Magnetic field Valkyrie Lu Mingfei

Chapter 95 Returning to Ordinary Daily Life and Holy King Sacrifice

Chapter 95 Returning to Ordinary Daily Life and Holy King Sacrifice

The taint of scarlet corruption ended with the death of Kiyotaka Ayanokouji.

Once again, the universe and the world returned to calm, and the chaos disappeared.

With the day and night operation of advanced technology and the efforts of the people, the damaged and affected places have begun to be stabilized and rebuilt.

Everything becomes peaceful and stable.

No one dares to touch the tiger's whiskers in the Kingdom of God at this time.

Destroy the good mood of the supreme holy king.

After the chaos, there should be a celebration.This time is no exception.

This also means the advance of the Holy King Sacrifice.

On this special day used to please the Holy King, people fell into carnival.

Each of the 27 districts will send the most outstanding comedian in their district to entertain the Holy King and make him laugh.

The whole world will turn on the live broadcast at this moment and regard this as a huge program.

Everyone can watch the performances of these characters just like Lu Shengwang. Even if they are not on the scene, the passionate atmosphere can make them pull their flags and lose water!
This almost allowed them to enjoy the same top-level entertainment as a holy king. How could they not make those people shed tears of gratitude and worship?
This is also the reason why the audience rating of the Holy King Festival exceeds the annual audience rating of all TV channels even though it is only held once a year.

To amuse the Holy King, that is the only purpose of this show.

Any artist in any district can satisfy him, and there will be benefits.He can get the sacred "Holy Sequence" after five in his own area, and he can also get everything he wants.

But if he can't satisfy him, not only the artists, but also that region will be punished for it. It is light to be reduced to a crime domain, and there is even a chance to attract the Holy King to personally punish him.

Looking at the scene again, it is thousands of miles high in the first area.

The huge floating steel stands covering an area are exuding an amazing sense of power.

The first area was originally the exclusive area of ​​the holy king's mount Ghidorah. Except for Ghidorah and his animal friends, no one was allowed to set foot in it. That is, the arrival of the holy king's sacrifice, those mortals were eligible to enter the first area.

On the throne, Lu Mingfei was watching the performance indifferently.

Several virgins were massaging the holy king with their youthful and beautiful green bodies. Su Xiaoqiang, who was not far away from this scene, twitched the corners of his eyes, wishing to rush up to replace him.

Why is this so!If she misses this opportunity, wouldn't she be on the same line as Erika?
The thought of the women lining up behind her made her blood pressure rise.

Lu Mingfei seemed to have heard what Su Xiaoqiang was thinking, and glanced at her, but didn't make a sound.

But judging from Su Xiaoqiang's happy face, Lu Mingfei must have said something to her.

Following the eyes of everyone, on the stage, an enchanting dancer is dancing coquettishly!
One side of the white suspenders has fallen off, and the dropped white suspenders seem to be able to catch a lot of attention inadvertently.

The black shirt is like a black hole, attracting all eyes.

Coupled with fairyland-like rhythms and wonderful steps, the dancer sings and dances to his heart's content, and twenty gigantic eggs roll and jump on him.

The magical music pushed the atmosphere to a climax, and the dancer's focused look coupled with a serious attitude, everything was just right.

It is really pleasing to the eye!

"Just because you are so beautiful!"

"The first duck slice war raised me!"

"Who do I belong to!"

"Just kill me now!"

The last song of nature sounded, and the people cheered enthusiastically, and exploded again.

It's no wonder that the dancer Ji Ge is a world-renowned idol, and it's not surprising that it can cause such a craze when paired with this super-golden dance music.

But Brother Ji's gaze didn't linger on the audience for a moment, he just stared at the Holy King holding his chin on the stage, his eyes full of hope.

No wonder, no matter how good the response is, if the Holy King doesn't like it, his dance music is first-class garbage, and no one can refute it.

As a magnetic field dancer with a strength of [-] horses, his body trembled without his noticing.

"Holy King, my dance, yes, is it qualified to make you laugh?"

The corners of Lu Mingfei's mouth curled up slightly, and instead of answering directly, he asked, "Does this dance have a name?"

"Yes, yes! Holy King, this dance is called "Dance Only Because of You"." Brother Ji's eyes were excited, and when the Holy King asked this question, he couldn't fail.

"Your dance is so stupid that I can't help but laugh, hum, tell me what you want." Lu Mingfei said with satisfaction, this dance is qualified to be called the pinnacle of the world in the past ten years.

call! ! !
There was applause in the auditorium, everyone was applauding Brother Ji's dance, and even applauding him for making the Holy King laugh.

"Thanks, thank you Holy King! Ji Mou has only one wish, and that is... Please take those little blacks of mine into prison!"

Lu Ming didn't move, all the news in the world automatically entered his mind, including those 'little blacks'.

"Well, didn't I say that the requirements put forward at the Holy King Festival cannot affect the basic operation of this world? Or, you just came to my festival without knowing the rules." Lu Mingfei asked curiously, obviously it was okay Don't get angry.

This frightened Brother Ji, his face was pale, and he said with a full body: "Holy King, I dare not! I really didn't know that arresting the little blackie and going to jail would affect the running of the world!"

"Hmph, as an entertainer, you don't know that you have [-]% of the world's population. This is your dereliction of duty. Do you want me to put [-]% of the people in prison? Because of your dance, I will make up for my mistakes, no Reward or punishment." Lu Mingfei waved his hand, signaling Brother Ji to back down.

Brother Ji's face is ashen, if he misses such an opportunity, he will be ridiculed by the world for his stupidity for a lifetime!
He had no choice but to leave the stage, but before leaving, he still threw the used lipstick to the area with the loudest voices as promised, causing bursts of cheers.

Lu Mingfei didn't respond to this behavior, so it can be seen that Lu Mingfei is much more tolerant than the second son of Bai Junlang when watching the same reality show!

This is a symbol of wisdom, and no one can question it.

After the dancer Ji Ge left the stage, more and more performers came on stage to perform, even if they couldn't amused the Holy King, at least they didn't displease him, which also feasted the audience's eyes.

It's a pity that none of them can make the Holy King laugh like Brother Ji.

At this time, the time has come from morning to noon, and the Holy King Sacrifice has already been held in half.

This can't help but make the follow-up performers feel uneasy.

How can the Holy King be happy?Could it be because Brother Ji was the first to appear on the stage, and that guy made the Holy King laugh a lot?

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but resent brother Ji.

But once they sign up, they can't refuse to participate in the performance, so they have no way out!
The performers can only pray that this year-long performance will amuse the Holy King.

"The next one, please, from the seventh domain"

(End of this chapter)

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