Magnetic field Valkyrie Lu Mingfei

Chapter 72 God's Kingdom Comes

Chapter 72 God's Kingdom Comes
There is such a world where people live and work in peace and contentment, in peace and tranquility.

——It should be so.

But starting with a violent shock, the world began to collapse.

The shock lasted for 3 minutes, but the entire universe became chaotic.

And everything starts from the earth.

With the earth as the source of the earthquake, this shock successfully wiped out a large number of alien friends. Of course, humans probably don't know it.

They're busy saving their homeland—


Most of the earth disintegrated, the continents were suspended one after another, the sea water flowed into the sky, and the world was changing at a terrifying speed.

On the first day, the eastern continent mysteriously disappeared, leaving only broken small countries in East Asia.

On the second day, the atmosphere completely dissipated, and when I looked up, I couldn't see the blue sky, only the dark world remained.

On the third day, the sea water turned into a glacier, the temperature dropped extremely, and the order completely collapsed.

On the fourth day, the sun disappeared, but the light remained.

On the fifth day, there was a star river shining brightly, aliens appeared, and the supernatural forces on the earth rushed out to save the world.

On the sixth day, the Inhumans were massacred by a group of heavily armored knights.

On the seventh day, a golden kingdom was projected in the universe, and 27 suns surrounded it.

At the same time, the world has finally stabilized, in an extremely weird situation.

The earth became a deformed star with a diameter of 5000 million kilometers, dozens of times the size of the sun.

Like splicing together countless earths, more than [-] layers of atmosphere with different thicknesses form a super-large atmosphere, enveloping this 'earth'.And when the humans of this world interact with the inhabitants of other worlds, they finally know what happened.

Their world has become a personal property of an existence.

"You mean our world has become an inferior region for no reason?"

The black-haired beauty repeatedly confirmed his words to a passer-by. She took her family across the abyss and came to this so-called "No. ?

"Wrong, ma'am, your world is not as good as a lower-level area at present. The Holy King has not given the [Holy Serial Number], and your world is just a crime domain." Passers-by looked at this beauty up and down, and there was lust in their eyes. flashed by.

The people in the crime domain are not even as good as inferior citizens, if I make a move
But when he saw the white heavy-armored knights patrolling not far away, this thought seemed to be quenched by cold water, and he didn't even dare to think about it.

Mrs. Yukinoshita's joints turned white, and her black jewel-like eyes were full of unwillingness, "Reason! Sir, I need a reason! We are free people and should not be defined by anyone! Who is the Holy King? Why did he do this?" Do? Why do you do that?!"

After hearing her words, passers-by ran away, as if they didn't want to have anything to do with this woman, as if they regarded Mrs. Yukinoshita as a scourge.

He exploded at a speed far exceeding that of ordinary people. With just a blink of an eye, Mrs. Yukinoshita couldn't see him anymore.


Before she could speak, a giant arm wrapped in silver armor grabbed her head.

"Insult the Holy King, kill without pardon!"

In the next moment, this beautiful head will be like a burst watermelon, splashing red and white.

"Wait a moment!"

A girl's voice stopped the behavior of the heavy armored knight, or the knight of the kingdom of God.

She just said what Mrs. Yukinoshita hadn't said, but made the rigid knight of the Kingdom of God do something completely different from before.

He let go of Mrs. Yukinoshita in his hand, and knelt down on one knee towards the girl, but even if the three-meter giant body kneeled, it was higher than the girl wearing high heels, which also caused the knight to choose to directly break the spine with force, It made his head lower than the girl.

"I've seen His Highness Uesugi!" His tone was extremely humble, without the ruthlessness of killing people just now.

Looking at Mrs. Yukinoshita whose head was slightly deformed and fell into a coma, Uesugi Erika frowned, reached out to heal her injury and erased the memory of being attacked.

"Why did you do that?" She looked at the knight of the Kingdom of God with dissatisfaction in her eyes.

The knight of the Kingdom of God said solemnly: "The criminal who insulted the Holy King earlier, according to the "Charter of the Universe", should be punished with a severed skull!" There was a hint of regret in his tone, but it was a pity that this criminal could not be terminated on the spot.

Uesugi Erika sighed: "I plan to play in the 18th district for a few days, at least you don't want to kill people when I'm around."

"Forgive me! Insulting the Holy King, we will kill him!" The knight actually objected. Although he respected Uesugi Erika, his belief in the Holy King far exceeded this respect.

"Hmm." Uesugi Erika was obviously a little displeased, and wanted to continue talking, but a finger was pressed against her lips.

The man is [-] meters tall, looks like a god and is handsome, with a strong and firm figure.No matter where he appears, he should be the absolute focus.

But at this moment, his appearance did not attract the attention of anyone around him, obviously he did something wrong.

But the knight of the Kingdom of God recognized this man, without any extra words, he knelt down straight on his knees and bowed down in front of the man.

Holy King!

Lu Mingfei didn't look at him from the beginning to the end, but the knight still knew the attitude of the Holy King.

When Lu Mingfei and Uesugi Erika left this place with Mrs. Yukinoshita, he dared to get up.

There is no need to explain who is greater between the "Charter of the Universe" and the Holy King of the Universe. At this time, the knight of the Kingdom of God just wants to record the memory of facing the Holy King.

When Mrs. Yukinoshita opened her eyes, she saw the lovely face of Erika Uesugi.

"What's wrong with me?" She asked confusedly, she remembered that she was calling someone to stop, and later...
"You fainted while talking to us." A magnetic voice attracted Mrs. Yukinoshita's attention, it was a man whose face was hard to see.

"Yes, I'm really sorry to cause you trouble." Mrs. Yukinoshita bowed to the two of them. The man and woman were not ordinary people at first glance, and they might be able to get the answer from their mouths.

Mrs. Yukinoshita asked the questions accumulated these days again, and she was determined to get the answer.

Lu Mingfei yawned boredly, apparently not intending to answer this kind of question.

On the contrary, Uesugi Erika patiently answered the question, and also said the solution.When Madam Yukino asked who the Holy King was, she was too embarrassed to answer.

Could it be that she said: The man next to me is the holy king in your mouth, and the culprit and tyrant in your mouth is standing in front of you.

Perhaps aware of Erika's embarrassment, Mrs. Yukinoshita sighed, and then invited: "Thank you for explaining the confusion, if you don't mind, you can come to my residence for a sit down."

"No need, sister Yukinoshita, we still have to go to the Garden of the Sky to play." Erika declined politely.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I forgot that our family only has a place to live, and we will return to the crime domain you mentioned in two days. This is not the way to treat guests." Mrs. Yukinoshita found something wrong, Sorry smile.

When she turned to leave, Mrs. Yukinoshita could no longer hide the sadness in her eyes.

The eldest daughter is not worried, but can the younger daughter really bear the truth?

"Let's go." Lu Mingfei said indifferently, the matter of Mrs. Yukinoshita meant nothing to him.

Let's deal with this girl first, there are still a large number of people behind.

Lu Mingfei's mind wandered into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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