Magnetic field Valkyrie Lu Mingfei

Chapter 94 IF Line Lost King

Chapter 94 IF Line Lost King
This line is the if line that Lu Mingfei did not arrive in time, and the death of Ashes led to the complete destruction of the world.


Lu Mingfei is a born lonely person. He has father and mother, but he has neither father nor mother.

Therefore, when accepting the maternal love from the second life, he will cherish it so much. Only then will he cry because of his mother's death.

The mother of that life raised him, gave him enough warmth and love, and taught him with all her heart.

Surrounded by such warmth, he will no longer miss his past life and enjoy the love and warmth.

But his mother was still dead, and the cold corpse lying in the sand made his heart cold as well.

Let him become cold-blooded and ruthless.

This is the beginning of his transformation.

And when he returned to the world he was born in, he had no feelings for it. If he went there, he would wantonly build and play with this world, and treat human beings as pigs and dogs.

No emotion to speak of.

With his emotions frozen, he regards everything as a game.

This attitude continued until he was bombarded by Shi Tianwu.

He didn't understand why this guy was able to win the ultimate battle, could it be because of the saint's bitch-like heart?
After a narrow escape, he fell into a deep sleep.

Even in his deep sleep, he kept thinking.

He also has emotions, why is he still defeated by Hell, Haihu Oga, and Shi Tianwu.

As he thought about it, he found that the thing that had been frozen by him had disappeared.

human nature.

That humanity has left him, and he has been secretly supporting the development of mankind, playing ridiculous house-playing games.

Until he devoured that world and returned humanity, he still didn't choose to digest this humanity.

But human nature is affecting him, downplaying madness and madness.

He began to care about his own world, and even took the initiative to manage it, which shocked Lu Mingze.

Promulgate laws, plan regions, establish justice offices, and the world is in order under his management.

He even started to try 'love', although with little success.

And it was this change that caused him such a miserable situation.

When he returns, the world has already fallen, so he has great power, and if he can't find the world, he can't restore it.

He thought he wouldn't care, the ice in his heart wouldn't melt.

But he didn't know that the Emperor God of War, which symbolizes humanity, had cracks, gradually expanded, and finally collapsed into debris and returned to his body.


Panic, as a human being in three generations, the fear and panic that he never had in ten thousand years filled his heart. Now he can't take care of anything, and it's hard to think about anything.

His eyes can only stare at the red void, the world that belongs to him is empty
Relatives and friends, lovers, subordinates, people.
"Come back, come back to me! Fuck Scarlet, return my world!!!"

Unknown Realm·Universal Killing Method!
Burning that perfect dao fruit, his bursting power is close to the multi-dimensional powerhouse, and his figure manifests in the sky, and he goes straight to the endless sea, where the scarlet king is sealed.

But so what, what else can those hands grab?
The Scarlet King has long been out of trouble and has disappeared without a trace. He would rather not destroy everything than face Lu Mingfei directly!

He came back too late, maybe, it was only a few seconds away.

Before the tears flowed out, they evaporated in the eye sockets.

Lu Mingfei opened his mouth, wanting to speak, but there was no one to speak to.

Even the God of War, who had always been in his body, lost consciousness at this moment.

All words stuck in the throat, unable to spit out, unable to swallow.

Talk, talk, Lu Mingfei, talk to you!
Everything around me began to collapse.


Countless worlds were destroyed in this roar, and the terrifying force unleashed unscrupulously, sweeping away all worlds.

The world-shattering roars were layer upon layer, seemingly never ending.

In the panic, all beings saw an indescribable demon god in a trance, breaking free from the shackles, and let out a roar that could destroy everything.

Huh——! ! !
It's not the sound, it's the feeling!The terrible feeling is like a huge wave capsized, hitting the hearts of all beings.

No matter if it is an intelligent being, an unintelligent one, or even those inorganic objects, they all feel that pain!
The heart-piercing pain could not help but erupt, which shocked all beings, and then screamed in fear!

"It's so fucking painful!"



"Ah, how uncomfortable!"


The severe pain made them scream and scream, and the pain originated from Lu Mingfei made them feel it together.

Just feeling, they can no longer bear it.

Lu Mingfei didn't make a sound, is he in pain?

It hurts, of course it hurts!Quite painful!
The incomparable severe pain ate into his heart, it was countless times more uncomfortable than the physical pain, and he couldn't help crying.

Thousands of creatures are waiting anxiously.

I am afraid that I will be destroyed in the next moment.

But Lu Mingfei didn't do anything.

One day, two days, three days. One week, two weeks. One month and one year.
3 years have passed.

All living beings have begun to forget the existence of this trembling heaven, and the fear of that day has subsided, and it is only passed on by word of mouth among those ancient powerhouses and legends.

Occasionally, the world would observe Lu Mingfei's body, but they would just treat it as the corpse of a strong man and ignore it.

Until a paper-cut figure stepped into this area.

It is the ancient immortal!
As an existence that had signed a contract with Lu Mingfei, he came here to fulfill it.

[Do you want to choose to come back? 】


[Continue to be decadent, you will lose your chance, and you will not be able to complete the contract we agreed upon. 】

"." Still didn't speak.

[The red Halak will officially descend, everything will return to the wild, and after him, everything will return to Azathoth.I don't want to disappear, Yogsothoth doesn't want to disappear.Many people don't want to disappear. 】

"." Still didn't speak.

【. Let’s do it for ourselves. 】The Immemorial Immortal disappeared and left in a flash.

Silence, still deathly silence.

Lu Mingfei was like a real corpse, unresponsive to everything.


When the wild wind blew, a fragment fell on Lu Mingfei's face, leaving admiration and love.

Holy King, we love you.

Is it a hallucination caused by the breath of the scarlet king?Or was it really a fragment of his world?
Anyway, Lu Mingfei still reacted, moving for the first time in 3 years.

He reached out and grabbed the fragment, as if to keep it.

But it has lost all activity, and just dissipated in Lu Mingfei's palm.


Looking at the empty palm, Lu Mingfei stood there in a daze.

The scarlet king's arrival didn't provoke him to move, and the scarlet king was the first to speak.

[You have lost the possibility of transcending physics, and there will never be a king of destruction born in the future. 】

Lu Mingfei spoke for the first time in 3 years: "Are you here to kill me?" Although it was a question, the tone was affirmative.

The Scarlet King nodded, one Destroyer of Everything is enough.

"Okay, I'm going to kill you too, this is revenge."

Lu Mingfei's words meant that it was as if the other party was doomed to die.

The Scarlet King didn't intend to continue talking, so he asked his strength to let this ignorant Lu Mingfei die.

The scarlet power bombarded Lu Mingfei recklessly, wanting to knock him down, the Holy King of the Universe!

A crack sounded.

Lu Mingfei opened his arms, defenseless, to contain this terrifying attack.

Any non-diversity-level powerhouse will be wiped out by this move, after all, this is a full blow from the supreme evil god.

Lu Mingfei took no precautions, and the result would be a dead end!
Will Lu Mingfei die just like that?

No!The chain is broken!Restrictions removed!
The strength is skyrocketing, and the momentum is skyrocketing, skyrocketing, and fiercely growing!
Crazy crazy crazy crazy!
Strong strong strong strong!
The fate of the holy king of the universe exploded into light shards and disappeared into the starry sky.

This aura spread to the hearts of all beings, and everyone felt this unparalleled strength!
At this moment, at this moment.

People knew that another multi-level powerhouse was born!
The strength is tyrannical, and the will is unmatched.Completely break free from all shackles and transcend everything.Such a terrifying existence, who else in the world can stop him?damn it!Who else in this world can resist him! ?

Absolutely not
Lu Mingfei's majestic Scarlet King also couldn't help but retreat. He didn't expect to take great pains to destroy the enemy's anchor, but instead helped the opponent break through.

That aura stronger than that of gods and demons, the power of arbitrariness through the ages, is simply fucking going to poke a hole out of the infinite void.

The holy king of the universe disappeared, only the Martial God of Extermination stood in the world!

The absolute pinnacle of the physics department, also carries the personality of the God of Destruction, the ultimate Valkyrie at the same level as him!
No, judging from the information reported by the sensory perception, this Martial God Lu Mingfei is stronger than him, stronger than him, the supreme evil god!

Lu Mingfei who has reached the peak is so terrifying, so--strong!

Lu Mingfei stepped out of the red light, his body was covered in pitch-black robes, his hair was disheveled, and infinite karma was burning on his body.

"Halak, lead yourself to death."

Calmly narrating what was in his heart, Lu Mingfei's eyes were empty and dead.

He, the Martial God of Destruction, is going to kill Satan under his hands today.

【How can you do it?Madness! 】

The Scarlet King scolded, the endless power pressed against Lu Mingfei with primitive and barbaric concepts.

At the same level, it's time to spell concepts!

Lu Mingfei didn't resist the primitive attack, because he had already given up rationality.

Leave it to instinct!

The body started to move by itself, and Lu Mingfei swung a punch. The tangible and intangible things all turned into nothingness under Lu Mingfei's punch.

A big hole was opened in the irregular body of the Crimson King, and the punch continued unabated, directly smashing tens of thousands of worlds!
For the inhabitants of those worlds, it was a catastrophe, and before they could even figure out anything, they disappeared with the world itself, leaving nothing behind.

kill! ! !

Fast, hard, hard!

Lu Mingfei's figure disappeared. During this Planck time, he threw countless punches, beating the Scarlet King continuously from different dimensions and different timelines.

Boom, Boom, or fucking Boom!

As long as the other party is still alive, it can exist in any corner of the world.Lu Mingfei would bombard him non-stop, even the wreckage would not be left behind!

The scarlet king's seven crowns are shining, and the primitive wildness wants to degrade Lu Mingfei, even cutting off Lu Mingfei's concept of "using fists".

Can't hurt the enemy without fists?

Lu Mingfei's realm has long been able to use no fists, but because he is familiar with fists and feet, he only uses them.

Now that he doesn't use fists, his offensive is even more fierce. Every move has the power to subvert the void. Destroying thousands of worlds is as easy as breathing for him.

The ultimate concept representing destruction is wantonly destroying the Scarlet King, which is simpler and more terrifying than the negative, primitive, barbaric, and uncivilized concepts he possesses!
The severe pain caused the Scarlet King to roar, and the seven ancient spears pierced through everything, killing Lu Mingfei in an instant.

As the Scarlet King's most destructive and direct King's Spear, its power is beyond doubt.

In the blink of an eye, seven blood holes appeared on Lu Mingfei's body, bleeding continuously.

Blood dripped, blood stained the void, and turned a place into a bloody restricted area.

But Lu Mingfei remained unmoved, and the ancient spear was locked as his flesh and blood contracted.

When the pupils of the eyes shrank, everything they could see disappeared into nothingness, and the space was easily torn apart like a spider's web.


At this moment, Lu Mingfei has lost his ability to speak, and instinctively releases his ability.

terrible!Just relying on instinct, the Scarlet King was powerless to fight back.

"For my father!"

Seven scarlet sons flew out one after another, each with peerless power.

But at this moment, they can't even delay.

The tyrannical destructive power ravaged them, and they could not even connect close, so they dissipated into the void.

Although the language lost its effectiveness, Lu Mingfei's eyes clearly said:


The deeper the Scarlet King's infection became, the more violent Lu Mingfei's attacks became.

This battle lasted for 7000 years.

The Scarlet King constantly draws strength from wildness, no matter how violent Lu Mingfei's attack is, he can recover quickly, at the cost of the death of those polluted creatures.

After 7000 years, those polluted people have disappeared, and the scarlet king has only one life left.

Lu Mingfei was unharmed on the surface, but in fact he had completely lost his mind, and continued to kill the Scarlet King, but it was only out of instinct.


Lu Mingfei's eyes were chaotic, and driven by animal nature, he rushed to kill the Scarlet King.


That was the sound of tearing, Lu Mingfei tore off part of the scarlet king's body with his teeth.

The Scarlet King wailed in pain, but to no avail.

In this cruel war, only one survived——

World Destroyer Martial God Lu Mingfei!
After the Scarlet King died, his sanity began to return, and Lu Mingfei regained his sobriety.

Without the disgust of eating raw flesh and blood, Lu Mingfei digested everything about the Scarlet King in one breath.

At this moment, he can be called the strongest person in the world!
But he wouldn't stop there, since he took over the crown of the God of Destruction, he had to bear the responsibility of destroying all things in the past.

Most of the heavens and myriad worlds were also destroyed by the aftermath of the thousand-year battle. Lu Mingfei's current combat power can destroy everything in just ten breaths.

Without hesitation, he shot.

The great terror came, and the old things were as insignificant as dust under his hands.

On the way of destruction, he saw——

The center of the deep Chaos Royal Court seems to be the center of everything, a chaotic and impermanent horror that is made up of various things is entrenched here.

Chaotic, ultimate, impermanent demon king.

Create all things, foolish chaos.

That is Azathoth.

The moment Lu Mingfei saw it, he made a move.

He wants to destroy the old things, and this is the same goal as Azathoth.

Both will see the other as a member of the Old One, destined to destroy the other.

The outcome is unobservable and unrecordable.

We are doomed not to know the final outcome.

We only know that the lost demon king, Lu Mingfei, never came back.

 Because of the weekend and the breakup of my roommate, I went out to drink with them.After drinking it, I felt that I was in a bad state, so I didn't dare to write the main text, so I wrote a side story, which is considered a spoiler, and I don't like to spit lightly. .Dare to thank.

(End of this chapter)

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