Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 105 Chapter Village

Now that brother is going to be with him, Song Huan has to think carefully about the money in his hand.

At the beginning, the remaining 28 taels and 390 nine cash, plus the 50 taels of cash donated by merchants, and the salary of four taels, minus the expenses during this period, left 81 taels and 340 five cash.

If you add the 35 taels at the bottom of the press box given by Fu Yuanzhi, the total is 110 six taels and 340 five wen.

It looks like a lot, and I don't know if it will last. Song Huan tried his best to keep the 50 taels and 35 taels of silver.

Song Huan touched the money bag and let out a long sigh.

The study tour didn't come back often, so the things in the car were more complete.

Diet medicine wine, other sore medicines and other medicines that can be stored for a long time and that may be used must be prepared. It is more reassuring to have an emergency kit.

Song Huan wrote down all the things he wanted to prepare on paper with a charcoal pen.

Fu Yuanzhi passed by and glanced, "Why don't we change to a bigger carriage?"

The carriages delivered before can only be said to be medium-sized and basically enough for daily use.

But it's different now, there are more people, and there are more things to prepare. If you add the things listed by Miss Song, I'm afraid they won't be able to fit.

Song Huan, "..."

The things already placed in the carriage are already necessities, but the things she listed on the paper are also necessities.

Song Huan was discouraged and lay down on the table.


A large carriage costs several taels of silver!
For a long journey, you have to prepare a good quality one.

Song Huan felt that ten taels of silver flew out of his pocket just like that.

Fu Yuanzhi smiled, "Yan Liu and I will book a carriage first, you should rest at home first, and then think about what you need to make up."

Song Huan waved his hand feebly, not wanting to say a word.

By the way, I have to go back to Darongshu Village for Chinese New Year this year.

To worship ancestors, one has to report to Father Song and Niang Song and the original body.

I wish you all a smooth and safe trip.

Thinking about it this way, not only things have to be prepared, but also many things have to be arranged.

Song Huan hurriedly wrote down this matter, as well as the paper money for incense sticks and so on.


In the blink of an eye, it was December.

Song Huan originally planned to return to Darongshu Village after Chinese New Year, but unfortunately, the price of charcoal in the shop scared her back to Darongshu Village in advance.

Since she was able to burn charcoal, the house started to set up a brazier when it was cold.

This habit has been maintained until now.

Now the only charcoal left in the house has been burned.

Song Huan planned to go to the shop to buy some, but was immediately put off by the price of charcoal quoted by the shop assistant, twenty cents a catty, it was too scary.

So, she moved back to the village to burn charcoal.

It's best to earn another charcoal money.

On the other hand, Fu Yuanzhi and Yan Liu planned to return to Darongshu Village after taking Adi back. No, Song Huan had already packed the money and went to Darongshu Village.

The scene of Darongshu Village has not changed much.

But the atmosphere is much more lively than in previous years.

Perhaps it was because of the two juren in the village, and because of the tax exemption, the lives of the two clansmen with the two surnames in the village eased a lot.

Those little kids are frolicking under the big banyan tree, chasing and having fun.

This scene is really rare.

When she was still in the village, she had never seen this scene before.

Those half-grown children can be ruthlessly snuffed out by their parents whenever they have any signs of playing, either they are catching bugs, or they are on the way to catch bugs.

Song Huan admired it for a while, then got up and patted his buttocks and entered the village.

The first person to discover Song Huan was none other than the tearful boy who was busy in the field, oh, Liang Fucai.

Liang Fucai carried the hoe on his shoulder and walked down the slope. The hoe on his shoulder looked like it was about to hit the back of his head.

Seeing that Song Huan's eyes were wide-eyed, his mouth was knotted and worried for him, he quickly shouted, "Slow down, slow down, slow down!"

Liang Fucai quickly came to Song Huan, "Song Ya, why are you back?"

Then he looked at the road behind him, "Why don't you see anyone else?"

Song Huan took it for granted who he wanted to ask.

Song Huan said, "In a few days, I will bring brother back and come back together."

But only "maybe".

After all, Fu Yuanzhi didn't want to go back to Darongshu Village.

If he wanted to stay in the county, it was fine, anyway, there was Yan Liu, and the two of them were companions.

Liang Fucai said, "I'm asking brother."

Song Huan, "???"

Liang Fucai immediately extracted a shocking news from Song Huan's mouth, and his voice was raised, "It is rumored that Brother Lin didn't go to the capital to rush for the exam?"

Song Huan was suddenly taken aback, "...didn't go."

Liang Fucai asked worriedly, "Is there not enough money? You can come back and tell me!
How much difference?
Forget it, let me ask my father to talk to the patriarch first, and give this year's money first?
Is it too late to go now? "

Song Huan stopped Liang Fucai, who was not calm, and said, "No, it's because of other reasons."

Liang Fucai was immersed in his own world, he didn't pay attention to Song Huan's words at all, and kept thinking about it.

How can this matter be delayed?
I heard that the next time will have to wait three years, so it is said that Brother Lin will be three years older.

Fu Yuanzhi, "..."

Thank you so much!

When did they become so "brotherly"?

Song Huan took a long time to explain, and then brought Liang Fucai back to his senses.

The time to speak has also reached outside Liang's house.

I only heard a female voice inside softly calling out to my husband.

Song Huan looked over and saw a slender woman holding a two or three year old boy by her hand.

Song Huan knew this woman, she was Liang Fucai's daughter-in-law, not from the same village, but the fourth girl from the Gao family in Dongxi Village, and she was called Xiaomei Gao on weekdays.

As for how the two got married, we have to start with the fishing nets that year.

Among the gang of teenagers in Dongxi Village was Gao Erlang, who was one of the best friends with Liang Fucai.

Originally, there was not much conflict between the two villages, but because of the fishing nets, everyone got in touch with each other more, and the two who came and went played together.

No, after hearing that Aunt Liang was going to show Mrs. Liang Fu's daughter-in-law, Gao Erlang understood what he was thinking.

He thought that Liang Fucai was a good person, with good conduct, and he was clever and caring for his family. He wanted to keep the fat and water from flowing into other people's fields, so he mentioned his little sister by the way.

Aunt Liang figured it out, she knew pretty well the tempers of the girls in her own village, and to be honest, she wasn't particularly satisfied.

Anyway, looking at other families would give us another choice, so I asked someone to take a message, and the two families went to offer incense.

Seeing it like this, hey, Aunt Liang fell in love with it.

Gentle and gentle is the most suitable.

When the incident with Brother Liang Fucai happened, Aunt Liang didn't show it on the surface, but she was flustered in her heart.

It's not that she didn't consider Yang Erya at the beginning, but that temperament was not suitable for the eldest of their family, so she married the Bai family.

The eldest girl of the Bai family is straightforward and generous.

Such a girl should be the eldest daughter-in-law of the family.

If she can control her husband, she will be able to control the younger ones in the future.

In this way, everything will be smooth at home.

Unexpectedly, a good relationship was stained with stains, and such a big incident happened.

Fortunately, the eldest son and eldest daughter-in-law didn't take it seriously, but the days became smoother and smoother, and their relationship was not affected.

Otherwise, she would not be able to vomit blood for two days.

Words of thanks:

Thanks to SJS, Happy Angel, Yichi Pingzui, book friend 20220602121709699, Qomolangma, how dare I have an opinion, glxhyh, ChaoQiong, yjen, Maoqiu Weiwei, Thunder of Heaven, book friend 140416192418983, strength of character, book friend 20170816210917887, Book friends 20230305168_ce, Ruoruo**, Huajuanyun, Qiumusu_Bc are supported by recommendation votes from all comrades (*^▽^*).

Special thanks to book friend 20180122084945643 for the monthly support ヽ(*⌒⌒*)

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