the body of the star god was also chopped into pieces by this blow!
"Go away!"


Fighting to end up being seriously injured, Lu Mingfei's fist directly smashed Khorne's right shoulder and arm together.

And at this time, Slaanesh entangled him from behind, wrapping his arms around him.

[Don't rush away, honey~ I'm not like them, I only want your strength. 】

Lu Mingfei's face turned blue. How had he ever been so insulted? !

"Hey! You ugly monster, die to me!"

The azure arcane energy enveloped him, hindering his actions.

He can ignore Slaanesh's spiritual attack, but Tzeentch's great arcane, Nurgle's soul virus, Khorne's slash, and desperate steel fist cannot.

Looking at the four attacking people, Lu Mingfei's eyes almost overflowed with humiliation.

Plotted against by my own distraction!Driven to a dead end by a few pieces of rubbish in his own eyes!

Such humiliation!Such an ending!

He simply used everything that He claimed to be a god as a rag to wipe the stains of the cesspit!
To him, this was simply an incomparable and ultimate insult!

Absolutely not!

The color of madness was not concealed, and he opened his arms.

【He is going to explode himself!Stop him! 】 Tzeentch said.

hum! ! !
With the joint efforts of the five gods, Lu Mingfei's self-destruction was forcibly stopped, leaving only chaotic soul energy floating in the air like bright water droplets.

A look of pity flashed across Slaanesh's face.

Except for the emperor, the four gods looked at each other and grabbed the water droplets in the air at the same time.

Khorne alone earned nearly [-]%, and the remaining three gods shared [-]% equally.

The subspace chaos brought about by ascending demons is about to end, and the four gods cannot maintain their figures, and they have withdrawn from the material world.

Only the emperor's figure was blurred several times, but he managed to maintain his figure in the end.

It looked at the place where Lu Mingfei disappeared, and its eyes were full of disappointment.

It's all over, but before leaving, need to deal with the rebellion outside
 I don't follow the plot anymore!
  Time or something, I can change it casually, if the textual research party is uncomfortable, just bear it.

  Humans did not ascend to the devil because the emperor made a deal with the evil god.

  The emperor is [Despair], because since the beginning of the Dark Ages in the Warhammer world, human beings have been surrounded by despair, with a lot of emotional accumulation, and the existence of Lu Mingfei is the greatest despair in the world.

  The emperor is the [hope] of mankind, but I just want to write [despair] (definitely not because hope is occupied)
(End of this chapter)

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